Gym-TORCS is the reinforcement learning (RL) environment in TORCS domain with OpenAI-gym-like interface.



Gym-TORCS is the reinforcement learning (RL) environment in TORCS domain with OpenAI-gym-like interface. TORCS is the open-rource realistic car racing simulator recently used as RL benchmark task in several AI studies.

Gym-TORCS is the python wrapper of TORCS for RL experiment with the simple interface (similar, but not fully) compatible with OpenAI-gym environments. The current implementaion is for only the single-track race in practie mode. If you want to use multiple tracks or other racing mode (quick race etc.), you may need to modify the environment, "" or the race configuration file using GUI of TORCS.

This code is developed based on vtorcs ( and python-client for torcs (

The detailed explanation of original TORCS for AI research is given by Daniele Loiacono et al. (

Because torcs has memory leak bug at race reset. As an ad-hoc solution, we relaunch and automate the gui setting in torcs. Any better solution is welcome!


We are assuming you are using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS/16.04 LTS machine and installed

Example Code

The example code and agent are written in and

Initialization of the Race

After the insallation of vtorcs-RL-color, you need to initialize the race setting. You can find the detailed explanation in a document (, but here I show the simple gui-based setting.

So first you need to run

sudo torcs

in the terminal, the GUI of TORCS should be launched. Then, you need to choose the race track by following the GUI (Race --> Practice --> Configure Race) and open TORCS server by selecting Race --> Practice --> New Race. This should result that TORCS keeps a blue screen with several text information.

If you need to treat the vision input in your AI agent, you have to set the small image size in TORCS. To do so, you have to run


in the second terminal window after you open the TORCS server (just as written above). Then the race starts, and you can select the driving-window mode by F2 key during the race.

After the selection of the driving-window mode, you need to set the appropriate gui size. This is done by using the display option mode in Options --> Display. You can select the Screen Resolution, and you need to select 64x64 for visual input (our immplementation only support this screen size, other screen size results the unreasonable visual information). Then, you need to shut down TORCS to complete the configuration for the vision treatment.

Simple How-To

from gym_torcs import TorcsEnv

#### Generate a Torcs environment
# enable vision input, the action is steering only (1 dim continuous action)
env = TorcsEnv(vision=True, throttle=False)

# without vision input, the action is steering and throttle (2 dim continuous action)
# env = TorcsEnv(vision=False, throttle=True)

ob = env.reset(relaunch=True)  # with torcs relaunch (avoid memory leak bug in torcs)
# ob = env.reset()  # without torcs relaunch

# Generate an agent
from sample_agent import Agent
agent = Agent(1)  # steering only
action = agent.act(ob, reward, done, vision=True)

# single step
ob, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)

# shut down torcs

Add Noise in Low-dim Sensors

If you want to apply sensor noise in low-dimensional sensors, you should

os.system('torcs -nofuel -nodamage -nolaptime -vision -noisy &')
os.system('torcs -nofuel -nolaptime -noisy &')

at 33 & 35th lines in

Great Application

gym-torcs was utilized in DDPG experiment with Keras by Ben Lau. This experiment is really great!


gym_torcs was developed during the spring internship 2016 at Preferred Networks.

  • Can't initialize properly - fopen (config/graph.xml,

    Can't initialize properly - fopen (config/graph.xml, "wb") failed


    I am trying to get gym_torcs to work on my Ubuntu 14.04. When I execute the file, I get the following error:

    gfParmSetStr: fopen (config/graph.xml, "wb") failed

    Full log:

    Fuel consumption disabled!
    Car damages disabled!
    Laptime limit disabled!
    Image generation is ON!
    Visual Properties Report
    Compatibility mode, properties unknown.
    Waiting for request on port 3101
    TORCS Experiment Start.
    Episode : 0
    Client connected on 3101..............
    OpenAL backend info:
      Vendor: OpenAL Community
      Renderer: OpenAL Soft
      Version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.14
      Available sources: 256
      Available buffers: 1024 or more
      Dynamic Sources: requested: 235, created: 235
      #static sources: 21
      #dyn sources   : 235
    gfParmSetStr: fopen (config/graph.xml, "wb") failed
    sw 64 - sh 64 - vw 64 - vh 64 - imgsize 12288
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 26, in <module>
        ob = env.reset(relaunch=True)
      File "/home/pavitrakumar/Desktop/gym_torcs-master/", line 192, in reset
        self.observation = self.make_observaton(obs)
      File "/home/pavitrakumar/Desktop/gym_torcs-master/", line 272, in make_observaton
        image_rgb = self.obs_vision_to_image_rgb(raw_obs[names[8]])
      File "/home/pavitrakumar/Desktop/gym_torcs-master/", line 242, in obs_vision_to_image_rgb
        return np.array([r, g, b], dtype=np.uint8)
    TypeError: long() argument must be a string or a number, not 'NoneType'
    pavitrakumar@pavitrakumar-PC:~/Desktop/gym_torcs-master$ Timeout for client answer
    Timeout for client answer
    Timeout for client answer
    Timeout for client answer
    Timeout for client answer
    Timeout for client answer
    Timeout for client answer
    Timeout for client answer
    Timeout for client answer
    Timeout for client answer
    Timeout for client answer
    Timeout for client answer
    Timeout for client answer

    I am trying this on python 2.x with the necessary imports to make it work (print and division), but I am not sure where the requested file (graph.xml) is located.

    opened by pavitrakumar78 11
  • torcs restarting again and again

    torcs restarting again and again

    **gym_torcs git:(master)** ✗ python
    Waiting for server on 3101............
    Count Down : 4
    Waiting for server on 3101............
    Count Down : 3
    Waiting for server on 3101............
    Count Down : 2
    Waiting for server on 3101............
    Count Down : 1
    Waiting for server on 3101............
    Count Down : 0
    Waiting for server on 3101............
    Count Down : -1
    relaunch torcs
    Visual Properties Report
    Compatibility mode, properties unknown.
    WARNING: ssgLoadTexture: Cannot determine file type for './(null)'
    Waiting for server on 3101............
    Count Down : 4
    Waiting for server on 3101............
    Count Down : 3
    Waiting for server on 3101............
    Count Down : 2
    Waiting for server on 3101............
    Count Down : 1
    Waiting for server on 3101............
    Count Down : 0
    Waiting for server on 3101............
    Count Down : -1
    relaunch torcs
    Visual Properties Report
    Compatibility mode, properties unknown.
    WARNING: ssgLoadTexture: Cannot determine file type for './(null)'
    opened by abhinavagarwal07 2
  • Running multiple gym_torcs experiments in parallel on the same machine

    Running multiple gym_torcs experiments in parallel on the same machine

    Hi, I want to launch multiple gym_torcs environments on my machine so that I can run multiple simulations in parallel. Currently when I try to launch an extra simulation, the previous one crashes. The problem is likely the fact that the client and server always talk through the 3001 port. Is there a way to assign different ports to different instances of gym_torcs? Thank you, Anirban

    opened by Santara 2
  • fix argument to isnan() in simu.cpp

    fix argument to isnan() in simu.cpp

    Hi, I was trying to compile vtorcs-rgb on Ubuntu 16.04 but encountered an error about argument to the isnan() function. Apparently it expects a float, so I quickly tried casting car->ctrl-gear to float to avoid compile errors and it compiled just fine for me.

    opened by billyzs 2
  • libpng compilation fix

    libpng compilation fix

    Got compilation error on make:

    img.cpp: In function 'unsigned char* GfImgReadPng(const char_, int_, int_, float)': img.cpp:101:20: error: invalid use of incomplete type 'png_struct {aka struct png_struct_def}' if (setjmp(png_ptr->jmpbuf)) ^ In file included from img.cpp:31:0: /usr/include/png.h:595:16: error: forward declaration of 'png_struct {aka struct png_struct_def}' typedef struct png_struct_def png_struct; ^ In file included from /usr/include/pngconf.h:72:0, from /usr/include/png.h:485, from img.cpp:31: img.cpp: In function 'int GfImgWritePng(unsigned char_, const char*, int, int)': img.cpp:232:20: error: invalid use of incomplete type 'png_struct {aka struct png_struct_def}' if (setjmp(png_ptr->jmpbuf)) { ^ In file included from img.cpp:31:0: /usr/include/png.h:595:16: error: forward declaration of 'png_struct {aka struct png_struct_def}' typedef struct png_struct_def png_struct;

    Seems like new versions of libpng provide access to png_struct only via functions, fixed it. png2jpg.c contained the same code, so I replaced it.

    opened by NoNick 2
  • Error while 'making' Vtorcs

    Error while 'making' Vtorcs


    When I execute ./configure in vtorcs folder, the command runs smoothly. However when i execute the next command which is make I get the error as documented in this pastebin link. Any idea why I get so many errors? I suspect that the makefile is not well formatted.


    opened by sahiliitm 1
  • extract img is completely black in torcs

    extract img is completely black in torcs

    I installed torcs according to the requirements and set the resolution to 64×64, but the training data image obtained after running the program is completely black

    opened by xkxiong 0
  • ALSA error when running

    ALSA error when running

    I have installed gym_torcs and opened TORCS server. But the server is closed with error messages after I run

    $ python

    Error message is

    $ torcs -vision
    Image generation is ON!
    Visual Properties Report
    Compatibility mode, properties unknown.
    Waiting for request on port 3101
    ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1052:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
    AL lib: (EE) ALCplaybackAlsa_open: Could not open playback device 'default': No such file or directory
    terminate called after throwing an instance of 'char const*'
    /usr/local/bin/torcs: line 53:  4370 Aborted                 (core dumped) $LIBDIR/torcs-bin -l $LOCAL_CONF -L $LIBDIR -D $DATADIR $*

    Can I ask for some help with this problem? I am working on the remote server with OS Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS and A5000 GPU.

    opened by wjh601 0
  • About image generation

    About image generation

    The generated image is only the lower left corner of the entire window. I can't get image information about the whole interface. How can I solve this proble. The image I obtained is as follows: IMG032 m。

    opened by chihuicong 0
  • freeglut (/usr/local/lib/torcs/torcs-bin):  ERROR:  Internal error <FBConfig with necessary capabilities not found> in function fgOpenWindow

    freeglut (/usr/local/lib/torcs/torcs-bin): ERROR: Internal error in function fgOpenWindow

    Hello, I have the following error when running the code. How to solve it? Thank you freeglut (/usr/local/lib/torcs/torcs-bin): ERROR: Internal error in function fgOpenWindow

    opened by Dominique-github 0
  • Problem with make in vtorcs

    Problem with make in vtorcs

    I was able to install gym-torcs without any problems first time I tried but I had to format my computer and now I get this following error after I enter make command in vtorcs-RL-color. I tried fixes on other issues but they don't seem to be working.

    warning: ISO C++ forbids converting a string constant to ‘char*’ [-Wwrite-strings] g++ -shared -o entry.o mainmenu.o splash.o exitmenu.o optionmenu.o -L/home/ekim/gym_torcs/vtorcs-RL-color/export/lib -lalut -L/usr/lib -lplibssg -lplibsg -lplibul /usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/libplibssg.a(ssgBase.o): relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against symbol `_ZTV7ssgBase' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC /usr/bin/ld: final link failed: Bad value collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

    (I attached the entire log)


    opened by mekimvural 1
  • Putting ice on the Road.

    Putting ice on the Road.

    Good Morning Everyone, I am currently preparing for a Research Project about Reinforcement Learning. Specifically, I want to do work about Concept Drift detection and handling. To that End, I need a Machine Learning Problem with Concept Drift. My Idea was, to use Torcs as an Environment. The Machine Learning Algorithm would then Learn the Central concept of gameplay, how to controll the Car. This, i already know is possible. However, there is no Concept Drift in this Problem, because the behavior of the Car does not change, while on the road. My idea was to introduce Concept drift by having the Road slowly ice over . Not visually, of course, only in regard to the way the Car behaves on the track. Is there any way to do this in TORCS? Thank you for your time.

    opened by OlivertheMattes 0
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