11199 Repositories
Python api-fastapi-python Libraries
A simple Outline Server Access Key Copy and Paste Web Interface
Outline Keychain A simple Outline Server Access Key Copy and Paste Web Interface Developed for key and password export and copy & paste for other Shad
NFT-Generator is the best way to generate thousands of NFTs quick and easily with Python.
NFT-Generator is the best way to generate thousands of NFTs quick and easily with Python. Just add your files, set your configuration and run the scri
AutoLoader is a plugin for Pelican, a static site generator written in Python.
AutoLoader AutoLoader is a plugin for Pelican, a static site generator written in Python. AutoLoader is designed to autoload the other Pelican plugins
A python based app to improve your presentation workflow
Presentation Remote A remote made for making presentations easier by enabling all the members to have access to change the slide and control the flow
Matrix trivia bot with python
Matrix-trivia-bot Getting started See SETUP.md for how to setup and run the template project. Project structure A reference of each file included in t
Features terminal for python
Features Terminal V1.0 (23/10/2021) Um programa para linux com diferentes ferramentas! Recursos: Criador de QR code Gerador de senhas Teste de velocid
A pixeldrain python package using pixeldrain official api
Made with Python3 (C) @FayasNoushad Copyright permission under MIT License License - https://github.com/FayasNoushad/Pixeldrain/blob/main/LICENSE In
Implementation of Apriori algorithms via Python
Installing run bellow command for installing all packages pip install -r requirements.txt Data Put csv data under this directory "infrastructure/data
A python implementation of the windows 95 product key check.
Windows 95 Product Key Check Info: This is a python implementation of the windows 95 product key check. This was just a bit of fun and a massive 5 hou
Color Picker and Color Detection tool for METR4202
METR4202 Color Detection Help This is sample code that can be used for the METR4202 project demo. There are two files provided, both running on Python
sync application configuration and settings across multiple multiplatform devices
sync application configuration and settings across multiple multiplatform devices ✨ Key Features • ⚗️ Installation • 📑 How To Use • 🤔 FAQ • 🛠️ Setu
This is a telegram bot built using the Oxford Dictionary API
Oxford Dictionaries Telegram Bot This is a telegram bot built using the Oxford Dictionary API Source: Oxford Dictionaries API Documentation Install En
Tools for investing in Python
InvestOps Original repository on GitHub Original author is Magnus Erik Hvass Pedersen Introduction This is a Python package with simple and effective
McTrade is a bot exploiting Binance API, open source! built in python !
Open Source Crypto Trading Bot using Binance API Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Contents About The Project Built With Getting Started Prerequis
Simple Port Scanner script written in Python, plans is to expand upon this script to turn it into a GUI based pen testing suite
PortScanner Simple Port Scanner script written in Python, plans is to expand upon this script to turn it into a GUI based pen testing suite. #IMPORTAN
Yasb is a highly configurable and hackable taskbar written in python with Qt6.
Yasb: Yet Another Status Bar Yasb is a highly configurable and hackable taskbar written in python with Qt6. This project is still in (very) early deve
Text Summarizationcls app with python
Text Summarizationcls app This is the repo for the Text Summarization AI Project. It makes use of pre-trained Hugging Face models Packages Used The pa
Python script for converting .json to .md files using Mako templates.
Install Just install poetry and update script dependencies Usage Put your settings in settings.py and .json data (optionally, with attachments) in dat
Tempmail API aswell as a SMTP server.
Tempmail API/Server Tempmail API aswell as a SMTP server. Website · Report Bug · Request Feature Setup Firstly create a mongodb account, and proceed t
A simple python script that, given a location and a date, uses the Nasa Earth API to show a photo taken by the Landsat 8 satellite. The script must be executed on the command-line.
What does it do? Given a location and a date, it uses the Nasa Earth API to show a photo taken by the Landsat 8 satellite. The script must be executed
API Wrapper for seedr.cc
Seedr Python Client Seedr API built with 💛 by Souvik Pratiher Hit that Star button if you like this kind of SDKs and wants more of similar SDKs for o
A url redirect status check module for python
A url redirect status check module for python
an elegant datasets factory
rawbuilder an elegant datasets factory Free software: MIT license Documentation: https://rawbuilder.readthedocs.io. Features Schema oriented datasets
A Snake Game built by Python Turtle Module 🐍
Snake-Game A Snake Game built with Python Turtle Module 🐍 Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com Intro Control the direction of snake by simply
A little side-project API for me to learn about Blockchain and Tokens
BlockChain API I built this little side project to learn more about Blockchain and Tokens. It might be maintained and implemented to other projects bu
A python code for url redirect check
A python code for url redirect check
A multi-page streamlit app for the geospatial community.
A multi-page streamlit app for the geospatial community.
Tactical RMM is a remote monitoring & management tool for Windows computers, built with Django and Vue.
Tactical RMM is a remote monitoring & management tool for Windows computers, built with Django and Vue. It uses an agent written in golan
Random tarot card generator + rudimentary Django CMS
TAROT JUICER This is a rudimentary Django-based CMS which dynamically presents tarot-related content placed onto unconventional but familiar contexts
A system for managing CI data for Mozilla projects
Treeherder Description Treeherder is a reporting dashboard for Mozilla checkins. It allows users to see the results of automatic builds and their resp
A JSON utility library for Python featuring Django-style queries and mutations.
JSON Enhanced JSON Enhanced implements fast and pythonic queries and mutations for JSON objects. Installation You can install json-enhanced with pip:
A Django-powered API with various utility apps / endpoints.
A Django-powered API Includes various utility apps / endpoints. Demos These web apps provide a frontend to the APIs in this project. Issue API Explore
Portfolio and E-commerce site built on Python-Django and Stripe checkout
StripeMe Introduction Stripe Me is an e-commerce and portfolio website offering communication services, including web-development, graphic design and
🔃 A simple implementation of STOMP with Django
Django Stomp A simple implementation of STOMP with Django. In theory it can work with any broker which supports STOMP with none or minor adjustments.
django-admin fixture generator command
Mockango for short mockango is django fixture generator command which help you have data without pain for test development requirements pip install dj
A simple trivia quizzz web app made using django
Trivia Quizzz A simple trivia quizzz web app made using django Demo http://triviaquizzz.herokuapp.com/ & https://triviaquiz.redcrypt.xyz Features Goog
django-idom allows Django to integrate with IDOM
django-idom allows Django to integrate with IDOM, a package inspired by ReactJS for creating responsive web interfaces in pure Python.
A Django e-commerce website
BRIKKHO.com E-commerce website created with Django Run It: Clone the project or download as zip: $ git clone https://github.com/FahadulShadhin/brikkho
Blog focused on skills enhancement and knowledge sharing. Tech Stack's: Vue.js, Django and Django-Ninja
Blog focused on skills enhancement and knowledge sharing. Tech Stack's: Vue.js, Django and Django-Ninja
A sentence search engine that fetches examples from trusted news/media organisations. Great for writing better English.
A sentence search engine that fetches examples from trusted news/media websites. Great for improving writing & speaking better English.
A python based library to help you create unique generative images based on Rarity for your next NFT Project
Generative-NFT Generate Unique Images based on Rarity A python based library to help you create unique generative images based on Rarity for your next
This project calculates current internet upload and download speeds.
Internet-Speed-Calculator Project Description: In this project, are creating an internet speed calculator. Requirements: Following modules need to be
OpenEmu Discord Rich Presence provided with Python!
A simple application that provides your current OpenEmu game as an RPC state in Discord via PyPresence. How to use Unzip and open the latest x86_64 ve
A simple Python program which uses youtube-dl for downloading YouTube videos as mp3 files.
yt-mp3 converter This is a simple Python program which uses youtube-dl for downloading YouTube videos as mp3 files. This program is for you if you are
Open-source Laplacian Eigenmaps for dimensionality reduction of large data in python.
Fast Laplacian Eigenmaps in python Open-source Laplacian Eigenmaps for dimensionality reduction of large data in python. Comes with an wrapper for NMS
A simple password generator using Python Tkinter.
Password-Generator-using-Python A simple password generator that generates password for you. User can Copy the password to Clipboard. Project made usi
🧑💼 Python wrapper for the Seek API
seek-com-au-api 🧑💼 Python wrapper for the seek.com.au API (unofficial) Installation Using Python = 3.6: pip install -e git+https://github.com/tomq
RollerScanner — Fast Port Scanner Written On Python
RollerScanner RollerScanner — Fast Port Scanner Written On Python Installation You should clone this repository using: git clone https://github.com/Ma
Parser for RISC OS Font control characters in Python
RISC OS Font control parsing in Python This repository contains a class (FontControlParser) for parsing font control codes from a byte squence, in Pyt
This is an experimental AES-encrypted RPC API for ESP 8266.
URPC This is an experimental AES-encrypted RPC API for ESP 8266. Usage The server folder contains a sample ESP 8266 project. Simply set the values in
System Information Utility With Python
System-Information-Utility This is a simple utility, for the terminal, which allows you to find out information about your PC. It's very easy to run t
Combine the power of FastAPI and Django to build a production-ready application capable of utilizing all of the best features of both worlds.
FastAPI and Django Combo This projects aims to combine FastAPI and Django to build a Production ready application capable of utilizing all of the feat
A python package that allows you to place automated trades using the TD Ameritrade API.
Template Repo Table of Contents Overview Setup Usage Support These Projects Overview Setup Setup - Requirements Install:* For this particular project,
External Network Pentest Automation using Shodan API and other tools.
Chopin External Network Pentest Automation using Shodan API and other tools. Workflow Input a file containing CIDR ranges. Converts CIDR ranges to ind
YouTube Spam Detection with python
YouTube Spam Detection This code deletes spam comment on youtube videos based on two characteristics (currently) If the author of the comment has a se
Python script for transferring data between three drives in two separate stages
Waterlock Waterlock is a Python script meant for incrementally transferring data between three folder locations in two separate stages. It performs ha
All you need to understand CRUD and MVP in DRF
Book-Store-API This an API which has been put in place just to make you order for books, upload books with price, image and all, pay and automtically
Python Excuse Generator
Excuse Generator Python Excuse Generator This project is an excuse generator that provides the user with an excuse as to why they weren't paying atten
This Django app will be used to host Source.Python plugins, sub-plugins, and custom packages.
Source.Python Project Manager This Django app will be used to host Source.Python plugins, sub-plugins, and custom packages. Want to help develop this
IEEE ITU bunyesinde komitelere verilen Python3 egitiminin dokumanlastirilmis versiyonlari bu repository altinda tutulmaktadir.
IEEE ITU Python Egitimi Nasil Faydalanmaliyim? Dersleri izledikten sonra dokumanlardaki kodlari yorum satirlari isaretlerini kaldirarak deneyebilirsin
Trading bot rienforcement with python
Trading_bot_rienforcement System: Ubuntu 16.04 GPU (GeForce GTX 1080 Ti) Instructions: In order to run the code: Make sure to clone the stable baselin
Collections of pydantic models
pydantic-collections The pydantic-collections package provides BaseCollectionModel class that allows you to manipulate collections of pydantic models
Python Screen Recorder using Python
PY-Screen-Recorder Python Screen Recorder using Python Requirement: pip install cv2 pip install pyautogui pip install numpy How to reach me? You can r
A python library for anti-captcha.com
AntiCaptcha A python library for anti-captcha.com Documentation for the API Requirements git Install git clone https://github.com/ShayBox/AntiCaptcha.
This is a python table of data implementation with styles, colors
Table This is a python table of data implementation with styles, colors Example Table adapts to the lack of data Lambda color features Full power of l
Unofficial API wrapper for seedr.cc
Seedr API Unofficial API wrapper for seedr.cc Inspired by theabbie's seedr-api Powered by @harp_tech (Telegram) How to use You can install lib via git
Python SDK for 42DI
42di Python SDK Install pip install git+https://github.com/42di/python-sdk import import di #42di import pandas_datareader as pdr Init SDK project =
Python module for drawing and rendering beautiful atoms and molecules using Blender.
Batoms is a Python package for editing and rendering atoms and molecules objects using blender. A Python interface that allows for automating workflows.
A use of the python MCPI to enhance the multiplayer and singleplayer gameplay.
Morpheus 2.0 A use of the python MCPI to enhance the multiplayer and singleplayer gameplay. To Use: You will need to install the keyboard, pysimplegui
Python program that handles the creation, encryption and storage of log/journal files. Kinda works like a diary of sorts.
LucaSoft J.O.U.R.N.A.L The J.O.U.R.N.A.L (Just anOther User Redaction & Navigation Assistant by Lucaspec72) is a Python program that handles the creat
A lightweight Python-based 3D network multi-agent simulator. Uses a cell-based congestion model. Calculates risk, loudness and battery capacities of the agents. Suitable for 3D network optimization tasks.
AMAZ3DSim AMAZ3DSim is a lightweight python-based 3D network multi-agent simulator. It uses a cell-based congestion model. It calculates risk, battery
🦩 A Python tool to create comment-free Jupyter notebooks.
Pelikan Pelikan lets you convert notebooks to comment-free notebooks. In other words, It removes Python block and inline comments from source cells in
A TCP Backdoor made in python
Tracey-Backdoor A Reverse Shell Backdoor made in python OOP. It supposed to work in Windows and Linux OS Functions: Reverse Connection Send Reverse TC
A project that uses optical flow and machine learning to detect aimhacking in video clips.
waldo-anticheat A project that aims to use optical flow and machine learning to visually detect cheating or hacking in video clips from fps games. Che
A small discord bot to interface with python-discord's snekbox.
A small discord bot to interface with python-discord's snekbox.
Python sandbox runners for executing code in isolation aka snekbox.
Python sandbox runners for executing code in isolation aka snekbox.
A short non 100% Accurate Solar System in pygame
solar-system-pygame Controls UP/DOWN for Emulation Speed Control ESC for Pause/Unpause q to Quit c or ESC again to Continue LEFT CLICK to Add an orbit
Simple Discord bot for snekbox (sandboxed Python code execution), self-host or use a global instance
snakeboxed Simple Discord bot for snekbox (sandboxed Python code execution), self-host or use a global instance
Python Encryption Name Game
Python 3.9.7 Encryption Name Game Encrypt a name with numbers using a Caesar cipher! You can choose different numbers to encrypt your name from 1 to o
Ackermann Line Follower Robot Simulation.
Ackermann Line Follower Robot This is a simulation of a line follower robot that works with steering control based on Stanley: The Robot That Won the
Huggingface transformers for discord
disformers Huggingface transformers for discord base source butyr/huggingface-transformer-chatbots install pip install -U disformers example see examp
A very simple Editor.js parser written in pure Python
pyEditor.js A very simple Editor.js parser written in pure Python. Soon-to-be published on PyPI. Features: Automatically convert Editor.js's JSON outp
Task dispatcher for Postgres
Features a task being ran as an OS process supports task queue with priority and process limit per node fully database driven (a worker and task can b
This tutorial will guide you through the process of self-hosting Polygon
Hosting guide This tutorial will guide you through the process of self-hosting Polygon Before starting Make sure you have the following tools installe
Macro recording and metaprogramming in Python
macro-kit is a package for efficient macro recording and metaprogramming in Python using abstract syntax tree (AST).
A string extractor module for python
A string extractor module for python
A mood based crypto tracking application.
Crypto Bud - API A mood based crypto tracking application. The main repository is private. I am creating the API before I connect everything to the ma
simple python keylogger
CRUD database for python discord bot developers that stores data on discord text channels
Discord Database A CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) database for python Discord bot developers. All data is stored in key-value pairs directly on disc
Example of a discord bot in Python
discordbot.py Example of a discord bot in Python Requirements Python 3.8 or higher Discord Bot Setting Up Clone this repo or download the files Rename
Retail-Sim is python package to easily create synthetic dataset of retaile store.
Retailer's Sale Data Simulation Retail-Sim is python package to easily create synthetic dataset of retaile store. Simulation Model Simulator consists
A tool for light-duty persistent memoization of API calls
JSON Memoize What is this? json_memoize is a straightforward tool for light-duty persistent memoization, created with API calls in mind. It stores the
Show how the redis works with Python (Django).
Redis Leaderboard Python (Django) Show how the redis works with Python (Django). Try it out deploying on Heroku (See notes: How to run on Google Cloud
How to access and display MyEnergi data
MyEnergi-Python-Example How to access and display MyEnergi data Windows PC Install a version of Python typically 3.10 The Python code here needs addit
A simple python script to reveal the contents of a proof of vaccination QR code.
vaxidecoder A simple python script to reveal the contents of a proof of vaccination QR code. It takes a QR code image as input, and returns JSon data.
A Python 3 script that uploads a tasks.pickle file that enables RCE in MotionEye
MotionEye/MotionEyeOS Authenticated RCE A Python 3 script that uploads a tasks.pickle file that enables RCE in MotionEye. You need administrator crede
Integarting Celery with Django to asynchronous tasks 📃
Integrating 🔗 Celery with Django via Redis server ,To-Do asynchronously 👀task without stopping the main-flow 📃 of Django-project . It increase your speed 🚀 and user experience 🤵 of website
A lightweight and unlocked launcher for Lunar Client made in Python.
LCLPy LCL's Python Port of Lunar Client Lite. Releases: https://github.com/Aetopia/LCLPy/releases Build Install PyInstaller. pip install PyInstaller
topalias - Linux alias generator from bash/zsh command history with statistics, written on Python.
topalias topalias - Linux alias generator from bash/zsh command history with statistics, written on Python. Features Generate short alias for popular
API Simples com python utilizando a biblioteca FastApi
api-fastapi-python API Simples com python utilizando a biblioteca FastApi Para rodar esse script são necessárias duas bibliotecas: Fastapi: Comando de