3078 Repositories
Python Simple-Nitro-Generator-Source Libraries
Simple Translator in Python
Simple Translator in Python Project Description: In this project, we'll be making a very simple translator in Python using some libraries. Requirement
A simple Python script for generating a variety of hashes from safe urandom entropy.
Hashgen A simple Python script for generating a variety of hashes from safe urandom entropy. For whenever you need a random hash (e.g. generating an a
This is a Python program to get the source lines of code (SLOC) count for a given GitHub repository.
This is a Python program to get the source lines of code (SLOC) count for a given GitHub repository.
AIDynamicTextReader - A simple dynamic text reader based on Artificial intelligence
AI Dynamic Text Reader: This is a simple dynamic text reader based on Artificial
LavaAPI - A simple library for accepting payments and using the LAVA Wallet
This library was created to simplify the LAVA api provided on the official websi
'rl_UK' is an open-source command-line tool in Python for calculating the shortest path between BUS stop sequences in the UK
'rl_UK' is an open-source command-line tool in Python for calculating the shortest path between BUS stop sequences in the UK. As input files, it uses an ATCO-CIF file and 'OS Open Roads' dataset from Ordnance Survey Data Hub.
A Simple Telegram Inline Torrent Search Bot by @infotechIT
Torrent-Search-RoBot A Simple Telegram Inline Torrent Search Bot by @infotechIT. Torrent API Using api.infotech.wtf API Host Bot Deploy to Heroku Clic
A simple web application with tools of cryptography, made with Flask and Cryptography.
Crypto Tools A web application made with Flask that allows the use of some cryptography tools like message digest, RSA key pair generation and a decip
Sample code helps get you started with a simple Python web service using AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway
Welcome to the AWS CodeStar sample web service This sample code helps get you started with a simple Python web service using AWS Lambda and Amazon API
Parsing, analyzing, and comparing source code across many languages
Semantic semantic is a Haskell library and command line tool for parsing, analyzing, and comparing source code. In a hurry? Check out our documentatio
Circuit Training: An open-source framework for generating chip floor plans with distributed deep reinforcement learning
Circuit Training: An open-source framework for generating chip floor plans with distributed deep reinforcement learning. Circuit Training is an open-s
Meta Self-learning for Multi-Source Domain Adaptation: A Benchmark
Meta Self-Learning for Multi-Source Domain Adaptation: A Benchmark Project | Arxiv | YouTube | | Abstract In recent years, deep learning-based methods
Holehe OSINT - Email to Registered Accounts
holehe allows you to check if the mail is used on different sites like twitter, instagram and will retrieve information on sites with the forgotten password function.
Generates a simple report about the current Covid-19 cases and deaths in Malaysia
Generates a simple report about the current Covid-19 cases and deaths in Malaysia. Results are delay one day, data provided by the Ministry of Health Malaysia Covid-19 public data.
A Python wrapper for simple offline real-time dictation (speech-to-text) and speaker-recognition using Vosk.
Simple-Vosk A Python wrapper for simple offline real-time dictation (speech-to-text) and speaker-recognition using Vosk. Check out the official Vosk G
Wordle-solver - A program that solves a Wordle using a simple algorithm
Wordle Solver A program that solves a Wordle using a simple algorithm. To see it
A simple healthcheck wrapper to monitor Kafka.
kafka-healthcheck A simple healthcheck wrapper to monitor Kafka. Kafka Healthcheck is a simple server that provides a singular API endpoint to determi
Simple Covid-19 shooter game in python.
Covid_game 🍹 Simple Single Player Covid Game Using Python. 🍹 Has amazing background music theme. 😄 Game Instructions: Initial Health is 5, try to s
A simple script useful to switch from Dashlane to Bitwarden by converting the password file to the right format.
A simple script useful to switch from Dashlane to Bitwarden by converting the password file to the right format.
A simple CLI tool for converting logs from Poker Now games to other formats
🂡 Poker Now Log Converter 🂡 A command line utility for converting logs from Poker Now games to other formats. Introduction Poker Now is a free onlin
This simple Python program calculates a love score based on your and your crush's full names in English
This simple Python program calculates a love score based on your and your crush's full names in English. There is no logic or reason in the calculation behind the love score. The calculation could have been anything different from what's shown in this code.
Plot toolbox based on Matplotlib, simple and elegant.
Elegant-Plot Plot toolbox based on Matplotlib, simple and elegant. 绘制效果 绘制过程 数据准备 每种图标类型的目录下有data.csv文件,依据样例数据填入自己的数据。
open source online judge based on Vue, Django and Docker
An onlinejudge system based on Python and Vue
Qcover is an open source effort to help exploring combinatorial optimization problems in Noisy Intermediate-scale Quantum(NISQ) processor.
Qcover is an open source effort to help exploring combinatorial optimization problems in Noisy Intermediate-scale Quantum(NISQ) processor. It is devel
x2 - a miniminalistic, open-source language created by iiPython
x2 is a miniminalistic, open-source language created by iiPython, inspired by x86 assembly and batch. It is a high-level programming language with low-level, easy-to-remember syntaxes, similar to x86 assembly.
Random Number Generator Analysis With Python
Random-Number-Generator-Analysis Governor's Honors Program Project to determine
BiliBili-live-barrage-transceiver - A simple python program for sending and receiving barrage in bilibili live room
BiliBili-live-barrage-transceiver - A simple python program for sending and receiving barrage in bilibili live room
Evil-stalker - A simple tool written in python, it is so simple that it is based on google dorks
evil-stalker How to run First of all, you must install the necessary libraries.
Simple mathematical operations on image, point and surface layers.
napari-math This package provides a GUI interfrace for simple mathematical operations on image, point and surface layers. addition subtraction multipl
A simple API that will return a key-value pair of randomly generated UUID
A simple API that will return a key-value pair of randomly generated UUID. Key will be a timestamp and value will be UUID. While the server is running, whenever the API is called, it should return all the previous UUIDs ever generated by the API alongside a new UUID.
Simple Discord Nuke Bot.
Discord-Nuke-Bot Simple Discord Nuke Bot. Simple Discord Nuke Bot Python 3.6 - 3.8 Features Delete Channels Ban All Members Delete Roles Create Channe
Free & simple way to encipher text
VenSipher VenSipher is a free medium through which text can be enciphered. It can convert any text into an unrecognizable secret text that can only be
Simple function to plot multiple barplots in the same figure.
Simple function to plot multiple barplots in the same figure. Supports padding and custom color.
A simple and usefull python calculator.
simplepy-calculator Your simple and fresh calculator. Getting Started Install python3 from the oficial python website or via terminal. Clone this repo
A simple tcpdump sidecar injector to demonstrate Kubernetes's Mutating Webhook
k8s-tcpdump-webhook A simple tcpdump sidecar injector to demonstrate Kubernetes's Mutating Webhook Build and Deploy Build docker image; docker build -
A simple serverless create api test repository. Please Ignore.
serverless-create-api-test A simple serverless create api test repository. Please Ignore. Things to remember: Setup workflow Change Name in workflow e
SynapseML - an open source library to simplify the creation of scalable machine learning pipelines
Synapse Machine Learning SynapseML (previously MMLSpark) is an open source library to simplify the creation of scalable machine learning pipelines. Sy
Automated Changelog/release note generation
Quickly generate changelogs and release notes by analysing your git history. A tool written in python, but works on any language.
⛤Keylogger Generator for Windows written in Python⛤
⛤Keylogger Generator for Windows written in Python⛤
MAVE: : A Product Dataset for Multi-source Attribute Value Extraction
The dataset contains 3 million attribute-value annotations across 1257 unique categories on 2.2 million cleaned Amazon product profiles. It is a large, multi-sourced, diverse dataset for product attribute extraction study.
An open source two key macro-pad modeled to look like a cartoony melting popsicle
macropopsicle An open source two key macro-pad modeled to look like a cartoony melting popsicle. Build instructions Parts List -1x Top case half (3D p
Yesitsme - Simple OSINT script to find Instagram profiles by name and e-mail/phone
Simple OSINT script to find Instagram profiles by name and e-mail/phone
Irenedao-nft-generator - Original scripts used to generate IreneDAO NFTs
IreneDAO NFT Generator Scripts to generate IreneDAO NFT. Make sure you have Pill
AutoMetamon: Simple program to play Metamon automatically
AutoMetamon: Simple program to play Metamon automatically
Bible-App : Simple Tool To Show Bible Books
Bible App Simple Tool To Show Bible Books Socials: Language:
A stock generator that assess a list of stocks and returns the best stocks for investing and money allocations based on users choices of volatility, duration and number of stocks
Stock-Generator Please visit "Stock Generator.ipynb" for a clearer view and "Stock Generator.py" for scripts. The stock generator is designed to allow
Simple encryption/decryption utility using Pycryptodome module. Working with AES and RSA algorithms.
EncypherUtil Simple encryption/decryption utility using PyCryptodome module. Working with AES and RSA algorithms. THIS UTILITY IS NOT LICENSED AS CRYP
QR Code Generator
In this project, we'll be using some libraries to instantly generate authentic QR Codes and export them in various formats
Code for my FastAPI tutorial
FastAPI tutorial Code for my video tutorial FastAPI tutorial What is FastAPI? FastAPI is a high-performant REST API framework for Python. It's built o
Tool to produce system call tables from Linux source code.
Syscalls Tool to generate system call tables from the linux source tree. Example The following will produce a markdown (.md) file containing the table
This is new discord nitro generator for discord
Hello! This is new discord nitro generator for discord. If you want use it, To generator i added checker for no seraching generator and checker. This tool maked by .
Workon - A simple project manager for conda, windows 10 and vscode
WORK ON A simple project manager for conda, windows 10 and vscode Installation p
"Investigating the Limitations of Transformers with Simple Arithmetic Tasks", 2021
transformers-arithmetic This repository contains the code to reproduce the experiments from the paper: Nogueira, Jiang, Lin "Investigating the Limitat
An implementation of the efficient attention module.
Efficient Attention An implementation of the efficient attention module. Description Efficient attention is an attention mechanism that substantially
PyElastica is the Python implementation of Elastica, an open-source software for the simulation of assemblies of slender, one-dimensional structures using Cosserat Rod theory.
PyElastica PyElastica is the python implementation of Elastica: an open-source project for simulating assemblies of slender, one-dimensional structure
learn python in 100 days, a simple step could be follow from beginner to master of every aspect of python programming and project also include side project which you can use as demo project for your personal portfolio
learn python in 100 days, a simple step could be follow from beginner to master of every aspect of python programming and project also include side project which you can use as demo project for your personal portfolio
A simple python script where the user inputs the current ingredients they have in their kitchen into ingredients.txt
A simple python script where the user inputs the current ingredients they have in their kitchen into ingredients.txt and then runs the main.py script, and it will output what recipes can be created based upon the ingredients supported.
leaking paid token generator that was a shit lmao for 100$ haha
Discord-Token-Generator-Leaked leaking paid token generator that was a shit lmao for 100$ he selling it for 100$ wth here the code enjoy don't forget
FilmMikirAPI - A simple rest-api which is used for scrapping on the Kincir website using the Python and Flask package
FilmMikirAPI - A simple rest-api which is used for scrapping on the Kincir website using the Python and Flask package
A simple script that loads and hot-reloads cogs when you save any changes
DiscordBot-HotReload A simple script that loads and hot-reloads cogs when you save any changes Usage @bot.event async def on_ready(): from HotRelo
Always fill your package requirements without the user having to do anything! Simple and easy!
WSL Should now work always-fill-reqs-python3 Always fill your package requirements without the user having to do anything! Simple and easy! Supported
A simple python bot that serves to send some notifications about GitHub events to Slack.
github alerts slack bot 🤖 What is it? 🔍 This is a simple bot that serves to send some notifications about GitHub events to Slack channels. These are
Simple avogadr.io batch downloader python script
Simple avogadr.io batch downloader python script
An email generator code in python language
An email generator code in python language. I have done it in the simplest way possible and with no link to an SMTP server. Generating infinite emails until CTRL+C . It is a code that can be used in hash generators like MD-5,password generators, random affiliate links generation and many other related necessities.
Pgen is the best brute force password generator and it is improved from the cupp.py
pgen Pgen is the best brute force password generator and it is improved from the cupp.py The pgen tool is dedicated to Leonardo da Vinci -Time stays l
Open Source API and interchange format for editorial timeline information.
OpenTimelineIO is currently in Public Beta. That means that it may be missing some essential features and there are large changes planned. During this phase we actively encourage you to provide feedback, requests, comments, and/or contributions.
A simple code to convert image format and channel as well as resizing and renaming multiple images.
Rename-Resize-and-convert-multiple-images A simple code to convert image format and channel as well as resizing and renaming multiple images. This cod
Outlog it's a library to make logging a simple task
outlog Outlog it's a library to make logging a simple task!. I'm a lazy python user, the times that i do logging on my apps it's hard to do, a lot of
A very simple document database
DockieDb A simple in-memory document database. Installation Build the Wheel Fork or clone this repository and run python setup.py bdist_wheel in the r
EasyModerationKit is an open-source framework designed to moderate and filter inappropriate content.
EasyModerationKit is a public transparency statement. It declares any repositories and legalities used in the EasyModeration system. It allows for implementing EasyModeration into an advanced character/word/phrase detection system.
A simple discord bot named atticus that sends you the timetable of your classes upon request
A simple discord bot named atticus that sends you the timetable of your classes upon request. Soon, it would you ping you before classes too!
Source code for paper "Black-Box Tuning for Language-Model-as-a-Service"
Black-Box-Tuning Source code for paper "Black-Box Tuning for Language-Model-as-a-Service". Being busy recently, the code in this repo and this tutoria
StableSims is an open-source project aimed at simulating MakerDAO's Dai stablecoin system
StableSims is an open-source project aimed at simulating MakerDAO's Dai stablecoin system, initially used for researching optimal incentive parameters for Liquidations 2.0.
Source code for the BMVC-2021 paper "SimReg: Regression as a Simple Yet Effective Tool for Self-supervised Knowledge Distillation".
SimReg: A Simple Regression Based Framework for Self-supervised Knowledge Distillation Source code for the paper "SimReg: Regression as a Simple Yet E
Source codes for Improved Few-Shot Visual Classification (CVPR 2020), Enhancing Few-Shot Image Classification with Unlabelled Examples
Source codes for Improved Few-Shot Visual Classification (CVPR 2020), Enhancing Few-Shot Image Classification with Unlabelled Examples (WACV 2022) and Beyond Simple Meta-Learning: Multi-Purpose Models for Multi-Domain, Active and Continual Few-Shot Learning (TPAMI 2022 - in submission)
MAg: a simple learning-based patient-level aggregation method for detecting microsatellite instability from whole-slide images
MAg Paper Abstract File structure Dataset prepare Data description How to use MAg? Why not try the MAg_lib! Trained models Experiment and results Some
Web-Extractor - Simple Tool To Extract IP-Adress From Website
IP-Adress Extractor Simple Tool To Extract IP-Adress From Website Socials: Langu
Github-Checker - Simple Tool To Check If Github User Available Or Not
Github Checker Simple Tool To Check If Github User Available Or Not Socials: Lan
A curated list of awesome open source libraries to deploy, monitor, version and scale your machine learning
Awesome production machine learning This repository contains a curated list of awesome open source libraries that will help you deploy, monitor, versi
A simple code to perform canny edge contrast detection on images.
CECED-Canny-Edge-Contrast-Enhanced-Detection A simple code to perform canny edge contrast detection on images. A simple code to process images using c
A simple code for processing images to local binary pattern.
This figure is gotten from this link https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-01449-0_24 LBP-Local-Binary-Pattern A simple code for process
Simple helper library to convert a collection of numpy data to tfrecord, and build a tensorflow dataset from the tfrecord.
numpy2tfrecord Simple helper library to convert a collection of numpy data to tfrecord, and build a tensorflow dataset from the tfrecord. Installation
A simple script to login into twitter using Selenium in python.
Quick Talk A simple script to login into twitter using Selenium in python. I was looking for a way to login into twitter using Selenium in python. Sin
Simple BRender SDK KeyGen.
Super Simple BRender KeyGen Simple BRender SDK KeyGen. Info This is just a super simple keygen for the BRender SDK installer coded in python. All test
Fixed Version Of Blender Low Poly Rock Generator For Blender 3.0.0
Blender (3.0.0) - Low Poly Rock Generator This is an addon for Blender 3.0.0 to generate low poly rocks. It was based on an addon that unfortunately h
Cweqgen - The CW Equation Generator
The CW Equation Generator The cweqgen (pronouced like "Queck-Jen") package provi
argofloats: Simple CLI for ArgoVis and Argofloats
argofloats: Simple CLI for ArgoVis and Argofloats Argo is an international program that collects information from inside the ocean using a fleet of ro
A simple Flask site that allows users to create, update, and delete posts in a database, as well as perform basic NLP tasks on the posts.
A simple Flask site that allows users to create, update, and delete posts in a database, as well as perform basic NLP tasks on the posts.
Source code for our CVPR 2019 paper - PPGNet: Learning Point-Pair Graph for Line Segment Detection
PPGNet: Learning Point-Pair Graph for Line Segment Detection PyTorch implementation of our CVPR 2019 paper: PPGNet: Learning Point-Pair Graph for Line
Simple STAC Catalogs discovery tool.
STAC Catalog Discovery Simple STAC discovery tool. Just paste the STAC Catalog link and press Enter. Details STAC Discovery tool enables discovering d
An open-source outlier detection package by Getcontact Data Team
pyfbad The pyfbad library supports anomaly detection projects. An end-to-end anomaly detection application can be written using the source codes of th
Open-source keylogger write in python
Python open-source keylogger Language Python open-source keylogger using pynput module Using Install dependences in archive setup.py or install.sh in
This is a discord token generator(requests) which works and makes 200 tokens per minute
Discord Email verified token generator Creates email verified discord accounts (unlocked) Report Bug · Discord server Features Profile pictures and na
Simple Tensorflow implementation of Toward Spatially Unbiased Generative Models (ICCV 2021)
Spatial unbiased GANs — Simple TensorFlow Implementation [Paper] : Toward Spatially Unbiased Generative Models (ICCV 2021) Abstract Recent image gener
Arithmos Cipher is a simple Cryptography that I created myself in Python
Arithmos Cipher is a simple Cryptography that I created myself in Python
A simple python module to generate anchor (aka default/prior) boxes for object detection tasks.
PyBx WIP A simple python module to generate anchor (aka default/prior) boxes for object detection tasks. Calculated anchor boxes are returned as ndarr
A wide AOI generator tool.
Dark Generator A wide AOI generator tool. Information Installation To Install you have to have python 3.x and pip installed on your system. If you hav
A simple chat api that can also work with ipb4 and chatbox+
SimpleChatApi API for chatting that can work on its own or work with Invision Community and Chatbox+. You are also welcome to create frontend for this
AI Face Mesh: This is a simple face mesh detection program based on Artificial intelligence.
AI Face Mesh: This is a simple face mesh detection program based on Artificial Intelligence which made with Python. It's able to detect 468 different
Tron Wallet (TRX) Crack Finder With Python Just 64 Line
TRXGEN Tron Wallet Finder and Crack With Python Tron Wallet (TRX) Crack Finder With Python Just 64 Line My tools [pycharm + anaconda3 + python3.8 + vi