11276 Repositories
Python Python-Text-editor Libraries
Searching info from Google using Python Scrapy
Python-Search-Engine-Scrapy || Python-爬虫-索引/利用爬虫获取谷歌信息**/ Searching info from Google using Python Scrapy /* 利用 PYTHON 爬虫获取天气信息,以及城市信息和资料**/ translatio
Converting Html files to pdf using python script, pdfkit module and wkhtmltopdf.
Html-to-pdf-pdfkit-wkhtml- This repository has code for converting local html files and online html resources into pdf. It is an python script which u
Algorithms covered in the Bioinformatics Course part of the Cambridge Computer Science Tripos
Bioinformatics This is a repository of all the algorithms covered in the Bioinformatics Course part of the Cambridge Computer Science Tripos Algorithm
A modular telegram Python bot running on python3 with an sqlalchemy database.
TG_Bot A modular telegram Python bot running on python3 with an sqlalchemy database. Originally a simple group management bot with multiple admin feat
Flames Calculater App used to calculate flames status between two names created using python's Flask web framework.
Flames Finder Web App Flames Calculater App used to calculate flames status between two names created using python's Flask web framework. First, App g
SpineAI Bilsky Grading With Python
SpineAI-Bilsky-Grading SpineAI Paper with Code 📫 Contact Address correspondence to J.T.P.D.H. (e-mail: james_hallinan AT nuhs.edu.sg) Disclaimer This
Monocular 3D pose estimation. OpenVINO. CPU inference or iGPU (OpenCL) inference.
human-pose-estimation-3d-python-cpp RealSenseD435 (RGB) 480x640 + CPU Corei9 45 FPS (Depth is not used) 1. Run 1-1. RealSenseD435 (RGB) 480x640 + CPU
Pylexa - Artificial Assistant made with Python
Pylexa - Artificial Assistant made with Python Alexa is a famous artificial assistant used massively across the world. It is a substitute of Alexa whi
These scripts look for non-printable unicode characters in all text files in a source tree
find-unicode-control These scripts look for non-printable unicode characters in all text files in a source tree. find_unicode_control.py should work w
Python @deprecat decorator to deprecate old python classes, functions or methods.
deprecat Decorator Python @deprecat decorator to deprecate old python classes, functions or methods. Installation pip install deprecat Usage To use th
2d war game single player
WarGame-third-version-0.0.4- 2d war game single player Hi ! Today, I publish on GitHub the version 0.0.4 of "WarGame". In this version, you can find a
Instant search for and access to many datasets in Pyspark.
SparkDataset Provides instant access to many datasets right from Pyspark (in Spark DataFrame structure). Drop a star if you like the project. 😃 Motiv
A hybrid(AES + RSA) encryptor in python.
python-file-encryptor A hybrid(AES + RSA) encryptor in python. Tasted on Windows and Linux(Kali). Install Requirements Use the package manager pip to
A python package which can be pip installed to perform statistics and visualize binomial and gaussian distributions of the dataset
GBiStat package A python package to assist programmers with data analysis. This package could be used to plot : Binomial Distribution of the dataset p
Multipurpose Discord bot hosted on replit.com
RockyBot Multipurpose Discord bot hosted on https://replit.com/ Installing Dependencies Install poetry through pip: pip install poetry Then simply exe
Python Youtube Video-Playlist Downloader
Youtube-Video-Playlist-Downloader-PyQt5 You can download videos and playlists on YouTube with this script. Script has GUI. Enjoy. Setup git clone http
An Airdrop alternative for cross-platform users only for desktop with Python
PyDrop An Airdrop alternative for cross-platform users only for desktop with Python, -version 1.0 with less effort, just as a practice. ##############
Access LeetCode problems via id
LCid - access LeetCode problems via id Introduction As a world's leading online programming learning platform, LeetCode is quite popular among program
Proxy scraper. Format: IP | PORT | COUNTRY | TYPE
proxy scraper 🔎 Installation: git clone https://github.com/ebankoff/proxy_scraper Required pip libraries (pip install library name): lxml beautifulso
Unofficial instagram API, give you access to ALL instagram features (like, follow, upload photo and video and etc)! Write on python.
Instagram-API-python Unofficial Instagram API to give you access to ALL Instagram features (like, follow, upload photo and video, etc)! Written in Pyt
PyTorch implementation of a Real-ESRGAN model trained on custom dataset
Real-ESRGAN PyTorch implementation of a Real-ESRGAN model trained on custom dataset. This model shows better results on faces compared to the original
API to help generating QR-code for ZATCA's e-invoice known as Fatoora with any programming language
You can try it @ api-fatoora api-fatoora API to help generating QR-code for ZATCA's e-invoice known as Fatoora with any programming language Disclaime
Python Capfire API wrapper
General CampfireAPI based on Campfire web. Install pip install Campfire-API Quickstart Use it without login: from campfire_api import CampfireAPI cf
Freqtrade is a free and open source crypto trading bot written in Python.
Freqtrade is a free and open source crypto trading bot written in Python. It is designed to support all major exchanges and be controlled via Telegram. It contains backtesting, plotting and money management tools as well as strategy optimization by machine learning.
Quickly open any path on your terminal window in your $EDITOR of choice!
Tmux fpp Plugin wrapper around Facebook PathPicker. Quickly open any path on your terminal window in your $EDITOR of choice! Demo Dependencies fpp - F
prompt_toolkit is a library for building powerful interactive command line applications in Python.
Python Prompt Toolkit prompt_toolkit is a library for building powerful interactive command line applications in Python. Read the documentation on rea
A terminal spreadsheet multitool for discovering and arranging data
VisiData v2.6.1 A terminal interface for exploring and arranging tabular data. VisiData supports tsv, csv, sqlite, json, xlsx (Excel), hdf5, and many
🐍The nx-python plugin allows users to create a basic python application using nx commands.
🐍 NxPy: Nx Python plugin This project was generated using Nx. The nx-python plugin allows users to create a basic python application using nx command
Check if Python package names are available on PyPI.
😻 isavailable Can I haz this Python package on PyPI? Check if Python package names are available on PyPI. Usage $ isavailable checks whether your des
Python Example Project Structure
Python Example Project Structure Example of statuses that can be in readme: Visit my docs for the full documentation, examples and guides. With this p
A Django web application that allows you to be in the loop about everything happening in your neighborhood.
A Django web application that allows you to be in the loop about everything happening in your neighborhood. From contact information of different handyman to meeting announcements or even alerts.
offline bot for game on chrome
Бот офлайн игры браузера CHROME В автоматическом режиме запускает браузер Chrome под ОС windows, так же автоматически определяет разрешения экрана, на
Python Digital Art Generator
Python Digital Art Generator The main goal of this repository is to generate all possible layers permutations given by the user in order to get unique
Machine Learning with JAX Tutorials
The purpose of this repo is to make it easy to get started with JAX. It contains my "Machine Learning with JAX" series of tutorials (YouTube videos and Jupyter Notebooks) as well as the content I found useful while learning JAX.
A python script made for personal use to monitor for sports card restocks on target.com since they are sold out often
TargetProductMonitor A python script made for personal use to monitor for sports card resocks on target.com since they are sold out often. When a rest
A simple barcode and QR code generator built in Python with Flask.
✨ Komi - Barcode & QR Generator ✨ A simple barcode and QR code generator built in Python with Flask. 📑 Table of Contents Usage Installation Contribut
An API built to format given addresses using Python and Flask.
An API built to format given addresses using Python and Flask. About The API returns properly formatted data, i.e. removing duplicate fields, distingu
A Url Shortener with GUI made in Python.
Url-Shortener-with-GUI-in-python A Url Shortener with GUI made in Python. To Run this download the zip file and run the main file or Clone this repo.
Installation, test and evaluation of Scribosermo speech-to-text engine
Scribosermo STT Setup Scribosermo is a LGPL licensed, open-source speech recognition engine to "Train fast Speech-to-Text networks in different langua
Polypheny Connector for Python
Polypheny Connector for Python This enables Python programs to access Polypheny databases, using an API that is compliant with the Python Database API
Download Youtube videos in mp4 format in a fast, easy, convenient way made with Python!
yt_downloader Download Youtube videos in mp4 format in a fast, easy, convenient way made with Python! Required Modules pytube os time colorama Errors
A superb Telegram VoiceChat Player. Powered by FalconRoBo.
𝕱𝖆𝖑𝖈𝖔𝖓𝕸𝖚𝖘𝖎𝖈 A sᴜᴘᴇʀʙ Tᴇʟᴇɢʀᴀᴍ VᴏɪᴄᴇCʜᴀᴛ Pʟᴀʏᴇʀ, ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴜsɪɴɢ Lᴀᴛᴇsᴛ Pʏᴛʜᴏɴ ᴀɴᴅ Pʏʀᴏɢʀᴀᴍ. 𝑷𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒃𝒚 𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒄𝒐𝒏𝑹𝒐𝑩𝒐 FalconMusic
A python mathematics module
A python mathematics module
Minimal working example of data acquisition with nidaqmx python API
Data Aquisition using NI-DAQmx python API Based on this project It is a minimal working example for data acquisition using the NI-DAQmx python API. It
Batch Python Program Verify
Batch Python Program Verify About As a TA(teaching assistant) of Programming Class, it is very annoying to test students' homework assignments one by
Data cleaning tools for Business analysis
Datacleaning datacleaning tools for Business analysis This program is made for Vicky's work. You can use it, too. 数据清洗 该数据清洗工具是为了商业分析 这个程序是为了Vicky的工作而
A facial recognition program that plays a alarm (mp3 file) when a person i seen in the room. A basic theif using Python and OpenCV
Home-Security-Demo A facial recognition program that plays a alarm (mp3 file) when a person is seen in the room. A basic theif using Python and OpenCV
Django-based Crypto Portfolio Tracker – keep an eye on Shiba Inu and other Crypto
Crypto Tracker 🐍 📈 – Central Portfolio Tracking Easy asset tracking – at a glance 🚀 Dashboard to centrally monitor current crypto portfolio develop
A python library used to interact with webots robocup game web logs
A python library used to interact with webots robocup game web logs
NiceHash Python Library and Command Line Rest API
NiceHash Python Library and Command Line Rest API Requirements / Modules pip install requests Required data and where to get it Following data is nee
Lock files using python and cmd
Python_Lock_Files Lock files using python and cmd license feel free to do whatever you want to with these files, i dont take any responsibility tho, u
A little Python tool to convert a TrueType (ttf/otf) font into a PNG for use in demos.
font2png A little Python tool to convert a TrueType (ttf/otf) font into a PNG for use in demos. To use from command line it expects python3 to be at /
A python Discord wrapper made in well, python.
discord.why A python Discord wrapper made in well, python. Made to be used by devs who want something a bit more, general. Basic Examples Sending a me
Enigma simulator with python and clean code.
Enigma simulator with python and clean code.
This is game 2048 created with moudle of python tkinter and OOP.
Game 2048 This is game 2048 created with moudle of python tkinter and OOP. This game build on classes. For start this game run: If you have python ver
This is a text-based snake and ladder game .
This is a text-based snake and ladder game .
convert-to-opus-cli is a Python CLI program for converting audio files to opus audio format.
convert-to-opus-cli convert-to-opus-cli is a Python CLI program for converting audio files to opus audio format. Installation Must have installed ffmp
Text to speech converter with GUI made in Python.
Text-to-speech-with-GUI Text to speech converter with GUI made in Python. To run this download the zip file and run the main file or clone this repo.
A library for python made by me,to make the use of MySQL easier and more pythonic
my_ezql A library for python made by me,to make the use of MySQL easier and more pythonic This library was made by Tony Hasson , a 25 year old student
Tornadmin is an admin site generation framework for Tornado web server.
Tornadmin is an admin site generation framework for Tornado web server.
Python library for analysis of time series data including dimensionality reduction, clustering, and Markov model estimation
deeptime Releases: Installation via conda recommended. conda install -c conda-forge deeptime pip install deeptime Documentation: deeptime-ml.github.io
ICMP Reverse Shell written in Python 3 and with Scapy (backdoor/rev shell)
icmpdoor - ICMP Reverse Shell icmpdoor is an ICMP rev shell written in Python3 and scapy. Tested on Ubuntu 20.04, Debian 10 (Kali Linux), and Windows
AlienFX is a CLI and GUI utility to control the lighting effects of your Alienware computer.
AlienFX is a Linux utility to control the lighting effects of your Alienware computer. At present there is a CLI version (alienfx) and a gtk GUI versi
Convert markdown to HTML using the GitHub API and some additional tweaks with Python.
Convert markdown to HTML using the GitHub API and some additional tweaks with Python. Comes with full formula support and image compression.
Python3 library for multimedia functions at the command terminal
TERMINEDIA This is a Python library allowing using a text-terminal as a low-resolution graphics output, along with keyboard realtime reading, and a co
A command line tool for visualizing CSV/spreadsheet-like data
PerfPlotter Read data from CSV files using pandas and generate interactive plots using bokeh, which can then be embedded into HTML pages and served by
📧 CLI to deduplicate mails from mail boxes.
Mail Deduplicate Command-line tool to deduplicate mails from a set of boxes. Stable release: Development: Features Duplicate detection based on cherry
The command line interface for Gradient - Gradient is an an end-to-end MLOps platform
Gradient CLI Get started: Create Account • Install CLI • Tutorials • Docs Resources: Website • Blog • Support • Contact Sales Gradient is an an end-to
💻VIEN is a command-line tool for managing Python Virtual Environments.
vien VIEN is a command-line tool for managing Python Virtual Environments. It provides one-line shortcuts for: creating and deleting environments runn
f90nml - A Fortran namelist parser, generator, and editor
f90nml - A Fortran namelist parser, generator, and editor A Python module and command line tool for parsing Fortran namelist files Documentation The c
🐍 Python CLI tool to get public information from a GitHub account
🐍 Gitter 🐍 Python CLI tool to get public information from a GitHub account 🤔 What's this? Gitter is a open-source project created to easily uses th
Fylm is a wonderful automated command line app for organizing your film media.
Overview Fylm is a wonderful automated command line app for organizing your film media. You can pronounce it Film or File 'em, whichever you like! It
A python based command line tool to compare Github Users or Repositories
gitcomp A simple python package with a CLI to compare GitHub users and repositories by associating a git_score to each entry which is a weighted sum o
Yet another bash/zsh prompt script
Here we have yet another script for Git-aware customization of the command prompt in Bash and zsh. Unlike all the other scripts, I wrote this one, so
Simple subcommand CLIs with argparse
multicommand Simple subcommand CLIs with argparse. multicommand uses only the standard library and is ~150 lines of code (modulo comments and whitespa
Python Discord Server Nuker
Untitled Nuker Python Discord Server Nuker Features: Ban Everyone Kick Everyone Rename Everyone Spam To All Channels Delete All Channels Delete All Ro
Automatically mass follows tons of NameMC profiles.
Automatically mass follows tons of NameMC profiles. (Creates REAL traffic to your profile)
Customized python validations.
A customized python validations.
An unofficial package help developers to implement ZATCA (Fatoora) QR code easily which required for e-invoicing
ZATCA (Fatoora) QR-Code Implementation An unofficial package help developers to implement ZATCA (Fatoora) QR code easily which required for e-invoicin
Display Images in your terminal with python
Term-Img Display Images in your terminal with python NOTE: This project is a work in progress and not everything on here has actually been implemented
Get the SHA256 hash of any file with this Python Script
Hashfile-SHA256 A SHA256 hash verifying script, written in python. Report Bug Table of Contents About The Project Built With Getting Started Prerequis
A simple tutorial to get you started with Discord and it's Python API
Hello there Feel free to fork and star, open issues if there are typos or you have a doubt. I decided to make this post because as a newbie I never fo
Azure Text-to-speech service for Home Assistant
Azure Text-to-speech service for Home Assistant The Azure text-to-speech platform uses online Azure Text-to-Speech cognitive service to read a text wi
A file-based quote bot written in Python
Let's Write a Python Quote Bot! This repository will get you started with building a quote bot in Python. It's meant to be used along with the Learnin
A terminal client for connecting to hack.chat servers
A terminal client for connecting to hack.chat servers.
A really, really bad way to encrypt your text
deoxyencryptingnucleicacids A really, really bad way to encrypt your text. A general description of the scheme Encoding: The ascii plaintext is first
A basic Ubisoft API wrapper created in python.
UbisoftAPI A basic Ubisoft API wrapper created in python. I will be updating this with more endpoints as time goes on. Please note that this is my fir
Create C bindings for python automatically with the help of libclang
Python C Import Dynamic library + header + ctypes = Module like object! Create C bindings for python automatically with the help of libclang. Examples
Kaktos is a python static site generator
Python static site generator κάκτος Kaktos is a python static site generator. The idea is create a simple static site generator for people that don't
An interactive, terminal-based markdown presenter
lookatme lookatme is an interactive, extensible, terminal-based markdown presentation tool. TOC TOC Features Tour Navigating the Presentation CLI Opti
Path finding algorithm visualizer with python
path-finding-algorithm-visualizer ~ click on the grid to place the starting block and then click elsewhere to add the end block ~ click again to place
Terminal-based audio-to-text converter
att Terminal-based audio-to-text converter Project description A terminal-based audio-to-text converter written in python, enabling you to convert .wa
Telegram AI chat bot written in Python using Pyrogram
Aurora_Al Just another Telegram AI chat bot written in Python using Pyrogram. A public running instance can be found on telegram as @AuroraAl. Require
Simple GUI python app to show a stocks graph performance. Made with Matplotlib and Tiingo.
stock-graph-python Simple GUI python app to show a stocks graph performance. Made with Matplotlib and Tiingo. Tiingo API Key You will need to add your
Programming Foundations Algorithms With Python
Programming-Foundations-Algorithms Algorithms purpose to solve a specific proplem with a sequential sets of steps for instance : if you need to add di
This is a simple python flask web app that implements geometric calculations for three shapes given the user's input for radius and height. It is recommended this app be run using a python virtual environment, but not necessary for success. Unit tests are also included.
Geometry Calculator Web The is a simple Flask-based web application that uses a Geometry Calculator Tool created out of assignments from my Intro to P
A simple python application to visualize sorting algorithms.
Visualize sorting algorithms A simple python application to visualize sorting algorithms. Sort Algorithms Name Function Name O( ) Bubble Sort bubble_s
A python open source CMS scanner that automates the process of detecting security flaws of the most popular CMSs
CMSmap CMSmap is a python open source CMS scanner that automates the process of detecting security flaws of the most popular CMSs. The main purpose of
An Automated udemy coupons scraper which scrapes coupons and autopost the result in blogspot post
Autoscraper-n-blogger An Automated udemy coupons scraper which scrapes coupons and autopost the result in blogspot post and notifies via Telegram bot
Python scripts using the Mediapipe models for Halloween.
Mediapipe-Halloween-Examples Python scripts using the Mediapipe models for Halloween. WHY Mainly for fun. But this repository also includes useful exa