327 Repositories
Python IQ-Learn Libraries
Learn the basics of Python. These tutorials are for Python beginners. so even if you have no prior knowledge of Python, you won’t face any difficulty understanding these tutorials.
01_Python_Introduction Introduction 👋 Python is a modern, robust, high level programming language. It is very easy to pick up even if you are complet
A series of Jupyter notebooks that walk you through the fundamentals of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Python using Scikit-Learn, Keras and TensorFlow 2.
Machine Learning Notebooks, 3rd edition This project aims at teaching you the fundamentals of Machine Learning in python. It contains the example code
Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a method of structuring a program by bundling related properties and behaviors into individual objects. In this tutorial, you’ll learn the basics of object-oriented programming in Python.
06_Python_Object_Class Introduction 👋 Objected oriented programming as a discipline has gained a universal following among developers. Python, an in-
Data types specify the different sizes and values that can be stored in the variable. For example, Python stores numbers, strings, and a list of values using different data types. Learn different types of Python data types along with their respective in-built functions and methods.
02_Python_Datatypes Introduction 👋 Data types specify the different sizes and values that can be stored in the variable. For example, Python stores n
You'll learn about Iterators, Generators, Closure, Decorators, Property, and RegEx in detail with examples.
07_Python_Advanced_Topics Introduction 👋 In this tutorial, you will learn about: Python Iterators: They are objects that can be iterated upon. In thi
Flow control is the order in which statements or blocks of code are executed at runtime based on a condition. Learn Conditional statements, Iterative statements, and Transfer statements
03_Python_Flow_Control Introduction 👋 The control flow statements are an essential part of the Python programming language. A control flow statement
The best way to learn Python is by practicing examples. The repository contains examples of basic concepts of Python. You are advised to take the references from these examples and try them on your own.
90_Python_Exercises_and_Challenges The best way to learn Python is by practicing examples. This repository contains the examples on basic and advance
This repository consists of a complete guide on natural language processing (NLP) in Python where we'll learn various techniques for implementing NLP including parsing & text processing and understand how to use NLP for text feature engineering.
Python_Natural_Language_Processing This repository contains tutorials on important topics related to Natural Language Processing (NPL). No. Name 01 01
This repository contains Python games that I've worked on. You'll learn how to create python games with AI. I try to focus on creating board games without GUI in Jupyter-notebook.
92_Python_Games 🎮 Introduction 👋 This repository contains Python games that I've worked on. You'll learn how to create python games with AI. I try t
A workshop with several modules to help learn Feast, an open-source feature store
Workshop: Learning Feast This workshop aims to teach users about Feast, an open-source feature store. We explain concepts & best practices by example,
Convert scikit-learn models to PyTorch modules
sk2torch sk2torch converts scikit-learn models into PyTorch modules that can be tuned with backpropagation and even compiled as TorchScript. Problems
Ideas on how to quickly learn to build command-line tools
CLI-Bootcamp Ideas on how to quickly learn to build command-line tools Part 1-Bash Week1: Using Linux Lesson 1: Using Linux Shell Lab Lesson 2: How sh
Resources complimenting the Machine Learning Course led in the Faculty of mathematics and informatics part of Sofia University.
Machine Learning and Data Mining, Summer 2021-2022 How to learn data science and machine learning? Programming. Learn Python. Basic Statistics. Take a
Machine learning beginner to Kaggle competitor in 30 days. Non-coders welcome. The program starts Monday, August 2, and lasts four weeks. It's designed for people who want to learn machine learning.
30-Days-of-ML-Kaggle 🔥 About the Hands On Program 💻 Machine learning beginner → Kaggle competitor in 30 days. Non-coders welcome The program starts
This tutorial aims to learn the basics of deep learning by hands, and master the basics through combination of lectures and exercises
2021-Deep-learning This tutorial aims to learn the basics of deep learning by hands, and master the basics through combination of paper and exercises.
Learn machine learning the fun way, with Oracle and RedBull Racing
Red Bull Racing Analytics Hands-On Labs Introduction Are you interested in learning machine learning (ML)? How about doing this in the context of the
Implementation of Basic Machine Learning Algorithms on small datasets using Scikit Learn.
Basic Machine Learning Algorithms All the basic Machine Learning Algorithms are implemented in Python using libraries Acknowledgements Machine Learnin
Self-Supervised Vision Transformers Learn Visual Concepts in Histopathology (LMRL Workshop, NeurIPS 2021)
Self-Supervised Vision Transformers Learn Visual Concepts in Histopathology Self-Supervised Vision Transformers Learn Visual Concepts in Histopatholog
Learn Data Science with focus on adding value with the most efficient tech stack.
DataScienceWithPython Get started with Data Science with Python An engaging journey to become a Data Scientist with Python TL;DR Download all Jupyter
✅ Today I Learn
Today I Learn EDA numpy_100ex numpy_0~10 airline_satisfaction_prediction BERT_naver_movie_classification NLP_prepare NLP_Tweet_Emotion_Recognition tex
The LaTeX and Python code for generating the paper, experiments' results and visualizations reported in each paper is available (whenever possible) in the paper's directory
This repository contains the software implementation of most algorithms used or developed in my research. The LaTeX and Python code for generating the
icepickle is to allow a safe way to serialize and deserialize linear scikit-learn models
icepickle It's a cooler way to store simple linear models. The goal of icepickle is to allow a safe way to serialize and deserialize linear scikit-lea
Skforecast is a python library that eases using scikit-learn regressors as multi-step forecasters
Skforecast is a python library that eases using scikit-learn regressors as multi-step forecasters. It also works with any regressor compatible with the scikit-learn API (pipelines, CatBoost, LightGBM, XGBoost, Ranger...).
Lseng-iseng eksplor Machine Learning dengan menggunakan library Scikit-Learn
Kalo dengar istilah ML, biasanya rada ambigu. Soalnya punya beberapa kepanjangan, seperti Mobile Legend, Makan Lontong, Ma**ng L*v* dan lain-lain. Tapi pada repo ini membahas Machine Learning :)
Simple local RPG turn-based to play while learn something using the anki system
Simple local RPG turn-based to play while learn something using the anki system
A demo project to elaborate how Machine Learn Models are deployed on production using Flask API
This is a salary prediction website developed with the help of machine learning, this makes prediction of salary on basis of few parameters like interview score, experience test score.
Python package for concise, transparent, and accurate predictive modeling
Python package for concise, transparent, and accurate predictive modeling. All sklearn-compatible and easy to use. 📚 docs • 📖 demo notebooks Modern
A U-Net combined with a variational auto-encoder that is able to learn conditional distributions over semantic segmentations.
Probabilistic U-Net + **Update** + An improved Model (the Hierarchical Probabilistic U-Net) + LIDC crops is now available. See below. Re-implementatio
Learn other languages using artificial intelligence with python.
The main idea of the project is to facilitate the learning of other languages. We created a simple AI that will interact with you. Just ask questions that if she knows, she will answer.
Django-Kubernetes - Learn how to deploy a docker-based Django application into a Kubernetes cluster into production on DigitalOcean
Django & Kubernetes Learn how to deploy a production-ready Django application in
To-Be is a machine learning challenge on CodaLab Platform about Mortality Prediction
To-Be is a machine learning challenge on CodaLab Platform about Mortality Prediction. The challenge aims to adress the problems of medical imbalanced data classification.
Painless Machine Learning for python based on scikit-learn
PlainML Painless Machine Learning Library for python based on scikit-learn. Install pip install plainml Example from plainml import KnnModel, load_ir
Dueling Platform for Competitive Programming. Learn through Games.
CP-Dueling Dueling Platform for Competitive Programming. Learn through Games. Setting Up Minimum Python version needed = 3.9.9 Install Virtualenv and
To provide 100 JAX exercises over different sections structured as a course or tutorials to teach and learn for beginners, intermediates as well as experts
JaxTon 💯 JAX exercises Mission 🚀 To provide 100 JAX exercises over different sections structured as a course or tutorials to teach and learn for beg
Learn Basic to advanced level Data visualisation techniques from this Repository
Data visualisation Hey, You can learn Basic to advanced level Data visualisation techniques from this Repository. Data visualization is the graphic re
This is a learning tool and exploration app made using the Dash interactive Python framework developed by Plotly
Support Vector Machine (SVM) Explorer This app has been moved here. This repo is likely outdated and will not be updated. This is a learning tool and
scikit-learn is a python module for machine learning built on top of numpy / scipy
About scikit-learn is a python module for machine learning built on top of numpy / scipy. The purpose of the scikit-learn-tutorial subproject is to le
This repository contains several jupyter notebooks to help users learn to use neon, our deep learning framework
neon_course This repository contains several jupyter notebooks to help users learn to use neon, our deep learning framework. For more information, see
Dive into Machine Learning
Dive into Machine Learning Hi there! You might find this guide helpful if: You know Python or you're learning it 🐍 You're new to Machine Learning You
A real-time speech emotion recognition application using Scikit-learn and gradio
Speech-Emotion-Recognition-App A real-time speech emotion recognition application using Scikit-learn and gradio. Requirements librosa==0.6.3 numpy sou
This is a Cricket Score Predictor that predicts the first innings score of a T20 Cricket match using Machine Learning
This is a Cricket Score Predictor that predicts the first innings score of a T20 Cricket match using Machine Learning. It is a Web Application.
Learn Machine Learning Algorithms by doing projects in Python and R Programming Language
Learn Machine Learning Algorithms by doing projects in Python and R Programming Language. This repo covers all aspect of Machine Learning Algorithms.
30 days of Python programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn the Python programming language in 30 days
30 days of Python programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn the Python programming language in 30 days. This challenge may take more than100 days, follow your own pace.
100 Days of Code Learning program to keep a habit of coding daily and learn things at your own pace with help from our remote community.
100 Days of Code Learning program to keep a habit of coding daily and learn things at your own pace with help from our remote community.
Gender Classification Machine Learning Model using Sk-learn in Python with 97%+ accuracy and deployment
Gender-classification This is a ML model to classify Male and Females using some physical characterstics Data. Python Libraries like Pandas,Numpy and
lets learn Python language with basic examples. highly recommended for beginners who just start coding.
Lets Learn Python 🐍 Learn python from basic programs. learn python from scratch. 1.Online python compiler: https://www.onlinegdb.com/online_python_co
In this Notebook I've build some machine-learning and deep-learning to classify corona virus tweets, in both multi class classification and binary classification.
Hello, This Notebook Contains Example of Corona Virus Tweets Multi Class Classification. - Classes is: Extremely Positive, Positive, Extremely Negativ
(NeurIPS '21 Spotlight) IQ-Learn: Inverse Q-Learning for Imitation
Inverse Q-Learning (IQ-Learn) Official code base for IQ-Learn: Inverse soft-Q Learning for Imitation, NeurIPS '21 Spotlight IQ-Learn is an easy-to-use
Repo contains Python Code Reference to learn Python in a week, It also contains Machine Learning Algorithms and some examples for Practice, Also contains MySql, Tableau etc
DataScience_ML_and_Python Repo contains Python Code Reference to learn Python in a week, It also contains Machine Learning Algorithms and some example
This was my test project when i started to learn Python Tkinter. Its the simplest interface possible.
Rock-Paper-Scissors-Game- Project Description: This was my test project when i started to learn Python Tkinter. Its the simplest interface possible. R
Python Auto-ML Package for Tabular Datasets
Tabular-AutoML AutoML Package for tabular datasets Tabular dataset tuning is now hassle free! Run one liner command and get best tuning and processed
learn python in 100 days, a simple step could be follow from beginner to master of every aspect of python programming and project also include side project which you can use as demo project for your personal portfolio
learn python in 100 days, a simple step could be follow from beginner to master of every aspect of python programming and project also include side project which you can use as demo project for your personal portfolio
An easy-to-learn, dynamic, interpreted, procedural programming language
Gen Programming Language WARNING!! THIS LANGUAGE IS IN DEVELOPMENT. ANYTHING CAN CHANGE AT ANY MOMENT. Gen is a dynamic, interpreted, procedural progr
An awesome Data Science repository to learn and apply for real world problems.
AWESOME DATA SCIENCE An open source Data Science repository to learn and apply towards solving real world problems. This is a shortcut path to start s
All you need to learn Tkinter!
Tkinter This repository contains the codes and resources which I used to learn the standard GUI library of Python, Tkinter! Best Tkinter Resources Vid
Learn Python tips, tools, and techniques in around 5 minutes each.
Python shorts Learn Python tips, tools, and techniques in around 5 minutes each. Watch on YouTube Subscribe on YouTube to keep up with all the videos.
Book Recommender System Using Sci-kit learn N-neighbours
Model-Based-Recommender-Engine I created a book Recommender System using Sci-kit learn's N-neighbours algorithm for my model and the streamlit library
SortingAlgorithmVisualization - A place for me to learn about sorting algorithms
SortingAlgorithmVisualization A place for me to learn about sorting algorithms.
Simple project to learn more about Bézier curves
Python Quadratic Bézier Simple project to learn more about Bézier curves. On this project i used some api's to graphics and gui pygame thorpy in theor
This is code of book "Learn Deep Learning with PyTorch"
深度学习入门之PyTorch Learn Deep Learning with PyTorch 非常感谢您能够购买此书,这个github repository包含有深度学习入门之PyTorch的实例代码。由于本人水平有限,在写此书的时候参考了一些网上的资料,在这里对他们表示敬意。由于深度学习的技术在
Python Machine Learning Jupyter Notebooks (ML website)
Python Machine Learning Jupyter Notebooks (ML website) Dr. Tirthajyoti Sarkar, Fremont, California (Please feel free to connect on LinkedIn here) Also
Practical Machine Learning with Python
Master the essential skills needed to recognize and solve complex real-world problems with Machine Learning and Deep Learning by leveraging the highly popular Python Machine Learning Eco-system.
Minutaria is a basic educational Python timer used to learn python and software testing libraries.
minutaria minutaria is a basic educational Python timer. The project is educational, it aims to teach myself programming, python programming, python's
To design and implement the Identification of Iris Flower species using machine learning using Python and the tool Scikit-Learn.
To design and implement the Identification of Iris Flower species using machine learning using Python and the tool Scikit-Learn.
official ( API ) for the zAmericanEnglish app in [ Google play ] and [ App store ]
official ( API ) for the zAmericanEnglish app in [ Google play ] and [ App store ]
An educational resource to help anyone learn deep reinforcement learning.
Status: Maintenance (expect bug fixes and minor updates) Welcome to Spinning Up in Deep RL! This is an educational resource produced by OpenAI that ma
Course materials and handouts for #100DaysOfCode in Python course
#100DaysOfCode with Python course Course details page: talkpython.fm/100days Course Summary #100DaysOfCode in Python is your perfect companion to take
Hierarchical Time Series Forecasting with a familiar API
scikit-hts Hierarchical Time Series with a familiar API. This is the result from not having found any good implementations of HTS on-line, and my work
An open source python library for automated feature engineering
"One of the holy grails of machine learning is to automate more and more of the feature engineering process." ― Pedro Domingos, A Few Useful Things to
Software Engineer Salary Prediction
Based on 2021 stack overflow data, this machine learning web application helps one predict the salary based on years of experience, level of education and the country they work in.
learn python in 100 days, a simple step could be follow from beginner to master of every aspect of python programming and project also include side project which you can use as demo project for your personal portfolio
learn python in 100 days, a simple step could be follow from beginner to master of every aspect of python programming and project also include side project which you can use as demo project for your personal portfolio
Projeto de mini-games de azar com interface gráfica utilizando Python e PySimpleGui.
Gambling Mini jogos de azar unidos em uma mesma interface gráfica, utilizando a linguagem de programação Python em conjunto com a biblioteca de interf
Tutorial on scikit-learn and IPython for parallel machine learning
Parallel Machine Learning with scikit-learn and IPython Video recording of this tutorial given at PyCon in 2013. The tutorial material has been rearra
Materials for my scikit-learn tutorial
Scikit-learn Tutorial Jake VanderPlas email: jakevdp@uw.edu twitter: @jakevdp github: jakevdp This repository contains notebooks and other files assoc
General Assembly's 2015 Data Science course in Washington, DC
DAT8 Course Repository Course materials for General Assembly's Data Science course in Washington, DC (8/18/15 - 10/29/15). Instructor: Kevin Markham (
🤖 ⚡ scikit-learn tips
🤖 ⚡ scikit-learn tips New tips are posted on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. 👉 Sign up to receive 2 video tips by email every week! 👈 List of all
A series of Jupyter notebooks with Chinese comment that walk you through the fundamentals of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in python using Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow.
Hands-on-Machine-Learning 目的 这份笔记旨在帮助中文学习者以一种较快较系统的方式入门机器学习, 是在学习Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow这本书的 时候做的个人笔记: 此项目的可取之处 原书的
A Practitioner's Guide to Natural Language Processing
Learn how to process, classify, cluster, summarize, understand syntax, semantics and sentiment of text data with the power of Python! This repository contains code and datasets used in my book, Text Analytics with Python published by Apress/Springer.
Amazon SageMaker Delta Sharing Examples
This repository contains examples and related resources showing you how to preprocess, train, and serve your models using Amazon SageMaker with data fetched from Delta Lake.
LRBoost is a scikit-learn compatible approach to performing linear residual based stacking/boosting.
LRBoost is a sckit-learn compatible package for linear residual boosting. LRBoost combines a linear estimator and a non-linear estimator to leverage t
Projeto-menu - This project is designed to learn more about control mechanisms in Python programming
Projeto-menu - This project is designed to learn more about control mechanisms in Python programming
Awesome Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning as we learn it
Awesome Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning as we learn it. Study notes and a curated list of awesome resources of such topics.
Self-Learning - Books Papers, Courses & more I have to learn soon
Self-Learning This repository is intended to be used for personal use, all rights reserved to respective owners, please cite original authors and ask
AutoGluon: AutoML for Text, Image, and Tabular Data
AutoML for Text, Image, and Tabular Data AutoGluon automates machine learning tasks enabling you to easily achieve strong predictive performance in yo
Books, Presentations, Workshops, Notebook Labs, and Model Zoo for Software Engineers and Data Scientists wanting to learn the TF.Keras Machine Learning framework
Books, Presentations, Workshops, Notebook Labs, and Model Zoo for Software Engineers and Data Scientists wanting to learn the TF.Keras Machine Learning framework
Numerical-computing-is-fun - Learning numerical computing with notebooks for all ages.
As much as this series is to educate aspiring computer programmers and data scientists of all ages and all backgrounds, it is also a reminder to mysel
Class-imbalanced / Long-tailed ensemble learning in Python. Modular, flexible, and extensible
IMBENS: Class-imbalanced Ensemble Learning in Python Language: English | Chinese/中文 Links: Documentation | Gallery | PyPI | Changelog | Source | Downl
Indonesia's negative news detection using gaussian naive bayes with Django+Scikir Learn
Introduction Indonesia's negative news detection using gaussian naive bayes build with Django and Scikit Learn. There is also any features, are: Input
Smilecreator4 - This site is for people who want to hack or want to learn it!
smilecreator4 This site is for people who want to hack or want to learn it! Furthermore, this program does not work without turning off Antivirus or W
How to Learn a Domain Adaptive Event Simulator? ACM MM, 2021
LETGAN How to Learn a Domain Adaptive Event Simulator? ACM MM 2021 Running Environment: pytorch=1.4, 1 NVIDIA-1080TI. More details can be found in pap
Auto updating website that tracks closed & open issues/PRs on scikit-learn/scikit-learn.
Repository Status for Scikit-learn Live webpage Auto updating website that tracks closed & open issues/PRs on scikit-learn/scikit-learn. Running local
chainladder - Property and Casualty Loss Reserving in Python
chainladder (python) chainladder - Property and Casualty Loss Reserving in Python This package gets inspiration from the popular R ChainLadder package
learn and have fun developing 2D retro games using python and pygame
Retro 2D Game Development Using Python + PyGame Skill up your programming skills with a walk down the memory lane. Learn how to create a retro 2D game
An self sufficient AI that crawls the web to learn how to generate art from keywords
Roxx-IO - The Smart Artist AI! TO DO / IDEAS Implement Web-Scraping Functionality Figure out a less annoying (and an off button for it) text to speech
Exploit ILP to learn symmetry breaking constraints of ASP programs.
ILP Symmetry Breaking Overview This project aims to exploit inductive logic programming to lift symmetry breaking constraints of ASP programs. Given a
This is a repository to learn and get more computer vision skills, make robotics projects integrating the computer vision as a perception tool and create a lot of awesome advanced controllers for the robots of the future.
This is a repository to learn and get more computer vision skills, make robotics projects integrating the computer vision as a perception tool and create a lot of awesome advanced controllers for the robots of the future.
ONNX Runtime: cross-platform, high performance ML inferencing and training accelerator
ONNX Runtime is a cross-platform inference and training machine-learning accelerator. ONNX Runtime inference can enable faster customer experiences an
Learn how modern web applications and microservice architecture work as you complete a creative assignment
Micro-service Создание микросервиса Цель работы Познакомиться с механизмом работы современных веб-приложений и микросервисной архитектуры в процессе в
Code Repository for Machine Learning with PyTorch and Scikit-Learn
Code Repository for Machine Learning with PyTorch and Scikit-Learn
A quick recipe to learn all about Transformers
Transformers have accelerated the development of new techniques and models for natural language processing (NLP) tasks.