A very simple tool for situations where optimization with onnx-simplifier would exceed the Protocol Buffers upper file size limit of 2GB, or simply to separate onnx files to any size you want.



A very simple tool for situations where optimization with onnx-simplifier would exceed the Protocol Buffers upper file size limit of 2GB, or simply to separate onnx files to any size you want. Simple Network Extraction for ONNX.


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Key concept

  • If INPUT OP name and OUTPUT OP name are specified, the onnx graph within the range of the specified OP name is extracted and .onnx is generated.
  • Change backend to onnx.utils.Extractor.extract_model so that onnx.ModelProto can be specified as input.

1. Setup

1-1. HostPC

### option
$ echo export PATH="~/.local/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc \
&& source ~/.bashrc

### run
$ pip install -U onnx \
&& pip install -U sne4onnx

1-2. Docker

### docker pull
$ docker pull pinto0309/sne4onnx:latest

### docker build
$ docker build -t pinto0309/sne4onnx:latest .

### docker run
$ docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`:/workdir pinto0309/sne4onnx:latest
$ cd /workdir

2. CLI Usage

$ sne4onnx -h

    sne4onnx [-h]
    --input_onnx_file_path INPUT_ONNX_FILE_PATH
    --input_op_names INPUT_OP_NAMES
    --output_op_names OUTPUT_OP_NAMES
    [--output_onnx_file_path OUTPUT_ONNX_FILE_PATH]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help
        show this help message and exit

  --input_onnx_file_path INPUT_ONNX_FILE_PATH
        Input onnx file path.

  --input_op_names INPUT_OP_NAMES
        List of OP names to specify for the input layer of the model.
        Specify the name of the OP, separated by commas.
        e.g. --input_op_names aaa,bbb,ccc

  --output_op_names OUTPUT_OP_NAMES
        List of OP names to specify for the output layer of the model.
        Specify the name of the OP, separated by commas.
        e.g. --output_op_names ddd,eee,fff

  --output_onnx_file_path OUTPUT_ONNX_FILE_PATH
        Output onnx file path. If not specified, extracted.onnx is output.

3. In-script Usage

$ python
>>> from sne4onnx import extraction
>>> help(extraction)

Help on function extraction in module sne4onnx.onnx_network_extraction:

    input_op_names: List[str],
    output_op_names: List[str],
    input_onnx_file_path: Union[str, NoneType] = '',
    onnx_graph: Union[onnx.onnx_ml_pb2.ModelProto, NoneType] = None,
    output_onnx_file_path: Union[str, NoneType] = ''
) -> onnx.onnx_ml_pb2.ModelProto

    input_op_names: List[str]
        List of OP names to specify for the input layer of the model.
        Specify the name of the OP, separated by commas.
        e.g. ['aaa','bbb','ccc']

    output_op_names: List[str]
        List of OP names to specify for the output layer of the model.
        Specify the name of the OP, separated by commas.
        e.g. ['ddd','eee','fff']

    input_onnx_file_path: Optional[str]
        Input onnx file path.
        Either input_onnx_file_path or onnx_graph must be specified.
        onnx_graph If specified, ignore input_onnx_file_path and process onnx_graph.

    onnx_graph: Optional[onnx.ModelProto]
        Either input_onnx_file_path or onnx_graph must be specified.
        onnx_graph If specified, ignore input_onnx_file_path and process onnx_graph.

    output_onnx_file_path: Optional[str]
        Output onnx file path.
        If not specified, .onnx is not output.
        Default: ''

    extracted_graph: onnx.ModelProto
        Extracted onnx ModelProto

4. CLI Execution

$ sne4onnx \
--input_onnx_file_path input.onnx \
--input_op_names aaa,bbb,ccc \
--output_op_names ddd,eee,fff \
--output_onnx_file_path output.onnx

5. In-script Execution

5-1. Use ONNX files

from sne4onnx import extraction

extracted_graph = extraction(
  input_op_names=['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'],
  output_op_names=['ddd', 'eee', 'fff'],

5-2. Use onnx.ModelProto

from sne4onnx import extraction

extracted_graph = extraction(
  input_op_names=['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'],
  output_op_names=['ddd', 'eee', 'fff'],

6. Samples

6-1. Pre-extraction

image image image

6-2. Extraction

$ sne4onnx \
--input_onnx_file_path hitnet_sf_finalpass_720x1280.onnx \
--input_op_names 0,1 \
--output_op_names 497,785 \
--output_onnx_file_path hitnet_sf_finalpass_720x960_head.onnx

6-3. Extracted

image image image

7. Reference

  1. https://github.com/onnx/onnx/blob/main/docs/PythonAPIOverview.md
  2. https://docs.nvidia.com/deeplearning/tensorrt/onnx-graphsurgeon/docs/index.html
  3. https://github.com/NVIDIA/TensorRT/tree/main/tools/onnx-graphsurgeon
  4. https://github.com/PINTO0309/snd4onnx
  5. https://github.com/PINTO0309/scs4onnx
  6. https://github.com/PINTO0309/snc4onnx
  7. https://github.com/PINTO0309/sog4onnx
  8. https://github.com/PINTO0309/PINTO_model_zoo

8. Issues


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  • Significantly faster processing

    Significantly faster processing

    1. https://github.com/PINTO0309/simple-onnx-processing-tools/issues/2
    2. Eliminate comma-separated specifications for input_op_names and output_op_names
    3. Add non_verbose option
    opened by PINTO0309 0
  • 1.0.10(Sep 7, 2022)

    • Add short form parameter
    $ sne4onnx -h
        sne4onnx [-h]
        -ion INPUT_OP_NAMES
        -oon OUTPUT_OP_NAMES
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help
        show this help message and exit
      -if INPUT_ONNX_FILE_PATH, --input_onnx_file_path INPUT_ONNX_FILE_PATH
        Input onnx file path.
      -ion INPUT_OP_NAMES [INPUT_OP_NAMES ...], --input_op_names INPUT_OP_NAMES [INPUT_OP_NAMES ...]
        List of OP names to specify for the input layer of the model.
        e.g. --input_op_names aaa bbb ccc
      -oon OUTPUT_OP_NAMES [OUTPUT_OP_NAMES ...], --output_op_names OUTPUT_OP_NAMES [OUTPUT_OP_NAMES ...]
        List of OP names to specify for the output layer of the model.
        e.g. --output_op_names ddd eee fff
      -of OUTPUT_ONNX_FILE_PATH, --output_onnx_file_path OUTPUT_ONNX_FILE_PATH
        Output onnx file path. If not specified, extracted.onnx is output.
      -n, --non_verbose
        Do not show all information logs. Only error logs are displayed.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.9(Jun 7, 2022)

  • 1.0.8(May 25, 2022)

  • 1.0.7(May 8, 2022)

  • 1.0.6(May 8, 2022)

    1. Fix: https://github.com/PINTO0309/simple-onnx-processing-tools/issues/2
    2. Eliminate comma-separated specifications for input_op_names and output_op_names
    3. Add non_verbose option
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.5(Apr 11, 2022)

  • 1.0.4(Apr 11, 2022)

  • 1.0.3(Apr 11, 2022)

  • 1.0.2(Apr 10, 2022)

  • 1.0.1(Apr 7, 2022)

  • 1.0.0(Apr 7, 2022)

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