10430 Repositories
Python Python-Interview-Questions Libraries
A tutorial designed to introduce you to SQlite 3 database using python
SQLite3-python-tutorial A tutorial designed to introduce you to SQlite 3 database using python What is SQLite? SQLite is an in-process library that im
Image Processing HighPass Filter With Python
Image_Processing_HighPassFilter High Pass Filter take the high frequency and ignore the low frequency High Pass Filter can be use to sharpening an ima
Hub is a dataset format with a simple API for creating, storing, and collaborating on AI datasets of any size.
Hub is a dataset format with a simple API for creating, storing, and collaborating on AI datasets of any size. The hub data layout enables rapid transformations and streaming of data while training models at scale. Hub is used by Google, Waymo, Red Cross, Oxford University, and Omdena.
Repository of the Code to Chatbots, developed in Python
Description In this repository you will find the Code to my Chatbots, developed in Python. I'll explain the structure of this Repository later. Requir
A Powerful telegram giveawayz bot based on the python-telegram-bot API
GiveawayZ Bot A Powerful telegram giveawayz bot based on the python-telegram-bot API. Powered by Team Zyntax and Team DFX Developed by @Zycho-Dev A pr
Python drivers for YeeNet firmware
yeenet-router-driver-python Python drivers for YeeNet firmware This repo is under heavy development. Many or all of these scripts are not likely to wo
Based on the selenium automatic test framework of python, the program crawls the score information of the educational administration system of a unive
whpu_spider 该程序基于python的selenium自动化测试框架,对某高校的教务系统的成绩信息实时爬取,在检测到成绩更新之后,会通过电子邮件的方式,将更新的成绩以文本的方式发送给用户,可以使得用户在不必手动登录教务系统网站时,实时获取成绩更新的信息。 该程序仅供学习交流,不可用于恶意攻
A calculator made using Python and Tkinter
Abacus Abacus is a calculator used to compute expressions with the operators of Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. It is named after
Python Flask API service, backed by DynamoDB, running on AWS Lambda using the traditional Serverless Framework.
Serverless Framework Python Flask API service backed by DynamoDB on AWS Python Flask API service, backed by DynamoDB, running on AWS Lambda using the
🎉 🎉 PyComp - Java Code compiler written in python.
🎉 🎉 PyComp Java Code compiler written in python. This is yet another compiler meant for babcock students project which was created using pure python
Python code that gives the fastest path from point a to point b of a chess horse
PERSONAL-PROJECTS CARLOS MAGALLANES-ARANDA'S PERSONAL PROJECTS kchess.py is the code. its input is the start and the end. EXMPLE - a1 d5 its output is
Terminal Colored Text for Python
Terminal Colored Text for Python
A python scripts that downloads doujin from nhentai without having an account
nhentai-downloader a python scripts that downloads doujin from https://nhentai.net without having an account. Usage Needs Python 3^ Linux pip3 install
Bravia core script for python
Bravia-Core-Script You need to have a mandatory account If this L3 does not work, try another L3. enjoy
A multipurpose Telegram Bot written in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to Google Drive
Mirror Leech Bot Mirror Leech Bot is a multipurpose Telegram Bot written in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to our beloved Google Drive. Ba
Minecraft biome tile server writing on Python using FastAPI
Blocktile Minecraft biome tile server writing on Python using FastAPI Usage https://blocktile.herokuapp.com/overworld/{seed}/{zoom}/{col}/{row}.png s
python based bot Sends notification to your telegram whenever a new video is released on a youtube channel!
YTnotifier python based bot Sends notification to your telegram whenever a new video is released on a youtube channel! REQUIREMENTS telethon python-de
Python programs, usually short, of considerable difficulty, to perfect particular skills.
Peter Norvig MIT License 2015-2020 pytudes "An étude (a French word meaning study) is an instrumental musical composition, usually short, of considera
Out-of-box Python RPC framework
typed-jsonrpc Out-of-box Python RPC framework. WIP. Make LSP easy for everyone. The conception of final usage: from typed_jsonrpc import * ls = Langu
A simple python script to generate an iCalendar file for the university classes.
iCal Generator This is a simple python script to generate an iCalendar file for the university classes. Installation Clone the repository git clone ht
Create a program for generator Truth Table
Python-Truth-Table-Ver-1.0 Create a program for generator Truth Table in here you have to install truth-table-generator module for python modules inst
ANKIT-OS/TG-SESSION-GENERATOR-BOTbisTG-SESSION-GENERATOR-BOT a special repository. Its Is A Telegram Bot To Generate String Session
ANKIT-OS/TG-SESSION-GENERATOR-BOTbisTG-SESSION-GENERATOR-BOT a special repository. Its Is A Telegram Bot To Generate String Session
LEC_Ditto is a bot that tracks the follows and unfollows of Twitter accounts
✨ LEC_Ditto ✨ I'm Ditto, and I'm a bot 🤖 . Getting Started | Installation | Usage Getting Started LEC_Ditto is a bot that tracks the follows and unfo
Data Model built using Logistic Regression Algorithm on Python.
Logistic-Regression Problem Statement: Your client is a retail banking institution. Term deposits are a major source of income for a bank. A term depo
Async-first dependency injection library based on python type hints
Dependency Depression Async-first dependency injection library based on python type hints Quickstart First let's create a class we would be injecting:
Automatically kick deleted accounts
AntiDeletedAccountsBot (ADAB) Automatically kick deleted accounts Based on uniborg, a pluggable asyncio Telegram userbot based on Telethon. Installati
Gaia: a chrome extension that curates environmental news of a company
Gaia - Gaia: Your Environment News Curator Call for Code 2021 Gaia: a chrome extension that curates environmental news of a company Explore the docs »
💰 Import your ING Germany bank statements via FinTS into YNAB.
Import your ING Germany bank statements via FinTS into YNAB. Setup Before setting this up, please register your FinTS product – it's free and takes on
Modern, privacy-friendly, and detailed web analytics that works without cookies or JS.
Modern, privacy-friendly, and cookie-free web analytics. Getting started » Screenshots • Features • Office Hours Motivation There are a lot of web ana
Class and mathematical functions for quaternion numbers.
Quaternions Class and mathematical functions for quaternion numbers. Installation Python This is a Python 3 module. If you don't have Python installed
An Instagram bot that can mass text users, receive and read a text, and store it somewhere with user details.
Instagram Bot 🤖 July 14, 2021 Overview 👍 A multifunctionality automated instagram bot that can mass text users, receive and read a message and store
Download clips from youtube videos with a few clicks and a GUI!
YouClip v2.0.0 Table Of Contents: What Is YouClip Installation Usage Stuff To Fix Changelog What Is YouClip? ! IMPORTANT: The source files are a total
Examples of using f2py to get high-speed Fortran integrated with Python easily
f2py Examples Simple examples of using f2py to get high-speed Fortran integrated with Python easily. These examples are also useful to troubleshoot pr
A module for parsing and processing commands.
cmdtools A module for parsing and processing commands. Installation pip install --upgrade cmdtools-py install latest commit from GitHub pip install g
JumpDiff: Non-parametric estimator for Jump-diffusion processes for Python
jumpdiff jumpdiff is a python library with non-parametric Nadaraya─Watson estimators to extract the parameters of jump-diffusion processes. With jumpd
Fastapi practice project
todo-list-fastapi practice project How to run Install dependencies npm, yarn: standard-version, husky make: script for lint, test pipenv: virtualenv +
API Rest testing FastAPI + SQLAchmey + Docker
Transactions API Rest Implement and design a simple REST API Description We need to a simple API that allow us to register users' transactions and hav
Produce pdf in python backend from simple bootstrap vue frontend and download to browser
vollmacht produce pdf in python backend from simple bootstrap vue frontend and download to browser Frontend in one file with bootstrap-vue (allthough
Instrument asyncio Python for distributed tracing with AWS X-Ray.
xraysink (aka xray-asyncio) Extra AWS X-Ray instrumentation to use distributed tracing with asyncio Python libraries that are not (yet) supported by t
Ready to use and customizable Authentications and Authorisation management for FastAPI ⚡
AuthenticationX 💫 Ready-to-use and customizable Authentications and Oauth2 management for FastAPI ⚡ Source Code: https://github.com/yezz123/AuthX Doc
Simple integration between FastAPI and cloud authentication services (AWS Cognito, Auth0, Firebase Authentication).
FastAPI Cloud Auth fastapi-cloudauth standardizes and simplifies the integration between FastAPI and cloud authentication services (AWS Cognito, Auth0
FastAPI + PeeWee = 3
FastAPIwee FastAPI + PeeWee = 3 Using Python = 3.6 🐍 Installation pip install FastAPIwee 🎉 Documentation Documentation can be found here: https://
Piccolo Admin provides a simple yet powerful admin interface on top of Piccolo tables
Piccolo Admin Piccolo Admin provides a simple yet powerful admin interface on top of Piccolo tables - allowing you to easily add / edit / filter your
Asynchronous event dispatching/handling library for FastAPI and Starlette
fastapi-events An event dispatching/handling library for FastAPI, and Starlette. Features: straightforward API to emit events anywhere in your code ev
FastAPI Simple authentication & Login API using GraphQL and JWT
JeffQL A Simple FastAPI authentication & Login API using GraphQL and JWT. I choose this Name JeffQL cause i have a Low level Friend with a Nickname Je
Dead-simple mailer micro-service for static websites
Mailer Dead-simple mailer micro-service for static websites A free and open-source software alternative to contact form services such as FormSpree, to
Free & open source API service for obtaining information about +9600 universities worldwide.
Free & open source API service for obtaining information about +9600 universities worldwide.
A simple Python bytecode framework in pure Python
A simple Python bytecode framework in pure Python
A manga download script written in python.
manga-dlp python script to download mangas Description A manga download script written in python. It only supports mangadex.org for now. But support f
A Telegram Bot written in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to your Google Drive or Telegram
Original Repo mirror-leech-telegram-bot This is a Telegram Bot written in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to your Google Drive or Telegram.
Tencent Yun tools with python
Tencent_Yun_tools 使用 python3.9 + 腾讯云 AccessKey 利用工具 使用之前请先填写config.ini配置文件 Usage python3 Tencent_rce.py -h Scanner python3 Tencent_rce.py -s 生成CSV
Tool to get Canvas cover videos from Spotify tracks.
Spotify Canvas Downloader Tool to get Canvas cover videos from Spotify tracks. ✨ Try it out Building Clone the repository git clone https://github.com
Linux commands Interpreter for Windows and Mac based systems using Python
DBHTermEcIbP Linux commands Interpreter for Windows and Mac based systems using Python Basic Linux commands supported viewing current working director
A python comtrade load library accelerated by go
Comtrade-GRPC Code for python used is mainly from dparrini/python-comtrade. Just patch the code in BinaryDatReader.parse for parsing a little more eff
Intrusion Test Tool with Python
P3ntsT00L Uma ferramenta escrita em Python, feita para Teste de intrusão. Requisitos ter o python 3.9.8 instalado em sua máquina. ter a git instalada
Simple API written in Python using FastAPI to store and retrieve Books and Authors.
Simple API made with Python FastAPI WIP: Deploy in AWS with Terraform Simple API written in Python using FastAPI to store and retrieve Books and Autho
Discord Token Nuker With Python
Discord token nuker a.k.a A$$Fvcker Setup For installing the requirements do this: pip install -r requirements.txt To start the Token nuker run this
UUM Merit Form Filler is a web automation which helps automate entering a matric number to the UUM system in order for participants to obtain a merit
About UUM Merit Form Filler UUM Merit Form Filler is a web automation which helps automate entering a matric number to the UUM system in order for par
An EmbedBuilder in Python for discord.py embeds. Pip Module.
Discord.py-MaxEmbeds An EmbedBuilder for Discord bots in Python. You need discord.py to use this module. Installation Step 1 First you have to install
🌲 Um simples criador de arvore de items feito em Python para o Prompt 🐍
Esse projeto foi feito em Python com, intuito de fortificar meu aprendizado de programação. Sobre • Tecnologias • Pré Requisitos • Licença • Autor 📄
A python-based static site generator for setting up a CV/Resume site
ezcv A python-based static site generator for setting up a CV/Resume site Table of Contents What does ezcv do? Features & Roadmap Why should I use ezc
A program that takes Python classes and turns them into CSS classes.
PyCSS What is it? PyCSS is a micro-framework to speed up the process of writing bulk CSS classes. How does it do it? With Python!!! First download the
Bazel rules to install Python dependencies with Poetry
rules_python_poetry Bazel rules to install Python dependencies from a Poetry project. Works with native Python rules for Bazel. Getting started Add th
Um RPG de texto orientado a objetos.
RPG de texto Um RPG de texto orientado a objetos, sem história. Um RPG (Role-playing game) baseado em texto em que você pode viajar para alguns locais
A simple Discord bot that can fetch definitions and post them in chat.
A simple Discord bot that can fetch definitions and post them in chat. If you are connected to a voice channel, the bot will also read out the definition to you.
Open-source library for analyzing the results produced by ABINIT
Package Continuous Integration Documentation About AbiPy is a python library to analyze the results produced by Abinit, an open-source program for the
A Python package to request and process seismic waveform data from Hi-net.
HinetPy is a Python package to simplify tedious data request, download and format conversion tasks related to NIED Hi-net. NIED Hi-net | Source Code |
A web app for downloading Facebook comments as a csv file
Facebook Comment Downloader A small web app for downloading comments from a public facebook page post. Comment downloading from https://github.com/min
🍋 A Python package to process food
Pyfood is a simple Python package to process food, in different languages. Pyfood's ambition is to be the go-to library to deal with food, recipes, on
Anti VirusTotal written in Python.
How it works Most of the anti-viruses on VirusToal uses sandboxes or vms to scan and detect malicious activity. The code checks to see if the devices
This script allows you to retrieve all functions / variables names of a Python code, and the variables values.
Memory Extractor This script allows you to retrieve all functions / variables names of a Python code, and the variables values. How to use it ? The si
Github Workflows üzerinde Çalışan A101 Aktüel Telegam Bot
A101AktuelRobot Github Workflows üzerinde Çalışan A101 Aktüel Telegam Bot @A101AktuelRobot 💸 Bağış Yap ☕️ Kahve Ismarla 🌐 Telif Hakkı ve Lisans Copy
An extreme encryption for everyone, encrypt your text before sending to anyone.
An extreme encryption for everyone, encrypt your text before sending to anyone. Alphabets and numbers are going to be encrypted like a hell
Low-level, feature rich and easy to use discord python wrapper
PWRCord Low-level, feature rich and easy to use discord python wrapper Important Note: At this point, this library API is considered unstable and can
A Python library to parse PARI/GP configuration and header files
pari-utils A Python library to parse PARI/GP configuration and header files. This is mainly used in the code generation of https://github.com/sagemath
An open source, non-profit search engine implemented in python
Mwmbl: No ads, no tracking, no cruft, no profit Mwmbl is a non-profit, ad-free, free-libre and free-lunch search engine with a focus on useability and
Easy Google Translate: Unofficial Google Translate API
easygoogletranslate Unofficial Google Translate API. This library does not need an api key or something else to use, it's free and simple. You can eit
Satoshi is a discord bot template in python using discord.py that allow you to track some live crypto prices with your own discord bot.
Satoshi ~ DiscordCryptoBot Satoshi is a simple python discord bot using discord.py that allow you to track your favorites cryptos prices with your own
Driver Drowsiness Detection with OpenCV & Dlib
In this project, we have built a driver drowsiness detection system that will detect if the eyes of the driver are close for too long and infer if the driver is sleepy or inactive.
FTP-Exploits is a tool made in python that contains 4 diffrent types of ftp exploits that can be used in Penetration Testing.
FTP-exploits FTP-exploits is a tool which is used for Penetration Testing that can run many kinds of exploits on port 21(FTP) Commands and Exploits Ex
Voldemort's Python import helper
importmagician Voldemort's Python import helper pip install importmagician Import from uninstalled Python directories Say you have a directory (relat
Amazon scraper using scrapy, a python framework for crawling websites.
#Amazon-web-scraper This is a python program, which use scrapy python framework to crawl all pages of the product and scrap products data. This progra
A puzzle game coded entirely in Python.
Pyzzle A puzzle game coded entirely in Python. This is a school project created by me, Mohit Singh. The .exe file, created from the main.py script, is
Using python 3 and Flask an MVC system where the AES 128 CBC and Trivium algorithms
This project was developed using python 3 and Flask, it is an MVC system where the AES 128 CBC and Trivium algorithms can be tested through a communication between the computer and a device such as a microcontroller that provides these algorithms.
A Quick Music Player Made Fully in Python
Quick Music Player Made Fully In Python. Pure Python, cross platform, single function module with no dependencies for playing sounds. Installation & S
ONNX Command-Line Toolbox
ONNX Command Line Toolbox Aims to improve your experience of investigating ONNX models. Use it like onnx infershape /path/to/model.onnx. (See the usag
High accurate tool for automatic faces detection with landmarks
faces_detanator High accurate tool for automatic faces detection with landmarks. The library is based on public detectors with high accuracy (TinaFace
A framework that let's you compose websites in Python with ease!
Perry Perry = A framework that let's you compose websites in Python with ease! Perry works similar to Qt and Flutter, allowing you to create componen
Detection And Breaking With Python
VK sticker downloader with python
VK Sticker Downloader This repository is used to automate download file from VK Sticker How to use Execute the file ./downloader.py Writedown full url
🔥 ᴿᴼᶜᴷ ᴾᴬᴾᴱᴿ ᔆᶜᴵᔆᔆᴼᴿ 🔥 ⚙️ Rᴜɴ Oɴ Rᴇᴘʟɪᴛ 🛠️ Lᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇs Aɴᴅ Tᴏᴏʟs If you are taking code from this repository without a fork, then atleast give credit
PoC encrypted diary in Python 3
Encrypted diary Sample program to store confidential data. Provides encryption in the form of AES-256 with bcrypt KDF. Does not provide authentication
Vuln Scanner With Python
VulnScanner Features Web Application Firewall (WAF) detection. Cross Site Scripting (XSS) tests. SQL injection time based test. SQL injection error ba
Python Steganography data hiding in image
Python-Steganography Python Steganography data hiding in image data encryption and decryption im here you have to import stepic module 1.open CMD 2.ty
A basic DIY-project made using Python and MySQL
Banking-Using-Python-MySQL This is a basic DIY-project made using Python and MySQL. Pre-Requisite needed:-- MySQL command Line:- creating a database
Asyncevents: a small library to help developers perform asynchronous event handling in Python
asyncevents - Asynchronous event handling for modern Python asyncevents is a small library to help developers perform asynchronous event handling in m
How to make a QR Code of your own in python
QR CODE Bilgilendirme! " pip install qrcode pillow " kurmalısınız.
Tesla Light Show xLights Guide With python
Tesla Light Show xLights Guide Welcome to the Tesla Light Show xLights guide! You can create and run your own light shows on Tesla vehicles. Running a
A Python app which retrieves the rank and players' equipped skins during a match
VALORANT rank yoinker About The Project Usage Contributing Contact Acknowledgements Disclaimer About The Project Their Queue Current Skin Current Rank
Pandas and Spark DataFrame comparison for humans
DataComPy DataComPy is a package to compare two Pandas DataFrames. Originally started to be something of a replacement for SAS's PROC COMPARE for Pand