See the Digital Ocean tutorial for instructions on how to get the basic bot structure in place. Once you have that, set the gunicorn command to run as a service and you should be good to go.
Debts are owed to the following projects and tutorials:
See the Digital Ocean tutorial for instructions on how to get the basic bot structure in place. Once you have that, set the gunicorn command to run as a service and you should be good to go.
Debts are owed to the following projects and tutorials:
Lightning Edit Quickly edit your Slack posts. Heavily inspired by @KhushrajRathod's LightningDelete. Usage: Note: Before anything, be sure to head ove
As Slack no longer provides an API to invite people, this is a Selenium Python script to do so
Role Based Access Control for Slack-Bolt Apps Role Based Access Control (RBAC) is a term applied to limiting the authorization for a specific operatio
Reddit CLI (v1.0) Introduction Why Reddit CLI? Coworker who sees me looking at something in a browser: "Glad you're not busy; I need you to do this, t
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CovidLive AU Summary Slackbot This bot is a very simple slackbot that pulls data, summarises and posts up to date AU COVID stats to a provided slack c
✨ CONVEYOR FOR SLACK ✨ This is a friendly little Python app that will allow you to integrate your instance of Conveyor with your Slack workspace. In o
slack-templates Send Informative, Concise Slack Notifications With Minimal Effort slack-templates Slack Integration Available Templates Usage Report t
slashbot Slashbot makes it easy to create slash commands using AWS Lambda functions. These can be handy for creating a secure way to execute automated
StandupMonkey A self hosted slack bot to conduct standups & generate reports. Report Bug · Request Feature Installation Install already hosted bot (Us
Metaflowbot - Slack Bot for your Metaflow flows! Metaflowbot makes it fun and easy to monitor your Metaflow runs, past and present. Imagine starting a
github alerts slack bot ?? What is it? ?? This is a simple bot that serves to send some notifications about GitHub events to Slack channels. These are
YubiSnooze Slack bot to automatically delete yubisneeze / accidental yubikey presses. It will search using the regex "[cbdefghijklnrtuv]{44}" and if t
A Slack app/bot for playing Texas Hold 'Em where the currency is various workout tasks e.g. pushups. The intent is to make the workday more fun & active for remote teams.
Hanasubot Hanasubot (Japanese 話すボット, talking bot) is a Python chatbot running on Telegram. The bot is based on Markov Chains so it can learn your word
This repository is archived and will not receive any updates It's time to say goodbye. I'm archiving Slacker. It's been getting harder to find time to
A Flask inspired, decorator based API wrapper for Python-Slack. About Tangerine is a lightweight Slackbot framework that abstracts away all the boiler
slack-event-subscriptions About The Project Do you want to get simple attendance checks? If you are using Slack, participants can just react on a spec
Python Slack SDK The Slack platform offers several APIs to build apps. Each Slack API delivers part of the capabilities from the platform, so that you