3938 Repositories
Python Processing-Files-using-MySQL Libraries
Amazon Forest Computer Vision: Satellite Image tagging code using PyTorch / Keras with lots of PyTorch tricks
Amazon Forest Computer Vision Satellite Image tagging code using PyTorch / Keras Here is a sample of images we had to work with Source: https://www.ka
The Medical Detection Toolkit contains 2D + 3D implementations of prevalent object detectors such as Mask R-CNN, Retina Net, Retina U-Net, as well as a training and inference framework focused on dealing with medical images.
The Medical Detection Toolkit contains 2D + 3D implementations of prevalent object detectors such as Mask R-CNN, Retina Net, Retina U-Net, as well as a training and inference framework focused on dealing with medical images.
Telegram Radio - A User-bot who continuously play random audio files (from the famous telegram music channel @mveargasm) in the intended voice chat.
MvEargasmDJ: This is my submission for the Telegram Radio Project of Baivaru. Which required a userbot to continiously play random audio files from th
Another Autoscaler is a Kubernetes controller that automatically starts, stops, or restarts pods from a deployment at a specified time using a cron annotation.
Another Autoscaler Another Autoscaler is a Kubernetes controller that automatically starts, stops, or restarts pods from a deployment at a specified t
Real-time multi-object tracker using YOLO v5 and deep sort
This repository contains a two-stage-tracker. The detections generated by YOLOv5, a family of object detection architectures and models pretrained on the COCO dataset, are passed to a Deep Sort algorithm which tracks the objects. It can track any object that your Yolov5 model was trained to detect.
MONAI Label is a server-client system that facilitates interactive medical image annotation by using AI.
MONAI Label is a server-client system that facilitates interactive medical image annotation by using AI. It is an open-source and easy-to-install ecosystem that can run locally on a machine with one or two GPUs. Both server and client work on the same/different machine. However, initial support for multiple users is restricted. It shares the same principles with MONAI.
Beyond Image to Depth: Improving Depth Prediction using Echoes (CVPR 2021)
Beyond Image to Depth: Improving Depth Prediction using Echoes (CVPR 2021) Kranti Kumar Parida, Siddharth Srivastava, Gaurav Sharma. We address the pr
This is the unofficial code of Deep Dual-resolution Networks for Real-time and Accurate Semantic Segmentation of Road Scenes. which achieve state-of-the-art trade-off between accuracy and speed on cityscapes and camvid, without using inference acceleration and extra data
Deep Dual-resolution Networks for Real-time and Accurate Semantic Segmentation of Road Scenes Introduction This is the unofficial code of Deep Dual-re
A PyTorch Reimplementation of TecoGAN: Temporally Coherent GAN for Video Super-Resolution
TecoGAN-PyTorch Introduction This is a PyTorch reimplementation of TecoGAN: Temporally Coherent GAN for Video Super-Resolution (VSR). Please refer to
🤗 Push your spaCy pipelines to the Hugging Face Hub
spacy-huggingface-hub: Push your spaCy pipelines to the Hugging Face Hub This package provides a CLI command for uploading any trained spaCy pipeline
A Very Simple Telegram Files Rename Bot by @AbirHasan2005
Rename-Bot This is a very simple Telegram Files Rename Bot by @AbirHasan2005. Features Rename Videos, Files or Audios. Permanent Custom Thumbnail Supp
Provide partial dates and retain the date precision through processing
Prefix date parser This is a helper class to parse dates with varied degrees of precision. For example, a data source might state a date as 2001, 2001
pystitcher stitches your PDF files together, generating nice customizable bookmarks for you using a declarative markdown file as input
pystitcher pystitcher stitches your PDF files together, generating nice customizable bookmarks for you using a declarative input in the form of a mark
Another Scheduler is a Kubernetes controller that automatically starts, stops, or restarts pods from a deployment at a specified time using a cron annotation.
Another Scheduler Another Scheduler is a Kubernetes controller that automatically starts, stops, or restarts pods from a deployment at a specified tim
Project page for the paper Semi-Supervised Raw-to-Raw Mapping 2021.
Project page for the paper Semi-Supervised Raw-to-Raw Mapping 2021.
Implemented fully documented Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm (basic model with few advanced features) using Python programming language
Implemented fully documented Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm in Python which includes a basic model along with few advanced features such as updating inertia weight, cognitive, social learning coefficients and maximum velocity of the particle.
Recognize Handwritten Digits using Deep Learning on the browser itself.
MNIST on the Web An attempt to predict MNIST handwritten digits from my PyTorch model from the browser (client-side) and not from the server, with the
Add Chart.js visualizations to your Django admin using a mixin class
django-admincharts Add Chart.js visualizations to your Django admin using a mixin class. Example from django.contrib import admin from .models import
Deepak Clouds Torrent is a multipurpose Telegram Bot writen in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to our beloved Google Drive.
Deepak Clouds Torrent is a multipurpose Telegram Bot writen in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to our beloved Google Drive.
Class to connect to XAMPP MySQL Database
MySQL-DB-Connection-Class Class to connect to XAMPP MySQL Database Basta fazer o download o mysql_connect.py e modificar os parâmetros que quiser. E d
System Tray Icon for PySimpleGUI (the tkinter version). Adds a system tray icon by using pystray and PIL
psgtray Add a System Tray Icon to your tkinter port of PySimpleGUI. Installation via pip Installation is via pip: python -m pip install psgtray or if
Command Line Text-To-Speech using Google TTS
cli-tts Thanks to gTTS by @pndurette! This is an interactive command line text-to-speech tool using Google TTS. Just type text and the voice will be p
Classify bird species based on their songs using SIamese Networks and 1D dilated convolutions.
The goal is to classify different birds species based on their songs/calls. Spectrograms have been extracted from the audio samples and used as features for classification.
This is my reading list for my PhD in AI, NLP, Deep Learning and more.
This is my reading list for my PhD in AI, NLP, Deep Learning and more.
Format SSSD Raw Kerberos Payloads into CCACHE files for use on Windows systems
KCMTicketFormatter This tools takes the output from https://github.com/fireeye/SSSDKCMExtractor and turns it into properly formatted CCACHE files for
Paper backup of files using QR codes
Generate paper backups for Linux. Currently command-linux Linux only. Takes any file, and outputs a "paper backup": a printable black-and-white pdf fu
a url shortener with fastapi and tortoise-orm
fastapi-tortoise-orm-url-shortener a url shortener with fastapi and tortoise-orm
Drone detection using YOLOv5
This drone detection system uses YOLOv5 which is a family of object detection architectures and we have trained the model on Drone Dataset. Overview I
A collection of metrics for evaluating timbre dissimilarity using the TorchMetrics API
Timbre Dissimilarity Metrics A collection of metrics for evaluating timbre dissimilarity using the TorchMetrics API Installation pip install -e . Usag
Exploiting Linksys WRT54G using a vulnerability I found.
Exploiting Linksys WRT54G Exploit # Install the requirements. pip install -r requirements.txt ROUTER_HOST= ROUTER_USERNAME=admin ROUTER_P
Unofficial implementation of "Swin Transformer: Hierarchical Vision Transformer using Shifted Windows" (https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.14030)
Swin-Transformer-Tensorflow A direct translation of the official PyTorch implementation of "Swin Transformer: Hierarchical Vision Transformer using Sh
Tuplex is a parallel big data processing framework that runs data science pipelines written in Python at the speed of compiled code
Tuplex is a parallel big data processing framework that runs data science pipelines written in Python at the speed of compiled code. Tuplex has similar Python APIs to Apache Spark or Dask, but rather than invoking the Python interpreter, Tuplex generates optimized LLVM bytecode for the given pipeline and input data set.
Huggingface Transformers + Adapters = ❤️
adapter-transformers A friendly fork of HuggingFace's Transformers, adding Adapters to PyTorch language models adapter-transformers is an extension of
Flexible interface for high-performance research using SOTA Transformers leveraging Pytorch Lightning, Transformers, and Hydra.
Flexible interface for high performance research using SOTA Transformers leveraging Pytorch Lightning, Transformers, and Hydra. What is Lightning Tran
Simplified diarization pipeline using some pretrained models - audio file to diarized segments in a few lines of code
simple_diarizer Simplified diarization pipeline using some pretrained models. Made to be a simple as possible to go from an input audio file to diariz
💥 Share files easily over your local network from the terminal!
Fileshare 📨 Share files easily over your local network from the terminal! 📨 Installation # clone the repo $ git clone https://github.com/dopevog/fil
This is a method to build your own qgis configuration packages using osgeo4W.
This is a method to build your own qgis configuration packages using osgeo4W. Then you can automate deployment in your organization with a controled and trusted environnement.
Complete U-net Implementation with keras
U Net Lowered with Keras Complete U-net Implementation with keras Original Paper Link : https://arxiv.org/abs/1505.04597 Special Implementations : The
Bifrost C2. Open-source post-exploitation using Discord API
Bifrost Command and Control What's Bifrost? Bifrost is an open-source Discord BOT that works as Command and Control (C2). This C2 uses Discord API for
Text-to-SQL in the Wild: A Naturally-Occurring Dataset Based on Stack Exchange Data
SEDE SEDE (Stack Exchange Data Explorer) is new dataset for Text-to-SQL tasks with more than 12,000 SQL queries and their natural language description
30 Days Of Machine Learning Using Pytorch
Objective of the repository is to learn and build machine learning models using Pytorch. 30DaysofML Using Pytorch
粉專/IG圖文加工器 介紹 給PS智障(ex:我)使用,用於產生圖文 腳本省去每次重複步驟 可載入圖片(方形,請先處理過,歡迎PR) 圖片簡易套用濾鏡 可將圖片切片 要求 Python 版本 3.9 安裝 安裝最新 python pip3 install -r requirement.txt 效果
Restful Api developed with Flask using Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring and containerization with Docker :rocket:
Hephaestus 🚀 In Greek mythology, Hephaestus was either the son of Zeus and Hera or he was Hera's parthenogenous child. ... As a smithing god, Hephaes
Pretrained SOTA Deep Learning models, callbacks and more for research and production with PyTorch Lightning and PyTorch
Pretrained SOTA Deep Learning models, callbacks and more for research and production with PyTorch Lightning and PyTorch
Python 3 tool for finding unclaimed groups on Roblox. Supports multi-threading, multi-processing and HTTP proxies.
roblox-group-scanner Python 3 tool for finding unclaimed groups on Roblox. Supports multi-threading, multi-processing and HTTP proxies. Usage usage: s
SceneCollisionNet This repo contains the code for "Object Rearrangement Using Learned Implicit Collision Functions", an ICRA 2021 paper. For more info
SceneCollisionNet This repo contains the code for "Object Rearrangement Using Learned Implicit Collision Functions", an ICRA 2021 paper. For more info
zip-brute Zip File Password Cracking with Using Password List
Zip brute is a python script that cracks zip that are password protected using a wordlist dictionary.
MODeflattener deobfuscates control flow flattened functions obfuscated by OLLVM using Miasm.
MODeflattener deobfuscates control flow flattened functions obfuscated by OLLVM using Miasm.
This project aims to assist in the search for leaked passwords while maintaining a high level of privacy using the k-anonymity method.
To achieve this, the APIs of different services are used, sending only a part of the Hash of the password we want to check, for example, the first 5 characters.
A telegram bot that can upload telegram media files to anonfiles.com and give you direct download link
✯ AnonFilesBot ✯ Telegram Files to AnonFiles Upload Bot It will Also Give Direct Download Link Process : Fork This Repositry And Simply Cick On Heroku
BRepNet: A topological message passing system for solid models
BRepNet: A topological message passing system for solid models This repository contains the an implementation of BRepNet: A topological message passin
Demo of using Telegram to send alert message
MIAI_Telegram Demo of using Telegram to send alert message Video link: https://youtu.be/oZ9CsIrlMgg #MìAI Fanpage: http://facebook.com/miaiblog Group
PiCIE: Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation using Invariance and Equivariance in clustering (CVPR2021)
PiCIE: Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation using Invariance and Equivariance in Clustering Jang Hyun Cho1, Utkarsh Mall2, Kavita Bala2, Bharath Harihar
LETR: Line Segment Detection Using Transformers without Edges
LETR: Line Segment Detection Using Transformers without Edges Introduction This repository contains the official code and pretrained models for Line S
Official Code for ICML 2021 paper "Revisiting Point Cloud Shape Classification with a Simple and Effective Baseline"
Revisiting Point Cloud Shape Classification with a Simple and Effective Baseline Ankit Goyal, Hei Law, Bowei Liu, Alejandro Newell, Jia Deng Internati
Developed an AI-based system to control the mouse cursor using Python and OpenCV with the real-time camera.
Developed an AI-based system to control the mouse cursor using Python and OpenCV with the real-time camera. Fingertip location is mapped to RGB images to control the mouse cursor.
TunBERT is the first release of a pre-trained BERT model for the Tunisian dialect using a Tunisian Common-Crawl-based dataset.
TunBERT is the first release of a pre-trained BERT model for the Tunisian dialect using a Tunisian Common-Crawl-based dataset. TunBERT was applied to three NLP downstream tasks: Sentiment Analysis (SA), Tunisian Dialect Identification (TDI) and Reading Comprehension Question-Answering (RCQA)
cpp20.py is a Python script to compile C++20 code using modules.
cpp20.py is a Python script to compile C++20 code using modules. It browses the source files to determine their dependencies. Then, it compiles then in order using the correct flags.
Pagination for your discord.py bot using the discord_components library!
Paginator - discord_components This repository is just an example code for how to carry out pagination using the discord_components library for python
Speech Recognition for Uyghur using Speech transformer
Speech Recognition for Uyghur using Speech transformer Training: this model using CTC loss and Cross Entropy loss for training. Download pretrained mo
flexible time-series processing & feature extraction
tsflex is a toolkit for flexible time-series processing & feature extraction, making few assumptions about input data. Useful links Documentation Exam
Summarize LSF job properties by parsing log files.
Summarize LSF job properties by parsing log files of workflows executed by Snakemake.
Thermal Control of Laser Powder Bed Fusion using Deep Reinforcement Learning
This repository is the implementation of the paper "Thermal Control of Laser Powder Bed Fusion Using Deep Reinforcement Learning", linked here. The project makes use of the Deep Reinforcement Library stable-baselines3 to derive a control policy that maximizes melt pool depth consistency.
Python-Repeated-Timer is an open-source & highly performing timer using only standard-libraries.
Python Repeated Timer Python-Repeated-Timer is an open-source & highly performing timer using only standard-libraries.
List of short Codeforces problems with a statement of 1000 characters or less. Python script and data files included.
Shortest problems on Codeforces List of Codeforces problems with a short problem statement of 1000 characters or less. Sorted for each rating level. B
Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing - Lectures 2021
This repository contains slides for the course "20-00-0947: Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing" (Technical University of Darmstadt, Summer term 2021).
A basic CRUD application built in flask using postgres as database
flask-postgres-CRUD A basic CRUD application built in flask using postgres as database Taks list Dockerfile Initial docker-compose - It is working Dat
This is a junk file creator tool which creates junk files in Internal Storage
This is a junk file creator tool which creates junk files in Internal Storage
Fetch is use to get information about anything on the shell using Wikipedia.
Fetch Search wikipedia article on command line [Why This?] [Support the Project] [Installation] [Configuration] Why this? Fetch helps you to quickly l
A collection of Classical Chinese natural language processing models, including Classical Chinese related models and resources on the Internet.
GuwenModels: 古文自然语言处理模型合集, 收录互联网上的古文相关模型及资源. A collection of Classical Chinese natural language processing models, including Classical Chinese related models and resources on the Internet.
Demo project for real time anomaly detection using kafka and python
kafkaml-anomaly-detection Project for real time anomaly detection using kafka and python It's assumed that zookeeper and kafka are running in the loca
Best discord webhook spammer using proxy (support all proxy type)
Best discord webhook spammer using proxy (support all proxy type)
A simple Python script using Telethon to log all (or some) messages a user or bot account can see on Telegram.
telegram-logger A simple Python script using Telethon to log all (or some) messages a user or bot account can see on Telegram. Requirements Python 3.6
🧪 Panel-Chemistry - exploratory data analysis and build powerful data and viz tools within the domain of Chemistry using Python and HoloViz Panel.
🧪📈 🐍. The purpose of the panel-chemistry project is to make it really easy for you to do DATA ANALYSIS and build powerful DATA AND VIZ APPLICATIONS within the domain of Chemistry using using Python and HoloViz Panel.
spafe: Simplified Python Audio-Features Extraction
spafe aims to simplify features extractions from mono audio files. The library can extract of the following features: BFCC, LFCC, LPC, LPCC, MFCC, IMFCC, MSRCC, NGCC, PNCC, PSRCC, PLP, RPLP, Frequency-stats etc. It also provides various filterbank modules (Mel, Bark and Gammatone filterbanks) and other spectral statistics.
We will see a basic program that is basically a hint to brute force attack to crack passwords. In other words, we will make a program to Crack Any Password Using Python. Show some ❤️ by starring this repository!
Crack Any Password Using Python We will see a basic program that is basically a hint to brute force attack to crack passwords. In other words, we will
In this repository, I have developed an end to end Automatic speech recognition project. I have developed the neural network model for automatic speech recognition with PyTorch and used MLflow to manage the ML lifecycle, including experimentation, reproducibility, deployment, and a central model registry.
End to End Automatic Speech Recognition In this repository, I have developed an end to end Automatic speech recognition project. I have developed the
Segmentation and Identification of Vertebrae in CT Scans using CNN, k-means Clustering and k-NN
Segmentation and Identification of Vertebrae in CT Scans using CNN, k-means Clustering and k-NN If you use this code for your research, please cite ou
Visualize Camera's Pose Using Extrinsic Parameter by Plotting Pyramid Model on 3D Space
extrinsic2pyramid Visualize Camera's Pose Using Extrinsic Parameter by Plotting Pyramid Model on 3D Space Intro A very simple and straightforward modu
Cloud Native sample microservices showcasing Full Stack Observability using AppDynamics and ThousandEyes
Cloud Native Sample Bookinfo App Observability Bookinfo is a sample application composed of four Microservices written in different languages.
virtual mouse which can copy files, close tabs and many other features !
AI Virtual Mouse Controller Developed an AI-based system to control the mouse cursor using Python and OpenCV with the real-time camera. Fingertip loca
DBMS Mini-project: Recruitment Management System
# Hire-ME DBMS Mini-project: Recruitment Management System. 💫 ✨ Features Python + MYSQL using mysql.connector library Recruiter and Client Panel Beau
Fast and configurable script to get and check free HTTP, SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 proxy lists from different sources and save them to files
Fast and configurable script to get and check free HTTP, SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 proxy lists from different sources and save them to files. It can also get geolocation for each proxy and check if proxies are anonymous.
This repository is an open-source implementation of the ICRA 2021 paper: Locus: LiDAR-based Place Recognition using Spatiotemporal Higher-Order Pooling.
Locus This repository is an open-source implementation of the ICRA 2021 paper: Locus: LiDAR-based Place Recognition using Spatiotemporal Higher-Order
UmlsBERT: Clinical Domain Knowledge Augmentation of Contextual Embeddings Using the Unified Medical Language System Metathesaurus
UmlsBERT: Clinical Domain Knowledge Augmentation of Contextual Embeddings Using the Unified Medical Language System Metathesaurus General info This is
Using pretrained language models for biomedical knowledge graph completion.
LMs for biomedical KG completion This repository contains code to run the experiments described in: Scientific Language Models for Biomedical Knowledg
ML Optimizers from scratch using JAX
Toy implementations of some popular ML optimizers using Python/JAX
Markup is an online annotation tool that can be used to transform unstructured documents into structured formats for NLP and ML tasks, such as named-entity recognition. Markup learns as you annotate in order to predict and suggest complex annotations. Markup also provides integrated access to existing and custom ontologies, enabling the prediction and suggestion of ontology mappings based on the text you're annotating.
Markup is an online annotation tool that can be used to transform unstructured documents into structured formats for NLP and ML tasks, such as named-entity recognition. Markup learns as you annotate in order to predict and suggest complex annotations. Markup also provides integrated access to existing and custom ontologies, enabling the prediction and suggestion of ontology mappings based on the text you're annotating.
Utility to extract Fantasy Grounds Unity Line-of-sight and lighting files from a Univeral VTT file exported from Dungeondraft
uvtt2fgu Utility to extract Fantasy Grounds Unity Line-of-sight and lighting files from a Univeral VTT file exported from Dungeondraft This program wo
This repository contains all the source code that is needed for the project : An Efficient Pipeline For Bloom’s Taxonomy Using Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning
Pipeline For NLP with Bloom's Taxonomy Using Improved Question Classification and Question Generation using Deep Learning This repository contains all
Scripts to download files and folders programmatically from Google Drive
Google Drive Downloader Scripts Every time I need to download a lot of files from Google Drive (e.g. a dataset), it's always incredibly frustrating an
uploadgram uses your Telegram account to upload files up to 2GiB, from the Terminal.
uploadgram uploadgram uses your Telegram account to upload files up to 2GiB, from the Terminal. Heavily inspired by the telegram-upload Installing: pi
This repository contains all the code and files needed to simulate the notspot quadrupedal robot using Gazebo and ROS.
Notspot robot simulation - Python version This repository contains all the files and code needed to simulate the notspot quadrupedal robot using Gazeb
Telegram PHub Bot using ARQ Api and Pyrogram. This Bot can Download and Send PHub HQ videos in Telegram using ARQ API.
Tg_PHub_Bot Telegram PHub Bot using ARQ Api and Pyrogram. This Bot can Download and Send PHub HQ videos in Telegram using ARQ API. OS Support All linu
A JupyterLab extension that allows opening files and directories with external desktop applications.
A JupyterLab extension that allows opening files and directories with external desktop applications.
Creates a landscape with more accurate river generation in Minecraft version 1.12 using python.
MinecraftLandRiverGen View the following youtube video to set up a world that can interact with the python programs
Learning trajectory representations using self-supervision and programmatic supervision.
Trajectory Embedding for Behavior Analysis (TREBA) Implementation from the paper: Jennifer J. Sun, Ann Kennedy, Eric Zhan, David J. Anderson, Yisong Y
The official implementation for ACL 2021 "Challenges in Information Seeking QA: Unanswerable Questions and Paragraph Retrieval".
Code for "Challenges in Information Seeking QA: Unanswerable Questions and Paragraph Retrieval" (ACL 2021, Long) This is the repository for baseline m
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2020.
What is being transferred in transfer learning? This repo contains the code for the following paper: Behnam Neyshabur*, Hanie Sedghi*, Chiyuan Zhang*.
A step-by-step tutorial for how to work with some of the most basic features of Nav2 using a Jupyter Notebook in a warehouse environment to create a basic application.
This project has a step-by-step tutorial for how to work with some of the most basic features of Nav2 using a Jupyter Notebook in a warehouse environment to create a basic application.