1240 Repositories
Python Flask-Server-Template Libraries
Programmatically access the physical and chemical properties of elements in modern periodic table.
API to fetch elements of the periodic table in JSON format. Uses Pandas for dumping .csv data to .json and Flask for API Integration. Deployed on "pyt
A Robust Avatar Generator with a huge number of templates
CoolAvatars Welcome to this repository of CoolAvatars. Using this project, you can generate cool avatars not only from the samples present in my image
Discord bot for Ukrfans Discord server
Ukrfans Discord Bot Discord bot for Ukrfans Discord server. 💡 Prerequisites Python ⚙️ Build & Run Create an .env file in the root directory and add t
Getting Started with Docker and Flask
Getting-Started-with-Docker-and-Flask Introduction Docker makes it easier, simpler and safer to build, deploy and manage applications in a docker cont
Beyonic API Python official client library simplified examples using Flask, Django and Fast API.
Beyonic API Python official client library simplified examples using Flask, Django and Fast API.
Python HTTP Server
Python HTTP Server Preview Languange and Code Editor: How to run? Download the zip first. Open the http.py and wait 1-2 seconds. You will see __pycach
Zappa makes it super easy to build and deploy server-less, event-driven Python applications on AWS Lambda + API Gateway.
Zappa makes it super easy to build and deploy server-less, event-driven Python applications (including, but not limited to, WSGI web apps) on AWS Lambda + API Gateway. Think of it as "serverless" web hosting for your Python apps. That means infinite scaling, zero downtime, zero maintenance - and at a fraction of the cost of your current deployments!
Aim of the project is to reduce phishing victims. 😇
Sites: For more details visit our Blog. How to use 😀 : You just have to paste the url in the ENTER THE SUSPECTED URL section and SELECT THE RESEMBELI
Generate a FullStack Playground using GraphQL and FastAPI 🚀
FastQL - FastAPI GraphQL Playground Generate a FullStack playground using FastAPI and GraphQL and Ariadne 🚀 . This Repository is based on this Articl
MaryJane is a simple MJPEG server written in Python.
MaryJane is a simple MJPEG server written in Python.
Generic template for python service
Cookie cutter template example Technology stack Flask Gevent UWSGI Poetry Docker Docker-compose Installation pip install cookiecutter cookiecutter git
Beyonic API Python official client library simplified examples using Flask, Django and Fast API.
Beyonic API Python Examples. The beyonic APIs Doc Reference: https://apidocs.beyonic.com/ To start using the Beyonic API Python API, you need to start
Tutorial for integrating Oxylabs' Residential Proxies with Selenium
Oxylabs’ Residential Proxies integration with Selenium Requirements For the integration to work, you'll need to install Selenium on your system. You c
BETCOIN BET is a digital currency system created with python
BETCOIN BET is a digital currency created with python and flask with features of a centralized bank, wallet system, and open transaction history of al
the metasploit script(POC/EXP) about CVE-2021-22005 VMware vCenter Server contains an arbitrary file upload vulnerability
CVE-2021-22005-metasploit the metasploit script(POC/EXP) about CVE-2021-22005 VMware vCenter Server contains an arbitrary file upload vulnerability pr
Benchmark a WebSocket server's message throughput ⌛
📻 WebSocket Benchmarker ⌚ Message throughput is how fast a WebSocket server can parse and respond to a message. Some people consider this to be a goo
Pritunl is a distributed enterprise vpn server built using the OpenVPN protocol.
Pritunl is a distributed enterprise vpn server built using the OpenVPN protocol.
A simple FastAPI web service + Vue.js based UI over a rclip-style clip embedding database.
Explore CLIP Embeddings in a rclip database A simple FastAPI web service + Vue.js based UI over a rclip-style clip embedding database. A live demo of
Boilerplate code for basic flask web apps
Flask Boilerplate This repository contains boilerplate code to start a project instantly It's mainly for projects which you plan to ship in less than
Brawl Stars v31.96 server emulator written in Python.
Brawl Stars v31 Brawl Stars v31.96 server emulator written in Python. Requirements: Python 3.7 or higher pymongo dnspython colorama MongoDB configurat
A SOCKS proxy server implemented with the powerful python cooperative concurrency framework asyncio.
asyncio-socks-server A SOCKS proxy server implemented with the powerful python cooperative concurrency framework asyncio. Features Supports both TCP a
Ultimate Django3.2 Template for starting any project from not zero!
Ultimate Django3.2 Template for starting any project from not zero!
Machine learning template for projects based on sklearn library.
Machine learning template for projects based on sklearn library.
A scalable template for PyTorch projects, with examples in Image Segmentation, Object classification, GANs and Reinforcement Learning.
PyTorch Project Template is being sponsored by the following tool; please help to support us by taking a look and signing up to a free trial PyTorch P
Launchr is an open source SaaS starter kit, based on Django.
Launchr Launchr is an open source SaaS starter kit. About Launchr is a fully-equipped starter template, ready to start a SaaS web app. It implements t
Get a Django app up and running in dev, test, and production with best practices in 10 minutes
Django template for Docker + Heroku This is how I set up Django projects to get up and running as quick as possible. In includes a few neat things: De
A Django starter template with a sound foundation.
SOS Django Template SOS Django Tempalate is a Django starter template that has opinionated and good solutions while starting your new Django project.
Django Webpack starter template for using Webpack 5 with Django 3.1 & Bootstrap 4. Yes, it can hot-reload.
Django Webpack Starter Hello fellow human. The repo uses Python 3.9.* Django 3.1.* Webpack 5.4.* Bootstrap 4.5.* Pipenv If you have any questions twe
Django project/application starter for lazybones :)
Django Project Starter Template My custom project starter for Django! I’ll try to support every upcoming Django releases as much as I can! Requirement
Bleeding edge django template focused on code quality and security.
wemake-django-template Bleeding edge django2.2 template focused on code quality and security. Purpose This project is used to scaffold a django projec
Project template layout for Django 3.0+
Django 3.0+ project template This is a simple Django 3.0+ project template with my preferred setup. Most Django project templates make way too many as
Django starter project with 🔋
A batteries-included Django starter project. For a production-ready version see the book Django for Professionals. 🚀 Features Django 3.1 & Python 3.8
simple flask starter app utilizing docker
Simple flask starter app utilizing docker to showcase seasonal anime using jikanpy (myanimelist unofficial api).
A bot which provides online/offline and player status for Thicc SMP, using Replit.
AlynaaStatus A bot which provides online/offline and player status for Thicc SMP. Currently being hosted on Replit. How to use? Create a repl on Repli
Intranet de la Rez Flask web app
IntraRez Application Flask de l'Intranet de la Rez. Exigences Python : Probablement = 3.10 à terme, pour l'instant = 3.8 suffit ; Autres packages Li
A play store search application programming interface ( API )
Play-Store-API A play store search application programming interface ( API ) Made with Python3
A best practice for tensorflow project template architecture.
A best practice for tensorflow project template architecture.
Forms, widgets, template tags and examples that make Stripe + Django easier.
Overview Zebra is a library that makes using Stripe with Django even easier. It's made of: zebra, the core library, with forms, webhook handlers, abst
Brawl Stars private server for version 30.242
Brawl Stars v30 Brawl Stars v30.242 server emulator written in Python. Requirements: Python 3.7 or higher pymongo dnspython colorama Running the serve
An flask app for fake image detector
fake_img_detector This is a ml based project: frameworks used:- Flask Google collab #Description: Here you can Upload two different looking image with
tade is a discussion/forum/link aggregator application. It provides three interfaces: a regular web page, a mailing list bridge and an NNTP server
tade is a discussion/forum/link aggregator application. It provides three interfaces: a regular web page, a mailing list bridge and an NNTP server
Ultimate Score Server for RealistikOsu
USSR Ultimate Score Server for RealistikOsu (well not just us but it makes the acronym work.) Also I wonder how long this name will last. What is this
A Jupyter server based on FastAPI (Experimental)
jupyverse is experimental and should not be used in place of jupyter-server, which is the official Jupyter server.
Burp-UI is a web-ui for burp backup written in python with Flask and jQuery/Bootstrap
Burp-UI Contents Introduction Screenshots Demo What's that? Who are you? Documentation FAQ Community Notes See also Licenses Thanks Introduction Scree
Bleeding edge django template focused on code quality and security.
wemake-django-template Bleeding edge django2.2 template focused on code quality and security. Purpose This project is used to scaffold a django projec
The base to start an openapi project featuring: SQLModel, Typer, FastAPI, JWT Token Auth, Interactive Shell, Management Commands.
The base to start an openapi project featuring: SQLModel, Typer, FastAPI, JWT Token Auth, Interactive Shell, Management Commands.
Custom bot I've made to host events on my personal Discord server.
discord_events Custom bot I've made to host events on my personal Discord server. You can try the bot out in my personal server here: https://discord.
Simple discord token generator good for memberboosting your server! Uses Hcaptcha bypass
discord-tokens-generator INFO This is a Simple Discord Token Generator which creates unverified discord accounts These accounts are good for member bo
A Fast API style support for Flask. Gives you MyPy types with the flexibility of flask
Flask-Fastx Flask-Fastx is a Fast API style support for Flask. It Gives you MyPy types with the flexibility of flask. Compatibility Flask-Fastx requir
Serve angular production application from python flask backend. Quick and Easy
Serve angular production application from python flask backend. Quick and Easy
Recommended AWS CDK project structure for Python applications
Recommended AWS CDK project structure for Python applications The project implements a user management backend component that uses Amazon API Gateway,
Hydralit package is a wrapping and template project to combine multiple independant Streamlit applications into a multi-page application.
Hydralit The Hydralit package is a wrapping and template project to combine multiple independant (or somewhat dependant) Streamlit applications into a
Small python script to look for common vulnerabilities on SMTP server.
BrokenSMTP BrokenSMTP is a python3 BugBounty/Pentesting tool to look for common vulnerabilities on SMTP server. Supported Vulnerability : Spoofing - T
A Microsub server built with Python Flask and SQLite.
Microsub Server This repository contains the code that powers my personal Microsub server. Microsub is an IndieWeb specification currently in developm
Experimental Brawl Stars v36.218 server emulator written in Python.
Brawl Stars v36 Experimental Brawl Stars v36.218 server emulator written in Python. Requirements: Python 3.7 or higher colorama Running the server In
A bot i made for a dead com server lol it gets updated daily etc
6ix-Bot-Source A bot i made for a dead com server lol it gets updated daily etc For The UserAgent CMD https://developers.whatismybrowser.com/ thats a
It's a Discord bot to control your PC using your Discord Channel or using Reco: Discord PC Remote Controller App.
Reco PC Server Reco PC Server is a cross platform PC Controller Discord Bot which is a modified and improved version of Chimera for Reco-Discord PC Re
Experimental Brawl Stars v37.222 server emulator written in Python.
Brawl Stars v37 Experimental Brawl Stars v37.222 server emulator written in Python. Requirements: Python 3.7 or higher colorama Running the server In
mitm6 is a pentesting tool that exploits the default configuration of Windows to take over the default DNS server.
mitm6 is a pentesting tool that exploits the default configuration of Windows to take over the default DNS server.
PyDownloader - Downloads files and folders at high speed (based on your interent speed).
PyDownloader - Downloads files and folders at high speed (based on your interent speed).
An HTTP server to easily download and upload files.
httpsweet An HTTP server to easily download and upload files. It was created with flexibility in mind, allowing be used in many different situations,
Your self hosted Youtube media server
The Tube Archivist Your self hosted Youtube media server Core functionality Subscribe to your favourite Youtube channels Download Videos using yt-dlp
Advance Image Downloader/Extractor (Job) is a Python-Flask web-based app, which will help the user download the any kind of Images at any date and time over the internet. These images will get downloaded as a job and then let user know that the images have been downloaded by sending them a link over an email.
Advance Image Downloader/Extractor(Job) Advance Image Downloader/Extractor (Job) is a Python-Flask web-based app, which will help the user download th
Pretty tornado wrapper for making lightweight REST API services
CleanAPI Pretty tornado wrapper for making lightweight REST API services Installation: pip install cleanapi Example: Project folders structure: . ├──
Flask Project Template A full feature Flask project template.
Flask Project Template A full feature Flask project template. See also Python-Project-Template for a lean, low dependency Python app. HOW TO USE THIS
Single Page App with Flask and Vue.js
Developing a Single Page App with FastAPI and Vue.js Want to learn how to build this? Check out the post. Want to use this project? Build the images a
Lux Academy & Data Science East Africa Python Boot Camp, Building and Deploying Flask Application Using Docker Demo App.
Flask and Docker Application Demo A Docker image is a read-only, inert template that comes with instructions for deploying containers. In Docker, ever
All Tools In One is a Script Developed with Python3. It gathers a total of 14 Discord tools (including a RAT, a Raid Tool, a Token Grabber, a Crash Video Maker, etc). It has a pleasant and intuitive interface to facilitate the use of all with help and explanations for each of them.
[Discord] - All Tools In One [Discord] - All Tools In One is a Script Gathering for Windows systems written in Python. Disclaimer This project was cre
Docker containerized Python Flask API that uses selenium to scrape and interact with websites
Docker containerized Python Flask API that uses selenium to scrape and interact with websites
You can use the mvc pattern in your flask application using this extension.
You can use the mvc pattern in your flask application using this extension. Installation Run the follow command to install mvc_flask: $ pip install mv
Cookiecutter PyTorch Lightning
Cookiecutter PyTorch Lightning Instructions # install cookiecutter pip install cookiecutter
Discord Bot for SurPath Hub's server
Dayong Dayong is dedicated to helping Discord servers build and manage their communities. Multipurpose —lots of features, lots of automation. Self-hos
tagls is a language server based on gtags.
tagls tagls is a language server based on gtags. Why I wrote it? Almost all modern editors have great support to LSP, but language servers based on se
No-dependency, single file NNTP server library for developing modern, rfc3977-compliant (bridge) NNTP servers.
nntpserver.py No-dependency, single file NNTP server library for developing modern, rfc3977-compliant (bridge) NNTP servers for python =3.7. Develope
Deployment of PyTorch chatbot with Flask
Chatbot Deployment with Flask and JavaScript In this tutorial we deploy the chatbot I created in this tutorial with Flask and JavaScript. This gives 2
A Python class for checking the status of an enabled Minecraft server
mcstatus provides an easy way to query Minecraft servers for any information they can expose. It provides three modes of access (query, status and ping), the differences of which are listed below in usage.
machine learning model deployment project of Iris classification model in a minimal UI using flask web framework and deployed it in Azure cloud using Azure app service
This is a machine learning model deployment project of Iris classification model in a minimal UI using flask web framework and deployed it in Azure cloud using Azure app service. We initially made this project as a requirement for an internship at Indian Servers. We are now making it open to contribution.
Mail classification with tensorflow and MS Exchange Server (ham or spam).
Mail classification with tensorflow and MS Exchange Server (ham or spam).
graphw00f is Server Engine Fingerprinting utility for software security professionals looking to learn more about what technology is behind a given GraphQL endpoint.
graphw00f - GraphQL Server Fingerprinting graphw00f (inspired by wafw00f) is the GraphQL fingerprinting tool for GQL endpoints. Table of Contents How
Source Code For Template-Based Named Entity Recognition Using BART
Template-Based NER Source Code For Template-Based Named Entity Recognition Using BART Training Training train.py Inference inference.py Corpus ATIS (h
Flask Sugar is a web framework for building APIs with Flask, Pydantic and Python 3.6+ type hints.
Flask Sugar is a web framework for building APIs with Flask, Pydantic and Python 3.6+ type hints. check parameters and generate API documents automatically. Flask Sugar是一个基于flask,pyddantic,类型注解的API框架, 可以检查参数并自动生成API文档
ProxyShell POC Exploit : Exchange Server RCE (ACL Bypass + EoP + Arbitrary File Write)
ProxyShell Install git clone https://github.com/ktecv2000/ProxyShell cd ProxyShell virtualenv -p $(which python3) venv source venv/bin/activate pip3 i
An easy way to build your flask skeleton.
Flider What is Flider Flider is a lightweight framework that saves you time by creating a MVC compliant file structure and includes basic commonly use
FPS, fast pluggable server, is a framework designed to compose and run a web-server based on plugins.
FPS, fast pluggable server, is a framework designed to compose and run a web-server based on plugins. It is based on top of fastAPI, uvicorn, typer, and pluggy.
Protect Discord server invite link
DiscordOauth2Join Protect discord server invite links! Setup I will not help setting up the discord application, but just python. First, install the r
Python Project Template
A low dependency and really simple to start project template for Python Projects.
A Python client for the Softcite software mention recognizer server
Softcite software mention recognizer client Python client for using the Softcite software mention recognition service. It can be applied to individual
A nice anonymous messaging api (Uses Flask's restful api)
anonymous-message-api A nice anonymous message api (Uses Flask's restful api) How it works: 1. The user send a put request to your api server: Require
A simple script which allows you to see how much GEXP you earned for playing in the last Minecraft Hypixel server session
Project Landscape A simple script which allows you to see how much GEXP you earned for playing in the Minecraft Server Hypixel Usage Install python 3.
No more support server flooding with questions about unsupported hosting.
No more support server flooding with questions about unsupported hosting.
Django-google-optimize is a Django application designed to make running server side Google Optimize A/B tests easy.
Django-google-optimize Django-google-optimize is a Django application designed to make running Google Optimize A/B tests easy. Here is a tutorial on t
Production Grade Machine Learning Service
This project is made to help you scale from a basic Machine Learning project for research purposes to a production grade Machine Learning web service
retorna informações de pessoas que não existem
random-person-api API que entrega dados aleatórios sobre pessoas que (provavelmente) não existem. Como usar? Copie o link abaixo https://random-person
A modified version of DeepMind's Alphafold2 to divide CPU part (MSA and template searching) and GPU part (prediction model)
ParallelFold Author: Bozitao Zhong This is a modified version of DeepMind's Alphafold2 to divide CPU part (MSA and template searching) and GPU part (p
Tile Map Service and OGC Tiles API for QGIS Server
Tiles API Add tiles API to QGIS Server Tiles Map Service API OGC Tiles API Tile Map Service API - TMS The TMS API provides these URLs: /tms/? to get i
Brandnew-flask is a CLI tool used to generate a powerful and mordern flask-app that supports the production environment.
Brandnew-flask is still in the initial stage and needs to be updated and improved continuously. Everyone is welcome to maintain and improve this CLI.
A Discord BOT that uses Google Sheets for storing the roles and permissions of a discord server.
Discord Role Manager Bot Role Manager is a discord BOT that utilizes Google Sheets for the organization of a server's hierarchy and permissions. Detai
A boilerplate Flask API for a Fullstack Project with some additional packages and configuration prebuilt. ⚙
Flask Boilerplate to quickly get started with production grade flask application with some additional packages and configuration prebuilt.
Simple reuse of partial HTML page templates in the Jinja template language for Python web frameworks.
Jinja Partials Simple reuse of partial HTML page templates in the Jinja template language for Python web frameworks. (There is also a Pyramid/Chameleo
Image search service based on imgsmlr extension of PostgreSQL. Support image search by image.
imgsmlr-server Image search service based on imgsmlr extension of PostgreSQL. Support image search by image. This is a sample application of imgsmlr.