System for Sorting and Recycling Containers - Project 3
Table of contents
The challenge
- Develop a system that can efficiently sort recyclables and transfer them to corresponding bins. Using Python create a program that can control robotic devices by connecting to a Raspberry Pi and using a remote environment (Quanser Labs).
- Use the Q-Arm and the Q-Bot to transfer the containers in their appropiate bins.
Both Q-Bot and Q-Arm at Loading Position
Random Container Dispensed From the Tube
Q-Arm Loads the Containers Being Dropped at the Same Bin
Q-Bot Transfers the Containers & Engages the Hopper to Drop the Containers
My process
Built with
- Python: Functions, conditionals, and loops.
- Q-Arm and Q-Bot (ground robot) methods (common_libraries folder) used to move both robotic devices.
- Ultrasonic sensor modules (common_libraries folder) provided to track the final bin distance.
Code snippets
Code to Determine the Bin Location of a Dispensed Container
while (True):
#Tracks the total mass of the containers
total_mass = 0
#Dispenses and loads the first container
while (True):
#Stores the information of the dispensed container (material, bin destination)
container_list = []
#Stores the bin ID of the first loaded container
first_loaded_container = []
#Checks if this is the first or second time a container is loaded to transfer
if (deposit_counter >= 1):
#Stores the bin ID of the container which is not loaded
first_target_bin = next_container[len(next_container)-1]
#Dispenses a random container as this is the first time
container_properties = my_table.container_properties(random.randint(1,6))
#Stores the bin ID from the container properties (material,mass,bin destination)
for properties in container_list:
total_mass = properties[1]
first_target_bin = properties[2]
print("First Target Bin: ", first_target_bin)
#Checks if dispensed container matches bin ID
if (first_target_bin == "Bin01"):
bin_ID = "Bin01"
elif (first_target_bin == "Bin02"):
bin_ID = "Bin02"
elif (first_target_bin == "Bin03"):
bin_ID = "Bin03"
elif (first_target_bin == "Bin04"):
bin_ID = "Bin04"
Q-Arm Code to Pick Up First Dispensed Container using Determined XYZ Coordinates
#Loads the first container on the Q-Bot
if (first_target_bin == bin_ID and total_mass < 90):
#Appends the containers bin ID to compare with second dispensed container
arm.move_arm(0.68, 0.0, 0.2496)
arm.move_arm(0.2256, 0.0, 0.1898)
arm.move_arm(-0.11, -0.300, 0.6)
arm.move_arm(-0.11, -0.44, 0.39)
Q-Bot Code to Transfer the Loaded Container using the Ultrasonic Sensor
#Checks if the loaded container matches bin ID and assigns a sensor value
if (transfer_location == "Bin01"):
bin_ID = "Bin01"
#Value collected from ultrasonic reading which indicates when the Q-Bot should stop for each bin
bin_target_location = [0.1]
elif (transfer_location == "Bin02"):
bin_ID = "Bin02"
bin_target_location = [0.15]
elif (transfer_location == "Bin03"):
bin_ID = "Bin03"
bin_target_location = [0.20]
elif (transfer_location == "Bin04"):
bin_ID = "Bin04"
bin_target_location = [0.24, 0.25]
if(transfer_location == bin_ID):
#While loop which runs until the target bin is located using ultrasonic sensor
#Follows the yellow line until it arrives at target bin
lines = 0
while(lines < 2):
lines, velocity = bot.follow_line(0.07)
ultrasonic_reading = bot.read_ultrasonic_sensor(bin_ID)
#Checks if assigned bin locations match the sensor values to stop the Q-Bot
if(ultrasonic_reading in bin_target_location):
#Stops the Q-Bot parallel to the bin
print("Reached target bin...")
print("Deposit Container...")
#Moves Q-Bot forward until target location is determined
What I learned
From this challenge I strengthened my knowledge of Python computation and scripting. Moreover, I learned more about python functions and also developed my abilities to resolve any bugs or issues within the program.