11423 Repositories
Python Python-GTPS-Status-bot Libraries
An API wrapper for Discord written in Python.
disnake A modern, easy to use, feature-rich, and async ready API wrapper for Discord written in Python. About disnake All the contributors and develop
Ready to use and customizable Authentications and Authorisation management for FastAPI ⚡
AuthenticationX 💫 Ready-to-use and customizable Authentications and Oauth2 management for FastAPI ⚡
🐍 This snake helps you reconnect the Web, with RSS feeds!
This snake helps you reconnect the Web, with RSS feeds! RSSerpent is an open-source software that create RSS feeds for websites that do not provide an
A FORKED AND Modded version of TL:GD for 🅱️3R0K🧲support
for support join here working example group Leech Here For Any Issues/Imrovements or Discussions go here or here Please Leave A star And Fork this Rep
python script to buy token from pancakeswap
pancakeswapBot python script to buy token from pancakeswap Change your privatekey!!! on line 58 (signed_txn = web3.eth.account.sign_transaction(pancak
Psgcompiler A PySimpleGUI Application - Transform your Python programs in Windows, Mac, and Linux binary executables
psgcompiler A PySimpleGUI Application "Compile" your Python programs into an EXE for Windows, an APP for Mac, and a binary for Linux Installation Old-
Python based Telegram bot. Search and download YouTube video or audio.
Python-Telegram-Youtube-Media-Bot Python based Telegram bot. Search and download YouTube video or audio. Just change settings.py and start TelegramBot
A Pythonic library for Nvidia Codec.
A Pythonic library for Nvidia Codec. The project is still in active development; expect breaking changes. Why another Python library for Nvidia Codec?
Among Us Editor written in Python, for newer versions of the game
Among Us Editor Remake Among Us Editor written in Python, for newer versions of the game. Credits GUI Code by Vresod Data dumping and some GUI code by
The git for the Python Story Utility Package library.
SUP The git for the Python Story Utility Package library. Installation: Install SUP by simply running pip install psup in your terminal. Check out our
Spore API wrapper written in Python
A wrapper for the Spore API that simplifies and complements its functionality
A demo of chinese asr
chinese_asr_demo 一个端到端的中文语音识别模型训练、测试框架 具备数据预处理、模型训练、解码、计算wer等等功能 训练数据 训练数据采用thchs_30,
This is a library to do functional programming in Python.
Fpylib This is a library to do functional programming in Python. Index Fpylib Index Features Intelligents Ranges with irange Lazyness to functions Com
This is PDF Merger Application Developed using Just Python
This is PDF Merger Application Developed using Just Python
Python bot for send videos of a Youtube channel to a telegram group , channel or chat
py_youtube_to_telegram Usage: If you want to install ytt and use it, run this command: sudo sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nima
Eros is an expiremental programming language built using simple Python code.
Eros is an expiremental programming language built using simple Python code. Featuring an easy syntax and unique features like type slicing, the language remains an expirement that grows in down time.
This is simple maker for level card in discord bot.
mariocard This is simple maker for level card in discord bot in discord.py or pycord. Installing Python 3.8 or higher is required # Linux/macOS pip3 i
A numbers check python package
A numbers check python package
Twitch Points Miner for multiple accounts with Discord logging
Twitch Points Miner for multiple accounts with Discord logging Creator of the Twitch Miner -- PLEASE NOTE THIS IS PROBABLY BANNABLE -- Made on python
NixOps is a tool for deploying to NixOS machines in a network or cloud.
NixOps NixOps is a tool for deploying to NixOS machines in a network or the cloud. Key features include: Declarative: NixOps determines and carries ou
xkeysnail is yet another keyboard remapping tool for X environment written in Python
xkeysnail is yet another keyboard remapping tool for X environment written in Python. It's like xmodmap but allows more flexible remappings.
Cookiecutter for creating open source Python packages
Cookiecutter for rapidly developing new open source Python packages. Best practices with all the modern bells and whistles included.
Learning kernels to maximize the power of MMD tests
Code for the paper "Generative Models and Model Criticism via Optimized Maximum Mean Discrepancy" (arXiv:1611.04488; published at ICLR 2017), by Douga
Tensorflow Implementation of the paper "Spectral Normalization for Generative Adversarial Networks" (ICML 2017 workshop)
tf-SNDCGAN Tensorflow implementation of the paper "Spectral Normalization for Generative Adversarial Networks" (https://www.researchgate.net/publicati
Official Chainer implementation of GP-GAN: Towards Realistic High-Resolution Image Blending (ACMMM 2019, oral)
GP-GAN: Towards Realistic High-Resolution Image Blending (ACMMM 2019, oral) [Project] [Paper] [Demo] [Related Work: A2RL (for Auto Image Cropping)] [C
A DCGAN to generate anime faces using custom mined dataset
Anime-Face-GAN-Keras A DCGAN to generate anime faces using custom dataset in Keras. Dataset The dataset is created by crawling anime database websites
Self Organising Map (SOM) for clustering of atomistic samples through unsupervised learning.
Self Organising Map for Clustering of Atomistic Samples - V2 Description Self Organising Map (also known as Kohonen Network) implemented in Python for
📈 A Discord bot for displaying the download stats of a repository made with Python, the Hikari API and PostgreSQL.
📈 axyl-stats axyl-stats is a Discord bot made with Python (with the Hikari API wrapper) and PostgreSQL, used as a download counter for a GitHub repo.
A faster Python generator that get function results from multi-process workers
multiyield This package implements a Python generator that get function results from multi-process workers. The faster_fifo Queue (instead of the stan
This is a wonderful simple python tool used to store the keyboard log.
Keylogger This is a wonderful simple python tool used to store the keyboard log. Record your keys. It will capture passwords and credentials in a comp
Python program to start your zoom meetings
zoomstarter Python programm to start your zoom meetings More about Initially this was a bash script for starting zoom meetings, but as i started devel
A simple python application for running a CI pipeline locally This app currently supports GitLab CI scripts
🏃 Simple Local CI Runner 🏃 A simple python application for running a CI pipeline locally This app currently supports GitLab CI scripts ⚙️ Setup Inst
This piece of code is a User Welcomer with Image Manipulation using Python and Pillow (PIL).
This piece of code is a User Welcomer with Image Manipulation using Python and Pillow (PIL).
Python script to generate Vale linting rules from word usage guidance in the Red Hat Supplementary Style Guide
ssg-vale-rules-gen Python script to generate Vale linting rules from word usage guidance in the Red Hat Supplementary Style Guide. These rules are use
Generic python project template
generic-python-project-template generic-python-project-template STEPS - STEP 01- Create a repository by using template repository STEP 02- Clone the n
Simple VK API wrapper for Python
VK Admier: documentation VK Admier is simple VK API wrapper for community bot development. Authorization You should create bot object from Client clas
This is a python helper package for Telebirr H5 Web payment integration helper.
Telebirr This is a python helper package for Telebirr H5 Web payment integration helper. The use case for this interface is payment via web. Third par
A simple discord bot based on python
A simple discord bot based on python
Bingo game with python
bingo-game-with-python type of plays possible player vs computer player vs player computer vs computer game is built with 4 objects classes 1.game 2.b
A Game of Life implementation in Python
Game of Life in Python (Golipy) Golipy is a simulator of John H. Conway's Game of Life, developed in Python based on the Pygame library. This is a toy
Draw random mazes in python
a-maze Draw random mazes in python This program generates and draws a rectangular maze, with an entrance on one side and one on the opposite side. The
This Python library searches through a static directory and appends artist, title, track number, album title, duration, and genre to a .json object
This Python library searches through a static directory (needs to match your environment) and appends artist, title, track number, album title, duration, and genre to a .json object. This .json object is then used to post data to a specified table in a local MySQL database, credentials of which the user must set.
This is a simple Python Script to download Imgur Pictures with the short url!
Imgur Downloader This is a simple Python Script that runs a process with progress bar that downloads an Imgur Picture! Code Example Features Progress
Boilerplate for starting a python project
Python Project Boilerplate Simple boilerplate for starting a python proect. Using the repo Follow following steps to install client on server Create a
Google Maps crawler using Selenium
Google Maps Crawler using Selenium Built as part of the Antifragile Dev Project Selenium crawler that browses Google Maps as a regular user and stores
A check numbers python module
Made with Python3 (C) @FayasNoushad Copyright permission under MIT License License - https://github.com/FayasNoushad/Numbers/blob/main/LICENSE Deplo
A bot that tweets info and location map for new bicycle parking added to OpenStreetMap within a GeoJSON boundary.
Bike parking tweepy bot app A twitter bot app that searches for bicycle parking added to OpenStreetMap. Relies on AWS Lambda/S3, Python3, Tweepy, Flas
This is a command line program to play cricket made using Python.
SimpleCricketPython This is a command line program to play cricket made using Python How it works First you have the option of selecting whether you
Lightweight Python library for adding real-time object tracking to any detector.
Norfair is a customizable lightweight Python library for real-time 2D object tracking. Using Norfair, you can add tracking capabilities to any detecto
A Python implementation of Jerome Friedman's Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines
py-earth A Python implementation of Jerome Friedman's Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines algorithm, in the style of scikit-learn. The py-earth p
A scikit-learn-compatible module for estimating prediction intervals.
MAPIE - Model Agnostic Prediction Interval Estimator MAPIE allows you to easily estimate prediction intervals (or prediction sets) using your favourit
Metric learning algorithms in Python
metric-learn: Metric Learning in Python metric-learn contains efficient Python implementations of several popular supervised and weakly-supervised met
Deep metric learning methods implemented in Chainer
Deep Metric Learning Implementation of several methods for deep metric learning in Chainer v4.2.0. Proxy-NCA: No Fuss Distance Metric Learning using P
Distance correlation and related E-statistics in Python
dcor dcor: distance correlation and related E-statistics in Python. E-statistics are functions of distances between statistical observations in metric
PyClustering is a Python, C++ data mining library.
pyclustering is a Python, C++ data mining library (clustering algorithm, oscillatory networks, neural networks). The library provides Python and C++ implementations (C++ pyclustering library) of each algorithm or model. C++ pyclustering library is a part of pyclustering and supported for Linux, Windows and MacOS operating systems.
Kalman Filter book using Jupyter Notebook. Focuses on building intuition and experience, not formal proofs. Includes Kalman filters,extended Kalman filters, unscented Kalman filters, particle filters, and more. All exercises include solutions.
Kalman and Bayesian Filters in Python Introductory text for Kalman and Bayesian filters. All code is written in Python, and the book itself is written
A statistical library designed to fill the void in Python's time series analysis capabilities, including the equivalent of R's auto.arima function.
pmdarima Pmdarima (originally pyramid-arima, for the anagram of 'py' + 'arima') is a statistical library designed to fill the void in Python's time se
A statistical library designed to fill the void in Python's time series analysis capabilities, including the equivalent of R's auto.arima function.
pmdarima Pmdarima (originally pyramid-arima, for the anagram of 'py' + 'arima') is a statistical library designed to fill the void in Python's time se
Sequence to Sequence (seq2seq) Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) for Time Series Forecasting
Sequence to Sequence (seq2seq) Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) for Time Series Forecasting Note: You can find here the accompanying seq2seq RNN forecas
A Python implementation of FastDTW
fastdtw Python implementation of FastDTW [1], which is an approximate Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithm that provides optimal or near-optimal align
Plazmix API wrapper for Python
An optimised, easy to use Plazmix API wrapper written in Python
A query extract python package
A query extract python package
A QR Code encode and decode python module
A QR Code encode and decode python module
LittlePythonGUIGuide - This is a short GUI Guide with python
This is a short GUI Guide with python, learning how to use the simple and easy moduel built into python, named tkinter.
The hippynn python package - a modular library for atomistic machine learning with pytorch.
The hippynn python package - a modular library for atomistic machine learning with pytorch. We aim to provide a powerful library for the training of a
Calling Julia from Python - an experiment on data loading
Calling Julia from Python - an experiment on data loading See the slides. TLDR After reading Patrick's blog post, we decided to try to replace C++ wit
Get random jokes bapack2 on telegram
Jokes Bapack2 Telegram Bot Get random jokes bapack2 from jokes-bapack2-api on telegram bot Screenshot Requirements python pip pipenv python-telegram-b
Freqtrade 3commas wrapper for python
Freqtrade 3commas wrapper The aim of this project is to provide an easy way to integrate freqtrade with 3commas. The main reason someone would want to
Twitter-clone using Django (DRF) + VueJS
Twitter Clone work in progress 🚧 A Twitter clone project Table Of Contents About the Project Built With Getting Started Running project License Autho
Discord bot code to stop users that are scamming with fake messages of free discord nitro on servers in order to steal users accounts.
AntiScam Discord bot code to stop users that are scamming with fake messages of free discord nitro on servers in order to steal users accounts. How to
Chainlink Python Serverless External Adapter Template
This template shows a basic usecase of an external adapter written in Python for the CryptoCompare API. It can be ran locally, in Docker, AWS Lambda, or GCP Functions.
Discord bot for Shran development
shranbot A discord bot named Herbert West that will monitor the Shran development discord server. Using dotenv shranbot uses a .env file to load secre
Gesture Volume Control Using OpenCV and MediaPipe
This Project Uses OpenCV and MediaPipe Hand solutions to identify hands and Change system volume by taking thumb and index finger positions
Ensure secure infrastructure and consistency with the firewall rules
Python Port Scanner This script tries to check if it's possible to make a connection with the specific endpoint port. This is very useful to ensure se
An experimental Python-to-C transpiler and domain specific language for embedded high-performance computing
An experimental Python-to-C transpiler and domain specific language for embedded high-performance computing
Python Control Systems Library
The Python Control Systems Library is a Python module that implements basic operations for analysis and design of feedback control systems.
Python project to take sound as input and output as RGB + Brightness values suitable for DMX
sound-to-light Python project to take sound as input and output as RGB + Brightness values suitable for DMX Current goals: Get one pixel working: Vary
Disco is an extensive and extendable Python 2.x/3.x library for the Discord API.
disco Disco is an extensive and extendable Python 2.x/3.x library for the Discord API. Disco boasts the following major features: Expressive, function
A Way to Use Python, Easier.
PyTools A Way to Use Python, Easier. How to Install Just copy this code, then make a new file in your project directory called PyTools.py, then paste
A calculator to test numbers against the collatz conjecture
The Collatz Calculator This is an algorithm custom built by Kyle Dickey, used to test numbers against the simple rules of the Collatz Conjecture.
Shell Trality API for local development.
Trality Simulator Intro This package is a work in progress. It allows local development of Trality bots in an IDE such as VS Code. The package provide
Python: Asynchronous client for the Open-Meteo API.
Python: Asynchronous client for the Open-Meteo API. Asynchronous client for the Open-Meteo API. About Open-Meteo offers free weather forecast APIs for
Python library for Serbian Natural language processing (NLP)
SrbAI - Python biblioteka za procesiranje srpskog jezika SrbAI je projekat prikupljanja algoritama i modela za procesiranje srpskog jezika u jedinstve
Simple Python Gemini browser with nice formatting
gg I wasn't satisfied with any of the other available Gemini clients, so I wrote my own. Requires Python 3.9 (maybe older, I haven't checked) and opti
vartests is a Python library to perform some statistic tests to evaluate Value at Risk (VaR) Models
vartests is a Python library to perform some statistic tests to evaluate Value at Risk (VaR) Models, such as: T-test: verify if mean of distribution i
🌟 Python algorithm team note for programming competition or coding test
🌟 Python algorithm team note for programming competition or coding test
A template for some new Python tool or package with a reasonable basic setup.
python-app-template A template with a reasonable basic setup, including: black (formatting) flake8 (linting) mypy (type checking) isort (import sortin
Encrypted Python Password Manager
PyPassKeep Encrypted Python Password Manager About PyPassKeep (PPK for short) is an encrypted python password manager used to secure your passwords fr
A small bot to interact with the reddit API. Get top viewers and update the sidebar widget.
LiveStream_Reddit_Bot Get top twitch and facebook stream viewers for a game and update the sidebar widget and old reddit sidebar to show your communit
Create a 2D mesh for an airfoil in GMSH using python.
GMSHFoil A simple class to create a 2D mesh for an airfoil in GMSH using python. Requirements pip install airfoils
You can connect with Sanila Ranatunga using this bot😉😉
Sanila-Ranatunga-s-Assistant-Bot You can connect with Sanila Ranatunga using this bot 😉 😉 Reach me on Telegram Sanila's Assistant Bot What is Telegr
Bot Telegram per creare e gestire un Babbo Natale Segreto con amici ecc
Babbo Natale Segreto: Telegram Bot Bot Telegram per creare e gestire un Babbo Natale Segreto con amici ecc. Che cos'è? Il Babbo Natale Segreto è un gi
Implementation of the master's thesis "Temporal copying and local hallucination for video inpainting".
Temporal copying and local hallucination for video inpainting This repository contains the implementation of my master's thesis "Temporal copying and
PSP (Python Starter Package) is meant for those who want to start coding in python but are new to the coding scene.
Python Starter Package PSP (Python Starter Package) is meant for those who want to start coding in python, but are new to the coding scene. We include
Pyfunctools is a module that provides functions, methods and classes that help in the creation of projects in python
Pyfunctools Pyfunctools is a module that provides functions, methods and classes that help in the creation of projects in python, bringing functional
A calculator to test numbers against the collatz conjecture
The Collatz Calculator This is an algorithm custom built by Kyle Dickey, used to test numbers against the simple rules of the Collatz Conjecture. Get
Code for DeepXML: A Deep Extreme Multi-Label Learning Framework Applied to Short Text Documents
DeepXML Code for DeepXML: A Deep Extreme Multi-Label Learning Framework Applied to Short Text Documents Architectures and algorithms DeepXML supports
Thinky nature dots with python
Thinky Nature Welcome to my rice dotfiles of my ThinkPad X230 You surely will need to change some configs to fit your files and stuff and maybe tweak
A python tool one can extract the "hash" from a WINDOWS HELLO PIN
WINHELLO2hashcat About With this tool one can extract the "hash" from a WINDOWS HELLO PIN. This hash can be cracked with Hashcat, more precisely with
A simple Python script to convert multiple images (well technically also a single image) into a pdf.
PythonImage2PDF A simple Python script to convert multiple images into a single PDF-document. Created basically for only my own needs for converting m