11057 Repositories
Python bitly-api-python Libraries
Pip install minimal-pandas-api-for-polars
Minimal Pandas API for Polars Install From PyPI: pip install minimal-pandas-api-for-polars Example Usage (see tests/test_minimal_pandas_api_for_polars
KeyLogger cliente-servidor em Python para estudos
KeyLogger Esse projeto é apenas para estudos, não nos responsabilisamos por qualquer uso indevido ou prejudiciais do mesmo. Sobre O objetivo do projet
Little tool in python to watch anime from the terminal (the better way to watch anime)
anipy-cli Little tool in python to watch anime from the terminal (the better way to watch anime) Has a resume playback function when picking from Hist
Programming of a spanning tree algorithm with Python : In depth first with a root node.
ST Algorithm Programming of a spanning tree algorithm with Python : In depth first with a root node. Description This programm reads informations abou
A dashboard for Raspberry Pi to display environmental weather data, rain radar, weather forecast, etc. written in Python
Weather Clock for Raspberry PI This project is a dashboard for Raspberry Pi to display environmental weather data, rain radar, weather forecast, etc.
A collection and example code of every topic you need to know about in the basics of Python.
The Python Beginners Guide: Master The Python Basics Tonight This guide is a collection of every topic you need to know about in the basics of Python.
🎥 PYnema is a simple UDP server written in python, allows you to watch downloaded videos.
🎥 PYnema is a simple UDP server written in python, allows you to watch downloaded videos.
The versatile ocean simulator, in pure Python, powered by JAX.
Veros is the versatile ocean simulator -- it aims to be a powerful tool that makes high-performance ocean modeling approachable and fun. Because Veros
This is a repository for a playlist of videos where I teach building RESTful API with Flask and Flask extensions.
Build And Deploy A REST API with Flask This is code for a series of videos in which we look at the various concepts involved when building a REST API
Car Price Predictor App used to predict the price of the car based on certain input parameters created using python's scikit-learn, fastapi, numpy and joblib packages.
Pricefy Car Price Predictor App used to predict the price of the car based on certain input parameters created using python's scikit-learn, fastapi, n
🎅 Celebrating 2021 Christmas with the development of this game
ChristmasGame (DEVELOPING) 🎅 Celebrating Christmas with the development of this game You can also use this engine to create your game too, just empty
A very tiny python api for the stock exchange tradegate.de
pytradegate A very tiny python api for the stock exchange tradegate.de The api provides the recent ask/bid data and all other data as found on the det
Chess - A python gui application
Chess Python version 3.10 or greater is required to play. Note This is a gui application, and as such will not run inside WSL.
Little tool in python to watch anime from the terminal (the better way to watch anime)
ani-cli Script working again :), thanks to the fork by Dink4n for the alternative approach to by pass the captcha on gogoanime A cli to browse and wat
FastWSGI - An ultra fast WSGI server for Python 3
FastWSGI - An ultra fast WSGI server for Python 3
Senior Comprehensive Project For Python
Senior Comprehensive Project Author: Grey Hutchinson My project, which I nicknamed “Murmur”, was to create a research tool that would use neural netwo
The official Pushy SDK for Python apps.
pushy-python The official Pushy SDK for Python apps. Pushy is the most reliable push notification gateway, perfect for real-time, mission-critical app
Automatic self-diagnosis program (python required)Automatic self-diagnosis program (python required)
auto-self-checker 자동으로 자가진단 해주는 프로그램(python 필요) 중요 이 프로그램이 실행될때에는 절대로 마우스포인터를 움직이거나 키보드를 건드리면 안된다(화면인식, 마우스포인터로 직접 클릭) 사용법 프로그램을 구동할 폴더 내의 cmd창에서 pip
A program that uses an API and a AI model to get info of sotcks
Stock-Market-AI-Analysis I dont mind anyone using this code but please give me credit A program that uses an API and a AI model to get info of stocks
A simple python application for generating a WiFi QR code for ease of connection
A simple python application for generating a WiFi QR code Initialize the class by providing QR code values WiFi_QR_Code(self, error_correction: int =
Log4j alternative for Python
Log4p Log4p is the most secure logging library ever created in this and all other universes. Usage: import log4p log4p.log('"Wow, this library is sec
Cloud One Container Security Runtime Events Forwarder
Example on how to query events by a RESTful API, compose CEF event format and send the events to an UDP receiver.
A simple XLSX/CSV reader - to dictionary converter
sheet2dict A simple XLSX/CSV reader - to dictionary converter Installing To install the package from pip, first run: python3 -m pip install --no-cache
👻🟡 Download all Snapchat video & photo memories from a data export.
Snapchat "Memories" Fetcher In compliance with the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”), businesses which collect and store user data must
A python package that extends Google Earth Engine.
A python package that extends Google Earth Engine GitHub: https://github.com/davemlz/eemont Documentation: https://eemont.readthedocs.io/ PyPI: https:
Quickly visualize docker networks with graphviz.
Docker Network Graph Visualize the relationship between Docker networks and containers as a neat graphviz graph. Example Usage usage: docker-net-graph
Galactic and gravitational dynamics in Python
Gala is a Python package for Galactic and gravitational dynamics. Documentation The documentation for Gala is hosted on Read the docs. Installation an
High performance, editable, stylable datagrids in jupyter and jupyterlab
An ipywidgets wrapper of regular-table for Jupyter. Examples Two Billion Rows Notebook Click Events Notebook Edit Events Notebook Styling Notebook Pan
A Python library for electronic structure pre/post-processing
PyProcar PyProcar is a robust, open-source Python library used for pre- and post-processing of the electronic structure data coming from DFT calculati
Histogramming for analysis powered by boost-histogram
Hist Hist is an analyst-friendly front-end for boost-histogram, designed for Python 3.7+ (3.6 users get version 2.4). See what's new. Installation You
Text Classification in Turkish Texts with Bert
You can watch the details of the project on my youtube channel Project Interface Project Second Interface Goal= Correctly guessing the classification
A customizable, multilanguage Telegram shop bot with Telegram Payments support
Greed A customizable, multilanguage Telegram shop bot with Telegram Payments support! Demo Send a message to @greedtestbot on Telegram to view a demo
Tools for calculating and visualizing Elo-like ratings of MLB teams using Retosheet data
Overview This project uses historical baseball games data to calculate an Elo-like rating for MLB teams based on regular season match ups. The Elo rat
Automatic class scheduler for Texas A&M written with Python+Django and React+Typescript
Rev Registration Description Rev Registration is an automatic class scheduler for Texas A&M, aimed at easing the process of course registration by gen
A foreign language learning aid using a neural network to predict probability of translating foreign words
Langy Langy is a reading-focused foreign language learning aid orientated towards young children. Reading is an activity that every child knows. It is
Backlog API v2 Client Library for Python
BacklogPy - Backlog API v2 Client Library for Python BacklogPy is Backlog API v2 Client Library for Python 2/3 Install You can install the client libr
Scrapes Every Email Address of Every Society in Every University
society-email-scrape Site Live at https://kcsoc.github.io/society-email-scrape/ How to automatically generate new data Go to unis.yml Add your uni Cre
A very simple 3D maze game with ray tracing.
PytracingMaze MOST RECENT VERSION: Pytracing Maze.py Also, executable for Windows available on itch.io Simple ray tracing game in Python, based on my
Yet another serialization library on top of dataclasses, inspired by serde-rs.
pyserde Yet another serialization library on top of dataclasses, inspired by serde-rs. Guide | API Docs | Examples Overview Declare a class with pyser
A program which takes an Anime name or URL and downloads the specified range of episodes.
super-anime-downloader A console application written in Python3.x (GUI will be added soon) which takes a Anime Name/URL as input and downloads the ran
Whole-day timezone comparison
Timezone Converter Compare a full day of your local timezone with foreign ones $ timezone-converter tijuana --zone $ timezone-converter tijuana new_yo
An extremely configurable markdown reverser for Python3.
🔄 Unmarkd A markdown reverser. Unmarkd is a BeautifulSoup-powered Markdown reverser written in Python and for Python. Why This is created as a StackS
Simple yet powerful CAD (Computer Aided Design) library, written with Python.
Py-MADCAD it's time to throw parametric softwares out ! Simple yet powerful CAD (Computer Aided Design) library, written with Python. Installation
Formulae is a Python library that implements Wilkinson's formulas for mixed-effects models.
formulae formulae is a Python library that implements Wilkinson's formulas for mixed-effects models. The main difference with other implementations li
A PostgreSQL or SQLite orm for Python
Prom An opinionated lightweight orm for PostgreSQL or SQLite. Prom has been used in both single threaded and multi-threaded environments, including en
A Python description of the Kinematic Bicycle Model with an animated example.
Kinematic Bicycle Model Abstract A python library for the Kinematic Bicycle model. The Kinematic Bicycle is a compromise between the non-linear and li
pygame is a Free and Open Source python programming language library for making multimedia applications like games built on top of the excellent SDL library. C, Python, Native, OpenGL.
pygame is a Free and Open Source python programming language library for making multimedia applications like games built on top of the excellent SDL library. C, Python, Native, OpenGL.
Predict an emoji that is associated with a text
Sentiment Analysis Sentiment analysis in computational linguistics is a general term for techniques that quantify sentiment or mood in a text. Can you
Train emoji embeddings based on emoji descriptions.
emoji2vec This is my attempt to train, visualize and evaluate emoji embeddings as presented by Ben Eisner, Tim Rocktäschel, Isabelle Augenstein, Matko
Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first.
Home Assistant Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiast
🔎 Like Chardet. 🚀 Package for encoding & language detection. Charset detection.
Charset Detection, for Everyone 👋 The Real First Universal Charset Detector A library that helps you read text from an unknown charset encoding. Moti
Log4j minecraft with python
Apache-Log4j Apache Log4j 远程代码执行 攻击者可直接构造恶意请求,触发远程代码执行漏洞。漏洞利用无需特殊配置,经阿里云安全团队验证,Apache Struts2、Apache Solr、Apache Druid、Apache Flink等均受影响 Steps 【Import
Apt2sbom python package generates SPDX or YAML files
Welcome to apt2sbom This package contains a library and a CLI tool to convert a Ubuntu software package inventory to a software bill of materials. You
Demo processor to illustrate OCR-D Python API
ocrd_vandalize/ Demo processor to illustrate the OCR-D/core Python API Description :TODO: write docs :) Installation From PyPI pip3 install ocrd_vanda
Discondelete, is a Discord self-bot to delete dm's or purge all messages from a guild.
Discondelete Discondelete, is a Discord self-bot to delete dm's or purge all messages from a guild. Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Contents Abo
This repository is the official implementation of the Hybrid Self-Attention NEAT algorithm.
This repository is the official implementation of the Hybrid Self-Attention NEAT algorithm. It contains the code to reproduce the results presented in the original paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.03670
Dé op-de-vlucht Pieton vertaler. Wereldwijd gebruikt door meer dan 1.000+ succesvolle bedrijven!
Dé op-de-vlucht Pieton vertaler. Wereldwijd gebruikt door meer dan 1.000+ succesvolle bedrijven!
A redesign of our previous Python World Cup, aiming to simulate the 2022 World Cup all the way from the qualifiers
A redesign of our previous Python World Cup, aiming to simulate the 2022 World Cup all the way from the qualifiers. This new version is designed to be more compact and more efficient and will reflect the improvements in our programming ability.
This is a 2D Link to the Past-esque game made using Python 3.2.5 and pygame 1.9.2
Queen-s-Demise Queen's Demise This is a 2D Link to the Past-esque game made using Python 3.2.5 and pygame 1.9.2 I made this for a game development cla
Ini adalah UserBot Telegram dengan banyak modul keren. Ditulis dengan Python dengan Telethon dan Py-Tgcalls.
Okaeri-Userbot Okaeri-Userbot = userbot telegram modular yang berjalan di python3 dengan database sqlalchemy. Disclaimer Saya tidak bertanggung jawab
Text completion with Hugging Face and TensorFlow.js running on Node.js
Katana ML Text Completion 🤗 Description Runs with with Hugging Face DistilBERT and TensorFlow.js on Node.js distilbert-model - converter from Hugging
Python language from the beginning.
Python For Beginners Python Programming Language ♦️ Python is a very powerful and user friendly programming language. ❄️ ♦️ There are some basic sytax
Python functions for summarizing and improving voice dictation input.
Helpmespeak Help me speak uses Python functions for summarizing and improving voice dictation input. Get started with OpenAI gpt-3 OpenAI is a amazing
Reconhecimento de voz, em português, com python
Speech_recognizer Reconhecimento de voz, em português, com python O ato de falar nada mais é que criar vibrações no ar. Por meio de um conversor analó
This "I P L Team Project" is developed by Prasanta Kumar Mohanty using Python with Django web framework, HTML & CSS.
I-P-L-Team-Project This "I P L Team Project" is developed by Prasanta Kumar Mohanty using Python with Django web framework, HTML & CSS. Screenshots HO
Log4j minecraft with python
log4jminecraft This code DOES NOT promote or encourage any illegal activities! The content in this document is provided solely for educational purpose
A python package to import files from an adjacent folder
EasyImports About EasyImports is a python package that allows users to easily access and import files from sister folders: f.ex: - Project - Folde
Tool written on Python that locate all up host on your subnet
HOSTSCAN Easy to use command line network host scanner. From noob to noobs. Dependencies Nmap 7.92 or superior Python 3.9 or superior All requirements
Create custom desktop notificatons using python
Create custom desktop notificatons using python In this video i am going to use a module called plyer
Python framework for Stochastic Differential Equations modeling
SDElearn: a Python package for SDE modeling This package implements functionalities for working with Stochastic Differential Equations models (SDEs fo
Getting Profit and Loss Make Easy From Binance
Getting Profit and Loss Make Easy From Binance I have been in Binance Automated Trading for some time and have generated a lot of transaction records,
A Telegram bot for Minecraft names
MCTelegramBot About this project This bot allows you to see data about minecraft names in Telegram, it has a few commands such as: /names - Show dropp
Vhost password decrypt for python
vhost_password_decrypt Where is symkey.dat Windows:C:\ProgramData\VMware\vCenterServer\cfg\vmware-vpx\ssl\symkey.dat Linux:/etc/vmware-vpx/ssl/symkey.
Main purpose of this project is to provide the service to automate the API testing process
PPTester project Main purpose of this project is to provide the service to automate the API testing process. In order to deploy this service use you s
Put blind watermark into a text with python
text_blind_watermark Put blind watermark into a text. Can be used in Wechat dingding ... How to Use install pip install text_blind_watermark Alice Pu
A Python wrapper for Discord RPC API
Discord RPC An Python wrapper for Discord RPC API. Allow you to make own custom RPC Install PyPI pip install discord-rpc Quick example import Discord
Boostcamp CV Serving For Python
Boostcamp-CV-Serving Prerequisites MySQL GCP Cloud Storage GCP key file Sentry Streamlit Cloud Secrets: .streamlit/secrets.toml #DO NOT SHARE THIS I
A simple django-rest-framework api using web scraping
Apicell You can use this api to search in google, bing, pypi and subscene and get results Method : POST Parameter : query Example import request url =
Understanding the field usage of any object in Salesforce
Understanding the field usage of any object in Salesforce One of the biggest problems that I have addressed while working with Salesforce is to unders
A simple automatic tool for finding vulnerable log4j hosts
Log4Scan A simple automatic tool for finding vulnerable log4j hosts Installation pip3 install -r requirements.txt Usage usage: log4scan.py [-h] (-f FI
The python SDK for Eto, the AI focused data platform for teams bringing AI models to production
Eto Labs Python SDK This is the python SDK for Eto, the AI focused data platform for teams bringing AI models to production. The python SDK makes it e
Creating Tetris with Pygame
Tetris 🤝 Contributing Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check issues page. Show your support Give a ⭐️ if this pro
An Amazon Product Scraper built using scapy module of python
Amazon Product Scraper This is an Amazon Product Scraper built using scapy module of python Features it scrape various things Product Title Product Im
Python repo to create blockchain CSVs
staketaxcsv Python repo to create blockchain CSVs for Terra (LUNA), Solana (SOL), and Cosmos (ATOM). CSV codebase for stake.tax Community contribution
One of Best renamer bot with python
🌀 One of Best renamer bot repo Please Give a ☆ if You like This Open Source and Don't Forget to Follow Me On Github For More Repos And Codes. Scrappe
Python Algorithm Interview Book Review
파이썬 알고리즘 인터뷰 책 리뷰 리뷰 IT 대기업에 들어가고 싶은 목표가 있다. 내가 꿈꿔온 회사에서 일하는 사람들의 모습을 보면 멋있다고 생각이 들고 나의 목표에 대한 열망이 강해지는 것 같다. 미래의 핵심 사업 중 하나인 SW 부분을 이끌고 발전시키는 우리나라의 I
YouTube Video Search Engine For Python
YouTube-Video-Search-Engine Introduction With the increasing demand for electronic devices, it is hard for people to choose the best products from mul
A high-performance distributed deep learning system targeting large-scale and automated distributed training.
HETU Documentation | Examples Hetu is a high-performance distributed deep learning system targeting trillions of parameters DL model training, develop
Boto3 code assistance for any API in any IDE, always up to date
botostubs Gives you code assistance for any boto3 API in any IDE. Get started by running pip install botostubs Demo Features PyPI package automaticall
pandas: powerful Python data analysis toolkit
pandas is a Python package that provides fast, flexible, and expressive data structures designed to make working with "relational" or "labeled" data both easy and intuitive.
gRPC typing stubs for Python
gRPC Typing Stubs for Python This is a PEP-561-compliant stub-only package which provides type information of gRPC. Install using pip: pip install grp
Stubs with type annotations for ordered-set Python library
ordered-set-stubs - stubs with type annotations for ordered-set Python library Archived - now type annotations are the part of the ordered-set library
A mutable set that remembers the order of its entries. One of Python's missing data types.
An OrderedSet is a mutable data structure that is a hybrid of a list and a set. It remembers the order of its entries, and every entry has an index number that can be looked up.
Apache (Py)Spark type annotations (stub files).
PySpark Stubs A collection of the Apache Spark stub files. These files were generated by stubgen and manually edited to include accurate type hints. T
Mypy plugin and stubs for SQLAlchemy
Mypy plugin and stubs for SQLAlchemy This package contains type stubs and a mypy plugin to provide more precise static types and type inference for SQ
🧙 A simple, typed and monad-based Result type for Python.
meiga 🧙 A simple, typed and monad-based Result type for Python. Table of Contents Installation 💻 Getting Started 📈 Example Features Result Function
Rust like Option and Result types in Python
Option Rust-like Option and Result types in Python, slotted and fully typed. An Option type represents an optional value, every Option is either Some
👻 Phantom types for Python
phantom-types Phantom types for Python will help you make illegal states unrepresentable and avoid shotgun parsing by enabling you to practice "Parse,
Fully typesafe, Rust-like Result and Option types for Python
safetywrap Fully typesafe, Rust-inspired wrapper types for Python values Summary This library provides two main wrappers: Result and Option. These typ
Types that make coding in Python quick and safe.
Type[T] Types that make coding in Python quick and safe. Type[T] works best with Python 3.6 or later. Prior to 3.6, object types must use comment type