1876 Repositories
Python api-template Libraries
Bearer API client for Python
Bearer Python Bearer Python client Installation pip install bearer Usage Get your Bearer Secret Key and integration id from the Dashboard and use the
Python client for QIWI payment system
Pyqiwi Lib for QIWI payment system Installation pip install pyqiwi Usage from decimal import Decimal from datetime import datetime, timedelta from p
RestMapper takes the pain out of integrating with RESTful APIs.
python-restmapper RestMapper takes the pain out of integrating with RESTful APIs. It removes all of the complexity with writing API-specific code, and
Wrapping Raml around Django rest-api's
Ramlwrap is a toolkit for Django which allows a combination of rapid server prototyping as well as enforcement of API definition from the RAML api. R
Python API for HotBits random data generator
HotBits Python API Python API for HotBits random data generator. Description This project is random data generator. It uses is HotBits API web service
Python API for British Geological Survey magnetic field calculator
Magnetic field calculator Python API for British Geological Survey magnetic field calculator. Description This project magnetic field calculator. It u
An advanced Twitter scraping & OSINT tool written in Python that doesn't use Twitter's API, allowing you to scrape a user's followers, following, Tweets and more while evading most API limitations.
TWINT - Twitter Intelligence Tool No authentication. No API. No limits. Twint is an advanced Twitter scraping tool written in Python that allows for s
Creating a Python API, for the MakeMyTrip Flight Schedules.
MakeMyTripAPI Creating a Python API, for the MakeMyTrip Flight Schedules. Source: MakeMyTrip is an Indian online travel company founded in 2000. Headq
Rio Userbot Adalah Bot Untuk Membantu Mempermudahkan Sesuatu Di Telegram, Last Repository With Pytgcalls v0.8.3
RIO - USERBOT Disclaimer Saya tidak bertanggung jawab atas penyalahgunaan bot ini. Bot ini dimaksudkan untuk bersenang-senang sekaligus membantu Anda
Mazda Connected Service API wrapper based on pymazda and Flask.
Mazda Connected Service Relay Mazda Connected Service API wrapper based on pymazda and Flask. Usage Make POST calls to https://mymazda.herokuapp.com/{
This repository provides a set of easy to understand and tested Python samples for using Acronis Cyber Platform API.
Base Acronis Cyber Platform API operations with Python !!! info Copyright © 2019-2021 Acronis International GmbH. This is distributed under MIT licens
First API using FastApi
First API using FastApi Made this Simple Api to store and Retrive Student Data of My College Ncc-Bim To View All the endpoits Visit /docs To Run Local
AKShare is an elegant and simple financial data interface library for Python, built for human beings
AKShare is an elegant and simple financial data interface library for Python, built for human beings
Flask app + (html+css+ajax) contain ability add employee and place where employee work - plant or salon
#Manage your employees! With all employee information stored in one place, you no longer have to sift through hoards of spreadsheets to manually searc
Asynchronous Guilded API wrapper for Python
Welcome to guilded.py, a discord.py-esque asynchronous Python wrapper for the Guilded API. If you know discord.py, you know guilded.py. Documentation
TypeRig is a Python library aimed at simplifying the current FontLab API
TypeRig TypeRig is a Python library aimed at simplifying the current FontLab API while offering some additional functionality that is heavily biased t
A Flask & Twilio Secret Santa app.
🎄 ✨ Secret Santa Twilio ✨ 📱 A contactless Secret Santa game built with Python, Flask and Twilio! Prerequisites 📝 A Twilio account. Sign up here ngr
Prometheus exporter for metrics from the MyAudi API
Prometheus Audi Exporter This Prometheus exporter exports metrics that it fetches from the MyAudi API. Usage Checkout submodules Install dependencies
A Python wrapper API for operating and working with the Neo4j Graph Data Science (GDS) library
gdsclient NOTE: This is a work in progress and many GDS features are known to be missing or not working properly. This repo hosts the sources for gdsc
This is a python wrapper for "the best api in the world"
This is a python wrapper for my api api_url = "https://api.dhravya.me/" This wrapper now has async support, its basically the same except it uses asyn
The best discord.py template with a changeable prefix
Discord.py Bot Template By noma4321#0035 With A Custom Prefix To Every Guild Function Features Has a custom prefix that is changeable for every guild
A python telegram bot to fetch the details of an ipadress with help of ip-api
ipfetcher A python(Pyrogram) oriented telegram bot to fetch the details of an ipadress developed by @riz4d with the API of https://ip-api.com Deployme
A Python wrapper API for operating and working with the Neo4j Graph Data Science (GDS) library
gdsclient This repo hosts the sources for gdsclient, a Python wrapper API for operating and working with the Neo4j Graph Data Science (GDS) library. g
RapiDAST provides a framework for continuous, proactive and fully automated dynamic scanning against web apps/API.
RapiDAST RapiDAST provides a framework for continuous, proactive and fully automated dynamic scanning against web apps/API. Its core engine is OWASP Z
Cookiecutter Flask OpenAPI is a template for jumpstarting production-ready Flask projects quickly.
Cookiecutter Flask OpenAPI is a template for jumpstarting production-ready Flask projects quickly. It has a well organized and scalable structure. It uses API design first
An enhanced discord.py, based off of the now-archived discord.py project
enhanced-discord.py A modern, maintained, easy to use, feature-rich, and async ready API wrapper for Discord written in Python. The Future of enhanced
Covid19 API. (Currently Scrapes: worldometers)
Covid19-API An opensource Covid19 API (currently uses worldometer only) Output Examples Covid19 Every Country Data Request URL your-ip/api/all Resp
Non official, but friendly QvaPay library for the Python language.
Python SDK for the QvaPay API Non official, but friendly QvaPay library for the Python language. Setup You can install this package by using the pip t
Find exposed API keys based on RegEx and get exploitation methods for some of keys that are found
dora Features Blazing fast as we are using ripgrep in backend Exploit/PoC steps for many of the API key, allowing to write a good report for bug bount
Minimalist Error collection Service compatible with Rollbar clients. Sentry or Rollbar alternative.
Minimalist Error collection Service Features Compatible with any Rollbar client(see https://docs.rollbar.com/docs). Just change the endpoint URL to yo
A set of demo of deploying a Machine Learning Model in production using various methods
Machine Learning Model in Production This git is for those who have concern about serving your machine learning model to production. Overview The tuto
Twitter API with fastAPI
Twitter API with fastAPI Content Forms Cookies and headers management Files edition Status codes HTTPExceptions Docstrings or documentation Deprecate
A Python wrapper for the DeepL API
deepl.py A Python wrapper for the DeepL API installing Install and update using pip: pip install deepl.py A simple example. # Sync Sample import deep
Creates Spotify playlists from Spinitron playlists.
spin2spot Creates Spotify playlists from Spinitron playlists. Quick Start You can use spin2spot as a command-line tool: erik@ubuntu:~$ python -m spin2
A powerful, cool and well-made userbot for your Telegram profile with promising extension capabilities.
Telecharm userbot A powerful, fast and simple Telegram userbot written in Python 3 and based on Pyrogram 1.X. Currently in active WIP state, so feel f
A modern python module including many useful features that make discord bot programming extremely easy.
discord-super-utils Documentation Secondary Documentation A modern python module including many useful features that make discord bot programming extr
Indian Space Research Organisation API With Python
ISRO Indian Space Research Organisation API Installation pip install ISRO Usage import isro isro.spacecrafts() # returns spacecrafts data isro.lau
A Python library for inserting an reverse shell attached to Telegram in any Python application.
py tel reverse shell the reverse shell in your telgram! What is this? This program is a Python library that you can use to put an inverted shell conne
File storage with API access. Used as a part of the Swipio project
API File storage File storage with API access. Used as a part of the Swipio project 📝 About The Project File storage allows you to upload and downloa
Taichi Course Homework Template
太极图形课S1-标题部分 这个作业未来或将是你的开源项目,标题的内容可以来自作业中的核心关键词,让读者一眼看出你所完成的工作/做出的好玩demo 如果暂时未想好,起名时可以参考“太极图形课S1-xxx作业” 如下是作业(项目)展开说明的方法,可以帮大家理清思路,并且也对读者非常友好,请小伙伴们多多参
Um script simples para consultar dados, com API's simples.
Info sobre o Script Esta é uma das mais simples ferramentas para consultar dados. Daqui um tempo eu farei um UPGRADE no painel, irei adicionar um banc
Python program that generates random user from API
RandomUserPy Author kirito sate #modules used requests, json, tkinter, PIL, urllib, io, install requests and PIL modules from pypi pip install Pillow
Python client for Invidious' JSON API
Python project template A template for new Python projects. Features Automatically builds PDoc documentation & uploads package to PyPI on new GitHub r
A Python API For Questionnaire
Инструкция по разворачиванию приложения Окружение проекта: python 3.8 Django 2.2.10 djangorestframework Склонируйте репозиторий с помощью git: git clo
A simple free API that allows you to extract abuse emails from IPs.
Abuse-Email-API A simple free API that allows you to extract abuse emails from IPs. also isnt worth 500 dollars :) Requirements A Debian based OS The
An API or getting Optifine VersionsList/Version/Download-URL.
Optifine-API An API for getting Optifine VersionsList/Versions/Download-URL. Table of contents Get Versions List Get Specify Versions Download Optifin
A plugin to introduce a generic API for Decompiler support in GEF
decomp2gef A plugin to introduce a generic API for Decompiler support in GEF. Like GEF, the plugin is battery-included and requires no external depend
An API wrapper library for opensea api.
Opensea API An API wrapper library for opensea api. Installation pip3 install opensea Usage Retrieving assets: from opensea import get_assets # This
TensorFlow (Python API) implementation of Neural Style
neural-style-tf This is a TensorFlow implementation of several techniques described in the papers: Image Style Transfer Using Convolutional Neural Net
A discord bot with information and template tracking for pxls.space.
pyCharity A discord bot with information and template tracking for pxls.space. Inspired by Mikarific's Charity bot. Try out the beta version on your s
Template to create a telegram bot in python
Template for Telegram Bot Template to create a telegram bot in python. How to Run Set your telegram bot token as environment variable TELEGRAM_BOT_TOK
A Python API for Connected 2
connected API for Connected 2 api for the { connected 2 } programmer : api report api follow api check username api forget password api Search api cha
RESTful Todolist API
RESTful Todolist API GET todolist/ POST todolist/ {"desc" : "Description of task to do"} DELETE todolist/int:id PUT todolist/int:id Requirements D
An API wrapper for Discord written in Python.
HCord A fork of discord.py project. HCord is a modern, easy to use, feature-rich, and async ready API wrapper for Discord written in Python. Key Featu
Basic FastAPI starter with GraphQL, Docker, and MongoDB configurations.
FastAPI + GraphQL Starter A python starter project using FastAPI and GraphQL. This project leverages docker for containerization and provides the scri
Foundation Auth Proxy is an abstraction on Foundations' authentication layer and is used to authenticate requests to Atlas's REST API.
foundations-auth-proxy Setup By default the server runs on This can be changed via the arguments. Arguments: '-H' or '--host': ho
A cookiecutter template for python scripts
cookiecutter-py-script A cookiecutter template for python scripts Prerequisites Git Usage pip install cookiecutter
Pythonic wrapper for the Aladhan prayer times API.
aladhan.py is a pythonic wrapper for the Aladhan prayer times API. Installation Python 3.6 or higher is required. To Install aladhan.py with pip: pip
A web application (with multiple API project options) that uses MariaDB HTAP!
Bookings Bookings is a web application that, backed by the power of the MariaDB Connectors and the MariaDB X4 Platform, unleashes the power of smart t
Python library for generating a Mastercard API compliant OAuth signature.
oauth1-signer-python Table of Contents Overview Compatibility References Usage Prerequisites Adding the Library to Your Project Importing the Code Loa
Due to changes to the discord API and discord.py being discontinued
Talia Due to changes to the discord API and discord.py being discontinued, Talia development has been halted permanently A customizable economy discor
Automation that uses Github Actions, Google Drive API, YouTube Data API and youtube-dl together to feed BackJam app with new music
Automation that uses Github Actions, Google Drive API, YouTube Data API and youtube-dl together to feed BackJam app with new music
Python API client library for phpIPAM installations
phpypam: Python API client library for phpIPAM installation As we started to develop phpipam-ansible-modules we used an existing python library for ph
Feature rich robust FastAPI template.
Flexible and Lightweight general-purpose template for FastAPI. Usage ⚠️ Git, Python and Poetry must be installed and accessible ⚠️ Poetry version must
Template for creating PyPI project
template-for-creating-pypi-project Template for creating PyPI project Hello there! This is a template for creating a PyPI project. Fork or clone this
Backend code to use MCPI's python API to make infinite worlds with custom generation
inf-mcpi Backend code to use MCPI's python API to make infinite worlds with custom generation Does not save player-placed blocks! Generation is still
OpenAPI for Todolist RESTful API
swagger-client OpenAPI for Todolist RESTful API This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project: API version: 1 Package
The program for obtaining a horoscope in Python using API from rapidapi.com site.
Python horoscope The program allows you to get a horoscope for your zodiac sign and immediately translate it into almost any language. Step 1 The firs
An API wrapper for the file.io web service.
🗃️ File.io An API wrapper for the file.io web service. Install $ pip3 install fileio or
An Auto-Grinding bot made for Pokemeow. Efficient but not many features yet
PokeGrinder 🤖 This is an Auto-Grinding bot made for Pokemeow. Efficient but not many features yet. Supported features This bot can currently handle :
Python client and API for monitoring and controling energy diversion devices from MyEnergi
Python client and API for monitoring and controling energy diversion devices from MyEnergi A set of library functions and objects for interfacing with
Process RunGap output file of a workout and load data into Apple Numbers Spreadsheet and my website with API calls
BSD 3-Clause License Copyright (c) 2020, Mike Bromberek All rights reserved. ProcessWorkout Exercise data is exported in JSON format to iCloud using
Python version of the TerminusDB client - for TerminusDB API and WOQLpy
TerminusDB Client Python Development status ⚙️ Python Package status 📦 Python version of the TerminusDB client - for TerminusDB API and WOQLpy Requir
A simple way to create a request to the coinpayment API with a valid HMAC using your private key and command
Coinpayments Verify TXID Created for Astral Discord bot A simple way to create a request to the coinpayment API with a valid HMAC using your private k
A pet facts python api
Pet-Facts-API A pet facts python api Project Links API :- https://pet-facts-api.vercel.app Docs :- https://fayasnoushad.github.io/Pet-Facts-API
Api's bulid in Flask perfom to manage Todo Task.
Citymall-task Api's bulid in Flask perfom to manage Todo Task. Installation Requrements : Python: 3.10.0 MongoDB create .env file with variables DB_UR
Django CRUD REST API Generator
Django CRUD REST API Generator This is a simple tool that generates a Django REST API with the given models. Specs: Authentication, DRF generic views,
Boilerplate template for the discord-py-interactions library
discord-py-interactions_boilerplate Boilerplate template for the discord-py-interactions library Currently, this boilerplate supports discord-py-inter
ro.py is a modern, asynchronous Python 3 wrapper for the Roblox API.
GitHub | Discord | PyPI | Documentation | Examples | License Overview Welcome to ro.py! ro.py is an asynchronous, object-oriented wrapper for the Robl
Stock market bot that will be used to learn about API calls and database connections.
Stock market bot that will be used to learn about API calls and database connections.
This is a simple application to generate HD wallet addresses for cryptocurrency coins.
HD-Wallet-Address This is a mini service to generate addresses in the master HD-Wallet. It will use py_crypto_hd_wallet package as a base. Prerequisit
A script that automatically creates a branch name using google translation api and jira api
About google translation api와 jira api을 사용하여 자동으로 브랜치 이름을 만들어주는 스크립트 Setup 환경변수에 다음 3가지를 등록해야 한다. JIRA_USER : JIRA email (ex: username@domain.com) JIR
Python api wrapper for JellyFish Lights
Python api wrapper for JellyFish Lights The hope is to make this a pip installable package Current capabalilities: Connects to a local JellyFish Light
Template to create a telegram bot in python
Template for Telegram Bot Template to create a telegram bot in python. How to Run Set your telegram bot token as environment variable TELEGRAM_BOT_TOK
FastAPI CRUD template using Deta Base
Deta Base FastAPI CRUD FastAPI CRUD template using Deta Base Setup Install the requirements for the CRUD: pip3 install -r requirements.txt Add your D
An advanced Filter Bot with nearly unlimitted filters
Telegram MTProto API Framework for Python Documentation • Releases • Community Pyrogram from pyrogram import Client, filters app = Client("my_account
Program that shows all the details of the given IP address. Build with Python and ipinfo.io API
ip-details This is a program that shows all the details of the given IP address. Build with Python and ipinfo.io API Usage To use this program, run th
Infrastructure template and Jupyter notebooks for running RoseTTAFold on AWS Batch.
AWS RoseTTAFold Infrastructure template and Jupyter notebooks for running RoseTTAFold on AWS Batch. Overview Proteins are large biomolecules that play
Pip install minimal-pandas-api-for-polars
Minimal Pandas API for Polars Install From PyPI: pip install minimal-pandas-api-for-polars Example Usage (see tests/test_minimal_pandas_api_for_polars
This is a repository for a playlist of videos where I teach building RESTful API with Flask and Flask extensions.
Build And Deploy A REST API with Flask This is code for a series of videos in which we look at the various concepts involved when building a REST API
A very tiny python api for the stock exchange tradegate.de
pytradegate A very tiny python api for the stock exchange tradegate.de The api provides the recent ask/bid data and all other data as found on the det
Template for creating ds simple projects
ds-project-template Template for creating ds simple projects Requirements pyenv python==3.9.4 Setup For this purpose you use following commands: pytho
A program that uses an API and a AI model to get info of sotcks
Stock-Market-AI-Analysis I dont mind anyone using this code but please give me credit A program that uses an API and a AI model to get info of stocks
Log4j alternative for Python
Log4p Log4p is the most secure logging library ever created in this and all other universes. Usage: import log4p log4p.log('"Wow, this library is sec
Cloud One Container Security Runtime Events Forwarder
Example on how to query events by a RESTful API, compose CEF event format and send the events to an UDP receiver.
Backlog API v2 Client Library for Python
BacklogPy - Backlog API v2 Client Library for Python BacklogPy is Backlog API v2 Client Library for Python 2/3 Install You can install the client libr
Demo processor to illustrate OCR-D Python API
ocrd_vandalize/ Demo processor to illustrate the OCR-D/core Python API Description :TODO: write docs :) Installation From PyPI pip3 install ocrd_vanda
Getting Profit and Loss Make Easy From Binance
Getting Profit and Loss Make Easy From Binance I have been in Binance Automated Trading for some time and have generated a lot of transaction records,
Main purpose of this project is to provide the service to automate the API testing process
PPTester project Main purpose of this project is to provide the service to automate the API testing process. In order to deploy this service use you s