11199 Repositories
Python api-fastapi-python Libraries
Py3D - A 3d rendering engine written entirely in python
Py3D is a 3d rendering engine written entirely in python. It is a simple and eas
NeuralForecast is a Python library for time series forecasting with deep learning models
NeuralForecast is a Python library for time series forecasting with deep learning models. It includes benchmark datasets, data-loading utilities, evaluation functions, statistical tests, univariate model benchmarks and SOTA models implemented in PyTorch and PyTorchLightning.
szrose is an all in one group management bot made for managing your group effectively with some advance security tools & Suit For All Your Needs ❤️
szrose is an all in one group management bot made for managing your group effectively with some advance security tools & Suit For All Your Needs ❤️
A Radare2 based Python module for Binary Analysis and Reverse Engineering.
Zepu1chr3 A Radare2 based Python module for Binary Analysis and Reverse Engineering. Installation You can simply run this command. pip3 install zepu1c
A python Ethereum utilities command-line tool.
peth-cli A python Ethereum utilities command-line tool. After wasting the all day trying to install seth and failed, I took another day to write this.
Identify unused production dependencies and avoid a bloated virtual environment.
creosote Identify unused production dependencies and avoid a bloated virtual environment. Quickstart # Install creosote in separate virtual environmen
A python package for deep multilingual punctuation prediction.
This python library predicts the punctuation of English, Italian, French and German texts. We developed it to restore the punctuation of transcribed spoken language.
Stopmagic gives you the power of creating amazing Stop Motion animations faster and easier than ever before.
Stopmagic gives you the power of creating amazing Stop Motion animations faster and easier than ever before. This project is maintained by Aldrin Mathew.
PHION's client-side core python library
PHION-core PHION's client-side core python library. This library is not meant to be used directly by users. If you want to install phion please use th
An API which returns random AOT quote everytime it's invoked
An API which returns random AOT quote everytime it's invoked
Python wrapper and CLI utility to render LaTeX markup and equations as SVG using dvisvgm and svgo.
latex2svg Python wrapper and CLI utility to render LaTeX markup and equations as SVG using dvisvgm and svgo. Based on the original work by Tino Wagner
A pure PyTorch implementation of the loss described in "Online Segment to Segment Neural Transduction"
ssnt-loss ℹ️ This is a WIP project. the implementation is still being tested. A pure PyTorch implementation of the loss described in "Online Segment t
FastAPI Auth Starter Project
This is a template for FastAPI that comes with authentication preconfigured.
This repository consists of the python scripts for execution and automation of vivid tasks.
Scripting.py is a repository being maintained to keep log of the python scripts that I create for automating and executing some of my boring manual task.
carrier.py is a Python package/module that's used to save time when programming
carrier.py is a Python package/module that's used to save time when programming, it helps with functions such as 24 and 12 hour time, Discord webhooks, etc
Free TradingView webhook alert for basic plan users.
TradingView-Free-Webhook-Alerts Project start on 01-02-2022 Providing the free webhook service to the basic plan users in TradingView. Portal ↠ Instal
Tracks how much money a profile has in their bank and graphs it, as long as they enable the bank api
Tracks how much money a profile has in their bank and graphs it, as long as they enable the bank api. (you could really use this to track anything from the hypixel api)
Use a real time weather API to apply wind to your mouse cursor.
wind-cursor Use a real time weather API to apply wind to your mouse cursor. Requirements PyAutoGUI pyowm Usage This program uses the OpenWeatherMap AP
Python command line tool and python engine to label table fields and fields in data files.
Python command line tool and python engine to label table fields and fields in data files. It could help to find meaningful data in your tables and data files or to find Personal identifable information (PII).
Weather Tracker, made with Python using Open Weather API
Weather Tracker Weather Tracker, made with Python using Open Weather API
Python project that aims to discover CDP neighbors and map their Layer-2 topology within a shareable medium like Visio or Draw.io.
Python project that aims to discover CDP neighbors and map their Layer-2 topology within a shareable medium like Visio or Draw.io.
A performant state estimator for power system
A state estimator for power system. Turbocharged with sparse matrix support, JIT, SIMD and improved ordering.
Twitter FakeNFT With Python
This project is a server that fetches your Twitter profile picture and applies the hexagonal transparency mask displayed on the profiles of users who have an NFT profile picture.
Protection-UB - Simple Group Protection userbot running on python3 with ARQ
Protection-UB Simple Group Protection userbot running on python3 with ARQ ⚠️ Not
Necst-lib - Pure Python tools for NECST
necst-lib Pure Python tools for NECST. Features This library provides: something
Guess The Random Number - A sample Random Number Guessing Game Python Program
Guess_The_Random_Number This repo contains a simple "Random Number Guessing Game
PyFUD - Fully Undetectable payload generator for metasploit
PyFUD fully Undetectable payload generator for metasploit Usage: pyfud.py --host
Envia-emails - A Python Program that creates emails
Envia-emails Os emails é algo muito importante e usado. Pensando nisso, eu criei
File-manager - A basic file manager, written in Python
File Manager A basic file manager, written in Python. Installation Install Pytho
TextColor - An easy to use Python library which allows you to make your terminal outputs more colorful and therefore easier to read and understand
This is an easy to use Python library which allows you to make your terminal out
Email-bomber - Email bomber unlike other email bombers u don't need your gmail email id to use this
Email-bomber - Email bomber unlike other email bombers u don't need your gmail email id to use this
Pystackql - Python wrapper for StackQL
pystackql - Python Library for StackQL Python wrapper for StackQL Usage from pys
A python Tk GUI that creates, writes text and attaches images into a custom spreadsheet file
A python Tk GUI that creates, writes text and attaches images into a custom spreadsheet file
Restaurant-finder - Restaurant finder With Python
restaurant-finder APIs /restaurants query-params: a. filter: column based on whi
Create artistic visualisations with your exercise data (Python version)
strava_py Create artistic visualisations with your exercise data (Python version). This is a port of the R strava package to Python. Examples Facets A
Turn your C++/Java code into a Python-like format for extra style points and to make everyone hates you
Turn your C++/Java code into a Python-like format for extra style points and to make everyone hates you
Python inverse kinematics for your robot model based on Pinocchio.
Python inverse kinematics for your robot model based on Pinocchio.
BreakFastApi 🍣 🍔 🍕 The most delicious API on the web
BreakFastApi 🍣 🍔 🍕 The most delicious API on the web. Just send a request and you'll receive the most mouth watering dish recipe with estimated coo
This machine learning model was developed for House Prices
This machine learning model was developed for House Prices - Advanced Regression Techniques competition in Kaggle by using several machine learning models such as Random Forest, XGBoost and LightGBM.
1900-2016 Olympic Data Analysis in Python by plotting different graphs
🔥 Olympics Data Analysis 🔥 In Data Science field, there is a big topic before creating a model for future prediction is Data Analysis. We can find o
A Python package which supports global logfmt formatted logging.
Python Logfmter A Python package which supports global logfmt formatted logging. Install $ pip install logfmter Usage Before integrating this library,
Mnist API server w/ FastAPI
Mnist API server w/ FastAPI
API that provides Wordle (ES) solutions in JSON format
Wordle (ES) solutions API that provides Wordle (ES) solutions in JSON format.
Building a Mario-like, classic platformer game in Python using the PyGame Library
Building a Mario-like, classic platformer game in Python using the PyGame Library
CmdTube is a Python CLI library for searching, downloading, and watching YouTube tutorials
CmdTube is a Python CLI library for searching, downloading, and watching YouTube tutorials. This library was made with programmers in mind and it's dedicated to every programmer who watches YouTube videos to become better.
Library written in Python that wraps Halo Infinite API.
haloinfinite Library written in Python that wraps Halo Infinite API. Before start It's unofficial, reverse-engineered, neither stable nor production r
A library from RCTI+ to handle RabbitMQ tasks (connect, send, receive, etc) in Python.
Introduction A library from RCTI+ to handle RabbitMQ tasks (connect, send, receive, etc) in Python. Requirements Python =3.7.3 Pika ==1.2.0 Aio-pika
JD-backup is an advanced Python script, that will extract all links from a jDownloader 2 file list and export them to a text file.
JD-backup is an advanced Python script, that will extract all links from a jDownloader 2 file list and export them to a text file.
Web scraper build using python.
Web Scraper This project is made in pyhthon. It took some info. from website list then add them into data.json file. The dependencies used are: reques
Basic sort and search algorithms written in python.
Basic sort and search algorithms written in python. These were all developed as part of my Computer Science course to demonstrate understanding so they aren't 100% efficent
Genetic algorithms are heuristic search algorithms inspired by the process that supports the evolution of life.
Genetic algorithms are heuristic search algorithms inspired by the process that supports the evolution of life. The algorithm is designed to replicate the natural selection process to carry generation, i.e. survival of the fittest of beings.
A Python-based command prompt concept which includes windows command emulation.
PythonCMD A Python-based command prompt concept which includes windows command emulation. Current features: echo: Input your message and it will be cl
A simple music player, powered by Python, utilising various libraries such as Tkinter and Pygame
A simple music player, powered by Python, utilising various libraries such as Tkinter and Pygame
Hagia is a 2D game engine and toolset for Python.
HAGIA What is Hagia? Hagia is a 2D game engine and toolset for Python. Hagia has
Hex-brawl-v25 - Simple Brawl Stars v25.107 server emulator written in Python
Hex Brawl Simple Brawl Stars v25.107 server emulator written in Python. Requirem
The unified machine learning framework, enabling framework-agnostic functions, layers and libraries.
The unified machine learning framework, enabling framework-agnostic functions, layers and libraries. Contents Overview In a Nutshell Where Next? Overv
Loguru is an exceeding easy way to do logging in Python
Django Easy Logging Easy Django logging with Loguru Loguru is an exceeding easy way to do logging in Python. django-easy-logging makes it exceedingly
Raspi-scraper is a configurable python webscraper that checks raspberry pi stocks from verified sellers
Raspi-scraper is a configurable python webscraper that checks raspberry pi stocks from verified sellers.
ONNX-GLPDepth - Python scripts for performing monocular depth estimation using the GLPDepth model in ONNX
ONNX-GLPDepth - Python scripts for performing monocular depth estimation using the GLPDepth model in ONNX
NFT Generator - A NFT Generator created using Python
NFT_Generator v1 An NFT Generator created using Python. This NFT Generation tool
Expense Tracker is a very good tool to keep track of your expenseditures and the total money you saved.
Expense Tracker is a very good tool to keep track of your expenseditures and the total money you saved.
Weather Image Recognition - Python weather application using series of data
Weather Image Recognition - Python weather application using series of data
Python Computer Vision Aim Bot for Roblox's Phantom Forces
Python-Phantom-Forces-Aim-Bot Python Computer Vision Aim Bot for Roblox's Phanto
Map Reduce Wordcount in Python using gRPC
This project is implemented in Python using gRPC. The input files are given in .txt format and the word count operation is performed.
Yts-cli-streamer - A CLI movie streaming client which works on yts.mx API written in python
YTSP It is a CLI movie streaming client which works on yts.mx API written in pyt
Semantic Segmentation Suite in TensorFlow
Semantic Segmentation Suite in TensorFlow. Implement, train, and test new Semantic Segmentation models easily!
Analysis of a dataset of 10000 passwords to find common trends and mistakes people generally make while setting up a password.
Analysis of a dataset of 10000 passwords to find common trends and mistakes people generally make while setting up a password.
Materials for the Introduction in Python , Linux , Git and Github
This repository contains all the materials of the presentation on the introduction of python, linux, git and Github.
pls is a better ls for developers, pronounced /pliːz/ as in 'please'
pls is a better ls for developers. The "p" stands for ("pro" as in "professional"/"programmer") or "prettier". It works in a manner similar to ls, in
Easy to use gRPC-web client in python
pyease-grpc Easy to use gRPC-web client in python Tutorial This package provides a requests like interface to make calls to gRPC-Web servers.
A python script to extract information from a Microsoft Remote Desktop Web Access (RDWA) application
This python script allow to extract various information from a Microsoft Remote Desktop Web Access (RDWA) application, such as the FQDN of the remote server, the internal AD domain name (from the FQDN), and the remote Windows Server version
🔗 FusiShort is a URL shortener built with Python, Redis, Docker and Kubernetes
This is a playground application created with goal of applying full cycle software development using popular technologies like Python, Redis, Docker and Kubernetes.
A tool to manage the base URL of the Python package index.
chpip A tool to manage the base URL of the Python package index. Installation $ pip install chpip Usage Set pip index URL Set the base URL of the Pyth
For educational purposes, a simple script that assists in solving the word game Wordle.
WordleSolver For educational purposes, a simple script that assists in solving the word game Wordle. Instructions Pick your first word from the sugges
Learn other languages using artificial intelligence with python.
The main idea of the project is to facilitate the learning of other languages. We created a simple AI that will interact with you. Just ask questions that if she knows, she will answer.
Python script for crawling ResearchGate.net papers✨⭐️📎
ResearchGate Crawler Python script for crawling ResearchGate.net papers About the script This code start crawling process by urls in start.txt and giv
BlueHawk is an HTTP/1.1 compliant web server developed in python
This project is done as a part of Computer Networks course. It aims at the implementation of the HTTP/1.1 Protocol based on RFC 2616 and includes the basic HTTP methods of GET, POST, PUT, DELETE and HEAD.
API wrapper for VCS hosting system.
PythonVCS API wrapper for VCS hosting system. Supported platforms Gitea Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket support will not, until that packages is not updated
A GUI based glitch tool that uses FFMPEG to create motion interpolated glitches in your videos.
FF Dissolve Glitch This is a GUI based glitch tool that uses FFmpeg to create awesome and wierd motion interpolated glitches in videos. I call it FF d
Run PD patches in NRT using Python
The files in this repository demonstrate how to use Pure Data (Pd) patches designed to run in Non-Real-Time mode to batch-process (synthesize, analyze, etc) sounds in series using Python.
A voice based calculator by using termux api in Android
termux_voice_calculator This is. A voice based calculator by using termux api in Android Instagram account 👉 👈 Requirements and installation Downloa
A file-based quote bot written in Python
Let's Write a Python Quote Bot! This repository will get you started with building a quote bot in Python. It's meant to be used along with the Learnin
Awesome Casino is simple offline casino made on python.
Awesome-Casino Awesome Casino is simple offline casino made on python. I found bug, what can i do? If you find any bug or want to suggest any idea, al
Run Windows Applications on Linux as if they are native, Use linux applications to launch files files located in windows vm without needing to install applications on vm. With easy to use configuration GUI
Run Windows Applications on Linux as if they are native, Use linux applications to launch files files located in windows vm without needing to install applications on vm. With easy to use configuration GUI
Trading bot - A Trading bot With Python
Trading_bot Trading bot intended for 1) Tracking current prices of tokens 2) Set
XSSearch - A comprehensive reflected XSS tool built on selenium framework in python
XSSearch A Comprehensive Reflected XSS Scanner XSSearch is a comprehensive refle
Tglogging - A python package to send your app logs to a telegram chat in realtime
Telegram Logger A simple python package to send your app logs to a telegram chat
Tekken-python-ml - A project of playing tekken game using python
Tekken Python Description Hi this is new project of playing tekken game using py
Ssl-tool - A simple interactive CLI wrapper around openssl to make creation and installation of self-signed certs easy
What's this? A simple interactive CLI wrapper around openssl to make self-signin
CNKD - Minimalistic Windows ransomware written in Python
CNKD Minimalistic Windows ransomware written in Python (Still a work in progress
Adventure-Game - Adventure Game which is created using Python
Adventure Game 🌇 This is a Adventure Game which is created using Python. Featur
Password-Manager - A Password Manager application made using Python. You can use this python application to store and to see the stored passwords
Password Manager 🔑 This is a Password Manager Application which is made using P
LabGraph is a a Python-first framework used to build sophisticated research systems with real-time streaming, graph API, and parallelism.
LabGraph is a a Python-first framework used to build sophisticated research systems with real-time streaming, graph API, and parallelism.
Dev-meme - A repository that contains memes just for people like us
A repository that contains memes just for people like us. Coders are constantly
Tarstats - A simple Python commandline application that collects statistics about tarfiles
A simple Python commandline application that collects statistics about tarfiles.
A series of basic programs written in Python
Primeros programas en Python Una serie de programas básicos escritos en Python
HogwartsRegister - A Hogwarts Register With Python
A Hogwarts Register Installation download code git clone https://github.com/haor
Axel - 3D printed robotic hands and they controll with Raspberry Pi and Arduino combo
Axel It's our graduation project about 3D printed robotic hands and they control
Modi2-firmware-updater - MODI+ Firmware Updater With Python
MODI+ Firmware Updater 실행 준비 python3(파이썬3.9 혹은 그 이상의 버전)를 컴퓨터에 설치 python3 -m pip
List Less Than Ten with python
List Less Than Ten with python