SoK: Vehicle Orientation Representations for Deep Rotation Estimation


SoK: Vehicle Orientation Representations for Deep Rotation Estimation

Raymond H. Tu, Siyuan Peng, Valdimir Leung, Richard Gao, Jerry Lan

This is the official implementation for the paper SoK: Vehicle Orientation Representations for Deep Rotation Estimation

Model Diagram

Table of Conents

Envrionment Setup

Install required packages via conda

# create conda environment based on yml file
conda env update --file environment.yml
# activate conda environment
conda activate KITTI-Orientation

Clone git repo:

git clone [email protected]:umd-fire-coml/KITTI-orientation-learning.git


Check for example training script

Training Parameter setup:

Training parameters can be configured using cmd arguments

  • --predict: Specify prediction target. Options are rot-y, alpha
  • --converter: Specify prediction method. Options are alpha, rot-y, tricosine, multibin, voting-bin, single-bin
  • --kitti_dir: path to kitti dataset directory. Its subdirectory should have training/ and testing/ Default path is dataset/
  • --training_record: root directory of all training record, parent of weights and logs directory. Default path is training_record
  • --resume: Resume from previous training under training_record directory
  • --add_pos_enc: Add positional encoding to input
  • --add_depth_map: Add depth map information to input

For all the training parameter setup, please using

python3 model/ -h

Training Result

Exp ID Target Loss Functions Additional Inputs Accuracy (%)
E1 rot-y L2 Loss - 90.490
E2 rot-y Angle Loss - 89.052
E3 alpha L2 Loss - 90.132
E4 Single Bin L2 Loss - 94.815
E5 Single Bin L2 Loss Pos Enc 94.277
E6 Single Bin L2 Loss Dep Map 93.952
E7 Voting Bins (4-Bin) L2 Loss - 93.609
E8 Tricosine L2 Loss - 94.249
E9 Tricosine L2 Loss Pos Enc 94.351
E10 Tricosine L2 Loss Dep Map 94.384
E11 2 Conf Bins L2(Bins,Confs) - 83.304
E12 4 Conf Bins L2(Bins,Confs) - 88.071
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