1136 Repositories
Python django-rest-swagger Libraries
A minimal caching proxy to GitHub's REST & GraphQL APIs
github-proxy A caching forward proxy to GitHub's REST and GraphQL APIs. GitHub-Proxy is a thin, highly extensible, highly configurable python framewor
FastAPI-Amis-Admin is a high-performance, efficient and easily extensible FastAPI admin framework. Inspired by django-admin, and has as many powerful functions as django-admin.
简体中文 | English 项目介绍 FastAPI-Amis-Admin fastapi-amis-admin是一个拥有高性能,高效率,易拓展的fastapi管理后台框架. 启发自Django-Admin,并且拥有不逊色于Django-Admin的强大功能. 源码 · 在线演示 · 文档 · 文
Django + Next.js integration
Django Next.js Django + Next.js integration From a comment on StackOverflow: Run 2 ports on the same server. One for django (public facing) and one fo
CVE-2022-1388 F5 BIG-IP iControl REST Auth Bypass RCE
CVE-2022-1388 CVE-2022-1388 F5 BIG-IP iControl REST Auth Bypass RCE. POST /mgmt/tm/util/bash HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Accept: */
Light, Flexible and Extensible ASGI API framework
Starlite Starlite is a light and flexible ASGI API framework. Using Starlette and pydantic as foundations. Check out the Starlite documentation 📚 Cor
Potato Disease Classification - Training, Rest APIs, and Frontend to test.
Potato Disease Classification Setup for Python: Install Python (Setup instructions) Install Python packages pip3 install -r training/requirements.txt
Red Team Toolkit is an Open-Source Django Offensive Web-App which is keeping the useful offensive tools used in the red-teaming together.
RedTeam Toolkit Note: Only legal activities should be conducted with this project. Red Team Toolkit is an Open-Source Django Offensive Web-App contain
Boilerplate Django Blog for production deployments!
CFE Django Blog THIS IS COMING SOON This is boilerplate code that you can use to learn how to bring Django into production. TLDR; This is definitely c
Use watchfiles in Django’s autoreloader.
django-watchfiles Use watchfiles in Django’s autoreloader. Requirements Python 3.7 to 3.10 supported. Django 2.2 to 4.0 supported. Installation Instal
Advanced hot reloading for Python
The missing element of Python - Advanced Hot Reloading Details Reloadium adds hot reloading also called "edit and continue" functionality to any Pytho
Django Auth Protection This package logout users from the system by changing the password in Simple JWT REST API.
Django Auth Protection Django Auth Protection This package logout users from the system by changing the password in REST API. Why Django Auth Protecti
A clone of https://virgool.io written in django
Virgool clone A clone of virgool blog written in django Installation first rename the .env.sample to .env and fill it. with docker docker-compose up -
A ideia é fornecer uma base ampla de questões do ENEM como uma api REST
base10 "A ideia é fornecer uma base ampla de questões do ENEM como uma api REST" TODO Documentar a api com apifairy Criar testes Criar crawler para si
Notes taking website build with Docker + Django + React.
Notes website. Try it in browser! / But how to run? Description. This is monorepository with notes website. Website provides web interface for creatin
Its a simple and fun to use application. You can make your own quizes and send the lik of the quiz to your friends.
Quiz Application Its a simple and fun to use application. You can make your own quizes and send the lik of the quiz to your friends. When they would a
Industry ready custom API payload with an easy format for building Python APIs (Django/Django Rest Framework)
Industry ready custom API payload with an easy format for building Python APIs (Django/Django Rest Framework) Yosh! If you are a django backend develo
A client library for the REST API of DocuWare's DMS
docuware-client This is a client library for the REST API of DocuWare DMS. Since DocuWare's documentation regarding the REST API is very sparse (at th
Django-react-firebase-auth - A web app showcasing OAuth2.0 + OpenID Connect using Firebase, Django-Rest-Framework and React
Demo app to show Django Rest Framework working with Firebase for authentication
Django-Text-to-HTML-converter - The simple Text to HTML Converter using Django framework
Django-Text-to-HTML-converter This is the simple Text to HTML Converter using Dj
Django-shared-app-isolated-databases-example - Django - Shared App & Isolated Databases
Django - Shared App & Isolated Databases An app that demonstrates the implementa
Django-discord-bot - Framework for creating Discord bots using Django
django-discord-bot Framework for creating Discord bots using Django Uses ASGI fo
PicoStyle - Advance market place website written in django
Advance market place website written in django :) Online fashion store for whole
ProjectManagementWebsite - Project management website for CMSC495 built using the Django stack
ProjectManagementWebsite A minimal project management website for CMSC495 built
AddressBookApp - Address Book App in Django
AddressBookApp Application Name Address Book App in Django, 2022 Technologies La
A simple REST API to manage postal addresses, written in Python/Django.
A simple REST API to manage postal addresses, written in Python/Django.
Yummy Django API, it's the exclusive API used for the e-yummy-ke vue web app
Yummy Django API, it's the exclusive API used for the e-yummy-ke vue web app
A prettier way to see Django requests while developing
A prettier way to see Django requests while developing
Streamlining Django forms to provide all the wins of single-page-applications without the pain.
nango Streamlining Django forms to provide all the wins of single-page-applications without the pain. Key features Available to all Django deployments
A visual indicator of what environment/system you're using in django
A visual indicator of what environment/system you're using in django
Django server-side adapter for Inertia.js
django-inertia Django server-side new adapter for Inertia.js. Getting Started Install the package pip install django-inertia Configure your project A
A Student/ School management application built using Django and Python.
Student Management An awesome student management app built using Django.! Explore the docs » View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Content
DSpace REST API Client Library
DSpace Python REST Client Library This client library allows Python 3 scripts (Python 2 probably compatible but not officially supported) to interact
Deploying a production-ready Django project using Nginx and Gunicorn
django-nginx-gunicorn This project is for deploying a production-ready Django project using Nginx and Gunicorn. Running a local server of Django is no
Running in outer Django project folder (cd django_project)
Django Running in outer Django project folder (cd django_project) Make Migrations python manage.py makemigrations Migrate to Database python manage.py
A Django GraphQL (Graphene) base template
backend A Django GraphQL (Graphene) base template Make sure your IDE/Editor has Black and EditorConfig plugins installed; and configure it lint file a
This is a basic Todo Application API using Django Rest Framework
Todo Application This is a basic Todo Application API using Django Rest Framework. Todo Section - User can View his previously added todo items, creat
An unofficial API for lyricsfreak.com using django and django rest framework.
An unofficial API for lyricsfreak.com using django and django rest framework.
Django-powered application about blockchain (bitcoin)
Django-powered application about blockchain (bitcoin)
Manage your sqlite database very easy (like django) ...
Manage your sqlite database very easy (like django) ...
Loguru is an exceeding easy way to do logging in Python
Django Easy Logging Easy Django logging with Loguru Loguru is an exceeding easy way to do logging in Python. django-easy-logging makes it exceedingly
Advanced school management system written in Django :)
Advanced school management system written in Django :) ⚙️ Config the project First you should make venv for this project. So in the main root of proje
Twitter-redesign - Twitter Redesign With Django
Twitter Redesign A project that tests Django and React knowledge through a twitt
Django + NextJS + Tailwind Boilerplate
django + NextJS + Tailwind Boilerplate About A Django project boilerplate/templa
Django-Kubernetes - Learn how to deploy a docker-based Django application into a Kubernetes cluster into production on DigitalOcean
Django & Kubernetes Learn how to deploy a production-ready Django application in
This project is an open-source project which I made due to sharing my experience around the Python programming language.
django-tutorial This project is an open-source project which I made due to sharing my experience around the Django framework. What is Django? Django i
This is a template tag project for django to calculate in templates , enjoy it
Calculator-Template-Django this is a template tag project for django to calculate in templates , enjoy it Get Started : 1 - Download Source Code 2 - M
Realworld - Realworld using Django and HTMX
Realworld - Realworld using Django and HTMX
TinyApp - A Python (Django) Full Stack Application for shortening URLs
TinyApp A Python (Django) Full Stack Application for shortening URLs. How to sta
This is sample project needed for security course to connect web service to database
secufaku This is sample project needed for security course to "connect web service to database". Why it suits alignment purpose It connects to postgre
An app that allows you to add recipes from the dashboard made using DJango, JQuery, JScript and HTMl.
An app that allows you to add recipes from the dashboard. Then visitors filter based on different categories also each ingredient has a unique page with their related recipes.
Ecommerce app using Django, Rest API and ElasticSearch
e-commerce-app Ecommerce app using Django, Rest API, Docker and ElasticSearch Sort pipfile pipfile-sort Runserver with Werkzeug (django-extensions) .
Eureka is a Rest-API framework scraper based on FastAPI for cleaning and organizing data, designed for the Eureka by Turing project of the National University of Colombia
Eureka is a Rest-API framework scraper based on FastAPI for cleaning and organizing data, designed for the Eureka by Turing project of the National University of Colombia
Notes-Django: an advanced project to save notes in Django. where users are able to Create, Read, Update and Delete their notes.
An advanced software to keep you notes. It allows users to perform CRUD operations on theirs Notes. Was implemented Authorization and Authentication
Realtime data read and write without page refresh using Ajax in Django.
Realtime read-write with AJAX Hey,this is the basic implementation type of ajax realtime read write from the database. where you can insert or view re
Django Query Capture can check the query situation at a glance, notice slow queries, and notice where N+1 occurs.
django-query-capture Overview Django Query Capture can check the query situation at a glance, notice slow queries, and notice where N+1 occurs. Some r
pdm-django: Django command shortcuts for PDM
pdm-django: Django command shortcuts for PDM A plugin that gives you command shortcuts for developing with PDM. pdm run python manage.py runserver -
Django Serverless Cron - Run cron jobs easily in a serverless environment
Django Serverless Cron - Run cron jobs easily in a serverless environment
Django Rest Framework + React application.
Django Rest Framework + React application.
A CRUD and REST api with mongodb atlas.
Movies_api A CRUD and REST api with mongodb atlas. Setup First import all the python dependencies in your virtual environment or globally by the follo
Django-fast-export - Utilities for quickly streaming CSV responses to the client
django-fast-export Utilities for quickly streaming CSV responses to the client T
Customize the behavior of django.contrib.auth permissions.
Customizando o comportamento do django.contrib.auth. O que queremos? Não criar as permissões padrões automaticamente (add, delete, view, read). Criar
Djang Referral System
Djang Referral System About | Features | Technologies | Requirements | Starting | License | Author 🎯 About I created django referral system and I wan
Django SMTP Protocol with Gmail
Django SMTP Protocol with Gmail This is the free service from gmail to send and receive emails. What we need for this things done, Python/pip install
Connect Django Project to PostgreSQL
An application for learning things with creating quizzes and flashcards.Django, PostgresSQL are used for this project.
Django-gmailapi-json-backend - Email backend for Django which sends email via the Gmail API through a JSON credential
django-gmailapi-json-backend Email backend for Django which sends email via the
Mlflow-rest-client - Python client for MLflow REST API
Python Client for MLflow Python client for MLflow REST API. Features: Minimal de
CheckList-Api - Created with django rest framework and JWT(Json Web Tokens for Authentication)
CheckList Api created with django rest framework and JWT(Json Web Tokens for Aut
Projeto Crud Django and Mongo
Projeto-Crud_Django_and_Mongo Configuração para rodar o projeto Download Project
A Django web application that shortens long URLs. This is a demo project to show off my tech abilities.
Django URL Shortener This project is just a complete and production-ready URL shortener web application to show off my tech and coding abilities. Impo
A JSON API for returning Godspeak sentences. Based on the works of Terry A Davis (Rest in Peace, King)
GodspeakAPI A simple API for generating random words ("godspeaks"), inspired by the works of Terrence Andrew Davis (Rest In Peace, King). Installation
Exadel CompreFace is a free and open-source face recognition GitHub project
Exadel CompreFace is a leading free and open-source face recognition system Exadel CompreFace is a free and open-source face recognition service that
Async (trio) KuCoin minimal REST API + Websocket
Minimal Async KuCoin REST API + WebSocket using trio Coded by π (pi@pipad.org TG: @pipad) 22 January 2022 KuCoin needs an async Python client This cod
A simple document management REST based API for collaboratively interacting with documents
documan_api A simple document management REST based API for collaboratively interacting with documents.
Python library wrapping and enhancing the Invenio RDM REST API.
Iridium The metal Iridium is used to refine and enhance metal alloys. Similarly, this package provides an enhanced coating around the Invenio RDM APIs
Django GraphQL User Management
Django GraphQL User Management An app that explores User management with GraphQL using Graphene in Django. Topics covered: Login. Log Out. Authenticat
Django Pickled Model
Django Pickled Model Django pickled model provides you a model with dynamic data types. a field can store any value in any type. You can store Integer
Utilities to make function-based views cleaner, more efficient, and better tasting.
django-fbv Utilities to make Django function-based views cleaner, more efficient, and better tasting. 💥 📖 Complete documentation: https://django-fbv
Django channels basic chat
Django channels basic chat
This Deep Learning Model Predicts that from which disease you are suffering.
Deep-Learning-Project This Deep Learning Model Predicts that from which disease you are suffering. This Project Covers the Topics of Deep Learning Int
It's the assignment 1 from the Python 2 course, that requires a ToDoApp with authentication using Django
It's the assignment 1 from the Python 2 course, that requires a ToDoApp with authentication using Django
Django-pwned - A collection of django password validators
Django Pwned A collection of django password validators. Compatibility Python: 3
Analytics platform for Telegram Channels
Tele-Report Analytics platform for Telegram Channels 🚧 👷 Getting Started 1- Install redis and postgreSQL (it would be more generic in future, like u
A modern looking portfolio build with Django.
Django Portfolio A portfolio template using html/css/js in the frontend and Django as the backend framework. Cool features: smooth scrolling responsiv
open source online judge based on Vue, Django and Docker
An onlinejudge system based on Python and Vue
A flexible python library for building your own cron-like system, with REST APIs and a Web UI.
Nextdoor Scheduler ndscheduler is a flexible python library for building your own cron-like system to schedule jobs, which is to run a tornado process
Wagtail - Vue - Django : The initial environment of full-stack local dev web app with wagtail and vue
Wagtail - Vue - Django : The initial environment of full-stack local dev web app with wagtail and vue. A demo to show how to use .vue files inside django app.
Developer centric, performant and extensible Python ASGI framework
Introduction xpresso is an ASGI web framework built on top of Starlette, Pydantic and di, with heavy inspiration from FastAPI. Some of the standout fe
The model is designed to train a single and large neural network in order to predict correct translation by reading the given sentence.
Neural Machine Translation communication system The model is basically direct to convert one source language to another targeted language using encode
React.JS - Django Application Template
OTS React.JS - DJango Web Application (UNTESTED) This repository servers as a template for creating React.JS - Django Web Applications. Note that the
Generating a report CSV and send it to an email - Python / Django Rest Framework
Generating a report in CSV format and sending it to a email How to start project. Create a folder in your machine Create a virtual environment python3
A recipe sharing API built using Django rest framework.
Recipe Sharing API This is the backend API for the recipe sharing platform at https://mesob-recipe.netlify.app/ This API allows users to share recipes
FilmMikirAPI - A simple rest-api which is used for scrapping on the Kincir website using the Python and Flask package
FilmMikirAPI - A simple rest-api which is used for scrapping on the Kincir website using the Python and Flask package
A starter template for building a backend with Django and django-rest-framework using docker with PostgreSQL as the primary DB.
Django-Rest-Template! This is a basic starter template for a backend project with Django as the server and PostgreSQL as the database. About the templ
The PyTorch implementation of paper REST: Debiased Social Recommendation via Reconstructing Exposure Strategies
REST The PyTorch implementation of paper REST: Debiased Social Recommendation via Reconstructing Exposure Strategies. Usage Download dataset Download
Intellicards-backend - A Django project bootstrapped with django-admin startproject mysite
Intellicards-backend - A Django project bootstrapped with django-admin startproject mysite
Minimal example of getting Django + PyTest running on GitHub Actions
Minimal Django + Pytest + GitHub Actions example This minimal example shows you how you can runs pytest on your Django app on every commit using GitHu
Generate daily updated visualizations of user and repository statistics from the GitHub API using GitHub Actions
Generate daily updated visualizations of user and repository statistics from the GitHub API using GitHub Actions for any combination of private and public repositories - dark mode supported
Drf-stripe-subscription - An out-of-box Django REST framework solution for payment and subscription management using Stripe
Drf-stripe-subscription - An out-of-box Django REST framework solution for payment and subscription management using Stripe
webfest Django project @innovaccer
inno-doctor webfest Django project @innovaccer setup guide create new directory for project clone the repo with url into the directory make sure pytho
Neighbourhood - A python-django web app to help the residence of a given neighborhood know their surrounding better
Neighbourhood A python-django web app to help the residence of a given neighborh