11146 Repositories
Python Python-Essentials-Portfolio-Project Libraries
PyDateWaiter helps waiting special day & calculating remain days till that day with Python code.
PyDateWaiter (v.Beta) PyDateWaiter helps waiting special day(aniversary) & calculating remain days till that day with Python code. Made by wallga gith
Most Simple & Powefull web3 Trade Bot (WINDOWS LINUX) Suport BSC ETH
Most Simple & Powefull Trade Bot (WINDOWS LINUX) What Are Some Pros And Cons Of Owning A Sniper Bot? While having a sniper bot is typically an advanta
A popular children's game developed in Python.
Pedra Papel e Tesoura Um dos jogos mais populares da infância... 🪨 📜 ✂️ 💻 Situação do projeto: Projeto finalizado ✔️ 🛠 Tecnologias: Python Tkinter
DOTD - A murder mystery game made in Python
DOTD This repo holds the files for my video game project from ENG101, Disaster o
Iptvcrawl - A scrapy project for crawl IPTV playlist
iptvcrawl a scrapy project for crawl IPTV playlist. Dependency Python3 pip insta
Alienworlds-bot - A Python script made to automate the tidious job of mining on AlienWorlds
AlienWorlds bot A Python script designed to automate the tedious work of mining
WaterAndScreenBreakReminders - A small python program that reminds to take a water break every 15 minutes and a screen break every 30 minutes
Water-break and Screen-break Reminder A simple python program to remind user to
Synci - Learning project to create a websocket based client server messaging application
Synci Learning project to create a websocket based client server messaging appli
Spy Ad Network - Spy Ad Network Detection With Python
Spy Ad Network Spy Ad Network Detection Jumps from link to link to access a site
Film review classification
Film review classification Решение задачи классификации отзывов на фильмы на положительные и отрицательные с помощью рекуррентных нейронных сетей 1. З
Course on computational design, non-linear optimization, and dynamics of soft systems at UIUC.
Computational Design and Dynamics of Soft Systems · This is a repository that contains the source code for generating the lecture notes, handouts, exe
Procscan is a quick and dirty python script used to look for potentially dangerous api call patterns in a Procmon PML file.
PROCSCAN Procscan is a quick and dirty python script used to look for potentially dangerous api call patterns in a Procmon PML file. Installation git
A lightweight terminal-based password manager coded with Python using SQLCipher for SQLite database encryption.
password-manager A lightweight terminal-based password manager coded with Python using SQLCipher for SQLite database encryption. Screenshot Pre-requis
Explores the python bytecode, provides some tools to access it for fun and profit.
Pyasmtools - looking at the python bytecode for fun and profit. The pyasmtools library is made up of two parts A python bytecode disassembler . See Py
Generate daily updated visualizations of user and repository statistics from the GitHub API using GitHub Actions
Generate daily updated visualizations of user and repository statistics from the GitHub API using GitHub Actions for any combination of private and public repositories - dark mode supported
Video stream recording dockerized server using python/ffmpeg.
Stream Recording Server Video stream recording dockerized server using python/ffmpeg. Usage Configuration Prepare .env file, check .env.example for th
Open-source offline translation library written in Python. Uses OpenNMT for translations
Open source neural machine translation in Python. Designed to be used either as a Python library or desktop application. Uses OpenNMT for translations and PyQt for GUI.
Aircraft design optimization made fast through modern automatic differentiation
Aircraft design optimization made fast through modern automatic differentiation. Plug-and-play analysis tools for aerodynamics, propulsion, structures, trajectory design, and much more.
Matlab Python Heuristic Battery Opt - SMOP conversion and manual conversion
SMOP is Small Matlab and Octave to Python compiler. SMOP translates matlab to py
Cdk-python-crud-app - CDK Python CRUD App
Welcome to your CDK Python project! You should explore the contents of this proj
Python-zhuyin - An open source Python library that provides a unified interface for converting between Chinese pinyin and Zhuyin (bopomofo)
Python-zhuyin - An open source Python library that provides a unified interface for converting between Chinese pinyin and Zhuyin (bopomofo)
Bsvlib - Bitcoin SV (BSV) Python Library
bsvlib A Bitcoin SV (BSV) Python Library that is extremely simple to use but mor
PlexAutoSkip - Automatically skip content in Plex
PlexAutoSkip Automatically skip tagged content in Plex A background python scrip
Tkinter-ATM - Python GUI case made with Tkinter
tkinter-ATM Python GUI case made with Tkinter The task of this case was to creat
This project is related to a No-SQL database, whose data are referred to autoctone botanic species
This project is related to a No-SQL database, whose data are referred to autoctone botanic species. The final goal is creating a function that performs the estimation of the ornamental value, given the specific characteristics of a single species.
Using the provided dataset which includes various book features, in order to predict the price of books, using various proposed methods and models.
Using the provided dataset which includes various book features, in order to predict the price of books, using various proposed methods and models.
RL Algorithms with examples in Python / Pytorch / Unity ML agents
Reinforcement Learning Project This project was created to make it easier to get started with Reinforcement Learning. It now contains: An implementati
🔬 Fixed struct serialization system, using Python 3.9 annotated type hints
py-struct Fixed-size struct serialization, using Python 3.9 annotated type hints This was originally uploaded as a Gist because it's not intended as a
VCC-Generator is a python script that generate VCC for testing purposes only
VCC-Generator is a python script that generate VCC for testing purposes only
This repository introduces a short project about Transfer Learning for Classification of MRI Images.
Transfer Learning for MRI Images Classification This repository introduces a short project made during my stay at Neuromatch Summer School 2021. This
This is a backport of the BaseExceptionGroup and ExceptionGroup classes from Python 3.11.
This is a backport of the BaseExceptionGroup and ExceptionGroup classes from Python 3.11. It contains the following: The exceptiongroup.BaseExceptionG
This is the course project of AI3602: Data Mining of SJTU
This is the course project of AI3602: Data Mining of SJTU. Group Members include Jinghao Feng, Mingyang Jiang and Wenzhong Zheng.
Experimental musig2 python code, not for production use!
musig2-py Experimental musig2 python code, not for production use! This is just for testing things out. All public keys are encoded as 32 bytes, assum
A Python module for the generation and training of an entry-level feedforward neural network.
ff-neural-network A Python module for the generation and training of an entry-level feedforward neural network. This repository serves as a repurposin
Asynchronous Python API Wrapper for phisherman.gg
Asynchronous Python API Wrapper for phisherman.gg
A python implementation of our standard object-oriented encryption package, shipped with most apps.
Encryption Manager (python edition) VerseGroup's native encryption manager adapted for python applications. Function Generate new set of private and p
This repo contains a small project i've done using PILLOW module in python
This repo contains a small project i've done using PILLOW module in python. I wrote an automated script which generates more than 5k+ unique nfts with 0 hassle in less time.
Paid roles for discord using Stripe, Python, Flask & Docker
Welcome to Paycord Paid roles for discord using Stripe, Python, Flask & Docker. Setup Production On stripe dashboard, go Developers ➡️ Webhooks ➡️ Add
A Python script to backup all repos (public or private) of a user.
GithubBackupAllRepos A Python script to backup all repos (public or private) of a user. Features Clone public and private repos Load specified SSH key
Text mining project; Using distilBERT to predict authors in the classification task authorship attribution.
DistilBERT-Text-mining-authorship-attribution Dataset used: https://www.kaggle.com/azimulh/tweets-data-for-authorship-attribution-modelling/version/2
Automatically pulls specified repository whenever a specified file is pushed. Great for working collaboratively when you need to run something locally.
autopull Simple python tool that allows you to automatically pull from a github repository whenever a file with a specified name is uploaded installat
webfest Django project @innovaccer
inno-doctor webfest Django project @innovaccer setup guide create new directory for project clone the repo with url into the directory make sure pytho
Fully Automated YouTube Channel ▶️with Added Extra Features.
Fully Automated Youtube Channel ▒█▀▀█ █▀▀█ ▀▀█▀▀ ▀▀█▀▀ █░░█ █▀▀▄ █▀▀ █▀▀█ ▒█▀▀▄ █░░█ ░░█░░ ░▒█░░ █░░█ █▀▀▄ █▀▀ █▄▄▀ ▒█▄▄█ ▀▀▀▀ ░░▀░░ ░▒█░░ ░▀▀▀ ▀▀▀░
Map Matching & Weight Completion service - Java (Springboot) & Python(Flask)
Map Matching service to match coordinates to roads using Java and Springboot. Weight Completion service to fill in missing weights in a graph, using Python and Flask.
Mail-Checker is a python script that lets you see your mails directly from the terminal without having to login each time.
Mail-Checker ##Mail-Checker is a python script that lets you see your mails directly from the terminal without having to login each time. ##Before you
Neighbourhood - A python-django web app to help the residence of a given neighborhood know their surrounding better
Neighbourhood A python-django web app to help the residence of a given neighborh
Python - Aprendendo Python na ByLearn
PYTHON Identação Escopo Pai Escopo filho Escopo neto Variaveis
Flask RestAPI Project - Transimage Rest API For Python
[ 이미지 변환 플라스크 Rest API ver01 ] 0. Flask Rest API - in SunnyWeb : 이미지 변환 웹의 Flask
Snapchat-filters-app-opencv-python - Here we used opencv and other inbuilt python modules to create filter application like snapchat
Snapchat like filter App using opencv python Backend : opencv and python Library
🧮 Matrix Factorization for Collaborative Filtering is just Solving an Adjoint Latent Dirichlet Allocation Model after All
Accompanying source code to the paper "Matrix Factorization for Collaborative Filtering is just Solving an Adjoint Latent Dirichlet Allocation Model A
Lbl2Vec learns jointly embedded label, document and word vectors to retrieve documents with predefined topics from an unlabeled document corpus.
Lbl2Vec Lbl2Vec is an algorithm for unsupervised document classification and unsupervised document retrieval. It automatically generates jointly embed
A menu for pygame. Simple, and easy to use
pygame-menu Source repo on GitHub, and run it on Repl.it Introduction Pygame-menu is a python-pygame library for creating menus and GUIs. It supports
Bayesian Modeling and Computation in Python
Bayesian Modeling and Computation in Python Open access and Code This repository contains the open access version of the text and the code examples in
Transform Python source code into it's most compact representation
Python Minifier Transforms Python source code into it's most compact representation. Try it out! python-minifier currently supports Python 2.7 and Pyt
Intel® Neural Compressor is an open-source Python library running on Intel CPUs and GPUs
Intel® Neural Compressor targeting to provide unified APIs for network compression technologies, such as low precision quantization, sparsity, pruning, knowledge distillation, across different deep learning frameworks to pursue optimal inference performance.
🐳 RAUDI: Regularly and Automatically Updated Docker Images
🐳 RAUDI: Regularly and Automatically Updated Docker Images RAUDI (Regularly and Automatically Updated Docker Images) automatically generates and keep
👄 The most accurate natural language detection library for Python, suitable for long and short text alike
1. What does this library do? Its task is simple: It tells you which language some provided textual data is written in. This is very useful as a prepr
Email-osint - Email OSINT tool written in python3
Email-osint - Email OSINT tool written in python3
Language Used: Python . Made in Jupyter(Anaconda) notebook.
FACE-DETECTION-ATTENDENCE-SYSTEM Made in Jupyter(Anaconda) notebook. Language Used: Python Steps to perform before running the program : Install Anaco
Python data loader for Solar Orbiter's (SolO) Energetic Particle Detector (EPD).
Data loader (and downloader) for Solar Orbiter/EPD energetic charged particle sensors EPT, HET, and STEP. Supports level 2 and low latency data provided by ESA's Solar Orbiter Archive.
Terminal based chat - networking project with sockets in python
Terminal based chat - networking project with sockets in python
Solutions to the language assignment for Internship in JALA Technologies.
Python Assignment Solutions (JALA Technologies) Solutions to the language assignment for Internship in JALA Technologies. Features Properly formatted
Localization and multifractal properties of the long-range Kitaev chain in the presence of an Aubry-André-Harper modulation
This repository contains the code for the paper Localization and multifractal properties of the long-range Kitaev chain in the presence of an Aubry-André-Harper modulation.
Exam Schedule Generator using Genetic Algorithm
Exam Schedule Generator using Genetic Algorithm Requirements Use any kind of crossover Choose any justifiable rate of mutation Use roulette wheel sele
Sentiment-Analysis and EDA on the IMDB Movie Review Dataset
Sentiment-Analysis and EDA on the IMDB Movie Review Dataset The main part of the work focuses on the exploration and study of different approaches whi
This is a simple analogue clock made with turtle in python...
Analogue-Clock This is a simple analogue clock made with turtle in python... Requirements None, only you need to have windows 😉 ...Enjoy! Installatio
iso6.9 is a Discord bot written in Python and is used to make your Discord experience better
iso6.9-2.6stable (debloated) iso.bot is originally made by notsniped#4573. This is a remix of iso.bot by αrchιshα#5518. iso6.9 is a Discord bot writte
NFT collection generator. Generates layered images
NFT collection generator Generates layered images, whole collections. Provides additional functionality. Repository includes three scripts generate.py
MotorcycleParts DataAnalysis python
We work with the accounting department of a company that sells motorcycle parts. The company operates three warehouses in a large metropolitan area.
Hand Gesture Volume Control is AIML based project which uses image processing to control the volume of your Computer.
Hand Gesture Volume Control Modules There are basically three modules Handtracking Program Handtracking Module Volume Control Program Handtracking Pro
Sync Laravel queue with Python. Provides an interface for communication between Laravel and Python.
Python Laravel Queue Queue sync between Python and Laravel using Redis driver. You can process jobs dispatched from Laravel in Python. NOTE: This pack
Video Games Web Scraper is a project that crawls websites and APIs and extracts video game related data from their pages.
Video Games Web Scraper Video Games Web Scraper is a project that crawls websites and APIs and extracts video game related data from their pages. This
A Python Bytecode Disassembler helping reverse engineers in dissecting Python binaries
A Python Bytecode Disassembler helping reverse engineers in dissecting Python binaries by disassembling and analyzing the compiled python byte-code(.pyc) files across all python versions (including Python 3.10.*)
Toolchain for project structure and documents optimisation
ritocco Toolchain for project structure and documents optimisation
Socket programming is a way of connecting two nodes on a network to communicate with each other
Socket Programming in Python Socket programming is a way of connecting two nodes on a network to communicate with each other. One socket(node) listens
Coded in Python 3 - I make for education, easily clone simple website.
Simple Website Cloner - Single Page Coded in Python 3 - I make for education, easily clone simple website. How to use ? Install Python 3 first. Instal
Program your own vulkan.gpuinfo.org query in Python. Used to determine baseline hardware for WebGPU.
query-gpuinfo-data License This software is not presently released under a license. The data in data/ is obtained under CC BY 4.0 as specified there.
A Very simple free proxy list scraper.
Scrappp A Very simple free proxy list scraper, made in python The tool scrape proxy from diffrent sites and api's. Screenshots About the script !!! RE
Simple project to learn more about Bézier curves
Python Quadratic Bézier Simple project to learn more about Bézier curves. On this project i used some api's to graphics and gui pygame thorpy in theor
Construção de um jogo Dominó na linguagem python com base em algoritmos personalizados.
Domino (projecto-python) Construção de um jogo Dominó na linguaguem python com base em algoritmos personalizados e na: Monografia apresentada ao curso
Código python para automatizar a junção de arquivos CSV's e salva-los em uma pasta final de destino.
merge_csv Código python para automatizar a junção de arquivos CSV's e salva-los em uma pasta final de destino. Esse projeto é usado pra unir alguns ar
Osmopy - osmo python client library
osmopy Version 0.0.2 Tools for Osmosis wallet management and offline transaction
Farlimit - FastAPI rate limit with python
FastAPIRateLimit Contributing is F&E (free&easy) Y Usage pip install farlimit N
OpenSea-Python-Bot - OpenSea Python Bot can be used in 2 modes
OpenSea-Python-Bot OpenSea Python Bot can be used in 2 modes. When --nft paramet
In this project , I play with the YouTube data API and extract trending videos in Nigeria on a particular day
YouTubeTrendingVideosAnalysis In this project , I played with the YouTube data API and extracted trending videos in Nigeria on a particular day. This
Designed a greedy algorithm based on Markov sequential decision-making process in MATLAB/Python to optimize using Gurobi solver
Designed a greedy algorithm based on Markov sequential decision-making process in MATLAB/Python to optimize using Gurobi solver, the wheel size, gear shifting sequence by modeling drivetrain constraints to achieve maximum laps in a race with a 2-hour time window.
MariaDB connector using python and flask
MariaDB connector using python and flask This should work with flask and to be deployed on docker. Setting up stuff 1. Docker build and run docker bui
A command line tool to publish ads on ebay-kleinanzeigen.de
kleinanzeigen-bot Feedback and high-quality pull requests are highly welcome! About Installation Usage Development Notes License About kleinanzeigen-b
An implementation of an interpreter for the Brainfuck esoteric language in Python
Brainfuck Interpreter in Python An implementation of an interpreter for the Brainfuck esoteric language in Python. 🧠 The Brainfuck Language Created i
100 numpy exercises (with solutions)
100 numpy exercises This is a collection of numpy exercises from numpy mailing list, stack overflow, and numpy documentation. I've also created some p
Practical Python Programming
Welcome! When I first learned Python nearly 25 years ago, I was immediately struck by how I could productively apply it to all sorts of messy work pro
Companion code to my O'Reilly book "Flask Web Development", second edition.
Flasky This repository contains the source code examples for the second edition of my O'Reilly book Flask Web Development. The commits and tags in thi
A supercharged Git/GitHub command line interface (CLI)
A supercharged Git/GitHub command line interface (CLI).
Financial portfolio optimisation in python, including classical efficient frontier, Black-Litterman, Hierarchical Risk Parity
PyPortfolioOpt has recently been published in the Journal of Open Source Software 🎉 PyPortfolioOpt is a library that implements portfolio optimizatio
Think DSP: Digital Signal Processing in Python, by Allen B. Downey.
ThinkDSP LaTeX source and Python code for Think DSP: Digital Signal Processing in Python, by Allen B. Downey. The premise of this book (and the other
A python tutorial on bayesian modeling techniques (PyMC3)
Bayesian Modelling in Python Welcome to "Bayesian Modelling in Python" - a tutorial for those interested in learning how to apply bayesian modelling t
Python Machine Learning Jupyter Notebooks (ML website)
Python Machine Learning Jupyter Notebooks (ML website) Dr. Tirthajyoti Sarkar, Fremont, California (Please feel free to connect on LinkedIn here) Also
Tech Resources for Academic Communities
Free tech resources for faculty, students, researchers, life-long learners, and academic community builders for use in tech based courses, workshops, and hackathons.
A sequence of Jupyter notebooks featuring the 12 Steps to Navier-Stokes
CFD Python Please cite as: Barba, Lorena A., and Forsyth, Gilbert F. (2018). CFD Python: the 12 steps to Navier-Stokes equations. Journal of Open Sour
A proof-of-concept jupyter extension which converts english queries into relevant python code
Text2Code for Jupyter notebook A proof-of-concept jupyter extension which converts english queries into relevant python code. Blog post with more deta