Hi, when saving the inference results as json file via hover_inference.py
, the dictionary contains set. Sets are not serializable via json. Thus the saving fails.
python -m hover_inference --root ./experiments/ --datadir . --index wiki17.hover.2bit
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "xxx/conda/envs/colbert-v0.4/lib/python3.7/runpy.py", line 193, in _run_module_as_main
"__main__", mod_spec)
File "xxx/.conda/envs/colbert-v0.4/lib/python3.7/runpy.py", line 85, in _run_code
exec(code, run_globals)
File "yyy/baleen/Baleen/hover_inference.py", line 53, in <module>
File "yyy/baleen/Baleen/hover_inference.py", line 43, in main
f.write(ujson.dumps(outputs) + '\n')
TypeError: {3910663, 1373715, 833561, 2479648, 3921953, 3408419, 3188274, 1399859, 372789, 1117238, 3283510, 3342401, 2585678, 1428049, 4948563, 1399892, 4449
365, 4216407, 4502103, 819287, 3598429, 5187684, 625781, 3042432, 1485442, 3487369, 4166284, 148110, 3713169, 1338005, 1951900, 936613, 437414, 556716, 266616
2, 573620, 4666549, 638144, 4154562, 4315335, 4230859, 4788429, 2613967, 174801, 4054227, 3768532, 5224152, 4914913, 2469090, 460517, 4820205, 1360625, 426418
5, 3064580, 424200, 4601613, 4707087, 2140434, 3422995, 3878677, 3583776, 2412329, 5212973, 3787053, 4286261, 2512694, 821559, 4174137, 3351359, 349002, 38961
43, 3414369, 875881, 1557358, 3957103, 4061041, 3913073, 2986353, 959347, 803705, 4757370, 1752441, 2359693, 4729260, 1178030, 1897903, 5206962, 564149, 42382
75, 4074960, 1900502, 4158425, 4635100, 4552679, 1106923, 3795442, 3049975, 2750972, 4602365, 1399295} is not JSON serializable
Every item in dictionary to be saved looks like this
0: ([(424200, 2), (4635100, 1), (4635100, 0)],
{3910663, 1373715, 833561, 2479648, 3921953, 3408419, 3188274, 1399859, 372789, 1117238, 3283510, 3342401, 2585678, 1428049, 4948563, 1399892, 4449365, 4216407, 4502103, 819287, 3598429, 5187684, 625781, 3042432, 1485442, 3487369, 4166284, 148110, 3713169, 1338005, 19
51900, 936613, 437414, 556716, 2666162, 573620, 4666549, 638144, 4154562, 4315335, 4230859, 4788429, 2613967, 174801, 4054227, 3768532, 5224152, 4914913, 2469090, 460517, 4820205, 1360625, 4264185, 3064580, 424200, 4601613, 4707087, 2140434, 3422995, 3878677, 3583776, 2412329, 5212973, 3787053, 4286261, 2512694, 821559, 4174137, 3351359, 349002, 3896143, 3414369, 875881, 1557358, 3957103, 4061041, 3913073, 2986353, 959347, 803705, 4757370, 1752441, 2359693, 4729260, 1178030, 1897903, 5206962, 564149, 4238275, 4074960, 1900502, 4158425, 4635100, 4552679, 1106923, 3795442, 3049975, 2750972, 4602365, 1399295})
This is quite annoying, when spending few hours inferring the actual retrieval results :).
name: colbert-v0.4
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prefix: xxx/.conda/envs/colbert-v0.4