2840 Repositories
Python Project-Profile-REST-API Libraries
Shape Detection - It's a shape detection project with OpenCV and Python.
Shape Detection It's a shape detection project with OpenCV and Python. Setup pip install opencv-python for doing AI things. pip install simpleaudio fo
This python package provides a simple password reset strategy for django rest framework
Django Rest Password Reset This python package provides a simple password reset strategy for django rest framework, where users can request password r
A Django web application to receive, virus check and validate transfers of digital archival records, and allow archivists to appraise and accession those records.
Aurora Aurora is a Django web application that can receive, virus check and validate transfers of digital archival records, and allows archivists to a
Django backend of Helium's planner application
Helium Platform Project Prerequisites Python (= 3.6) Pip (= 9.0) MySQL (= 5.7) Redis (= 3.2) Getting Started The Platform is developed using Pytho
Tool that adds githuh profile views to ur acc
Tool that adds githuh profile views to ur acc
Final Project Bootcamp Zero
The Quest (Pygame) Descripción Este es el repositorio de código The-Quest para el proyecto final Bootcamp Zero de KeepCoding. El juego consiste en la
Fourth and final milestone project
Milestone Project 4: Pound Dog Click link to visit "Pound Dog" Aim of the project The aim of this project is to provide access to a website informing
REST API with Flask. No data persistence.
Flask REST API Python 3.9.7 The Flask experience, without data persistence :D First, to install all dependencies: python -m pip install -r requirement
A python script to send sms anonymously with SMS Gateway API. Works on command line terminal.
incognito-sms-sender A python script to send sms anonymously with SMS Gateway API. Works on command line terminal. Download and run script Go to API S
Bringing together django, django rest framework, and htmx
This is Just an Idea There is no code, this README just represents an idea for a minimal library that, as of now, does not exist. django-htmx-rest A l
Pyrin is an application framework built on top of Flask micro-framework to make life easier for developers who want to develop an enterprise application using Flask
Pyrin A rich, fast, performant and easy to use application framework to build apps using Flask on top of it. Pyrin is an application framework built o
A web application made with Flask that works with a weather service API to get the current weather from all over the world.
Weather App A web application made with Flask that works with a weather service API to get the current weather from all over the world. Uses data from
Sanic-RESTPlus is an extension for Sanic that adds support for quickly building REST APIs.
Sanic RestPlus Sanic-RESTPlus is an extension for Sanic that adds support for quickly building REST APIs. Sanic-RESTPlus encourages best practices wit
Neo4j Movies Example application with Flask backend using the neo4j-python-driver
Neo4j Movies Application: Quick Start This example application demonstrates how easy it is to get started with Neo4j in Python. It is a very simple we
Boilerplate code for a Python Flask API
MrMat :: Python :: API :: Flask Boilerplate code for a Python Flask API This variant of a Python Flask API is code-first and using native Flask Featur
Tubee is a web application, which runs actions when your subscribed channel upload new videos
Tubee is a web application, which runs actions when your subscribed channel upload new videos, think of it as a better IFTTT but built specifically for YouTube with many enhancements.
Learn REST API with Flask, Mysql and Docker
Learn REST API with Flask, Mysql and Docker A project for you to learn to work a flask REST api with docker and the mysql database manager! Table of C
📊 Python Flask game that consolidates data from Nasdaq, allowing the user to practice buying and selling stocks.
Web Trader Web Trader is a trading website that consolidates data from Nasdaq, allowing the user to search up the ticker symbol and price of any stock
A python file which I wrote to allow the Dorna Robots API to draw an Image on a 3D plane
Dorna-Robotics-Internship Code In the directory "Code" is a python file which I wrote to allow the Dorna Robots API to draw an Image on a 3D plane. I
This repo contains the Flask API to expose model and get predictions.
Tea Leaf Quality Srilanka Chapter This repo contains the Flask API to expose model and get predictions. Expose Model As An API Model Trainig will happ
(A)sync client for sms.ru with pydantic responses
🚧 aioSMSru Send SMS Check SMS status Get SMS cost Get balance Get limit Get free limit Get my senders Check login/password Add to stoplist Remove fro
CRUD app to create and save code snippets, Flask/Python restful Api/backend and React/Typescript frontend
MS3 Cheat-Hub A cheatsheet hub. An app that organizes your code snippets into collections of cheat sheets and allows you to view, like and save others
1cak - An Indonesian web that provide lot of fun.
An unofficial API of 1cak.com 1cak - An Indonesian web that provide lot of fun. Endpoint Lol - 10 Recent stored posts on database Example: https://on
iot-dashboard: Fully integrated architecture platform with a dashboard for Logistics Monitoring, Internet of Things.
Fully integrated architecture platform with a dashboard for Logistics Monitoring, Internet of Things. Written in Python. Flask applicati
Example Of Fine-Tuning BERT For Named-Entity Recognition Task And Preparing For Cloud Deployment Using Flask, React, And Docker
Example Of Fine-Tuning BERT For Named-Entity Recognition Task And Preparing For Cloud Deployment Using Flask, React, And Docker This repository contai
Warren - Stock Price Predictor
Web app to predict closing stock prices in real time using Facebook's Prophet time series algorithm with a multi-variate, single-step time series forecasting strategy.
URL Shortener in Flask - Web service using Flask framework for Shortener URLs
URL Shortener in Flask Web service using Flask framework for Shortener URLs Install Create Virtual env $ python3 -m venv env Install requirements.txt
ConnectLearn is an easy to use and deploy Open-Source Project meant to make it easier for the right students to find the right teachers online.
ConnectLearn ConnectLearn is an easy to use and deploy Open-Source Project meant to make it easier for the right students to find the right teachers o
A reusable Django app that configures your project for deployment
django-simple-deploy This app gives you a management command that configures your project for an initial deployment. It targets Heroku at the moment,
In this project, we create and implement a deep learning library from scratch.
ARA In this project, we create and implement a deep learning library from scratch. Table of Contents Deep Leaning Library Table of Contents About The
A minimal configuration for a dockerized kafka project.
Docker Kafka Quickstart A minimal configuration for a dockerized kafka project. Usage: Run this command to build kafka and zookeeper containers, and c
A pixeldrain python package using pixeldrain official api
Made with Python3 (C) @FayasNoushad Copyright permission under MIT License License - https://github.com/FayasNoushad/Pixeldrain/blob/main/LICENSE In
Project Tugas Besar pertama Pengenalan Komputasi Institut Teknologi Bandung
Vending_Machine_(Mesin_Penjual_Minuman) Project Tugas Besar pertama Pengenalan Komputasi Institut Teknologi Bandung Raw Sketch untuk Essay Ringkasan P
a discord libary that use to make discord bot with low efficiency and bad performance because I don't know how to manage the project
Aircord 🛩️ a discord libary that use to make discord bot with low efficiency and bad performance because I don't know how to manage the project Examp
This project helps to colorize grayscale images using multiple exemplars.
Multiple Exemplar-based Deep Colorization (Pytorch Implementation) Pretrained Model [Jitendra Chautharia](IIT Jodhpur)1,3, Prerequisites Python 3.6+ N
This is a telegram bot built using the Oxford Dictionary API
Oxford Dictionaries Telegram Bot This is a telegram bot built using the Oxford Dictionary API Source: Oxford Dictionaries API Documentation Install En
McTrade is a bot exploiting Binance API, open source! built in python !
Open Source Crypto Trading Bot using Binance API Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Contents About The Project Built With Getting Started Prerequis
my graduation project is about live human face augmentation by projection mapping by using CNN
Live-human-face-expression-augmentation-by-projection my graduation project is about live human face augmentation by projection mapping by using CNN o
This is a Machine Learning Based Hand Detector Project, It Uses Machine Learning Models and Modules Like Mediapipe, Developed By Google!
Machine Learning Hand Detector This is a Machine Learning Based Hand Detector Project, It Uses Machine Learning Models and Modules Like Mediapipe, Dev
Tempmail API aswell as a SMTP server.
Tempmail API/Server Tempmail API aswell as a SMTP server. Website · Report Bug · Request Feature Setup Firstly create a mongodb account, and proceed t
Web App for University Project
University Project About I made this web app to finish a project assigned by my teacher. It is written entirely in Python, thanks to streamlit to make
A simple python script that, given a location and a date, uses the Nasa Earth API to show a photo taken by the Landsat 8 satellite. The script must be executed on the command-line.
What does it do? Given a location and a date, it uses the Nasa Earth API to show a photo taken by the Landsat 8 satellite. The script must be executed
API Wrapper for seedr.cc
Seedr Python Client Seedr API built with 💛 by Souvik Pratiher Hit that Star button if you like this kind of SDKs and wants more of similar SDKs for o
A little side-project API for me to learn about Blockchain and Tokens
BlockChain API I built this little side project to learn more about Blockchain and Tokens. It might be maintained and implemented to other projects bu
A simple linux keylogger project.
The project This project is a simple linux keylogger. When activated, it registers all the actions made with the keyboard. The log files are registere
A web project to control the daily life budget planing
Budget Planning - API In this repo there's only the API and Back-End of the this project. Install and run the project # install virtualenv --python=py
Tactical RMM is a remote monitoring & management tool for Windows computers, built with Django and Vue.
Tactical RMM is a remote monitoring & management tool for Windows computers, built with Django and Vue. It uses an agent written in golan
A system for managing CI data for Mozilla projects
Treeherder Description Treeherder is a reporting dashboard for Mozilla checkins. It allows users to see the results of automatic builds and their resp
A Django-powered API with various utility apps / endpoints.
A Django-powered API Includes various utility apps / endpoints. Demos These web apps provide a frontend to the APIs in this project. Issue API Explore
Blog focused on skills enhancement and knowledge sharing. Tech Stack's: Vue.js, Django and Django-Ninja
Blog focused on skills enhancement and knowledge sharing. Tech Stack's: Vue.js, Django and Django-Ninja
A sentence search engine that fetches examples from trusted news/media organisations. Great for writing better English.
A sentence search engine that fetches examples from trusted news/media websites. Great for improving writing & speaking better English.
A python based library to help you create unique generative images based on Rarity for your next NFT Project
Generative-NFT Generate Unique Images based on Rarity A python based library to help you create unique generative images based on Rarity for your next
This project calculates current internet upload and download speeds.
Internet-Speed-Calculator Project Description: In this project, are creating an internet speed calculator. Requirements: Following modules need to be
🧑💼 Python wrapper for the Seek API
seek-com-au-api 🧑💼 Python wrapper for the seek.com.au API (unofficial) Installation Using Python = 3.6: pip install -e git+https://github.com/tomq
This is an experimental AES-encrypted RPC API for ESP 8266.
URPC This is an experimental AES-encrypted RPC API for ESP 8266. Usage The server folder contains a sample ESP 8266 project. Simply set the values in
Combine the power of FastAPI and Django to build a production-ready application capable of utilizing all of the best features of both worlds.
FastAPI and Django Combo This projects aims to combine FastAPI and Django to build a Production ready application capable of utilizing all of the feat
A python package that allows you to place automated trades using the TD Ameritrade API.
Template Repo Table of Contents Overview Setup Usage Support These Projects Overview Setup Setup - Requirements Install:* For this particular project,
Ghost source since the developer of the project quit due to reasons
👻 Ghost Selfbot The official code for Ghost which was recently discontinued and released to the public. Feel free to use any of the code found in thi
External Network Pentest Automation using Shodan API and other tools.
Chopin External Network Pentest Automation using Shodan API and other tools. Workflow Input a file containing CIDR ranges. Converts CIDR ranges to ind
All you need to understand CRUD and MVP in DRF
Book-Store-API This an API which has been put in place just to make you order for books, upload books with price, image and all, pay and automtically
Containers And REST APIs Workshop
Containers & REST APIs Workshop Containers vs Virtual Machines Ferramentas Podman: https://podman.io/ Docker: https://www.docker.com/ IBM CLI: https:/
CMPE 204 Modelling Project
CISC/CMPE 204 Modelling Project Welcome to the major project for CISC/CMPE 204 (Fall 2021)! Change this README.md file to summarize your project (few
A python library for anti-captcha.com
AntiCaptcha A python library for anti-captcha.com Documentation for the API Requirements git Install git clone https://github.com/ShayBox/AntiCaptcha.
Unofficial API wrapper for seedr.cc
Seedr API Unofficial API wrapper for seedr.cc Inspired by theabbie's seedr-api Powered by @harp_tech (Telegram) How to use You can install lib via git
A project that uses optical flow and machine learning to detect aimhacking in video clips.
waldo-anticheat A project that aims to use optical flow and machine learning to visually detect cheating or hacking in video clips from fps games. Che
Simple application TodoList django with ReactJS
Django & React Django We basically follow the Django REST framework quickstart guide here. Create backend folder with a virtual Python environment: mk
Django URL Shortener is a Django app to to include URL Shortening feature in your Django Project
Django URL Shortener Django URL Shortener is a Django app to to include URL Shortening feature in your Django Project Install this package to your Dja
This website serves as an online database (hosted via SQLLite) for fictional businesses in the area to store contact information (name, email, phone number, etc.) for fictional customers.
Django-Online-Business-Database-Project this project is still in progress Overview of Website This website serves as an online database (hosted via SQ
A mood based crypto tracking application.
Crypto Bud - API A mood based crypto tracking application. The main repository is private. I am creating the API before I connect everything to the ma
A tool for light-duty persistent memoization of API calls
JSON Memoize What is this? json_memoize is a straightforward tool for light-duty persistent memoization, created with API calls in mind. It stores the
Show how the redis works with Python (Django).
Redis Leaderboard Python (Django) Show how the redis works with Python (Django). Try it out deploying on Heroku (See notes: How to run on Google Cloud
API Simples com python utilizando a biblioteca FastApi
api-fastapi-python API Simples com python utilizando a biblioteca FastApi Para rodar esse script são necessárias duas bibliotecas: Fastapi: Comando de
A SageMaker Projects template to deploy a model from Model Registry, choosing your preferred method of deployment among async (Asynchronous Inference), batch (Batch Transform), realtime (Real-time Inference Endpoint). More to be added soon!
SageMaker Projects: Multiple Choice Deployment A SageMaker Projects template to deploy a model from Model Registry, choosing your preferred method of
API with high performance to create a simple blog and Auth using OAuth2 ⛏
DogeAPI API with high performance built with FastAPI & SQLAlchemy, help to improve connection with your Backend Side to create a simple blog and Cruds
A full Rest-API With Oauth2 and JWT for request & response a JSON file Using FastAPI and SQLAlchemy 🔑
Pexon-Rest-API A full Rest-API for request & response a JSON file, Building a Simple WorkFlow that help you to Request a JSON File Format and Handling
LuSyringe is a documentation injection tool for your classes when using Fast API
LuSyringe LuSyringe is a documentation injection tool for your classes when using Fast API Benefits The main benefit is being able to separate your bu
This is REST-API for Indonesian Text Summarization using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for the algorithm to summarize documents and FastAPI for the framework.
Indonesian Text Summarization Using FastAPI This is REST-API for Indonesian Text Summarization using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for the algorit
HTTP API for FGO game data. Transform the raw game data into something a bit more manageable.
FGO game data API HTTP API for FGO game data. Transform the raw game data into something a bit more manageable. View the API documentation here: https
Sample FastAPI project that uses async SQLAlchemy, SQLModel, Postgres, Alembic, and Docker.
FastAPI + SQLModel + Alembic Sample FastAPI project that uses async SQLAlchemy, SQLModel, Postgres, Alembic, and Docker. Want to learn how to build th
An abstract and extensible framework in python for building client SDKs and CLI tools for a RESTful API.
django-rest-client An abstract and extensible framework in python for building client SDKs and CLI tools for a RESTful API. Suitable for APIs made wit
DRF magic links
drf-magic-links Installation pip install drf-magic-links Add URL patterns # urls.py
I made this so I can control my Tapo L510 light bulb and Govee H6159 light strip using the PyP100 module and the Govee public API
TAPO-And-Govee-Controller I made this so I can control my Tapo L510 light bulb and Govee H6159 light strip using the PyP100 module and the Govee publi
Balsam Python client API & SDK
balsam No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator) This Python package is automatically
Get mutations in cluster by querying from LAPIS API
Cluster Mutation Script Get mutations appearing within user-defined clusters. Usage Clusters are defined in the clusters dict in main.py: clusters = {
Python Project on Pro Data Analysis Track
Udacity-BikeShare-Project: Python Project on Pro Data Analysis Track Basic Data Exploration with pandas on Bikeshare Data Basic Udacity project using
Project created to help beginner programmers to study, despite the lack of internet!
Project created to help beginner programmers to study, despite the lack of internet!
A simple project which is a ecm to found a good way to provide a path to img_dir in gooey
ECM to find a good way for img_dir Path in Gooey This code is just an ECM to find a good way to indicate a path of image in image_dir variable. We loo
program to store and update pokemons using SQL and Flask
Pokemon SQL and Flask Pokemons api in python. Technologies flask pymysql Description PokeCorp is a company that tracks pokemon and their trainers arou
Setup a flask project using a single command, right from creating virtual environment to creating Procfile for deployment.
AutoFlask-Setup About AutoFlask-Setup can help you set up a new Flask Project, right from creating virtual environment to creating Procfile for deploy
A light-weight open-source project CLI utility for showing services running on ports in a host
Portable Port Scanner (ppscanner) Portable Port Scanner (ppscanner) is a light-weight open-source CLI utility that leverages on nmap to make quick and
Code needed for hybrid land cover change analysis for NASA IDS project
Documentation for the NASA IDS change analysis Poley 10/21/2021 Required python packages: whitebox numpy rasterio rasterio.mask os glob math itertools
A StarkNet project template based on a Pythonic environment
StarkNet Project Template This is an opinionated StarkNet project template. It is based around the Python's ecosystem and best practices. tox to manag
Github scraper app is used to scrape data for a specific user profile created using streamlit and BeautifulSoup python packages
Github Scraper Github scraper app is used to scrape data for a specific user profile. Github scraper app gets a github profile name and check whether
a dnn ai project to classify which food people are eating on audio recordings
Deep Learning - EAT Challenge About This project is part of an AI challenge of the DeepLearning course 2021 at the University of Augsburg. The objecti
Prometheus exporter for CNMC API
CNMC Prometheus exporter It needs a Prometheus Pushgateway Install requirements via pip install -r requirements.txt Export the following environment v
TeslaPy - A Python implementation based on unofficial documentation of the client side interface to the Tesla Motors Owner API
TeslaPy - A Python implementation based on unofficial documentation of the client side interface to the Tesla Motors Owner API, which provides functiona
A multi-functional library for full-stack Deep Learning. Simplifies Model Building, API development, and Model Deployment.
chitra What is chitra? chitra (चित्र) is a multi-functional library for full-stack Deep Learning. It simplifies Model Building, API development, and M
Reddit bot that uses sentiment analysis
Reddit Bot Project 2: Neural Network Boogaloo Reddit bot that uses sentiment analysis from NLTK.VADER WIP_WIP_WIP_WIP_WIP_WIP Link to test subreddit:
demo project for django channels tutorial
django_channels_chat_official_tutorial demo project for django channels tutorial code from tutorial page: https://channels.readthedocs.io/en/stable/tu
Council Data Project is an open-source project dedicated to providing journalists, activists, researchers, and all members of each community we serve with the tools they need to stay informed and hold their Council Members accountable.
CDP - Self Council Data Project Council Data Project is an open-source project dedicated to providing journalists, activists, researchers, and all mem