1981 Repositories
Python Discord-Bot-Publico Libraries
Ridogram is an advanced multi-featured Telegram UserBot.
Ridogram Ridogram is an advanced multi-featured Telegram UserBot. String Session Collect String Session by running python3 stringsession.py locally or
Easy to use phishing tool with 65 website templates. Author is not responsible for any misuse.
PyPhisher [+] Description : Ultimate phishing tool in python. Includes popular websites like facebook, twitter, instagram, github, reddit, gmail and m
Repo público onde postarei meus estudos de Python, buscando aprender por meio do compartilhamento do aprendizado!
Seja bem vindo à minha repo de Estudos em Python 3! Este é um repositório criado por um programador amador que estuda tópicos de finanças, estatística
A Python-based development platform for automated trading systems - from backtesting to optimisation to livetrading.
AutoTrader AutoTrader is Python-based platform intended to help in the development, optimisation and deployment of automated trading systems. From sim
Connect your Nintendo Switch playing status to Discord!
Disclaimer: Unfortunately, it appears that Nintendo has removed returning self-Presence in their API as of recently, making this project near obsolete
Make WhatsApp ChatBot and use WhatsApp API to send the WhatsApp messages in python .
Ultramsg.com WhatsApp Bot using WhatsApp API and ultramsg Demo WhatsApp API ChatBot using Ultramsg API with python. Opportunities and tasks: The outpu
An auto discord account and token generator. Automatically verifies the phone number. Works without proxy. Bypasses captcha.
JOIN DISCORD SERVER https://discord.gg/uAc3agBY FREE HCAPTCHA SOLVING API Discord-Token-Gen An auto discord token generator. Auto verifies phone numbe
E0 AI Bot is based on the message, it prints the answer with the highest probability using probability from the database.
E0 AI Chat Bot Based on the message, it prints the answer with the highest probability using probability from the database. Install on linux (Arch,Deb
Read manga from your favourites websites on telegram.
tg-manga-bot Read manga from your favourites websites on telegram. Current Development Bot @idkpythonbot Telegram Channel tg_manga_bot Commands start
My attempt at weaponizing Discord.
MayorbotC2 This is my Discord C2 bot. There are many like it, but this one is mine. MayorbotC2 is a project I absolutely forgot about until I was pilf
A twitter bot that simply replies with a beautiful screenshot of the tweet, powered by beautify.dhravya.dev
Poet this! Replies with a beautiful screenshot of the tweet, powered by poet.so Installation git clone https://github.com/dhravya/poet-this.git cd po
Melissa Songs is a telegram bot to easily find songs sending music snippets and search tracks 💃🏽🎵
Find songs on Telegram, like on Shazam... 😎 Open on telegram · Report Bug · Request Feature ⬇️ Installation To get a local copy installed and working
PyExtractor is a decompiler that can fully decompile exe's compiled with pyinstaller or py2exe
PyExtractor is a decompiler that can fully decompile exe's compiled with pyinstaller or py2exe with additional features such as malware checker/detector! Also checks file(s) for suspicious words, discord webhooks, discord invites, pastebins, ips etc..
This is a free python bot program that crosses you to farm with auto click in space crypto NFT game, having fun :) Creator: Marlon Zanardi
🚀 Space Crypto auto click bot ready-to-use 🚀 This is a free python bot program that crosses you to farm with auto click in space crypto NFT game, ha
Ridogram is an advanced multi-featured Telegram UserBot.
Ridogram Ridogram is an advanced multi-featured Telegram UserBot. String Session Collect String Session by running python3 stringsession.py locally or
A free sniper bot built to work with PancakeSwap: Router V2
Pancakeswap Sniper Bot PancakeSwap sniper bot. Automated sniping bot to snipe crypto coin launches. How it works The sniping bot can be used in three
Bot developed in python, 100% open-source, compatible with Windows and Linux.
Bombcrypto Bot [Family JOW] Bot desenvolvido em python, 100% do código é aberto, para aqueles que tenham conhecimento validarem que não existe nenhum
User-Bot for reporting russian propaganda channels
Юзер-Бот, що автоматизує репортування Телеграм каналів пропагандистів Цей Телеграм Юзер-Бот використовується для автоматизації репорту пропагандистьск
Telegram Group Calls Streaming bot with some useful features, written in Python with Pyrogram and Py-Tgcalls. Supporting platforms like Youtube, Spotify, Resso, AppleMusic, Soundcloud and M3u8 Links.
Yukki Music Bot Yukki Music Bot is a Powerful Telegram Music+Video Bot written in Python using Pyrogram and Py-Tgcalls by which you can stream songs,
A discord token nuker With loads of options that will screw an account up real bad, also has inbuilt massreport, GroupChat Spammer and Token/Password/Creditcard grabber and so much more!
Installation | Important | Changelogs | Discord NOTE: Hazard is not finished! You can expect bugs, crashes, and non-working functions. Please make an
⚡ ZEFOY [ TikTok Zefoy Bot ] Get the script in: discord.gg/onlp !! Official shop: onlp.sellix.io Newest version v.9.0.0 Requirements pip install p
🌶️ Give real chat boosting to your discord server.
Chat-Booster Give real chat boosting to your discord server. ✅ Setup: - Add token to scrape messages on server that you whant. - Put the token in
Pull sensitive data from users on windows including discord tokens and chrome data.
⭐ For a 🍪 Pegasus Pull sensitive data from users on windows including discord tokens and chrome data. Features 🟩 Discord tokens 🟩 Geolocation data
Python version of PlaceNL's headless bot with automatic access token refresh
Reddit /r/place 2022 headless bot This headless Python bot will automatically login to reddit, obtain access tokens (and refreshes them when they expi
This is a Python bot, which automates logging in, purchasing and planting the seeds. Open source bot and completely free.
🌻 Sunflower Land Bot 🌻 ⚠️ Warning I am not responsible for any penalties incurred by those who use the bot, use it at your own risk. This BOT is com
Automate TikTok follower bot, like bot, share bot, view bot and more using selenium
Zefoy TikTok Automator Automate TikTok follower bot, like bot, share bot, view bot and more using selenium. Click here to report bugs. Usage Download
A Open source Discord Token Grabber with several very useful features coded in python 3.9
Kiwee-Grabber A Open source Discord Token Grabber with several very useful features coded in python 3.9 This only works on any python 3.9 versions. re
The Best Telegram UserBot Made With Pyrogram [Python]
Asterix UserBot A Powerful Telegram userbot based on Pyrogram. How To Deploy Asterix Heroku Railway Qovery Termux Tutorial Railway Deploy Comming Soon
Discord Region Swapping Exploit (VC Overload)
Discord-VC-Exploit Discord Region Swapping Exploit (VC Overload) aka VC Crasher How does this work? Discord has multiple servers that lets people arou
A twitter bot that simply replies with a beautiful screenshot of the tweet, powered by poet.so
Poet this! Replies with a beautiful screenshot of the tweet, powered by poet.so Installation git clone https://github.com/dhravya/poet-this.git cd po
A telegram bot written in Python to fetch random SFW & NSFW anime images
Tsuzumi A telegram bot written in python to fetch both random SFW & NSFW Anime images using nekos.life & waifu.pics API Commands SFW Commands : /
Python Bot that attends classes, answers polls, and then again waits for classes to start.
LPU_myclass_Bot LPU_myclass_Bot is a Python bot that waits for class to start, attends class, answers polls, and then again waits for another class to
A bot for the CS@unimelb Discord server.
KittyBot - a sentient Discord bot! Key Notes An open-source, community-powered bot for the CS@unimelb Discord server. This bot is made using Hikari &
view cool stats related to your discord account.
DiscoStats cool statistics generated using your discord data. How? DiscoStats is not a service that breaks the Discord Terms of Service or Community G
A chatbot on Telegram using technologies of cloud computing.
Chatbot This project is about a chatbot on Telegram to study the cloud computing. You can refer to the project of chatbot-deploy which is conveinent f
E-Commerce Telegram Bot for UCA Students
ucaStudentStore To buy from and sell to other students Features Register the first time, after that you will always be recognised You can login either
An IPC based on Websockets, fast, stable, and reliable
winerp An IPC based on Websockets. Fast, Stable, and easy-to-use, for inter-communication between your processes or discord.py bots. Key Features Fast
A Telegram Most Powerful Media Info Bot.
Media Info Bot Support 🚑 Demo For The Bot -Test Our Bot By Clicking The Button Below Deploy To Heroku 🗳 Press the Deploy Button to Get Your Own Bot.
It's My Bot, For my group in telegram :)
Get Start USage This robot is written in Python language for devdood Group in Telegram ... You can easily edit and use this source Edit and Run You ne
Automatically copy the Discord Status of a Friend you share a server with (conditions have to be satisfied to work)
CopyDiscordStatusOfUser-SelfBot Basic Function Automatically copy the Discord Status of a friend User whom you share a server with (These conditions h
A Telegram Bin Checker Bot made with python for check Bin valid or Invalid. 💳
Bin Checker Bot A Telegram Bin Checker Bot made with python for check Bin valid or Invalid. 📌 Deploy On Heroku 🏷 Environment Variables API_ID - Your
→ Comando Básico para Python Discord
Discord.py · Código @client.event async def on_ready(): print('He iniciado sessión en: {0.user}'.format(client)) @client.event async def on_messa
An algorithmic trading bot that learns and adapts to new data and evolving markets using Financial Python Programming and Machine Learning.
ALgorithmic_Trading_with_ML An algorithmic trading bot that learns and adapts to new data and evolving markets using Financial Python Programming and
❄️ Don't waste your money paying for new tokens, once you have used your tokens, clean them up and resell them!
TokenCleaner Don't waste your money paying for new tokens, once you have used your tokens, clean them up and resell them! If you have a very large qua
A tiktok mass account creator with undetected selenium and email verification, to bot an account
Fun telegram bot =)
Recolor Bot About Fun telegram bot, that can change your hair color. Preparations Update package lists sudo apt-get update; Make sure Git and docker-c
Simple Self-Bot for Discord
KeunoBot 🐼 -Simple Self-Bot for Discord KEUNOBOT 🐼 - Run KeunoBot : /* - Install KeunoBot - Extract it - Run setup.bat - Set token and prefi
Automates hiketop+ crystal earning using python and appium
hikepy Works on poco x3 idk about your device deponds on resolution Prerquests Android sdk java adb Setup Go to https://appium.io/ Download and instal
Automatically updates the twitter banner with the images of 5 latest followers, using tweepy python
Auto twitter banner Automatically updates the twitter banner every few seconds with follower profile pics on it Here's how it looks! Installation git
A simple MTProto-based bot that can download various types of media (10MB) on a local storage
TG Media Downloader Bot 🤖 A telegram bot based on Pyrogram that downloads on a local storage the following media files: animation, audio, document, p
Bot developed in Python that automates races in pegaxy.
español | português About it: This is a fork from pega-racing-bot. This bot, developed in Python, is to automate races in pegaxy. The game developers
BLYRIC is a Twitter bot that tweets a song lyric every night.
BLYRIC BLYRIC, a bot that tweets a song lyric every night. Follow on Twitter: @blyric_ Overview BLYRIC is a Twitter bot that tweets a song quote every
Send to Telegram, Vk, Discord
Triple send Версия для русских: здесь Demo: Telegram: @Triple_project_bot Discord: Triple project#0877 Vkontakte: @dev.santaspeen How to run Install r
OpenSea Bulk Uploader And Trader 100000 NFTs (MAC WINDOWS ANDROID LINUX) Automatically and massively upload and sell your non-fungible tokens on OpenSea using Python Selenium
OpenSea Bulk Uploader And Trader 100000 NFTs (MAC WINDOWS ANDROID LINUX) Automatically and massively upload and sell your non-fungible tokens on OpenS
A Discord Bot coded using Python. Open to collaboration
DisPy-Bot A Discord Bot coded using Python. Open to collaboration La syntax pour intégrer le bot (imaginons la fonction lol_reponse dans le fichier au
A python bot to move your mouse every few seconds to appear active on Skype, Teams or Zoom as you go AFK. 🐭 🤖
PyMouseBot If you're from GT and annoyed with SGVPN idle timeouts while working on development laptop, You might find this useful. A python cli bot to
A Telegram bot to download posts, videos, reels, IGTV and a user profile picture from Instagram!
Telegram Bot A telegram bot to download media from Instagram! No API Key or Login Needed! Requirements You must have python installed (of course) You
The purpose of this bot is to take soundcloud track requests, that are posted in the stream-requests channel, and add them to a playlist, to make the process of scrolling through the requests easier for Root
Discord Song Collector Dont know if anyone is actually going to read this, but the purpose of this bot is to check every message in the stream-request
EZ Presence - A GUI-Python app which makes it easy to set a custom Discord Rich Presence. (BETA)
EZ Presence EZ Presence is a GUI-Python app which makes it easy to set any custom Discord Rich Presence. Using the App How to Run Since the app is in
Plays air warning sound when detects a certain phrase or a word in a specified Telegram chat.
Tryvoha Bot Disclaimer: this is more a convenient naming, rather than a real bot. It is designed to play air warning sound when detects a certain phra
A file-based quote bot written in Python
Let's Write a Python Quote Bot! This repository will get you started with building a quote bot in Python. It's meant to be used along with the Learnin
Automatically generate GitHub activity!
Commit Bot Automatically generate GitHub activity! We've all wanted to be the developer that commits every day, but that requires a lot of work. Let's
Spacecrypto-bot - SpaceCrypto Bot Auto Clicker
SpaceCrypto Auto Clicker Bot Também fiz um para Luna Rush ( https://github.com/w
Pydf: A modular Telegram Bot which provides Pdf Tools using PyPdf2
pyDF-Bot 🌍 Pydf - Pyrogram Document File Bot, a modular Telegram Bot which prov
Roblox-Account-Gen - A simple account generator not using paid solving services
Roblox Account Generator Star this if it helped to spread awareness! No 2captcha
Gclone-Discord-Utilities - A Pycord bot for running GClone, an RClone mod that allows multiple Google Service Account configuration
Gclone Discord Utilities Features Clone - Clone a public/private google drive fi
Alpha-Zero - Telegram Group Manager Bot Written In Python Using Pyrogram
✨ Alpha Zero Bot ✨ Telegram Group Manager Bot + Userbot Written In Python Using
Spacecrypto-bombcrypto-bot - SpaceCrypto And Bombcrypto Bot - MultiScreen
SpaceCrypto And Bombcrypto Bot - MultiScreen This is a open source project inspi
Django-discord-bot - Framework for creating Discord bots using Django
django-discord-bot Framework for creating Discord bots using Django Uses ASGI fo
Daxcez-mirror-leech-telegram-bot - A Telegram Bot written in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to your Google Drive or Telegram
This is a Telegram Bot written in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to
OAN Music - Highly advanced User Music Bot
ཧᜰ꙰ꦿ➢𝐎𝐀𝐍༒☛ 🎧 Advanced 𝐎𝐀𝐍 Music bot. 🔗 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 : ➢𝐀ttitude
VoiceMaster-Discord-Bot - Fork from original Discord bot with max channel limit, staff role and more
VoiceMaster VoiceMaster is a discord bot created to change the way servers work,
Bot SpaceCrypto - An automation (bot) to play the game SpaceCrypto, it automatically log in, send ships to fight, refresh the game, new map, etc
SpaceCrypto Bot [en-us] In order to change to english Readme version click here.
TwitterBot-ImageCollector - Twitter bot that collects images from likes saves the image
TwitterBot-ImageCollector Bot de Twitter que recolecta imagenes a partir de los
Anti-corruption-bot - Anti corruption bot with python
anti-corruption-bot Test API (running via Flask) is currently hosted at https://
Status-embed - Cool open source profile embed for Discord
Current Status : Incomplete Status Embed Status Embed is an awesome open source
Vhook: A Discord webhook spammer / deleter open source coded by vesper
Vhook_Spammer Vhook is a advanced Discord webhook spammer / deleter with embeds,
IOGen - An Open source discord token generator
_____ ____ _____ |_ _/ __ \ / ____| | || | | | |
FxBuzzly - Buzzly.art links do not embed in Discord, this fixes them (rudimentarily)
fxBuzzly Buzzly.art links do not embed in Discord, this fixes them (rudimentaril
Frwdit-V1 - A Simple Bot can copy any media to a private channel provided
📠 Auto Forward V2 A Simple Bot can copy any media to a private channel provided
Discord-selfbot - Very basic discord self bot
discord-selfbot Very basic discord self bot still being actively developed requi
Yggdrasil - A simplistic bot designed to streamline your server experience
Ygggdrasil A simplistic bot designed to streamline your server experience. Desig
GitNews: Github webhooks for Telegram
GitNews - Github webhooks for Telegram Setup: server: clone repo git clone https
MicroStealer - A compact Discord Token Logger/Discord Token Grabber made in only 15 lines of code! Injects into discord for long-term use
💾 MicroStealer ⚡ A compact Discord Token Logger/Discord Token Grabber made in o
Discord bot-CTFD-Thread-Parser - Discord bot CTFD-Thread-Parser
Discord bot CTFD-Thread-Parser Description: This tools is used to create automat
Save-restricted-v-3 - Save restricted content Bot For telegram
Save restricted content Bot Contact: Telegram A stable telegram bot to get restr
Anime-Discord-Bot - Lightweight anime searching Discord bot supported by the AnilistPython library (anilist.co APIv2 wrapper))
Anime-Discord-Bot Anime retrieving Discord bot supported by the AnilistPython Li
SongLink Discord Bot - Discord bot to share music links easily
SongLink_Discord_Bot Discord bot to share music links easily. Take a link from y
Transcript-Extractor-Bot - Yet another Telegram Voice Recognition bot but using vosk and supports 20+ languages
transcript extractor Yet another Telegram Voice Recognition bot but using vosk a
Uploader-Bot - A Modified Telegram Url Uploader Bot With Mongodb, Zee5, Sonyliv Support and Many Other Yt-dlp Sites
Play Wordle Bot - Wordle Bot written in python
Wordle Bot A Bot written in python with a CL Interface to guess adn solve Wordle
BoostIRC - IRC Bot which posts boosts to IRC
BoostIRC Quick Start git clone https://github.com/valcanobacon/BoostIRC.git cd B
Upload-Instagram - Auto Uploading Instagram Bot
###Instagram Uploading Bot### Download Python and Chrome browser pip install -r
The aim of this project is to build an AI bot that can play the Wordle game, or more generally Squabble
Wordle RL The aim of this project is to build an AI bot that can play the Wordle game, or more generally Squabble I know there are more deterministic
Multi Account Generator Minecraft/NordVPN/Hulu/Origin And ...
Multi Account Generator Minecraft/NordVPN/Hulu/Origin And ...
Simple Discord bot which logs several events in your server
logging-bot Simple Discord bot which logs several events in your server, including: Message Edits Message Deletes Role Adds Role Removes Member joins
A program that generates discord.py code
discord-py-generator A program that generates discord.py code Setup in cmds.txt file add your user id, client id and bot token you can change the bot
A small module to communicate with Triller's API
A small, UNOFFICIAL module to communicate with Triller's API. I plan to add more features/methods in the future.
This is a simple bot for running Python code through Discord
Python Code Runner Discord Bot This is a simple bot for running Python code through Discord. It was originally developed for the Beginner.Codes Discor
Download nitro generator that generates free nitro code that you can use for Discord
Download nitro generator that generates free nitro code that you can use for Discord, run it and wait for free nitro to come