A dual benchmarking study of facial forgery and facial forensics
In recent years, visual forgery has reached a level of sophistication that humans cannot identify fraud, which poses a significant threat to information security. A wide range of malicious applications have emerged, such as fake news, defamation or blackmailing of celebrities, impersonation of politicians in political warfare, and the spreading of rumours to attract views. As a result, a rich body of visual forensic techniques has been proposed in an attempt to stop this dangerous trend. In this paper, we present a benchmark that provides in-depth insights into visual forgery and visual forensics, using a comprehensive and empirical approach. More specifically, we develop an independent framework that integrates state-of-the-arts counterfeit generators and detectors, and measure the performance of these techniques using various criteria. We also perform an exhaustive analysis of the benchmarking results, to determine the characteristics of the methods that serve as a comparative reference in this never-ending war between measures and countermeasures.
When developing our dual benchmarking analysis of visual forgery and visual forensic techniques, we aimed to provide an extensible framework. To achieve this goal, we used a component-based design to integrate the techniques in a straightforward manner while maintaining their original performance. The below figure depicts the simplified architecture of the framework. The framework contains three layers. The first is a data access layer, which organises the underlying data objects, including the genuine and forged content generated by the visual forgery techniques. The second is a computing layer, which contains four modules: the visual forgery, visual forensics, modulation and evaluation modules. The visual forgery and visual forensics modules include the generation algorithms and forgery detection techniques, respectively. Both of these modules allow the user to easily integrate new algorithms for benchmarking. The modulation module uses a specified configuration to augment the content in order to validate different adverse conditions such as brightness and contrast. The evaluation module assesses the prediction results from the visual forensics module based on various metrics, and delivers statistics and findings to the application layer. Finally, users interact with the framework via the application layer to configure parameters and receive output visualisations.
pip install -r requirement.txt
Preprocess data
Extract fame from video and detect face in frame to save *.jpg image.
python extrac_face.py --inp in/ --output out/ --worker 1 --duration 4
: folder contain video
: folder output .jpg image
: number thread extract
: number of frame skip each extract time
Preprocess for GAN-fingerprint
python data_preparation_gan.py in_dir /hdd/tam/df_in_the_wild/image/train --out_dir /hdd/tam/df_in_the_wild/gan/train resolution 128
Preprocess for visual model
python -m feature_model.visual_artifact.process_data --input_real /hdd/tam/df_in_the_wild/image/train/0_real --input_fake /hdd/tam/df_in_the_wild/image/train/1_df --output /hdd/tam/df_in_the_wild/train_visual.pkl --number_iter 1000
Preprocess for headpose model
python -m feature_model.headpose_forensic.process_data --input_real /hdd/tam/df_in_the_wild/image/train/0_real --input_fake /hdd/tam/df_in_the_wild/image/train/1_df --output /hdd/tam/df_in_the_wild/train_visual.pkl --number_iter 1000
Preprocess for spectrum
python -m feature_model.spectrum.process_data --input_real /hdd/tam/df_in_the_wild/image/train/0_real --input_fake /hdd/tam/df_in_the_wild/image/train/1_df --output /hdd/tam/df_in_the_wild/train_spectrum.pkl --number_iter 1000
Train for cnn
python train.py --train_set data/Celeb-DF/image/train/ --val_set data/Celeb-DF/image/test/ --batch_size 32 --image_size 128 --workers 16 --checkpoint xception_128_df_inthewild_checkpoint/ --gpu_id 0 --resume model_pytorch_1.pt --print_every 10000000 xception_torch
Train for feature model
python train.py --train_set /hdd/tam/df_in_the_wild/train_visual.pkl --checkpoint spectrum_128_df_inthewild_checkpoint/ --gpu_id 0 --resume model_pytorch_1.pt spectrum
Eval for cnn
python eval.py --val_set /hdd/tam/df_in_the_wild/image/test/ --adj_brightness 1.0 --adj_contrast 1.0 --batch_size 32 --image_size 128 --workers 16 --checkpoint efficientdual_128_df_inthewild_checkpoint/ --resume model_dualpytorch3_1.pt efficientdual
python eval.py --val_set /hdd/tam/df_in_the_wild/image/test/ --adj_brightness 1.0 --adj_contrast 1.5 --batch_size 32 --image_size 128 --workers 16 --checkpoint capsule_128_df_inthewild_checkpoint/ --resume 4 capsule
Eval for feature model
python eval.py --val_set ../DeepFakeDetection/Experiments_DeepFakeDetection/test_dfinthewild.pkl --checkpoint ../DeepFakeDetection/Experiments_DeepFakeDetection/model_df_inthewild.pkl --resume model_df_inthewild.pkl spectrum
python detect_img.py --img_path /hdd/tam/extend_data/image/test/1_df/reference_0_113.jpg --model_path efficientdual_mydata_checkpoint/model_dualpytorch3_1.pt --gpu_id 0 efficientdual
python detect_img.py --img_path /hdd/tam/extend_data/image/test/1_df/reference_0_113.jpg --model_path xception_mydata_checkpoint/model_pytorch_0.pt --gpu_id 0 xception_torch
python detect_img.py --img_path /hdd/tam/extend_data/image/test/1_df/reference_0_113.jpg --model_path capsule_mydata_checkpoint/capsule_1.pt --gpu_id 0 capsule
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