🛠️ SLAMcore SLAM Utilities



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This repo contains the slamcore-setup-dataset script. It can be used for installing a sample dataset for offline testing and evaluation of SLAMcore's Localization and Mapping capabilities.

Currently the following types of datasets are supported:


After installation the script should be available in your path. Executing it will guide you through a list of questions in order to properly setup a sample SLAM dataset.

Here is a sample execution of the said script to enable processing of the TUM-VI dataset-room4_1024_16


Here's the same execution for the OpenLORIS cafe1-1 dataset


And here's the execution guiding the user to the right download page, when the datasets are not available locally yet.



Install it directly from PyPI:

pip3 install --user --upgrade slamcore_utils[tqdm]

# Or if you don't want tqdm's polished progress bars
pip3 install --user --upgrade slamcore_utils
I don't want to have to install it

Make sure the project dependencies are installed:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Then adjust your PYTHONPATH variable and run accordingly:

git clone https://github.com/slamcore/slamcore_utils
cd slamcore_utils
I don't want to install any of your dependencies in my user's install directory

Consider using either pipx or poetry to install this package and its dependencies isolated in a virtual environment:

git clone https://github.com/slamcore/slamcore_utils
poetry install
poetry shell

# the executables should now be available in your $PATH

About SLAMcore

SLAMcore offers commercial-grade visual-inertial simultaneous localisation and mapping (SLAM) software for real-time autonomous navigation on robots and drones. Request access today to get started.

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