Manage python virtual environments on the working notebook server.
It is recommended to use this package together with virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper to work with python virtual environments more suitable. Make sure the installed python interpreters work without errors on the current operating system. To install this package as a standalone application with the command-line interface you are to run the following command:
sudo sh -c "$(curl"
Use the package manager pip to install notebook-environments without the command-line interface:
python3 -m pip install notebook-environments
You can also install this python package on your working machine (works for unix-like operating systems) from source code to /usr/local/bin
as the standard system location for user's programs (this location can be changed at the user's discretion):
# Step -- 1.
git clone --depth=1 --branch=master
# Step -- 2.
cd ./notebook-environments/
# Step -- 3.
sudo install -m 755 /usr/local/bin/n
# Step -- 4.
sudo install -m 755 /usr/local/bin/notebook-environments
Basic usage
Using this program allows you to run one instance of notebook server on your working machine and add different python virtual environments as needed. It protects you from the trouble of installing notebook packages in a new environment and running multiple servers.
# Step -- 1.
nohup jupyter notebook > /tmp/notebook.log 2>&1 &
# Step -- 2.
python3 -m venv .venv && source ./.venv/bin/activate && notebook-environments --add
# Step -- 3.
notebook-environments --show
Pull requests are welcome. Please open an issue first to discuss what should be changed.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
# Step -- 1.
python3 -m venv .venv && source ./.venv/bin/activate && pip install pre-commit tox
# Step -- 2.
pre-commit install --config .githooks.yml
# Step -- 3.
tox && tox -e lint