Thumbor-bootcamp - learning and contribution experience with ❤️ and 🤗 from the thumbor team



learning and contribution experience with ❤️ and 🤗 from the thumbor team

GitHub contributors

thumbor bootcamp is a program to ease new contributors into thumbor's ecosystem, while learning more about open-source collaboration and technology. Apply now!

🕵️ Who's invited?

Anyone can collaborate with thumbor as a bootcamper.

  • If you are a software engineer you can fix bugs, write new tests, create new features.
  • If you are a product manager you can help us organize these tasks and create new ones to move thumbor forward.
  • If you are a designer you can help us improve thumbor's visual identity, website and our overall brand.
  • If you are a content strategist you can help us get better at documenting and onboarding new users.

We could keep going, but the truth is there's room for colaboration on so many levels, that it's best if you just reach out and we can go from there.

🎯 Features

  • 🧹 Find a groomed bootcamp task list up-to-date with thumbor's evolution
  • 📋 Tasks are labeled according to area of expertise and difficulty level
  • 📈 Level up your skills with open-source projects, web services, python and many other fun and interesting technologies
  • 🤗 Receive coaching all through this experience by thumbor's committers and contributors
  • ❤️ Give back to the community by moving thumbor forward and helping thousands around the world

📷 What is thumbor? Ecosystem?

thumbor is an extensible imaging HTTP server. It crops, resizes and transforms images on-demand and serves this images to users.

The extensible nature of thumbor means there are dozens of projects that extend it. Image loaders, storages and results storages, filters, detectors and much more.

Apart from these extensions there's all sort of programming language and web framework integrations.

This is what we call thumbor's ecosystem. All the cool projects that extend and improve thumbor's usage all over the world. You can learn more about it at awesome-thumbor.

These extensions allow thumbor to run in almost any architecture and cloud out there: AWS, GCP, Azure, DigitalOcean and even self-hosted. There are people using Redis, MongoDB, Postgres, Ceph, S3 and many others for storage of images, and the number of possibilities is endless.

You can explore that and more in thumbor's docs.

🤝 Commitment

What is expected of you?

  • 🤢 Do not bite more than you can chew! Pick up tasks you feel confident in completing. This helps the community as we keep moving forward as well as keeps you motivated!
  • 🤗 Be kind! Always assume good intention as we're all trying to create incredible technology and have fun at the same time!
  • 🧘 Be patient! In an open-source project people are donating their time to create good in the world. Thumbor is not different. Maintainers and contributors have families and jobs. We'll help as fast as we can.
  • 🦸‍♀️ Be a force for good! Whenever you can, try to help other bootcampers, create or groom tasks, improve documentation. Anything you feel is leaving a better world than what you started with.
  • ⚖️ Be respectful! We will not tolerate discrimination of any kind. We will not tolerate usage of words that enforce negative stereotypes. If this is not ok with you, this is not the project for you. For more details check our Code of Conduct.

🏃‍♀️ Getting started

Before you even apply to this bootcamp program you can familiarize yourself with thumbor reading its README as well as its documentation.

It is a good idea to have thumbor running with default settings in your environment just to get a hang of what it does. Play with it, crop some images, apply filters.

Once you are ready to get started, apply to the program by creating a new issue in this repository and filling a new Join Thumbor Bootcamp issue.

First click on the issues tab:

Click the issues tab

Then click in new issue button:

Click the new issue button

Finally click the join bootcamp "Get started" button and fill your application:

Click the new issue button

Your application will be reviewed as soon as possible (remember: 🧘 Be patient!). After you are accepted in the program, you can pick one of the L1 tasks and hack away! These tasks are designed to help you move fast and start shipping!

🪖 Bootcamp Tasks

Bootcamp tasks are how you interact with this learning experience. We believe in learning through action.

Thumbor will have bootcamp tasks divided by area of expertise and level.

Areas of Expertise

These will be labels in tasks and help you pick something that interests you.

Some examples are user onboarding, documentation, website & branding, extensibility, imaging and image quality, performance and maintainability.

Task Levels


  These tasks consider an investment of 2h a day for the estimates.
  If you are investing less time, no worries, just adjust your expectations.

  This is by no means a deadline. **It's done when it's done.**
Level Effort Expected Duration Size Description
L1 Low ~1d Single file/module This is the bread and butter for people joining thumbor-bootcamp. This is where you start.
L2 Medium ~3-4d Single file/module Requires some knowledge about how thumbor and its parts work.
L3 Medium ~2w Multiple files/modules This is a project level task. It involves discussing what you are doing, creating tests, updating docs. This is where you actually start learning about what it takes to keep a project the size of thumbor with momentum.
L4 Large ~1m Multiple files/modules/projects This is a transformative task that greatly benefits the ecosystem and the community. Once you complete a few of these, we expect to welcome you to the maintainers team, so you can also help onboard other bootcampers.

💪 Getting your next task

To get your next task, just find a task of the appropriate level that picks your interest and assign to yourself.

You can check open tasks, in each level, using this filtered views:

If you can't work on the task anymore, just add to the task what progress you made, what you learned and unassign yourself from it.

🧙‍♂️ Mentors

If you have any issues do not hesitate to get in touch with one of these mentors. Their purpose in this program is to help you keep moving forward!

  • @heynemann - Bernardo Heynemann - [email protected] - Thumbor co-creator and active committer for 12 years
  • @guilhermef - Guilherme Souza - [email protected] - Thumbor co-creator and active committer for 12 years

Being a mentor is a really rewarding experience. If you feel like you could be mentoring new people into open source, just ping one of the mentors above and we'll enlist your help!

👩‍💻 Bootcampers

Our current team of bootcampers include the awesome:

@nicolasgabrielt - Nicolas Taveira - He/Him/His
Joined in 30-Jan-2022

😡 Having Trouble?

If you experience any trouble feel free to create an issue in this repository and tag @heynemann. We'll do our best to help you move forward and have fun!

💻 Hacking thumbor-bootcamp?

If you need to run any of the scripts in this repository use Python 3.10.1 or greater and install the requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt.

  • [💪Bootcamp-Support]  Getting error running make setup and install requirements

    [💪Bootcamp-Support] Getting error running make setup and install requirements

    I am using virtualenv and also pyenv. My python version is 3.10.2 and I am using macOS. I already updated the version of pip and the setuptools.

    When I run pip install - r requirements I get this error, for all the packages that is in the requirement file: Screen Shot 2022-01-31 at 15 56 17

    When I run ``make setup``` I get this error: Screen Shot 2022-01-31 at 15 57 17

    Could you help me with this issue ?

    opened by nicolasgabrielt 9
  • [💪Bootcamp-Support] <Run make test throws an error>


    Support Question

    What's going on?

    I was trying to run make test and it gave me an error .

    ❯ make test
    running build_ext
    copying build/lib.macosx-12.0-arm64-3.10/thumbor/ext/filters/ -> thumbor/ext/filters
    copying build/lib.macosx-12.0-arm64-3.10/thumbor/ext/filters/ -> thumbor/ext/filters
    copying build/lib.macosx-12.0-arm64-3.10/thumbor/ext/filters/ -> thumbor/ext/filters
    copying build/lib.macosx-12.0-arm64-3.10/thumbor/ext/filters/ -> thumbor/ext/filters
    copying build/lib.macosx-12.0-arm64-3.10/thumbor/ext/filters/ -> thumbor/ext/filters
    copying build/lib.macosx-12.0-arm64-3.10/thumbor/ext/filters/ -> thumbor/ext/filters
    copying build/lib.macosx-12.0-arm64-3.10/thumbor/ext/filters/ -> thumbor/ext/filters
    copying build/lib.macosx-12.0-arm64-3.10/thumbor/ext/filters/ -> thumbor/ext/filters
    copying build/lib.macosx-12.0-arm64-3.10/thumbor/ext/filters/ -> thumbor/ext/filters
    copying build/lib.macosx-12.0-arm64-3.10/thumbor/ext/filters/ -> thumbor/ext/filters
    copying build/lib.macosx-12.0-arm64-3.10/thumbor/ext/filters/ -> thumbor/ext/filters
    copying build/lib.macosx-12.0-arm64-3.10/thumbor/ext/filters/ -> thumbor/ext/filters
    copying build/lib.macosx-12.0-arm64-3.10/thumbor/ext/filters/ -> thumbor/ext/filters
    copying build/lib.macosx-12.0-arm64-3.10/thumbor/ext/filters/ -> thumbor/ext/filters
    copying build/lib.macosx-12.0-arm64-3.10/thumbor/ext/filters/ -> thumbor/ext/filters
    copying build/lib.macosx-12.0-arm64-3.10/thumbor/ext/filters/ -> thumbor/ext/filters
    Warning: Using a password with '-a' or '-u' option on the command line interface may not be safe.
    Warning: Using a password with '-a' or '-u' option on the command line interface may not be safe.
    # Server
    os:Darwin 21.1.0 arm64
    # Clients
    # Memory
    # Persistence
    # Stats
    # Replication
    # CPU
    # Modules
    # Errorstats
    # Cluster
    # Keyspace
    ImportError while loading conftest '/Users/nicolasgabriel/code/open-source/thumbor/tests/'.
    tests/ in <module>
        import tests.base  # NOQA
    tests/ in <module>
        from thumbor.testing import DetectorTestCase as ThumborDetectorTestCase
    thumbor/ in <module>
        from import ThumborServiceApp
    thumbor/ in <module>
        from thumbor.handlers.imaging import ImagingHandler
    thumbor/handlers/ in <module>
        from thumbor.engines import BaseEngine, EngineResult
    thumbor/engines/ in <module>
        import cairosvg
    ../../../.venv/thumborenv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/cairosvg/ in <module>
        from . import surface  # noqa isort:skip
    ../../../.venv/thumborenv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/cairosvg/ in <module>
        import cairocffi as cairo
    ../../../.venv/thumborenv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/cairocffi/ in <module>
        cairo = dlopen(
    ../../../.venv/thumborenv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/cairocffi/ in dlopen
        raise OSError(error_message)  # pragma: no cover
    E   OSError: no library called "cairo-2" was found
    E   no library called "cairo" was found
    E   no library called "libcairo-2" was found
    E   cannot load library '': dlopen(, 0x0002): tried: '' (no such file), '/usr/local/lib/' (no such file), '/usr/lib/' (no such file), '/Users/nicolasgabriel/code/open-source/thumbor/' (no such file), '/usr/local/lib/' (no such file), '/usr/lib/' (no such file)
    E   cannot load library 'libcairo.2.dylib': dlopen(libcairo.2.dylib, 0x0002): tried: 'libcairo.2.dylib' (no such file), '/usr/local/lib/libcairo.2.dylib' (no such file), '/usr/lib/libcairo.2.dylib' (no such file), '/Users/nicolasgabriel/code/open-source/thumbor/libcairo.2.dylib' (no such file), '/usr/local/lib/libcairo.2.dylib' (no such file), '/usr/lib/libcairo.2.dylib' (no such file)
    E   cannot load library 'libcairo-2.dll': dlopen(libcairo-2.dll, 0x0002): tried: 'libcairo-2.dll' (no such file), '/usr/local/lib/libcairo-2.dll' (no such file), '/usr/lib/libcairo-2.dll' (no such file), '/Users/nicolasgabriel/code/open-source/thumbor/libcairo-2.dll' (no such file), '/usr/local/lib/libcairo-2.dll' (no such file), '/usr/lib/libcairo-2.dll' (no such file)
    make[1]: *** [unit] Error 4
    make: *** [test] Error 2

    I seems that one of the required packages was not found, I tried to install it but it raises this error bellow:

    ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement cairo-2 (from versions: none)
    ERROR: No matching distribution found for cairo-2

    Someone can help me ?

    bootcamp-support Stale 
    opened by nicolasgabrielt 6
  • [New Application] Arielle Lynch

    [New Application] Arielle Lynch

    How do you want to be called: Arielle Pronouns: She/her

    What do you expect to take from this experience: I'm interested in getting started with contributing to open source and getting a chance to gain exposure to new tools and projects :)

    Brief Summary of You (career, skills, areas of interest): 2.5 years of experience as a software engineer working on web applications. I'm a full stack engineer but currently more focused on backend work.

    Daily Availability (hs): about 5 hours per week

    opened by ariellelynch 1
  • [New Application] Cristiano Santos

    [New Application] Cristiano Santos

    How do you want to be called: Cristiano Pronouns: (e.g. He/Him/His)

    What do you expect to take from this experience: I stopped contributing to open source for while and want to enjoy this opportunity to get closer to this environment. Also, I really like to work with python and improve my skills, face situations to extract more from language, etc.

    Brief Summary of You (career, skills, areas of interest): I am a software engineer with 7y of experience with product development processes and systems design. I already worked in multiple Computer Science fields and really interested to face new, big and complex challenges.

    Daily Availability (hs): 4-5hrs a week

    opened by cristianossd 1
  • [New Application]  Nicolas Taveira

    [New Application] Nicolas Taveira

    How do you want to be called: nicolastaveira Pronouns: (e.g. He/Him/His) He/Him/His

    What do you expect to take from this experience:

    • I want to learn more about how an open-source project works and level up my python skills.
    • I want to make networking with great engineers because I believe that networking is what moves the world.
    • One of my goals also is to work more with technologies for distributed systems like docker, redis, Kubernetes, distributed event streaming platform, etc.
    • I believe that working in open-source projects will develop skills necessary to be an Engineer Manager in the future.

    Brief Summary of You (career, skills, areas of interest): 3y of software engineering, mostly in the back-end but I like to understand about the product and the features end-to-end, because of this I am also interested in front-end. My favorite language is python and one of my strengths as a software engineer is my knowledge about data structures and algorithms and my communication skills.

    Daily Availability (hs): (e.g. 2h per day to work on Thumbor, or 5h a week, just an idea) 4 hours week

    opened by nicolasgabrielt 1
  • [Bootcamp Task] Upgrade thumbor-padding to Thumbor 7

    [Bootcamp Task] Upgrade thumbor-padding to Thumbor 7

    Areas of Expertise

    open-source contributions


    There's a cool project called thumbor-padding that needs to be upgraded to thumbor 7 (Thumbor 7 release notes - Look at the filters part!)

    Involved Modules

    List the modules the bootcamper has to interact with, like:

    Task Relevance

    Expands the list of projects with thumbor 7 compatibility as well as add a nice capability for users.

    Further Details

    • First you should "asyncify" the filter in the repository
    • Then write tests to verify that the filter is indeed working
    • Then do a PR to the repository owner (@heynemann can approve)
    • Then we release a new version of thumbor-padding and 💰profit!

    Proposed Solution

    Just need to transform the filter into an async function as well as fix any issues in the codebase with python 3.

    Remember to create a new virtualenv, install all the dependencies (usually can be done with pip install -e .[tests] but the for this project also needs to be updated. You can check thumbor's for that).

    How to complete this task?

    To complete this task, follow this workflow:

    1. Fork the involved repositories
    2. In each repository there's a documentation on how to install dependencies and initialize your environment
    3. Hack, in no particular order:
      • Write code & tests
      • Write new tests
      • Write docs
      • Improve design
      • Check that all tests pass
      • Repeat until you're satisfied
    4. Submit a pull request.
    task L2 opensource 
    opened by heynemann 0
  • [Bootcamp Task] Remove thumbor upload into its own project

    [Bootcamp Task] Remove thumbor upload into its own project

    Areas of Expertise

    thumbor, open-source, testing, python, maintainability

    Creating your own open source project will teach a lot of the concepts required for participating in another's open source project. Great experience!


    Create a new project thumbor-upload in thumbor's org and move the upload functionality into it. Once it has been moved, create a L2 task here to remove upload from thumbor's codebase (or do it in two PRs yourself).

    Involved Modules

    Don't forget to also check the tests and docs on uploading.

    Task Relevance

    Removing code from thumbor's codebase is as important as adding. The leaner the project is, the faster we can move and onboard new people.

    Further Details

    When you pick up this task, tag @heynemann to create the project for you and add you to the project team of contributors.


    • Create the structure to run tests
    • Add tests
    • Add code
    • Add github action to run the code on commit
    • Add linting
    • Add linting to the github action
    • Add a nice README explaining how to use this new extensions
    • Tag a version 0.1.0 (git tag 0.1.0 && git push --tags)
    • Ask @heynemann to submit to pypi and he'll add you to the list of maintainers.

    Task Workflow

    To complete this task, follow this workflow:

    1. Fork the involved repositories
    2. In each repository there's a documentation on how to install dependencies and initialize your environment
    3. Hack, in no particular order:
      • Write code & tests
      • Write new tests
      • Write docs
      • Improve design
      • Check that all tests pass
      • Repeat until you're satisfied
    4. Submit a pull request.
    task L3 python maintainability 
    opened by heynemann 0
  • [Bootcamp Task] change thumbor main command to click

    [Bootcamp Task] change thumbor main command to click

    Areas of Expertise



    Change the thumbor command to use click.

    Involved Modules

    Task Relevance

    By upgrading the handling of the cli parts of thumbor to a more established library like click we ensure maintainability for the future.

    Further Details

    Completing this task means the thumbor command in thumbor is handled by click and not by optparse (deprecated module in Python 3).

    How to complete this task?

    To complete this task, follow this workflow:

    1. Fork the involved repositories
    2. In each repository there's a documentation on how to install dependencies and initialize your environment
    3. Hack, in no particular order:
      • Write code & tests
      • Write new tests
      • Write docs
      • Improve design
      • Check that all tests pass
      • Repeat until you're satisfied
    4. Submit a pull request.
    task L2 python maintainability 
    opened by heynemann 0
  • [Bootcamp Task] Change thumbor-doctor command to click

    [Bootcamp Task] Change thumbor-doctor command to click

    Areas of Expertise



    Change the thumbor-doctor command to use click.

    Involved Modules

    Task Relevance

    By upgrading the handling of the cli parts of thumbor to a more established library like click we ensure maintainability for the future.

    Further Details

    Completing this task means the thumbor-doctor command in thumbor is handled by click and not by optparse (deprecated module in Python 3).

    How to complete this task?

    To complete this task, follow this workflow:

    1. Fork the involved repositories
    2. In each repository there's a documentation on how to install dependencies and initialize your environment
    3. Hack, in no particular order:
      • Write code & tests
      • Write new tests
      • Write docs
      • Improve design
      • Check that all tests pass
      • Repeat until you're satisfied
    4. Submit a pull request.
    task L2 python maintainability 
    opened by heynemann 0
  • [Bootcamp Task] Change thumbor-url command to click

    [Bootcamp Task] Change thumbor-url command to click

    Areas of Expertise



    Change the thumbor-url command to use click.

    Involved Modules

    Task Relevance

    By upgrading the handling of the cli parts of thumbor to a more established library like click we ensure maintainability for the future.

    Further Details

    Completing this task means the thumbor-url command in thumbor is handled by click and not by optparse (deprecated module in Python 3).

    How to complete this task?

    To complete this task, follow this workflow:

    1. Fork the involved repositories
    2. In each repository there's a documentation on how to install dependencies and initialize your environment
    3. Hack, in no particular order:
      • Write code & tests
      • Write new tests
      • Write docs
      • Improve design
      • Check that all tests pass
      • Repeat until you're satisfied
    4. Submit a pull request.
    task L2 python maintainability 
    opened by heynemann 0
  • [Bootcamp Task] Implement static typing for thumbor/

    [Bootcamp Task] Implement static typing for thumbor/

    Areas of Expertise

    MyPy, static typing

    You will learn more about how to use statically typed python code. mypy is an optional static type checker for python. It provides compile-time type checking.


    In this task you'll fix thumbor/ to be typed.

    Involved Modules

    Task Relevance

    Providing type safety is important both for thumbor and the projects that depend on it. This way we can eliminate type errors, like None where you don't expect None or an integer where you expect a string.

    How to complete this task?

    To complete this task, read mypy docs on how to get started and run mypy thumbor/ from thumbor's virtualenv.

    When creating this task, this was the output of running mypy thumbor/

    ../thumbor/thumbor/ error: Function is missing a type annotation  [no-untyped-def]
    ../thumbor/thumbor/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "None", variable has type "ContextImporter")  [assignment]
    ../thumbor/thumbor/ error: Function is missing a type annotation  [no-untyped-def]
    ../thumbor/thumbor/ error: Function is missing a type annotation  [no-untyped-def]
    ../thumbor/thumbor/ error: Function is missing a type annotation  [no-untyped-def]
    ../thumbor/thumbor/ error: Function is missing a return type annotation  [no-untyped-def]
    ../thumbor/thumbor/ error: Function is missing a type annotation  [no-untyped-def]
    ../thumbor/thumbor/ error: Function is missing a return type annotation  [no-untyped-def]
    ../thumbor/thumbor/ note: Use "-> None" if function does not return a value
    ../thumbor/thumbor/ error: Function is missing a type annotation  [no-untyped-def]
    ../thumbor/thumbor/ error: Function is missing a type annotation  [no-untyped-def]
    ../thumbor/thumbor/ error: Function is missing a type annotation  [no-untyped-def]
    ../thumbor/thumbor/ error: Function is missing a return type annotation  [no-untyped-def]
    ../thumbor/thumbor/ note: Use "-> None" if function does not return a value
    Found 12 errors in 1 file (checked 1 source file)

    This gives you all errors in the file you will fix. Don't worry if there are types of other packages (other thumbor files or thumbor dependencies) failing. If that's the case we can ignore these for now using this kind of annotation:

    import module_without_mypy  # type: ignore

    For more details check this page.

    Once you get to a point where running mypy thumbor/ returns no errors, go ahead and submit a PR. The output should look like this:

    Success: no issues found in 1 source file

    Task Workflow

    The workflow for completing tasks in thumbor goes like this:

    1. Fork the involved repositories
    2. In each repository there's a documentation on how to install dependencies and initialize your environment
    3. Hack, in no particular order:
      • Write code & tests
      • Write new tests
      • Write docs
      • Improve design
      • Check that all tests pass
      • Repeat until you're satisfied
    4. Submit a pull request.
    task L1 mypy thumbor/ 
    opened by heynemann 0
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null 4 Aug 7, 2021
A Red Team tool for exfiltrating sensitive data from Jira tickets.

Jir-thief This Module will connect to Jira's API using an access token, export to a word .doc, and download the Jira issues that the target has access

Antonio Piazza 82 Dec 12, 2022
Pomodoro timer by the Algodrip team!

PomoDrip ?? Pomodoro timer by the Algo Drip team! To-do: Create the script for the pomodoro timer Design the front-end of the program (Flask or Javasc

Algodrip 3 Sep 12, 2021
The official repository of iGEM Paris Bettencourt team's software tools.

iGEM_ParisBettencourt21 The official repository of iGEM Paris Bettencourt team's software tools. Cell counting There are two programs dedicated to the

Abhay Koushik 1 Oct 21, 2021
LPCV Winner Solution of Spring Team

LPCV Winner Solution of Spring Team

null 22 Jul 20, 2022
Shows VRML team stats of all players in your pubs

VRML Team Stat Searcher Displays Team Name, Team Rank (Worldwide), and tier of all the players in your pubs. GUI WIP: Only username search works (for

Hamish Burke 2 Dec 22, 2022