Forecasting with Gradient Boosted Time Series Decomposition



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ThymeBoost combines time series decomposition with gradient boosting to provide a flexible mix-and-match time series framework for spicy forecasting. At the most granular level are the trend/level (going forward this is just referred to as 'trend') models, seasonal models, and endogenous models. These are used to approximate the respective components at each 'boosting round' and sequential rounds are fit on residuals in usual boosting fashion.

Basic flow of the algorithm:

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Quick Start.

pip install ThymeBoost

Some basic examples:

Starting with a very simple example of a simple trend + seasonality + noise

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from ThymeBoost import ThymeBoost as tb


#Here we will just create a random series with seasonality and a slight trend
seasonality = ((np.cos(np.arange(1, 101))*10 + 50))
true = np.linspace(-1, 1, 100)
noise = np.random.normal(0, 1, 100)
y = true + noise + seasonality

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First we will build the ThymeBoost model object:

boosted_model = tb.ThymeBoost(approximate_splits=True,

The arguments passed here are also the defaults. Most importantly, we pass whether we want to use 'approximate splits' and how many splits to propose. If we pass approximate_splits=False then ThymeBoost will exhaustively try every data point to split on if we look for changepoints. If we don't care about changepoints then this is ignored.

ThymeBoost uses a standard fit => predict procedure. Let's use the fit method where everything passed is converted to a itertools cycle object in ThymeBoost, this will be referred as 'generator' parameters moving forward. This might not make sense yet but is shown further in the examples!

output =,

We pass the input time_series and the parameters used to fit. For ThymeBoost the more specific parameters are the different cost functions controlling for each split and the global cost function which controls how many boosting rounds to do. Additionally, the fit_type='global' designates that we are NOT looking for changepoints and just fits our trend_estimator globally.

With verbose ThymeBoost will print out some relevant information for us.

Now that we have fitted our series we can take a look at our results


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The fit looks correct enough, but let's take a look at the indiviudal components we fitted.


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Alright, the decomposition looks reasonable as well but let's complicate the task by now adding a changepoint.

Adding a changepoint

true = np.linspace(1, 50, 100)
noise = np.random.normal(0, 1, 100)
y = np.append(y, true + noise + seasonality)

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In order to fit this we will change fit_type='global' to fit_type='local'. Let's see what happens.

boosted_model = tb.ThymeBoost(

output =,
predicted_output = boosted_model.predict(output, 100)

Here we add in the predict method which takes in the fitted results as well as the forecast horizon. You will notice that the print out now states we are fitting locally and we do an additional round of boosting. Let's plot the results and see if the new round was ThymeBoost picking up the changepoint.

boosted_model.plot_results(output, predicted_output)

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Ok, cool. Looks like it worked about as expected here, we did do 1 wasted round where ThymeBoost just did a slight adjustment at split 80 but that can be fixed as you will see!

Once again looking at the components:


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There is a kink in the trend right around 100 as to be expected.

Let's further complicate this series.

Adding a large jump

#Pretty complicated model
true = np.linspace(1, 20, 100) + 100
noise = np.random.normal(0, 1, 100)
y = np.append(y, true + noise + seasonality)

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So here we have 3 distinct trend lines and one large shift upward. Overall, pretty nasty and automatically fitting this with any model (including ThymeBoost) can have extremely wonky results.

But...let's try anyway. Here we will utilize the 'generator' variables. As mentioned before, everything passed in to the fit method is a generator variable. This basically means that we can pass a list for a parameter and that list will be cycled through at each boosting round. So if we pass this: trend_estimator=['mean', 'linear'] after the initial trend estimation using the median we then use mean followed by linear then mean and linear until boosting is terminated. We can also use this to approximate a potential complex seasonality just by passing a list of what the complex seasonality can be. Let's fit with these generator variables and pay close attention to the print out as it will show you what ThymeBoost is doing at each round.

boosted_model = tb.ThymeBoost(

output =,
                           trend_estimator=['mean'] + ['linear']*20,
                           seasonal_period=[25, 0],

predicted_output = boosted_model.predict(output, 100)

The log tells us what we need to know:

********** Round 1 **********
Using Split: None
Fitting initial trend globally with trend model:
seasonal model:
fourier(10, False)
cost: 2406.7734967780552
********** Round 2 **********
Using Split: 200
Fitting local with trend model:
seasonal model:
cost: 1613.03414289753
********** Round 3 **********
Using Split: 174
Fitting local with trend model:
linear((1, None))
seasonal model:
fourier(10, False)
cost: 1392.923553270366
********** Round 4 **********
Using Split: 274
Fitting local with trend model:
linear((1, None))
seasonal model:
cost: 1384.306737800115
Boosting Terminated 
Using round 4

The initial round for trend is always the same (this idea is pretty core to the boosting framework) but after that we fit with mean and the next 2 rounds are fit with linear estimation. The complex seasonality works 100% as we expect, just going back and forth between the 2 periods we give it where a 0 period means no seasonality estimation occurs.

Let's take a look at the results:

boosted_model.plot_results(output, predicted_output)

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Hmmm, that looks very wonky.

But since we used a mean estimator we are saying that there is a change in the overall level of the series. That's not exactly true, by appending that last series with just another trend line we essentially changed the slope and the intercept of the series.

To account for this, let's relax connectivity constraints and just try linear estimators. Once again, EVERYTHING passed to the fit method is a generator variable so we will relax the connectivity constraint for the first linear fit to hopefully account for the large jump. After that we will use the constraint for 10 rounds then ThymeBoost will just cycle through the list we provide again.

#Without connectivity constraint
boosted_model = tb.ThymeBoost(

output =,
                           seasonal_period=[25, 0],
                           connectivity_constraint=[False] + [True]*10,
predicted_output = boosted_model.predict(output, 100)
boosted_model.plot_results(output, predicted_output)

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Alright, that looks a ton better. It does have some underfitting going on in the middle which is typical since we are using binary segmentation for the changepoints. But other than that it seems reasonable. Let's take a look at the components:


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Looks like the model is catching on to the underlying process creating the data. The trend is clearly composed of three segments and has that large jump right at 200 just as we hoped to see!

Controlling the boosting rounds

We can control how many rounds and therefore the complexity of our model a couple of different ways. The most direct is by controlling the number of rounds.

boosted_model = tb.ThymeBoost(

output =,
                           arima_order=[(1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1)],
predicted_output = boosted_model.predict(output, 100)

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By passing n_rounds=1 we only allow ThymeBoost to do the initial trend estimation (a simple median) and one shot at approximating the seasonality.

Additionally we are trying out a new trend_estimator along with the related parameter arima_order. Although we didn't get to it we are passing the arima_order to go from simple to complex.

Let's try forcing ThymeBoost to go through all of our provided ARIMA orders by setting n_rounds=4

boosted_model = tb.ThymeBoost(

output =,
                           arima_order=[(1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1)],
predicted_output = boosted_model.predict(output, 100)

Looking at the log:

********** Round 1 **********
Using Split: None
Fitting initial trend globally with trend model:
seasonal model:
fourier(10, False)
cost: 2406.7734967780552
********** Round 2 **********
Using Split: None
Fitting global with trend model:
arima((1, 0, 0))
seasonal model:
fourier(10, False)
cost: 988.0694403606061
********** Round 3 **********
Using Split: None
Fitting global with trend model:
arima((1, 0, 1))
seasonal model:
fourier(10, False)
cost: 991.7292716360867
********** Round 4 **********
Using Split: None
Fitting global with trend model:
arima((1, 1, 1))
seasonal model:
fourier(10, False)
cost: 1180.688829140743

We can see that the cost which typically controls boosting is ignored. It actually increases in round 3. An alternative for boosting complexity would be to pass a larger regularization parameter when building the model class.

Component Regularization with a Learning Rate

Another idea taken from gradient boosting is the use of a learning rate. However, we allow component-specific learning rates. The main benefit to this is that it allows us to have the same fitting procedure (always trend => seasonality => exogenous) but account for the potential different ways we want to fit. For example, let's say our series is responding to an exogenous variable that is seasonal. Since we fit for seasonality BEFORE exogenous then we could eat up that signal. However, we could simply pass a seasonality_lr (or trend_lr / exogenous_lr) which will penalize the seasonality approximation and leave the signal for the exogenous component fit.

Here is a quick example, as always we could pass it as a list if we want to allow seasonality to return to normal after the first round.

#seasonality regularization
boosted_model = tb.ThymeBoost(

output =,
                           arima_order=(1, 0, 1),
predicted_output = boosted_model.predict(output, 100)

Parameter Optimization

ThymeBoost has an optimizer which will try to find the 'optimal' parameter settings based on all combinations that are passed.

Importantly, all parameters that are normally pass to fit must now be passed as a list.

Let's take a look:

boosted_model = tb.ThymeBoost(

output = boosted_model.optimize(y, 
                                trend_estimator=['mean', 'linear', ['mean', 'linear']],
                                seasonal_period=[0, 25],
                                fit_type=['local', 'global'])
100%|██████████| 12/12 [00:00<00:00, 46.63it/s]
Optimal model configuration: {'trend_estimator': 'linear', 'fit_type': 'local', 'seasonal_period': 25, 'exogenous': None}
Params ensembled: False

First off, I disabled the verbose call in the constructor so it won't print out everything for each model. Instead, passing verbose=1 to the optimize method will print a tqdm progress bar and the best model configuration. Lag refers to the number of points to holdout for our test set and optimization_steps allows you to roll through the holdout.

Another important thing to note, one of the elements in the list of trend_estimators is itself a list. With optimization, all we do is try each combination of the parameters given so each element in the list provided will be passed to the normal fit method, if that element is a list then that means you are using a generator variable for that implementation.

With the optimizer class we retain all other methods we have been using after fit.

predicted_output = boosted_model.predict(output, 100)

boosted_model.plot_results(output, predicted_output)

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So this output looks wonky around that changepoint but it recovers in time to produce a good enough forecast to do well in the holdout.


Instead of iterating through and choosing the best parameters we could also just ensemble them into a simple average of every parameter setting.

Everything stated about the optimizer holds for ensemble as well, except now we just call the ensemble method.

boosted_model = tb.ThymeBoost(

output = boosted_model.ensemble(y, 
                                trend_estimator=['mean', 'linear', ['mean', 'linear']],
                                seasonal_period=[0, 25],
                                fit_type=['local', 'global'])

predicted_output = boosted_model.predict(output, 100)

boosted_model.plot_results(output, predicted_output)

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Obviously, this output is quite wonky. Primarily because of the 'global' parameter which is pulling everything to the center of the data. However, ensembling has been shown to be quite effective in the wild.

Optimization with Ensembling?

So what if we want to try an ensemble out during optimization, is that possible?

The answer is yes!

But to do it we have to use a new function in our optimize method. Here is an example:

boosted_model = tb.ThymeBoost(

output = boosted_model.optimize(y, 
                                trend_estimator=['mean', boosted_model.combine(['ses', 'des', 'damped_des'])],
                                seasonal_period=[0, 25],

predicted_output = boosted_model.predict(output, 100)

For everything we want to be treated as an ensemble while optimizing we must wrap the parameter list in the combine function as seen: boosted_model.combine(['ses', 'des', 'damped_des'])

And now in the log:

Optimal model configuration: {'trend_estimator': ['ses', 'des', 'damped_des'], 'fit_type': ['global'], 'seasonal_period': [25], 'exogenous': [None]}
Params ensembled: True

We see that everything returned is a list and 'Params ensembled' is now True, signifying to ThymeBoost that this is an Ensemble.

Let's take a look at the outputs:

boosted_model.plot_results(output, predicted_output)

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The package is still under heavy development and with the large number of combinations that arise from the framework if you find any issues definitely raise them!

Logging and error handling is still basic to non-existent, so it is one of our top priorities.

  • The truth value of a DataFrame is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all().

    The truth value of a DataFrame is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all().


    I try to integrate Thymeboost into my automl framework e2eml. However I struggle with the implemenation. I try to run Thymeboost in a time series cv split and optimize for seasonal_period param with Optuna.

    However I run into the error "The truth value of a DataFrame is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all().".

    • ThymeBoost v0.1.10

    The code I use: You can find the current implementation here (available only in development branch):

    It starts in line 185.

    I tested on the Airpassenger dataset.

    Short code example:

    from e2eml.full_processing import postprocessing
    from e2eml.time_series import time_series_blueprints as tsb
    from e2eml.timetravel import timetravel
    import pandas as pd
    import re
    import numpy as np
    pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None)
    full_df = pd.read_csv("AirPassengers.csv")
    target = "#Passengers"
    forecast_lead = 20
    full_len = len(full_df.index)
    time_df = full_df.head(full_len-forecast_lead)
    holdout_df = full_df.tail(forecast_lead)
    val_df_target = holdout_df[target] 
    del holdout_df[target]
    ts = tsb.TimeSeriesBluePrint(datasource=time_df,

    Can you tell me where the implementation has the hickup? I also appreciate every feedback on a better utilization of the library within e2e (maybe optimize for more than seasonal_periods etc)

    opened by ThomasMeissnerDS 9
  • Type Error

    Type Error

    After upgrading to the current version I get -

    TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) Input In [10], in <cell line: 10>() 1 boosted_model = tb.ThymeBoost(verbose=0) 2 output =, 3 trend_estimator=['linear','ses'], 4 seasonal_estimator='fourier', (...) 8 exogenous=X_train, 9 ) ---> 10 predicted_output = boosted_model.predict(output, 5, future_exogenous=X_test)

    File ~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ThymeBoost\, in ThymeBoost.predict(self, fitted_output, forecast_horizon, future_exogenous, damp_factor, trend_cap_target, trend_penalty, uncertainty) 374 self.scale_type = self._online_learning_ignore_params['scale_type'] 375 if self.ensemble_boosters is None: --> 376 trend, seas, exo, predictions = predict_rounds(self.booster_obj, 377 forecast_horizon, 378 trend_penalty, 379 future_exogenous, 380 self.online_learning 381 ) 382 fitted_output = copy.deepcopy(fitted_output) 383 predicted_output = self.builder.build_predicted_df(fitted_output, 384 forecast_horizon, 385 trend, (...) 390 damp_factor, 391 uncertainty)

    File ~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ThymeBoost\, in predict_rounds(booster_obj, forecast_horizon, trend_penalty, future_exo, online_learning) 127 trend_predictions += predict_trend(booster_obj, 128 boosting_round, 129 forecast_horizon, 130 trend_penalty, 131 online_learning) 132 seasonal_predictions += predict_seasonality(booster_obj, 133 boosting_round, 134 forecast_horizon) --> 135 exo_predictions += predict_exogenous(booster_obj, 136 future_exo, 137 boosting_round, 138 forecast_horizon) 139 predictions = (trend_predictions + 140 seasonal_predictions + 141 exo_predictions) 142 return trend_predictions, seasonal_predictions, exo_predictions, predictions

    TypeError: ufunc 'add' output (typecode 'O') could not be coerced to provided output parameter (typecode 'd') according to the casting rule ''same_kind''

    opened by waudinio27 8
  • Error to train using autofit

    Error to train using autofit

    It's my first time creating an issue so I'm sorry if I'm wrong about something :)

    I have problems when using the autofit function, when executing these lines

    boosted_model = tb.ThymeBoost(verbose=0)
    output = boosted_model.autofit(al_train['value'], seasonal_period=288)
    predicted_output = boosted_model.predict(output, len(al_test))
    tb_mae = np.mean(np.abs(al_test - predicted_output['predictions']))

    I get the following error:

    NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
    [<ipython-input-10-c3af4c216539>](https://localhost:8080/#) in <module>()
          1 boosted_model = tb.ThymeBoost(verbose=0)
    ----> 2 output = boosted_model.autofit(al_train['value'], seasonal_period=288)
          3 predicted_output = boosted_model.predict(output, len(al_test))
          4 tb_mae = np.mean(np.abs(al_test - predicted_output['predictions']))
          5 tb_rmse = (np.mean((al_test - predicted_output['predictions'])**2))**.5
    [/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/ThymeBoost/](https://localhost:8080/#) in autofit(self, time_series, seasonal_period, optimization_type, optimization_strategy, optimization_steps, lag, optimization_metric, test_set, verbose)
        578             seasonal_sample_weights = []
        579             weight = 1
    --> 580             for i in range(len(y)):
        581                 if (i) % max_seasonal_pulse == 0:
        582                     weight += 1
    NameError: name 'y' is not defined

    In the previous version (0.1.10) if I could execute these lines



    |time|value| |---|---| |2022-05-28 00:00:00|3108860000.0| |2022-05-28 00:05:00|3406160000.0| |2022-05-28 00:10:00|3535540000.0| |2022-05-28 00:15:00|3544810000.0| |2022-05-28 00:20:00|3336570000.0| |2022-05-28 00:25:00|2994020000.0| |2022-05-28 00:30:00|3130380000.0| |2022-05-28 00:35:00|2953710000.0|


    INFO al_train:

    shape:  (840, 1)
    <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
    DatetimeIndex: 840 entries, 2022-05-28 00:00:00 to 2022-05-30 21:55:00
    Data columns (total 1 columns):
     #   Column  Non-Null Count  Dtype  
    ---  ------  --------------  -----  
     0   value   840 non-null    float64
    dtypes: float64(1)
    memory usage: 13.1 KB
    opened by manuelchacon07 5
  • yahoo finance

    yahoo finance

    Hey Hello!

    You said in Medium to add some examples with jupyter notebook. Could you show a multivariate model that predicts stock prices with yahoo finance data and does out of sample prediction with the model?

    Greetings M.

    opened by waudinio27 3
  • forecasting with future_exogenous values

    forecasting with future_exogenous values

    I have a model specification like below:

    future_exog = x_df[-1:] boosted_model = tb.ThymeBoost(approximate_splits=True, n_split_proposals=10, verbose=1, cost_penalty=.001) output =['y'][:-1].values, trend_estimator='linear', seasonal_estimator='fourier', seasonal_period=4, split_cost='mae', global_cost='maicc', exogenous=x_df[:-1], fit_type='global') predicted_output = boosted_model.predict(output, forecast_horizon=1, future_exogenous=future_exog)

    The model fit works fine with the exogenous variables but the predict function does not pick up the future_exogeneous variable values. The output dataframe looks like:

        y   exogenous        yhat  yhat_upper  yhat_lower  seasonality  \

    13 298.0 11.974441 276.813790 394.821765 158.805814 14.543604
    14 283.0 57.310657 302.120516 420.128492 184.112541 -5.855722
    15 196.0 62.654007 310.999059 429.007035 192.991083 -2.690368

    but the predicted_output looks like:

    predictions predicted_trend predicted_seasonality predicted_exogenous
    NaN 252.144933 -5.855722 NaN

    predicted_upper  predicted_lower  
           NaN              NaN  

    But the future_exogenous is not NaN.

    Did I miss anything?

    opened by phillip1029 2
  • Multiple seasonal periods?

    Multiple seasonal periods?


    Suppose I have a daily time serie with weekly, monthly and yearly seasonnalities.

    Is it possible to mix the 3 seasonalities together ?

    Because if we write seasonal_period=[7, 30, 365] in the boosted_model.optimize, it will choose the best of the 3... however, the best one is the combination of the 3 seasonalities!


    opened by CoteDave 2
  • exogenous with fit_type =

    exogenous with fit_type = "local" does not work

    Fitting with exogenous and changepoints doesn't seem to work

    Code below works

    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import seaborn as sns
    trend = np.linspace(1, 50, 100) + 50
    seasonality = ((np.cos(np.arange(1, 101))*10))
    exogenous = np.random.randint(low=0, high=2, size=len(trend))
    y = trend + seasonality + exogenous * 20
    from ThymeBoost import ThymeBoost as tb
    boosted_model = tb.ThymeBoost(verbose=1)
    output =,

    Using local doesn't

    output =,
    IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
    /tmp/ipykernel_2866/ in <module>
         12 boosted_model = tb.ThymeBoost(verbose=1)
    ---> 14 output =,
         15                            trend_estimator='linear',
         16                            seasonal_estimator='classic',
    ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ThymeBoost/ in fit(self, time_series, seasonal_period, trend_estimator, seasonal_estimator, exogenous_estimator, l2, poly, arima_order, connectivity_constraint, fourier_order, fit_type, window_size, trend_weights, seasonality_weights, trend_lr, seasonality_lr, exogenous_lr, min_sample_pct, split_cost, global_cost, exogenous, damp_factor, ewm_alpha, alpha, beta, ransac_trials, ransac_min_samples, tree_depth, additive)
        295                                    smoothed_trend=self.smoothed_trend,
        296                                    **_params)
    --> 297         booster_results = self.booster_obj.boost()
        298         fitted_trend = booster_results[0]
        299         fitted_seasonality = booster_results[1]
    ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ThymeBoost/fitter/ in boost(self)
         85             round_results = self.additive_boost_round(self.i)
         86             current_prediction, total_trend, total_seasonal, total_exo = round_results
    ---> 87             self.c = get_complexity(self.i,
         88                                     self.boosting_params['poly'],
         89                                     self.boosting_params['fit_type'],
    ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ThymeBoost/utils/ in get_complexity(boosting_round, poly, fit_type, trend_estimator, arima_order, window_size, time_series, fourier_order, seasonal_period, exogenous)
         29             c = poly + fourier_order + boosting_round
         30         if exogenous is not None:
    ---> 31             c += np.shape(exogenous)[1]
         32     return c
    IndexError: tuple index out of range

    If I remove exogenous then fit_type="local" works

    output =,
    opened by vhpietil 2
  • question out of interest

    question out of interest

    Hello Tyler!

    I hope you are fine. I was reading that the future of ARIMA is the SARIMAX model. As it is more dynamic. Is the reason why it is not used in your program, because it does not estimate the components by itself like auto.arima?

    Thanks and greetings.

    opened by waudinio27 1
  • AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'model_obj'

    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'model_obj'

    Hello Tyler, I am only opening this issue because you encourage people to report bugs. Sometimes when I change the data I get:

    #boosted_model.plot_components(output, predicted_output)
    predicted_output = boosted_model.predict(output, 20, future_exogenous=X_test)
    AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
    Input In [18], in <cell line: 3>()
          1 #boosted_model.plot_components(output, predicted_output)
    ----> 3 predicted_output = boosted_model.predict(output, 20, future_exogenous=X_test)
    File ~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ThymeBoost\, in ThymeBoost.predict(self, fitted_output, forecast_horizon, future_exogenous, damp_factor, trend_cap_target, trend_penalty, uncertainty)
        374     self.scale_type = self._online_learning_ignore_params['scale_type']
        375 if self.ensemble_boosters is None:
    --> 376     trend, seas, exo, predictions = predict_rounds(self.booster_obj,
        377                                                    forecast_horizon,
        378                                                    trend_penalty,
        379                                                    future_exogenous,
        380                                                    self.online_learning
        381                                                    )
        382     fitted_output = copy.deepcopy(fitted_output)
        383     predicted_output = self.builder.build_predicted_df(fitted_output,
        384                                                        forecast_horizon,
        385                                                        trend,
        390                                                        damp_factor,
        391                                                        uncertainty)
    File ~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ThymeBoost\, in predict_rounds(booster_obj, forecast_horizon, trend_penalty, future_exo, online_learning)
        127     trend_predictions += predict_trend(booster_obj,
        128                                        boosting_round,
        129                                        forecast_horizon,
        130                                        trend_penalty,
        131                                        online_learning)
        132     seasonal_predictions += predict_seasonality(booster_obj,
        133                                                 boosting_round,
        134                                                 forecast_horizon)
    --> 135     exo_predictions += predict_exogenous(booster_obj,
        136                                          future_exo,
        137                                          boosting_round,
        138                                          forecast_horizon)
        139 predictions = (trend_predictions +
        140                seasonal_predictions +
        141                exo_predictions)
        142 return trend_predictions, seasonal_predictions, exo_predictions, predictions
    File ~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ThymeBoost\, in predict_exogenous(booster_obj, future_exo, boosting_round, forecast_horizon)
         90     exo_round = np.zeros(forecast_horizon)
         91 else:
    ---> 92     exo_model = booster_obj.exo_objs[boosting_round].model_obj
         93     exo_round = exo_model.predict(future_exo)
         94     exo_round = exo_round * booster_obj.exo_class.exogenous_lr
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'model_obj'

    I don´t know if this is really something.



    opened by waudinio27 1
  • Handling Outliers

    Handling Outliers

    Hey Tyler,

    Loved the TowardDataScience article that you wrote. Reading through some of the examples you provided on TDS and also on the home page of the repo it seems as though much of the premise of this library is iterating on SARIMAX models with added abilities to handle outliers, level shifts, and variance changes using XGBoosting principles, but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on that.

    That lead me to a question. In the TDS blog you published much of the handling of outliers was focused on reducing the impact of that outlier in the seasonal projections of a seasonal recurring pattern. However, since SARIMAX models not only rely on the seasonal order but also on the non seasonal order, my question is, does ThymeBoost have an ability to control for the impact of an outlier on the non seasonal order and how that outlier can impact p, d, or q of an ARIMA(p,d,q) model? Whether it be automatically or through the use of a parameter similar to the seasonality_weights you mentioned in the article.

    Keep up the great work really impressed how much you've done so far on your own!

    Also thought you might found this article that I've been reading on Outliers, Level Shifts and Variance interesting.

    opened by nschimmoller 1
  • Add histogram split proposals for local fitting

    Add histogram split proposals for local fitting

    Currently only has 'gradient' which takes the most and least 'interesting' points to consider for a binary split. ToDo: add proposal based on histogram algorithms:

    opened by tblume1992 1
  • New model idea

    New model idea

    Hello Tyler! I see that you added nice examples that I want to try in the near future. I was thinking about the following model idea. An ARIMA-boosted decision tree that does the smoothing for all components but leaves away the trend and seaosonality to keep it simple, and after this does the forecast with a regressor for every step of the multivariate forecast to avoid vanishing the predictive power.

    What do you think about this idea? Could this be integrated or could you guide me with building this? Are you using reddit - what is your nickname there? So what I mean is, if you could be a bit of a tutor and teacher for me, as you have a lot of skills?



    opened by waudinio27 2
  • Exogenous and Optimize Instability

    Exogenous and Optimize Instability

    Instability when passing exogenous with optimize due to index references when building test sets.

    Originally posted by @tblume1992 in

    opened by tblume1992 0
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