[NeurIPS-2020] Self-paced Contrastive Learning with Hybrid Memory for Domain Adaptive Object Re-ID.

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Deep Learning SpCL

Python >=3.5 PyTorch >=1.0

Self-paced Contrastive Learning (SpCL)

The official repository for Self-paced Contrastive Learning with Hybrid Memory for Domain Adaptive Object Re-ID, which is accepted by NeurIPS-2020. SpCL achieves state-of-the-art performances on both unsupervised domain adaptation tasks and unsupervised learning tasks for object re-ID, including person re-ID and vehicle re-ID.



[2020-10-13] All trained models for the camera-ready version have been updated, see Trained Models for details.

[2020-09-25] SpCL has been accepted by NeurIPS on the condition that experiments on DukeMTMC-reID dataset should be removed, since the dataset has been taken down and should no longer be used.

[2020-07-01] We did the code refactoring to support distributed training, stronger performances and more features. Please see OpenUnReID.



git clone https://github.com/yxgeee/SpCL.git
cd SpCL
python setup.py develop

Prepare Datasets

cd examples && mkdir data

Download the person datasets Market-1501, MSMT17, PersonX, and the vehicle datasets VehicleID, VeRi-776, VehicleX. Then unzip them under the directory like

├── market1501
│   └── Market-1501-v15.09.15
├── msmt17
│   └── MSMT17_V1
├── personx
│   └── PersonX
├── vehicleid
│   └── VehicleID -> VehicleID_V1.0
├── vehiclex
│   └── AIC20_ReID_Simulation -> AIC20_track2/AIC20_ReID_Simulation
└── veri
    └── VeRi -> VeRi_with_plate

Prepare ImageNet Pre-trained Models for IBN-Net

When training with the backbone of IBN-ResNet, you need to download the ImageNet-pretrained model from this link and save it under the path of logs/pretrained/.

mkdir logs && cd logs
mkdir pretrained

The file tree should be

└── pretrained
    └── resnet50_ibn_a.pth.tar

ImageNet-pretrained models for ResNet-50 will be automatically downloaded in the python script.


We utilize 4 GTX-1080TI GPUs for training. Note that

  • The training for SpCL is end-to-end, which means that no source-domain pre-training is required.
  • use --iters 400 (default) for Market-1501 and PersonX datasets, and --iters 800 for MSMT17, VeRi-776, VehicleID and VehicleX datasets;
  • use --width 128 --height 256 (default) for person datasets, and --height 224 --width 224 for vehicle datasets;
  • use -a resnet50 (default) for the backbone of ResNet-50, and -a resnet_ibn50a for the backbone of IBN-ResNet.

Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

To train the model(s) in the paper, run this command:

python examples/spcl_train_uda.py \

Some examples:

### PersonX -> Market-1501 ###
# use all default settings is ok
python examples/spcl_train_uda.py \
  -ds personx -dt market1501 --logs-dir logs/spcl_uda/personx2market_resnet50

### Market-1501 -> MSMT17 ###
# use all default settings except for iters=800
python examples/spcl_train_uda.py --iters 800 \
  -ds market1501 -dt msmt17 --logs-dir logs/spcl_uda/market2msmt_resnet50

### VehicleID -> VeRi-776 ###
# use all default settings except for iters=800, height=224 and width=224
python examples/spcl_train_uda.py --iters 800 --height 224 --width 224 \
  -ds vehicleid -dt veri --logs-dir logs/spcl_uda/vehicleid2veri_resnet50

Unsupervised Learning

To train the model(s) in the paper, run this command:

python examples/spcl_train_usl.py \
  -d $DATASET --logs-dir $PATH_OF_LOGS

Some examples:

### Market-1501 ###
# use all default settings is ok
python examples/spcl_train_usl.py \
  -d market1501 --logs-dir logs/spcl_usl/market_resnet50

### MSMT17 ###
# use all default settings except for iters=800
python examples/spcl_train_usl.py --iters 800 \
  -d msmt17 --logs-dir logs/spcl_usl/msmt_resnet50

### VeRi-776 ###
# use all default settings except for iters=800, height=224 and width=224
python examples/spcl_train_usl.py --iters 800 --height 224 --width 224 \
  -d veri --logs-dir logs/spcl_usl/veri_resnet50


We utilize 1 GTX-1080TI GPU for testing. Note that

  • use --width 128 --height 256 (default) for person datasets, and --height 224 --width 224 for vehicle datasets;
  • use --dsbn for domain adaptive models, and add --test-source if you want to test on the source domain;
  • use -a resnet50 (default) for the backbone of ResNet-50, and -a resnet_ibn50a for the backbone of IBN-ResNet.

Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

To evaluate the domain adaptive model on the target-domain dataset, run:

python examples/test.py --dsbn \
  -d $DATASET --resume $PATH_OF_MODEL

To evaluate the domain adaptive model on the source-domain dataset, run:

python examples/test.py --dsbn --test-source \
  -d $DATASET --resume $PATH_OF_MODEL

Some examples:

### Market-1501 -> MSMT17 ###
# test on the target domain
python examples/test.py --dsbn \
  -d msmt17 --resume logs/spcl_uda/market2msmt_resnet50/model_best.pth.tar
# test on the source domain
python examples/test.py --dsbn --test-source \
  -d market1501 --resume logs/spcl_uda/market2msmt_resnet50/model_best.pth.tar

Unsupervised Learning

To evaluate the model, run:

python examples/test.py \
  -d $DATASET --resume $PATH

Some examples:

### Market-1501 ###
python examples/test.py \
  -d market1501 --resume logs/spcl_usl/market_resnet50/model_best.pth.tar

Trained Models


You can download the above models in the paper from [Google Drive] or [Baidu Yun](password: w3l9).


If you find this code useful for your research, please cite our paper

    title={Self-paced Contrastive Learning with Hybrid Memory for Domain Adaptive Object Re-ID},
    author={Yixiao Ge and Feng Zhu and Dapeng Chen and Rui Zhao and Hongsheng Li},
    booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
  • Problem with the MSMT dataset

    Problem with the MSMT dataset

    Hello, I think there is something wrong with my MSMT17 dataset, with which I have mAP 6.5% and rank-1 15.3%. I believe that there must be something different. Would you like to provide your MSMT17 dataset ? Thank you very much.

    opened by AyiStar 14
  • Question on the baseline model constructed from your code

    Question on the baseline model constructed from your code

    Hi, I constructed a clustering-based unsupervised baseline from your code, which obtains much higher performance (Market: rank1=91.1%,mAP=79.5%) than the pure unsupervised version in your paper (w/o source data, Market: rank1=88.1%, mAP=73.1%), so i got a little confused and curious, have you ever experimented with the baseline described below:

    Using the same network and hyper-parameter setting, the baseline differs from your method in the following:

    1. Before each epoch, the image features $f_i$ are extracted by the recent model and utilized for DBSCAN clustering (without the self-paced independence and compactness refinement);
    2. A cluster-level memory bank is re-constructed with shape=(num_clusters, num_features), and initialized by the averaged image feature $f_i$ for each cluster;
    3. the model is trained by removing the outliers from training;

    Since such a memory-based clustering-fine-tuning baseline seems very naive, i'm confused why it performs so well. Any advice or insight would be much appreciated~

    opened by Terminator8758 9
  • hello, anyone meet this error?

    hello, anyone meet this error?

    Computing jaccard distance... bruteForceKnn is deprecated; call bfKnn instead Faiss assertion 'err__ == cudaSuccess' failed in void faiss::gpu::runL2Norm(faiss::gpu::Tensor<T, 2, true, IndexType>&, bool, faiss::gpu::Tensor<float, 1, true, IndexType>&, bool, cudaStream_t) [with T = float; TVec = float4; IndexType = int; cudaStream_t = CUstream_st*] at gpu/impl/L2Norm.cu:292; details: CUDA error 11 invalid argument Aborted (core dumped)

    env info:

    torch1.7.0 cuda11.1 2080TI

    opened by Bobo-y 8
  • About the dataset centroid initialization

    About the dataset centroid initialization

    image About two hours passed,the ‘Initialize source-domain class centroids in the hybrid memory’ is still there. Is this normal?

    the nvidia-smi screen shot(it seem like normal): image target-domin question: image


    opened by ShiMinghao0208 8
  • the update of the hybrid memory

    the update of the hybrid memory

    how can i debug the hybrid memory's features. i just change the moemtumn update function to the simple ctx.features = ctx.features +1 . And when i debug the hm.py, the self.features is never changed.

    opened by crazydemo 7
  • about personx dataset

    about personx dataset

    In spcl/datasets/personx.py, it shows that # images: 9840 (train) + 5136 (query) + 30816 (gallery), I just find the personx_v1 dataset in https://github.com/sxzrt/Instructions-of-the-PersonX-dataset, but this train number and query number doesn't match the code. And the camera id doesn't match too. So I want to know which version of personx did you use?

    opened by darcyzhc 7
  • num of gpus

    num of gpus

    Hi, I tried to run this program with two GPUs, and it turned out to be very different from the result of 4 GPUs, and the loss of using 2 GPUs drops quickly. Is this program related to the number of GPUs?

    opened by sxwenny 7
  • An error occurred when creating a pseudo label

    An error occurred when creating a pseudo label

    ==> Create pseudo labels for unlabeled target domain with self-paced policy Computing jaccard distance... Traceback (most recent call last): File "examples/spcl_train_uda.py", line 341, in main() File "examples/spcl_train_uda.py", line 109, in main main_worker(args) File "examples/spcl_train_uda.py", line 175, in main_worker rerank_dist = compute_jaccard_distance(target_features, k1=args.k1, k2=args.k2) File "/home/amax/SpCL/spcl/utils/faiss_rerank.py", line 41, in compute_jaccard_distance _, initial_rank = search_raw_array_pytorch(res, target_features, target_features, k1) File "/home/amax/SpCL/spcl/utils/faiss_utils.py", line 82, in search_raw_array_pytorch I_ptr = swig_ptr_from_LongTensor(I) File "/home/amax/SpCL/spcl/utils/faiss_utils.py", line 15, in swig_ptr_from_LongTensor return faiss.cast_integer_to_long_ptr( AttributeError: module 'faiss' has no attribute 'cast_integer_to_long_ptr'

    opened by Wang-pengfei 5
  • cannot reproduce the results in the paper

    cannot reproduce the results in the paper

    Thanks for your insightful work. I have runned the uda code for duke to market. The result is rank1: 86.9%, mAP:71.6, which are 3.39% less than that in the paper (rank1: 90.3%, map: 76.7%). Why?

    opened by shuxjweb 4
  • gap between single 2080ti GPU and double 2080ti GPU

    gap between single 2080ti GPU and double 2080ti GPU

    Hi!thx to your work!My question is that when I train the spcl with default config from two 2080ti gpus to single 2080ti gpu,the result drops about 6% in mAP. So I want to know the reason about it, thank u !

    opened by JackyZDHu 3
  • errors occured when testing

    errors occured when testing

    While run the examples/test.py, there are some errors: 1、It failed in examples/test.py[line:70] model = models.create(args.arch, pretrained=False, num_features=args.features, dropout=args.dropout, num_classes=0), the solution is to set pretrained=True

    2、It failed in examples/test.py[line:90] evaluator.evaluate(test_loader, dataset.query, dataset.gallery, cmc_flag=True, rerank=args.rerank), where the args.rerank is True. The reason is that AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'numpy' in spcl/evaluators.py[line:121] distmat = re_ranking(distmat.numpy(), distmat_qq.numpy(), distmat_gg.numpy()), the distmat_qq and distmat_gg is tuple but not tensor. I don't know how to solve this problem.

    Please help to solve these problems.

    opened by darcyzhc 3
  • About the momentum update

    About the momentum update

    Hello, when I debug the program with a one-step, I can't run to the location where the memory bank is updated, which is lines 28 to 32 of hm.py, is there something wrong with my debugging method?

    opened by KLJ-70 0
  • Memory Error

    Memory Error

    Hello All, Please has a fix been identified for this error. RuntimeError: Error in void faiss::gpu::allocMemorySpaceV(faiss::gpu::MemorySpace, void**, size_t) at gpu/utils/MemorySpace.cpp:26: Error: 'err == cudaSuccess' failed: failed to cudaMalloc 1610612736 bytes (error 2 out of memory) Your suggestions are welcomed. I tried to changes the K2 and K1 parameters to no avail. I hope to hear from you.

    opened by Akola-Mbey-Denis 0
  • Is there anybody meet this problem?

    Is there anybody meet this problem?

    bruteForceKnn is deprecated; call bfKnn instead Faiss assertion 'err__ == cudaSuccess' failed in void faiss::gpu::runL2Norm(faiss::gpu::Tensor<T, 2, true, IndexType>&, bool, faiss::gpu::Tensor<float, 1, true, IndexType>&, bool, cudaStream_t) [with T = float; TVec = float4; IndexType = int; cudaStream_t = CUstream_st*] at gpu/impl/L2Norm.cu:292; details: CUDA error 11 invalid argument

    opened by m250317460 0
  • There are some questions related to the cluster center in the code

    There are some questions related to the cluster center in the code

    I found that when calculating the loss in the dynamic memory bank, the cluster center feature is not used, or the instance-level feature is used. May I be the one who made a mistake?

    opened by WentaoTan 1
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