10645 Repositories
Python data-collection-and-processing Libraries
Official code for Next Check-ins Prediction via History and Friendship on Location-Based Social Networks (MDM 2018)
MUC Next Check-ins Prediction via History and Friendship on Location-Based Social Networks (MDM 2018) Performance Details for Accuracy: | Dataset
A complex language with high level programming and moderate syntax.
zsq a complex language with high level programming and moderate syntax.
A powerful annex BUBT, BUBT Soft, and BUBT website scraping script.
Annex Bubt Scraping Script I think this is the first public repository that provides free annex-BUBT, BUBT-Soft, and BUBT website scraping API script
CleanX is an open source python library for exploring, cleaning and augmenting large datasets of X-rays, or certain other types of radiological images.
cleanX CleanX is an open source python library for exploring, cleaning and augmenting large datasets of X-rays, or certain other types of radiological
This repository consists of Blender python scripts and corresponding assets to generate variants of the CANDLE dataset
candle-simulator This repository consists of Blender python scripts and corresponding assets to generate variants of the IITH-CANDLE dataset. The rend
Code, environments, and scripts for the paper: "How Private Is Your RL Policy? An Inverse RL Based Analysis Framework"
Privacy-Aware Inverse RL (PRIL) Analysis Framework Code, environments, and scripts for the paper: "How Private Is Your RL Policy? An Inverse RL Based
Code basis for the paper "Camera Condition Monitoring and Readjustment by means of Noise and Blur" (2021)
Camera Condition Monitoring and Readjustment by means of Noise and Blur This repository contains the source code of the paper: Wischow, M., Gallego, G
RCT-ART is an NLP pipeline built with spaCy for converting clinical trial result sentences into tables through jointly extracting intervention, outcome and outcome measure entities and their relations.
Randomised controlled trial abstract result tabulator RCT-ART is an NLP pipeline built with spaCy for converting clinical trial result sentences into
Simple application that does transformation with HPF and LPFs.
Simple application that applies Butterworth, Gaussian & Ideal kernels on HPF and LPFs -aka Frequency Domain Filtering- Upload image from sidebar, set
Python module that parse power builder file (PBD) and analyze code
PowerBuilder-decompile Python module that parse power builder file (PBD) and analyze code (Incomplete) this tool is composed of: pbd_dump.py pbd file
A simple and easy-to-use CLI parse tool.
A simple and easy-to-use CLI parse tool.
Periodically check the manuscript state in the scholar one system and send email when finding a new state.
ScholarOne-manuscript-checker Periodically check the manuscript state in the scholar one system and send email when finding a new state. Parameters ne
AERO 421: Spacecraft Attitude, Dynamics, and Control Final Project.
AERO - 421 Final Project Redevelopment Spacecraft Attitude, Dynamics, and Control: Simulation to determine and control a satellite's attitude in LEO.
Ingest GreyNoise.io malicious feed for CVE-2021-44228 and apply null routes
log4j-nullroute Quick script to ingest IP feed from greynoise.io for log4j (CVE-2021-44228) and null route bad addresses. Works w/Cisco IOS-XE and Ari
Pydantic models for pywttr and aiopywttr.
Pydantic models for pywttr and aiopywttr.
Get 2D point positions (e.g., facial landmarks) projected on 3D mesh
points2d_projection_mesh Input 2D points (e.g. facial landmarks) on an image Camera parameters (extrinsic and intrinsic) of the image Aligned 3D mesh
Baserow is an open source no-code database tool and Airtable alternative
Baserow is an open source no-code database tool and Airtable alternative
A delivery protection and notification system
DeliveryProtect This project builds a delivery protection and notification system, based on integration of Arduino Uno and Raspberry Pi 4. The codes a
A fully automated, accurate, and extensive scanner for finding log4j RCE CVE-2021-44228
log4j-scan A fully automated, accurate, and extensive scanner for finding vulnerable log4j hosts Features Support for lists of URLs. Fuzzing for more
Distributed algorithms, reimplemented for fun and practice
Distributed Algorithms Playground for reimplementing and experimenting with algorithms for distributed computing. Usage Running the code for Ring-AllR
Algorithms and utilities for SAR sensors
WARNING: THIS CODE IS NOT READY FOR USE Sarsen Algorithms and utilities for SAR sensors Objectives Be faster and simpler than ESA SNAP and cloud nativ
How the Deep Q-learning method works and discuss the new ideas that makes the algorithm work
Deep Q-Learning Recommend papers The first step is to read and understand the method that you will implement. It was first introduced in a 2013 paper
Just imagine normal bancho, but you can have multiple profiles and funorange speed up maps ranked
Local osu! server Just imagine normal bancho, but you can have multiple profiles and funorange speed up maps ranked (coming soon)! Windows Setup Insta
Big data on k8s
# microsoft azure # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/install-azure-cli az account set --subscription [] az aks get-credentials --resource-g
A repo containing toolings and software useful for a DevOps Engineer
DevOps-Tooling A repo containing toolings and software useful for a DevOps Engineer (or if you're setting up your Mac from the beginning) Currently se
Exploiting CVE-2021-42278 and CVE-2021-42287 to impersonate DA from standard domain user
Exploiting CVE-2021-42278 and CVE-2021-42287 to impersonate DA from standard domain user Known issues it will not work outside kali , i will update it
A simple file transfer tools, similar to rz / sz but compatible with tmux (control mode), which works with iTerm2 and has a nice progress bar
trzsz A simple file transfer tools, similar to rz/sz but compatible with tmux (control mode), which works with iTerm2 and has a nice progress bar. Why
A PowSyBl and Python integration based on GraalVM native image
PyPowSyBl The PyPowSyBl project gives access PowSyBl Java framework to Python developers. This Python integration relies on GraalVM to compile Java co
A super lightweight Lagrangian model for calculating millions of trajectories using ERA5 data
Easy-ERA5-Trck Easy-ERA5-Trck Galleries Install Usage Repository Structure Module Files Version iteration Easy-ERA5-Trck is a super lightweight Lagran
A PyTorch library and evaluation platform for end-to-end compression research
CompressAI CompressAI (compress-ay) is a PyTorch library and evaluation platform for end-to-end compression research. CompressAI currently provides: c
A simple Monte Carlo simulation using Python and matplotlib library
Monte Carlo python simulation Install linux dependencies sudo apt update sudo apt install build-essential \ software-properties-commo
Simple and fast histogramming in Python accelerated with OpenMP.
pygram11 Simple and fast histogramming in Python accelerated with OpenMP with help from pybind11. pygram11 provides functions for very fast histogram
Jiminy, fast and portable Python/C++ simulator of poly-articulated systems with OpenAI Gym interface for reinforcement learning.
Jiminy is a fast and portable cross-platform open-source simulator for poly-articulated systems. It was built with two ideas in mind: provide a fast y
A Python Based Utility for Processing GST-Return JSON Files to Multiple Formats
GSTR 1/2A Utility by Shan.tk Open Source GSTR 1/GSTR 2A JSON to Excel utility based on Python. Useful for Auditors in Verifying GSTR 1 Return Invoices
Visualizing weather changes across the world using third party APIs and Python.
WEATHER FORECASTING ACROSS THE WORLD Overview Python scripts were created to visualize the weather for over 500 cities across the world at varying di
The geospatial toolkit for redistricting data.
maup maup is the geospatial toolkit for redistricting data. The package streamlines the basic workflows that arise when working with blocks, precincts
A way to analyse how malware and/or goodware samples vary from each other using Shannon Entropy, Hausdorff Distance and Jaro-Winkler Distance
A way to analyse how malware and/or goodware samples vary from each other using Shannon Entropy, Hausdorff Distance and Jaro-Winkler Distance
Delta Sharing: An Open Protocol for Secure Data Sharing
Delta Sharing: An Open Protocol for Secure Data Sharing Delta Sharing is an open protocol for secure real-time exchange of large datasets, which enabl
CLI Eight Puzzle mini-game featuring BFS, DFS, Greedy and A* searches as solver algorithms.
🕹 Eight Puzzle CLI Jogo do quebra-cabeças de 8 peças em linha de comando desenvolvido para a disciplina de Inteligência Artificial. Escrito em python
PyIOmica (pyiomica) is a Python package for omics analyses.
PyIOmica (pyiomica) This repository contains PyIOmica, a Python package that provides bioinformatics utilities for analyzing (dynamic) omics datasets.
A part of HyRiver software stack for accessing hydrology data through web services
Package Description Status PyNHD Navigate and subset NHDPlus (MR and HR) using web services Py3DEP Access topographic data through National Map's 3DEP
Random dataframe and database table generator
Random database/dataframe generator Authored and maintained by Dr. Tirthajyoti Sarkar, Fremont, USA Introduction Often, beginners in SQL or data scien
A 3D Slicer Extension to view data from the flywheel heirarchy
flywheel-connect A 3D Slicer Extension to view, select, and download images from a Flywheel instance to 3D Slicer and storing Slicer outputs back to F
Ballcone is a fast and lightweight server-side Web analytics solution.
Ballcone Ballcone is a fast and lightweight server-side Web analytics solution. It requires no JavaScript on your website. Screenshots Design Goals Si
Simple, yet effective moderator bot for telegram. With reports, logs, profanity filter and more :3
đź‘ą Samurai Telegram Bot Simple, yet effective moderator bot for telegram. With reports, logs, profanity filter and more :3 Description Personal bot, m
urlwatch is intended to help you watch changes in webpages and get notified of any changes.
urlwatch is intended to help you watch changes in webpages and get notified (via e-mail, in your terminal or through various third party services) of any changes.
A modular, high performance, headless e-commerce platform built with Python, GraphQL, Django, and React.
Saleor Commerce Customer-centric e-commerce on a modern stack A headless, GraphQL commerce platform delivering ultra-fast, dynamic, personalized shopp
Self-hosted, easily-deployable monitoring and alerts service - like a lightweight PagerDuty
Cabot Maintainers wanted Cabot is stable and used by hundreds of companies and individuals in production, but it is not actively maintained. We would
Streaming parser for multipart/form-data written in Python
Streaming multipart/form-data parser streaming_form_data provides a Python parser for parsing multipart/form-data input chunks (the encoding used when
ProxyBroker is an open source tool that asynchronously finds public proxies from multiple sources and concurrently checks them
ProxyBroker is an open source tool that asynchronously finds public proxies from multiple sources and concurrently checks them. Features F
A python module for retrieving and parsing WHOIS data
pythonwhois A WHOIS retrieval and parsing library for Python. Dependencies None! All you need is the Python standard library. Instructions The manual
Libextract: extract data from websites
Libextract is a statistics-enabled data extraction library that works on HTML and XML documents and written in Python
Persistent/Immutable/Functional data structures for Python
Pyrsistent Pyrsistent is a number of persistent collections (by some referred to as functional data structures). Persistent in the sense that they are
Multidict is dict-like collection of key-value pairs where key might be occurred more than once in the container.
multidict Multidict is dict-like collection of key-value pairs where key might be occurred more than once in the container. Introduction HTTP Headers
Persistent dict, backed by sqlite3 and pickle, multithread-safe.
sqlitedict -- persistent dict, backed-up by SQLite and pickle A lightweight wrapper around Python's sqlite3 database with a simple, Pythonic dict-like
dict subclass with keylist/keypath support, normalized I/O operations (base64, csv, ini, json, pickle, plist, query-string, toml, xml, yaml) and many utilities.
python-benedict python-benedict is a dict subclass with keylist/keypath support, I/O shortcuts (base64, csv, ini, json, pickle, plist, query-string, t
A mutable set that remembers the order of its entries. One of Python's missing data types.
An OrderedSet is a mutable data structure that is a hybrid of a list and a set. It remembers the order of its entries, and every entry has an index nu
Python tree data library
Links Documentation PyPI GitHub Changelog Issues Contributors If you enjoy anytree Getting started Usage is simple. Construction from anytree impo
A JSON-friendly data structure which allows both object attributes and dictionary keys and values to be used simultaneously and interchangeably.
A JSON-friendly data structure which allows both object attributes and dictionary keys and values to be used simultaneously and interchangeably.
Six - a Python 2 and 3 compatibility library
Six is a Python 2 and 3 compatibility library. It provides utility functions for smoothing over the differences between the Python versions with the g
This is an implementation of PEP 557, Data Classes.
This is an implementation of PEP 557, Data Classes. It is a backport for Python 3.6. Because dataclasses will be included in Python 3.7, any discussio
Backport of the concurrent.futures package to Python 2.6 and 2.7
This is a backport of the concurrent.futures standard library module to Python 2. It does not work on Python 3 due to Python 2 syntax being used in th
AnyIO is an asynchronous networking and concurrency library that works on top of either asyncio or trio.
AnyIO is an asynchronous networking and concurrency library that works on top of either asyncio or trio. It implements trio-like structured concurrenc
Python-dotenv reads key-value pairs from a .env file and can set them as environment variables.
python-dotenv Python-dotenv reads key-value pairs from a .env file and can set them as environment variables. It helps in the development of applicati
Humane command line arguments parser. Now with maintenance, typehints, and complete test coverage.
docopt-ng creates magic command-line interfaces CHANGELOG New in version 0.7.2: Complete MyPy typehints - ZERO errors. Required refactoring class impl
Asyncio cache manager for redis, memcached and memory
aiocache Asyncio cache supporting multiple backends (memory, redis and memcached). This library aims for simplicity over specialization. All caches co
Persistent, stale-free, local and cross-machine caching for Python functions.
Persistent, stale-free, local and cross-machine caching for Python functions.
Extract price amount and currency symbol from a raw text string
price-parser is a small library for extracting price and currency from raw text strings.
Random Name and Slug Generator
Random Name and Slug Generator
A library for researching neural networks compression and acceleration methods.
A library for researching neural networks compression and acceleration methods.
A framework for the elicitation, specification, formalization and understanding of requirements.
A framework for the elicitation, specification, formalization and understanding of requirements.
D2LV: A Data-Driven and Local-Verification Approach for Image Copy Detection
Facebook AI Image Similarity Challenge: Matching Track —— Team: imgFp This is the source code of our 3rd place solution to matching track of Image Sim
A Vision Transformer approach that uses concatenated query and reference images to learn the relationship between query and reference images directly.
A Vision Transformer approach that uses concatenated query and reference images to learn the relationship between query and reference images directly.
A Python Library to Make Quote Images
Quote2Image A Python Library to Make Quote Images How To Use? Download The Latest Package From Releases Extract The Zip File And Place Every File In I
A simple small scale electric car was build which can be driven by remote control and features a fully autonomous parking procedure.
personal-autonomous-parking-car-raspberry A simple electric car model was build using Raspbery pi. The car has remote control and autonomous operation
Microsoft Azure provides a wide number of services for managing and storing data
Microsoft Azure provides a wide number of services for managing and storing data. One product is Microsoft Azure SQL. Which gives us the capability to create and manage instances of SQL Servers hosted in the cloud. This project, demonstrates how to use these services to manage data we collect from different sources.
Dungeon Dice Rolls is an aplication that the user can roll dices (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20 and d100) and store the results in one of the 6 arrays.
Dungeon Dice Rolls is an aplication that the user can roll dices (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20 and d100) and store the results in one of the 6 arrays.
Demodulate and error correct FIS-B and ADS-B signals on 978 MHz.
FIS-B 978 ('fisb-978') is a set of programs that demodulates and error corrects FIS-B (Flight Information System - Broadcast) and ADS-B (Automatic Dep
Tools for teachers and students using nng (Natural Number Game)
nngtools Usage Place your nngsave.json to the directory in which you want to extract the level files. Place nngmap.json on the same directory. Run nng
Unfinished Python library based on ndspy, for Zelda: Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks.
zed An unfinished library and toolset by me, for viewing and editing files from The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass and The Legend of Zelda: Spirit
Upload an Excel/CSV file ( 200 MB) and produce a short summary of the data.
Data-Analysis-Report Deployed App 1. What is this app? Upload an excel/csv file and produce a summary report of the data. 2. Where to upload? How to p
Computer Vision Script to recognize first person motion, developed as final project for the course "Machine Learning and Deep Learning"
Overview of The Code BaseColab/MLDL_FPAR.pdf: it contains the full explanation of our work Base Colab: it contains the base colab used to perform all
Fithub is a website application for athletes and fitness enthusiasts of all ages and experience levels.
Fithub is a website application for athletes and fitness enthusiasts of all ages and experience levels. Our website allows users to easily search, filter, and sort our comprehensive database of over 100 exercise types to connect with related equipment and fitness Youtubers. The data is obtained by using eBay and youtube APIs and stored in a mongoDB database
Typing test and practice on command line without the need of any internet connection
Terminal-Typing-Test Typing test and practice on command line without the need of any internet connection About CLI based typing test and practice tha
Easy Language Model Pretraining leveraging Huggingface's Transformers and Datasets
Easy Language Model Pretraining leveraging Huggingface's Transformers and Datasets What is LASSL • How to Use What is LASSL LASSL은 LAnguage Semi-Super
đź“śGenerate poetry with gcc diagnostics
gado (gcc awesome diagnostics orchestrator) is a wrapper of gcc that outputs its errors and warnings in a more poetic format.
Codes and pretrained weights for winning submission of 2021 Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) Challenge
Winning submission to the 2021 Brain Tumor Segmentation Challenge This repo contains the codes and pretrained weights for the winning submission to th
A `Neural = Symbolic` framework for sound and complete weighted real-value logic
Logical Neural Networks LNNs are a novel Neuro = symbolic framework designed to seamlessly provide key properties of both neural nets (learning) and s
Cortex-compatible model server for Python and TensorFlow
Nucleus model server Nucleus is a model server for TensorFlow and generic Python models. It is compatible with Cortex clusters, Kubernetes clusters, a
Watch faces morph into each other with StyleGAN 2, StyleGAN, and DCGAN!
FaceMorpher FaceMorpher is an innovative project to get a unique face morph (or interpolation for geeks) on a website. Yes, this means you can see fac
Reference management solution using Python and Notion.
notion-scholar Reference management solution using Python and Notion. The main idea of this app is to allow to furnish a Notion database using a BibTe
The third home of the bare Programming Language (1st there's my heart, the forest came second and then there's Github :)
The third home of the bare Programming Language (1st there's my heart, the forest came second and then there's Github :)
A very small (15 lines of code) and beautiful fetch script (exclusively for Arch Linux).
minifetch A very small (15 lines of code) and beautiful fetch script (exclusively for Arch Linux). There are many fetch scripts out there but I wanted
SSH Tool For OSINT and then Cracking.
sshmap SSH Tool For OSINT and then Cracking. Linux Systems Only Usage: Scanner Syntax: scanner start/stop/status - Sarts/stops/sho
This is a small notes web app, with python and flask microframework. Using sqlite3
Python Notes App. This is a small web application maked with flask-python for add notes easily and quickly. Dependencies. You can create a virtual env
A task management system created using Django 4.0 and Python 3.8 for a hackathon.
Task Management System A task management app for Projects created using Django v4.0 and Python 3.8 for educational purpose. This project was created d
easyNeuron is a simple way to create powerful machine learning models, analyze data and research cutting-edge AI.
easyNeuron is a simple way to create powerful machine learning models, analyze data and research cutting-edge AI.
A simple Discord Bot created for basic functionality and fun chat commands for use in a private server.
LoveAndChaos-Bot v0.1.0 LoveAndChaos-Bot is a Discord Bot specifically designed for a private server; this bot is merely a test and a method to expose
Ethereum transactions and wallet information for people you follow on Twitter.
ethFollowing Ethereum transactions and wallet information for people you follow on Twitter. Set up Setup python environment (requires python 3.8): vir
An Advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill sets and skill levels.
Advent of Code 2021 The Advent of Code is an Advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill sets and skill levels that can be sol