1633 Repositories
Python cve-2021-31207 Libraries
Overview of architecture and implementation of TEDS-Net, as described in MICCAI 2021: "TEDS-Net: Enforcing Diffeomorphisms in Spatial Transformers to Guarantee TopologyPreservation in Segmentations"
TEDS-Net Overview of architecture and implementation of TEDS-Net, as described in MICCAI 2021: "TEDS-Net: Enforcing Diffeomorphisms in Spatial Transfo
Submodular Subset Selection for Active Domain Adaptation (ICCV 2021)
S3VAADA: Submodular Subset Selection for Virtual Adversarial Active Domain Adaptation ICCV 2021 Harsh Rangwani, Arihant Jain*, Sumukh K Aithal*, R. Ve
This is an open source python repository for various python tests
Welcome to Py-tests This is an open source python repository for various python tests. This is in response to the hacktoberfest2021 challenge. It is a
Official pytorch implementation of Active Learning for deep object detection via probabilistic modeling (ICCV 2021)
Active Learning for Deep Object Detection via Probabilistic Modeling This repository is the official PyTorch implementation of Active Learning for Dee
This repository contains the code for EMNLP-2021 paper "Word-Level Coreference Resolution"
Word-Level Coreference Resolution This is a repository with the code to reproduce the experiments described in the paper of the same name, which was a
[ICCV 2021] Deep Hough Voting for Robust Global Registration
Deep Hough Voting for Robust Global Registration, ICCV, 2021 Project Page | Paper | Video Deep Hough Voting for Robust Global Registration Junha Lee1,
💛 Code and Dataset for our EMNLP 2021 paper: "Perspective-taking and Pragmatics for Generating Empathetic Responses Focused on Emotion Causes"
Perspective-taking and Pragmatics for Generating Empathetic Responses Focused on Emotion Causes Official PyTorch implementation and EmoCause evaluatio
PyTorch implementation of Towards Accurate Alignment in Real-time 3D Hand-Mesh Reconstruction (ICCV 2021).
Towards Accurate Alignment in Real-time 3D Hand-Mesh Reconstruction Introduction This is official PyTorch implementation of Towards Accurate Alignment
Official PyTorch implementation of Learning Intra-Batch Connections for Deep Metric Learning (ICML 2021) published at International Conference on Machine Learning
About This repository the official PyTorch implementation of Learning Intra-Batch Connections for Deep Metric Learning. The config files contain the s
A tutorial presents several practical examples of how to build DAGs in Apache Airflow
Apache Airflow - Python Brasil 2021 Este tutorial apresenta vários exemplos práticos de como construir DAGs no Apache Airflow. Background Apache Airfl
The official implementation of the CVPR 2021 paper FAPIS: a Few-shot Anchor-free Part-based Instance Segmenter
FAPIS The official implementation of the CVPR 2021 paper FAPIS: a Few-shot Anchor-free Part-based Instance Segmenter Introduction This repo is primari
Code for the ICME 2021 paper "Exploring Driving-Aware Salient Object Detection via Knowledge Transfer"
TSOD Code for the ICME 2021 paper "Exploring Driving-Aware Salient Object Detection via Knowledge Transfer" Usage For training, open train_test, run p
Code to reproduce the experiments from our NeurIPS 2021 paper " The Limitations of Large Width in Neural Networks: A Deep Gaussian Process Perspective"
Code To run: python runner.py new --save SAVE_NAME --data PATH_TO_DATA_DIR --dataset DATASET --model model_name [options] --n 1000 - train - t
Semi-Supervised Graph Prototypical Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification, IGARSS, 2021.
Semi-Supervised Graph Prototypical Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification, IGARSS, 2021. Bobo Xi, Jiaojiao Li, Yunsong Li and Qian Du. Code f
Code for the TIP 2021 Paper "Salient Object Detection with Purificatory Mechanism and Structural Similarity Loss"
PurNet Project for the TIP 2021 Paper "Salient Object Detection with Purificatory Mechanism and Structural Similarity Loss" Abstract Image-based salie
Python script for the radio in the Junior float.
hoco radio 2021 Python script for the radio in the Junior float. Populate the ./music directory with 2 or more .wav files and run radio2.py. On the Ra
Official PyTorch implementation of N-ImageNet: Towards Robust, Fine-Grained Object Recognition with Event Cameras (ICCV 2021)
N-ImageNet: Towards Robust, Fine-Grained Object Recognition with Event Cameras Official PyTorch implementation of N-ImageNet: Towards Robust, Fine-Gra
Official PyTorch Implementation of Learning Self-Similarity in Space and Time as Generalized Motion for Video Action Recognition, ICCV 2021
Official PyTorch Implementation of Learning Self-Similarity in Space and Time as Generalized Motion for Video Action Recognition, ICCV 2021
The official implementation of CVPR 2021 Paper: Improving Weakly Supervised Visual Grounding by Contrastive Knowledge Distillation.
Improving Weakly Supervised Visual Grounding by Contrastive Knowledge Distillation This repository is the official implementation of CVPR 2021 paper:
Building an Investment Portfolio for Day Trade with Python
Montando um Portfólio de Investimentos para Day Trade com Python Instruções: Para reproduzir o projeto no Google Colab, faça o download do repositório
KUIELAB-MDX-Net got the 2nd place on the Leaderboard A and the 3rd place on the Leaderboard B in the MDX-Challenge ISMIR 2021
KUIELAB-MDX-Net got the 2nd place on the Leaderboard A and the 3rd place on the Leaderboard B in the MDX-Challenge ISMIR 2021
Java and SHACL code commented in the paper "Towards compliance checking in reified I/O logic via SHACL" submitted to ICAIL 2021
shRIOL The subfolder shRIOL contains Java files to execute the SHACL files on the OWL ontology. To compile the Java files: "javac -cp ./src/;./lib/* -
Code and data of the EMNLP 2021 paper "Mind the Style of Text! Adversarial and Backdoor Attacks Based on Text Style Transfer"
StyleAttack Code and data of the EMNLP 2021 paper "Mind the Style of Text! Adversarial and Backdoor Attacks Based on Text Style Transfer" Prepare Pois
A Happy and lightweight Python Package that Provides an API to search for articles on Google News and returns a JSON response.
A Happy and lightweight Python Package that Provides an API to search for articles on Google News and returns a JSON response.
Optimizing DR with hard negatives and achieving SOTA first-stage retrieval performance on TREC DL Track (SIGIR 2021 Full Paper).
Optimizing Dense Retrieval Model Training with Hard Negatives Jingtao Zhan, Jiaxin Mao, Yiqun Liu, Jiafeng Guo, Min Zhang, Shaoping Ma 🔥 News 2021-10
Reducing Information Bottleneck for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation (NeurIPS 2021)
Reducing Information Bottleneck for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation (NeurIPS 2021) The implementation of Reducing Infromation Bottleneck for W
"Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation without Source Data" (ACM MM 2021)
LDBE Pytorch implementation for two papers (the paper will be released soon): "Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation without Source Data", ACM MM2021.
[SIGGRAPH 2021 Asia] DeepVecFont: Synthesizing High-quality Vector Fonts via Dual-modality Learning
DeepVecFont This is the official Pytorch implementation of the paper: Yizhi Wang and Zhouhui Lian. DeepVecFont: Synthesizing High-quality Vector Fonts
The source code for 'Noisy-Labeled NER with Confidence Estimation' accepted by NAACL 2021
Kun Liu*, Yao Fu*, Chuanqi Tan, Mosha Chen, Ningyu Zhang, Songfang Huang, Sheng Gao. Noisy-Labeled NER with Confidence Estimation. NAACL 2021. [arxiv]
Regularizing Nighttime Weirdness: Efficient Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation in the Dark (ICCV 2021)
Regularizing Nighttime Weirdness: Efficient Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation in the Dark (ICCV 2021) Kun Wang, Zhenyu Zhang, Zhiqiang Yan, X
Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation via Adaptive Equalization Learning, NeurIPS 2021 (Spotlight)
Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation via Adaptive Equalization Learning, NeurIPS 2021 (Spotlight) Abstract Due to the limited and even imbalanced dat
Co-mining: Self-Supervised Learning for Sparsely Annotated Object Detection, AAAI 2021.
Co-mining: Self-Supervised Learning for Sparsely Annotated Object Detection This repository is an official implementation of the AAAI 2021 paper Co-mi
Code for the IJCAI 2021 paper "Structure Guided Lane Detection"
SGNet Project for the IJCAI 2021 paper "Structure Guided Lane Detection" Abstract Recently, lane detection has made great progress with the rapid deve
A PyTorch implementation of paper "Learning Shared Semantic Space for Speech-to-Text Translation", ACL (Findings) 2021
Chimera: Learning Shared Semantic Space for Speech-to-Text Translation This is a Pytorch implementation for the "Chimera" paper Learning Shared Semant
Lenovo Legion 5 Pro 2021 Linux RGB Keyboard Light Controller
Lenovo Legion 5 Pro 2021 Linux RGB Keyboard Light Controller This util allows to drive RGB keyboard light on Lenovo Legion 5 Pro 2021 Laptop Requireme
Reducing Information Bottleneck for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation (NeurIPS 2021)
Reducing Information Bottleneck for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation (NeurIPS 2021) The implementation of Reducing Infromation Bottleneck for W
Stereo Hybrid Event-Frame (SHEF) Cameras for 3D Perception, IROS 2021
For academic use only. Stereo Hybrid Event-Frame (SHEF) Cameras for 3D Perception Ziwei Wang, Liyuan Pan, Yonhon Ng, Zheyu Zhuang and Robert Mahony Th
Official Implementation (PyTorch) of "Point Cloud Augmentation with Weighted Local Transformations", ICCV 2021
PointWOLF: Point Cloud Augmentation with Weighted Local Transformations This repository is the implementation of PointWOLF(To appear). Sihyeon Kim1*,
Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation via Adaptive Equalization Learning, NeurIPS 2021 (Spotlight)
Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation via Adaptive Equalization Learning, NeurIPS 2021 (Spotlight) Abstract Due to the limited and even imbalanced dat
Official repository of PanoAVQA: Grounded Audio-Visual Question Answering in 360° Videos (ICCV 2021)
Pano-AVQA Official repository of PanoAVQA: Grounded Audio-Visual Question Answering in 360° Videos (ICCV 2021) [Paper] [Poster] [Video] Getting Starte
This repository is for EMNLP 2021 paper: It is Not as Good as You Think! Evaluating Simultaneous Machine Translation on Interpretation Data
InterpretationData This repository is for our EMNLP 2021 paper: It is Not as Good as You Think! Evaluating Simultaneous Machine Translation on Interpr
Bridging the Gap between Label- and Reference based Synthesis(ICCV 2021)
Bridging the Gap between Label- and Reference based Synthesis(ICCV 2021) Tensorflow implementation of Bridging the Gap between Label- and Reference-ba
This repository contains all data used for writing a research paper Multiple Object Trackers in OpenCV: A Benchmark, presented in ISIE 2021 conference in Kyoto, Japan.
OpenCV-Multiple-Object-Tracking Python is version 3.6.7 to install opencv: pip uninstall opecv-python pip uninstall opencv-contrib-python pip install
Calibrate your listeners! Robust communication-based training for pragmatic speakers. Findings of EMNLP 2021.
Calibrate your listeners! Robust communication-based training for pragmatic speakers Rose E. Wang, Julia White, Jesse Mu, Noah D. Goodman Findings of
HODEmu, is both an executable and a python library that is based on Ragagnin 2021 in prep.
HODEmu HODEmu, is both an executable and a python library that is based on Ragagnin 2021 in prep. and emulates satellite abundance as a function of co
Supplementary materials for ISMIR 2021 LBD paper "Evaluation of Latent Space Disentanglement in the Presence of Interdependent Attributes"
Evaluation of Latent Space Disentanglement in the Presence of Interdependent Attributes Supplementary materials for ISMIR 2021 LBD submission: K. N. W
Source code for the paper "SEPP: Similarity Estimation of Predicted Probabilities for Defending and Detecting Adversarial Text" PACLIC 2021
Adversarial text generator Refer to "adversarial_text_generator"[https://github.com/quocnsh/SEPP_generator] project for generating adversarial texts A
University of Rochester 2021 Summer REU focusing on music sentiment transfer using CycleGAN
Music-Sentiment-Transfer University of Rochester 2021 Summer REU focusing on music sentiment transfer using CycleGAN Poster: Music Sentiment Transfer
A brand new hub for Scene Graph Generation methods based on MMdetection (2021). The pipeline of from detection, scene graph generation to downstream tasks (e.g., image cpationing) is supported. Pytorch version implementation of HetH (ECCV 2020) and TopicSG (ICCV 2021) is included.
MMSceneGraph Introduction MMSceneneGraph is an open source code hub for scene graph generation as well as supporting downstream tasks based on the sce
Code and project page for ICCV 2021 paper "DisUnknown: Distilling Unknown Factors for Disentanglement Learning"
DisUnknown: Distilling Unknown Factors for Disentanglement Learning See introduction on our project page Requirements PyTorch = 1.8.0 torch.linalg.ei
[ICCV 2021 Oral] Deep Evidential Action Recognition
DEAR (Deep Evidential Action Recognition) Project | Paper & Supp Wentao Bao, Qi Yu, Yu Kong International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV Oral), 2
PyAutoEasy is a extension / wrapper around the famous PyAutoGUI, a cross-platform GUI automation tool to replace your boooring repetitive tasks.
PyAutoEasy PyAutoEasy is a extension / wrapper around the famous PyAutoGUI, a cross-platform GUI automation tool to replace your boooring repetitive t
A MassDM selfbot which is working in 2021
mass-dm-discord - Little preview of the Logger and the Spammer Features Logging User IDS Sending DMs to the logged IDs Blacklist IDs (add the ID of th
CVE-2021-41773 Path Traversal for Apache 2.4.49
CVE-2021-41773 Path Traversal for Apache 2.4.49
Code for the paper SphereRPN: Learning Spheres for High-Quality Region Proposals on 3D Point Clouds Object Detection, ICIP 2021.
SphereRPN Code for the paper SphereRPN: Learning Spheres for High-Quality Region Proposals on 3D Point Clouds Object Detection, ICIP 2021. Authors: Th
Mix3D: Out-of-Context Data Augmentation for 3D Scenes (3DV 2021)
Mix3D: Out-of-Context Data Augmentation for 3D Scenes (3DV 2021) Alexey Nekrasov*, Jonas Schult*, Or Litany, Bastian Leibe, Francis Engelmann Mix3D is
FACIAL: Synthesizing Dynamic Talking Face With Implicit Attribute Learning. ICCV, 2021.
FACIAL: Synthesizing Dynamic Talking Face with Implicit Attribute Learning PyTorch implementation for the paper: FACIAL: Synthesizing Dynamic Talking
PyTorch implementation of our ICCV 2021 paper, Interpretation of Emergent Communication in Heterogeneous Collaborative Embodied Agents.
PyTorch implementation of our ICCV 2021 paper, Interpretation of Emergent Communication in Heterogeneous Collaborative Embodied Agents.
Code for the ICCV 2021 Workshop paper: A Unified Efficient Pyramid Transformer for Semantic Segmentation.
Unified-EPT Code for the ICCV 2021 Workshop paper: A Unified Efficient Pyramid Transformer for Semantic Segmentation. Installation Linux, CUDA=10.0,
Deep Structured Instance Graph for Distilling Object Detectors (ICCV 2021)
DSIG Deep Structured Instance Graph for Distilling Object Detectors Authors: Yixin Chen, Pengguang Chen, Shu Liu, Liwei Wang, Jiaya Jia. [pdf] [slide]
A-SDF: Learning Disentangled Signed Distance Functions for Articulated Shape Representation (ICCV 2021)
A-SDF: Learning Disentangled Signed Distance Functions for Articulated Shape Representation (ICCV 2021) This repository contains the official implemen
This is the official pytorch implementation for our ICCV 2021 paper "TRAR: Routing the Attention Spans in Transformers for Visual Question Answering" on VQA Task
🌈 ERASOR (RA-L'21 with ICRA Option) Official page of "ERASOR: Egocentric Ratio of Pseudo Occupancy-based Dynamic Object Removal for Static 3D Point C
[ICCV 2021 Oral] SnowflakeNet: Point Cloud Completion by Snowflake Point Deconvolution with Skip-Transformer
This repository contains the source code for the paper SnowflakeNet: Point Cloud Completion by Snowflake Point Deconvolution with Skip-Transformer (ICCV 2021 Oral). The project page is here.
Pytorch implementation for our ICCV 2021 paper "TRAR: Routing the Attention Spans in Transformers for Visual Question Answering".
TRAnsformer Routing Networks (TRAR) This is an official implementation for ICCV 2021 paper "TRAR: Routing the Attention Spans in Transformers for Visu
[ICCV'2021] Image Inpainting via Conditional Texture and Structure Dual Generation
[ICCV'2021] Image Inpainting via Conditional Texture and Structure Dual Generation
The 2nd place solution of 2021 google landmark retrieval on kaggle.
Google_Landmark_Retrieval_2021_2nd_Place_Solution The 2nd place solution of 2021 google landmark retrieval on kaggle. Environment We use cuda 11.1/pyt
Code for the paper Relation Prediction as an Auxiliary Training Objective for Improving Multi-Relational Graph Representations (AKBC 2021).
Relation Prediction as an Auxiliary Training Objective for Knowledge Base Completion This repo provides the code for the paper Relation Prediction as
MPI Interest Group on Algorithms on 1st semester 2021
MPI Algorithms Interest Group Introduction Lecturer: Steve Yan Location: TBA Time Schedule: TBA Semester: 1 Useful URLs Typora: https://typora.io Goog
(CVPR 2021) Lifting 2D StyleGAN for 3D-Aware Face Generation
Lifting 2D StyleGAN for 3D-Aware Face Generation Official implementation of paper "Lifting 2D StyleGAN for 3D-Aware Face Generation". Requirements You
Code for our NeurIPS 2021 paper Mining the Benefits of Two-stage and One-stage HOI Detection
CDN Code for our NeurIPS 2021 paper "Mining the Benefits of Two-stage and One-stage HOI Detection". Contributed by Aixi Zhang*, Yue Liao*, Si Liu, Mia
Shallow Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Activity Recognition using Wearable Sensors
-IEEE-TIM-2021-1-Shallow-CNN-for-HAR [IEEE TIM 2021-1] Shallow Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Activity Recognition using Wearable Sensors All
Illuminated3D This project participates in the Nasa Space Apps Challenge 2021.
Illuminated3D This project participates in the Nasa Space Apps Challenge 2021.
Code for ICCV 2021 paper "HuMoR: 3D Human Motion Model for Robust Pose Estimation"
Code for ICCV 2021 paper "HuMoR: 3D Human Motion Model for Robust Pose Estimation"
Neural-Pull: Learning Signed Distance Functions from Point Clouds by Learning to Pull Space onto Surfaces(ICML 2021)
Neural-Pull: Learning Signed Distance Functions from Point Clouds by Learning to Pull Space onto Surfaces(ICML 2021) This repository contains the code
Cisco RV110w UPnP stack overflow
Cisco RV110W UPnP 0day 分析 前言 最近UPnP比较火,恰好手里有一台Cisco RV110W,在2021年8月份思科官方公布了一个Cisco RV系列关于UPnP的0day,但是具体的细节并没有公布出来。于是想要用手中的设备调试挖掘一下这个漏洞,漏洞的公告可以在官网看到。 准
Code for 'Single Image 3D Shape Retrieval via Cross-Modal Instance and Category Contrastive Learning', ICCV 2021
CMIC-Retrieval Code for Single Image 3D Shape Retrieval via Cross-Modal Instance and Category Contrastive Learning. ICCV 2021. Introduction In this wo
Official PyTorch Implementation of paper "Deep 3D Mask Volume for View Synthesis of Dynamic Scenes", ICCV 2021.
Deep 3D Mask Volume for View Synthesis of Dynamic Scenes Official PyTorch Implementation of paper "Deep 3D Mask Volume for View Synthesis of Dynamic S
PyTorch implementation of the WarpedGANSpace: Finding non-linear RBF paths in GAN latent space (ICCV 2021)
Authors official PyTorch implementation of the "WarpedGANSpace: Finding non-linear RBF paths in GAN latent space" [ICCV 2021].
ICLR 2021: Pre-Training for Context Representation in Conversational Semantic Parsing
SCoRe: Pre-Training for Context Representation in Conversational Semantic Parsing This repository contains code for the ICLR 2021 paper "SCoRE: Pre-Tr
BabelCalib: A Universal Approach to Calibrating Central Cameras. In ICCV (2021)
BabelCalib: A Universal Approach to Calibrating Central Cameras This repository contains the MATLAB implementation of the BabelCalib calibration frame
EMNLP 2021: Single-dataset Experts for Multi-dataset Question-Answering
MADE (Multi-Adapter Dataset Experts) This repository contains the implementation of MADE (Multi-adapter dataset experts), which is described in the pa
2021 Machine Learning Security Evasion Competition
2021 Machine Learning Security Evasion Competition This repository contains code samples for the 2021 Machine Learning Security Evasion Competition. P
This repository contains the code for the CVPR 2021 paper "GIRAFFE: Representing Scenes as Compositional Generative Neural Feature Fields"
GIRAFFE: Representing Scenes as Compositional Generative Neural Feature Fields Project Page | Paper | Supplementary | Video | Slides | Blog | Talk If
PyTorch implementation of paper "IBRNet: Learning Multi-View Image-Based Rendering", CVPR 2021.
IBRNet: Learning Multi-View Image-Based Rendering PyTorch implementation of paper "IBRNet: Learning Multi-View Image-Based Rendering", CVPR 2021. IBRN
Demo code for ICCV 2021 paper "Sensor-Guided Optical Flow"
Sensor-Guided Optical Flow Demo code for "Sensor-Guided Optical Flow", ICCV 2021 This code is provided to replicate results with flow hints obtained f
Scientific Computation Methods in C and Python (Open for Hacktoberfest 2021)
Sci - cpy README is a stub. Do expand it. Objective This repository is meant to be a ready reference for scientific computation methods. Do ⭐ it if yo
the metasploit script(POC/EXP) about CVE-2021-22005 VMware vCenter Server contains an arbitrary file upload vulnerability
CVE-2021-22005-metasploit the metasploit script(POC/EXP) about CVE-2021-22005 VMware vCenter Server contains an arbitrary file upload vulnerability pr
This repository is a compilation of important Data Structures and Algorithms based on Python.
Python DSA 🐍 This repository is a compilation of important Data Structures and Algorithms based on Python. Please make seperate folders for different
[NeurIPS 2021] Galerkin Transformer: a linear attention without softmax
[NeurIPS 2021] Galerkin Transformer: linear attention without softmax Summary A non-numerical analyst oriented explanation on Toward Data Science abou
Official implementation of NeurIPS 2021 paper "One Loss for All: Deep Hashing with a Single Cosine Similarity based Learning Objective"
Official implementation of NeurIPS 2021 paper "One Loss for All: Deep Hashing with a Single Cosine Similarity based Learning Objective"
PyTorch Implementation of Small Lesion Segmentation in Brain MRIs with Subpixel Embedding (ORAL, MICCAIW 2021)
Small Lesion Segmentation in Brain MRIs with Subpixel Embedding PyTorch implementation of Small Lesion Segmentation in Brain MRIs with Subpixel Embedd
Phoenix Framework is an environment for writing, testing and using exploit code.
Phoenix-Framework Phoenix Framework is an environment for writing, testing and using exploit code. 🖼 Screenshots 🎪 Community PwnWiki Forums 🔑 Licen
Pipelines de datos, 2021.
Este repo ilustra un proceso sencillo de automatización de transformación y modelado de datos, a través de un pipeline utilizando Luigi. Stack princip
Writeups for the challenges from DownUnderCTF 2021
cloud Challenge Author Difficulty Release Round Bad Bucket Blue Alder easy round 1 Not as Bad Bucket Blue Alder easy round 1 Lost n Found Blue Alder m
EMNLP 2021: Single-dataset Experts for Multi-dataset Question-Answering
MADE (Multi-Adapter Dataset Experts) This repository contains the implementation of MADE (Multi-adapter dataset experts), which is described in the pa
Towards Flexible Blind JPEG Artifacts Removal (FBCNN, ICCV 2021)
Towards Flexible Blind JPEG Artifacts Removal (FBCNN, ICCV 2021) Jiaxi Jiang, Kai Zhang, Radu Timofte Computer Vision Lab, ETH Zurich, Switzerland 🔥
Official code release for ICCV 2021 paper SNARF: Differentiable Forward Skinning for Animating Non-rigid Neural Implicit Shapes.
Official code release for ICCV 2021 paper SNARF: Differentiable Forward Skinning for Animating Non-rigid Neural Implicit Shapes.
Pytorch implementation of paper "Efficient Nearest Neighbor Language Models" (EMNLP 2021)
Pytorch implementation of paper "Efficient Nearest Neighbor Language Models" (EMNLP 2021)
Exploring Relational Context for Multi-Task Dense Prediction [ICCV 2021]
Adaptive Task-Relational Context (ATRC) This repository provides source code for the ICCV 2021 paper Exploring Relational Context for Multi-Task Dense
An official reimplementation of the method described in the INTERSPEECH 2021 paper - Speech Resynthesis from Discrete Disentangled Self-Supervised Representations.
Speech Resynthesis from Discrete Disentangled Self-Supervised Representations Implementation of the method described in the Speech Resynthesis from Di