1481 Repositories
Python django-docker-heroku-template Libraries
A standalone package to scrape financial data from listed Vietnamese companies via Vietstock
Scrape Financial Data of Vietnamese Listed Companies - Version 2 A standalone package to scrape financial data from listed Vietnamese companies via Vi
A Telegram Repo For Devs To Controll The Bots Under Maintenance.This Bot Is For Developers, If Your Bot Is Down, Use This Repo To Give Your Dear Subscribers Some Support By Providing Them Response.
Maintenance Bot A Telegram Repo For Devs To Controll The Bots Under Maintenance About This Bot This Bot Is For Developers, If Your Bot Is Down, Use Th
Auth module for Django and GarpixCMS
Garpix Auth Auth module for Django/DRF projects. Part of GarpixCMS. Used packages: django rest framework social-auth-app-django django-rest-framework-
A Telegram Repo For Devs To Controll The Bots Under Maintenance.This Bot Is For Developers, If Your Bot Is Down, Use This Repo To Give Your Dear Subscribers Some Support By Providing Them Response.
Maintenance Bot A Telegram Repo For Devs To Controll The Bots Under Maintenance About This Bot This Bot Is For Developers, If Your Bot Is Down, Use Th
FastAPI with Docker and Traefik
Dockerizing FastAPI with Postgres, Uvicorn, and Traefik Want to learn how to build this? Check out the post. Want to use this project? Development Bui
Django/Jinja template indenter
DjHTML A pure-Python Django/Jinja template indenter without dependencies. DjHTML is a fully automatic template indenter that works with mixed HTML/CSS
Django REST API with React BoilerPlate
This is a setup of Authentication and Registration Integrated with React.js inside the Django Templates for web apps
Hackergame nc 类题目的 Docker 容器资源限制、动态 flag、网页终端
Hackergame nc 类题目的 Docker 容器资源限制、动态 flag、网页终端 快速入门 配置证书 证书用于验证用户 Token。请确保这里的证书文件(cert.pem)与 Hackergame 平台 配置的证书相同,这样 Hackergame 平台为每个用户生成的 Token 才可以通
DataOps framework for Machine Learning projects.
Noronha DataOps Noronha is a Python framework designed to help you orchestrate and manage ML projects life-cycle. It hosts Machine Learning models ins
Learn Python and the Django Framework by building a e-commerce website
The Django-Ecommerce is an open-source project initiative and tutorial series built with Python and the Django Framework.
A simple demonstration of how a django-based website can be set up for local development with microk8s
Django with MicroK8s Start Building Your Project This project provides a Django web app running as a single node Kubernetes cluster in microk8s. It is
Telegram File to Link Fastest Bot , also used for movies streaming
Telegram File Stream Bot ! A Telegram bot to stream files to web. Report a Bug | Request Feature About This Bot This bot will give you stream links fo
可基于【腾讯云函数】/【GitHub Actions】/【Docker】的每日签到脚本(支持多账号使用)签到列表: |爱奇艺|全民K歌|腾讯视频|有道云笔记|网易云音乐|一加手机社区官方论坛|百度贴吧|Bilibili|V2EX|咔叽网单|什么值得买|AcFun|天翼云盘|WPS|吾爱破解|芒果TV|联通营业厅|Fa米家|小米运动|百度搜索资源平台|每日天气预报|每日一句|哔咔漫画|和彩云|智友邦|微博|CSDN|王者营地|
每日签到集合 基于【腾讯云函数】/【GitHub Actions】/【Docker】的每日签到脚本 支持多账号使用 特别声明: 本仓库发布的脚本及其中涉及的任何解锁和解密分析脚本,仅用于测试和学习研究,禁止用于商业用途,不能保证其合法性,准确性,完整性和有效性,请根据情况自行判断。
Discord Bot that leverages the idea of nested containers using podman, runs untrusted user input, executes Quantum Circuits, allows users to refer to the Qiskit Documentation, and provides the ability to search questions on the Quantum Computing StackExchange.
Discord Bot that leverages the idea of nested containers using podman, runs untrusted user input, executes Quantum Circuits, allows users to refer to the Qiskit Documentation, and provides the ability to search questions on the Quantum Computing StackExchange.
Sample Dockerized flask app deployed on Kubernetes on Azure using AKS
Sample Dockerized flask app deployed on Kubernetes on Azure using AKS
Telegram bot + userbot for streaming audio in group calls.
Calls Music — Telegram bot + userbot for streaming audio in group calls ✍🏻 Requirements FFmpeg Python 3.7+ 🚀 Deployment 🛠 Configuration Copy exampl
Job Guy Backend
جابگای چیست؟ اونجا وضعیت چطوریه؟ یه سوال به همین کلیت و ابهام معمولا وقتی برای یه شرکت رزومه میفرستیم این سوال کلی و بزرگ برای همه پیش میاد.اونجا وض
Use a docx as a jinja2 template
Use a docx as a jinja2 template
Utility for working with recurring dates in Django.
django-recurrence django-recurrence is a utility for working with recurring dates in Django. Documentation is available at https://django-recurrence.r
Store model history and view/revert changes from admin site.
django-simple-history django-simple-history stores Django model state on every create/update/delete. This app supports the following combinations of D
Simple tagging for django
django-taggit This is a Jazzband project. By contributing you agree to abide by the Contributor Code of Conduct and follow the guidelines. django-tagg
🏭 An easy-to-use implementation of Creation Methods for Django, backed by Faker.
Django-fakery An easy-to-use implementation of Creation Methods (aka Object Factory) for Django, backed by Faker. django_fakery will try to guess the
Inject an ID into every log message from a Django request. ASGI compatible, integrates with Sentry, and works with Celery
Django GUID Now with ASGI support! Django GUID attaches a unique correlation ID/request ID to all your log outputs for every request. In other words,
Phoenix LiveView but for Django
Reactor, a LiveView library for Django Reactor enables you to do something similar to Phoenix framework LiveView using Django Channels. What's in the
Per object permissions for Django
django-guardian django-guardian is an implementation of per object permissions [1] on top of Django's authorization backend Documentation Online docum
Phoenix LiveView but for Django
Reactor, a LiveView library for Django Reactor enables you to do something similar to Phoenix framework LiveView using Django Channels. What's in the
A CBV to handle multiple forms in one view
django-shapeshifter A common problem in Django is how to have a view, especially a class-based view that can display and process multiple forms at onc
A fresh approach to autocomplete implementations, specially for Django. Status: v3 stable, 2.x.x stable, 1.x.x deprecated. Please DO regularely ping us with your link at #yourlabs IRC channel
Features Python 2.7, 3.4, Django 2.0+ support (Django 1.11 (LTS), is supported until django-autocomplete-light-3.2.10), Django (multiple) choice suppo
Tweak the form field rendering in templates, not in python-level form definitions. CSS classes and HTML attributes can be altered.
django-widget-tweaks Tweak the form field rendering in templates, not in python-level form definitions. Altering CSS classes and HTML attributes is su
A set of high-level abstractions for Django forms
django-formtools Django's "formtools" is a set of high-level abstractions for Django forms. Currently for form previews and multi-step forms. This cod
Full control of form rendering in the templates.
django-floppyforms Full control of form rendering in the templates. Authors: Gregor Müllegger and many many contributors Original creator: Bruno Renié
The best way to have DRY Django forms. The app provides a tag and filter that lets you quickly render forms in a div format while providing an enormous amount of capability to configure and control the rendered HTML.
django-crispy-forms The best way to have Django DRY forms. Build programmatic reusable layouts out of components, having full control of the rendered
An easier way to build neural search on the cloud
Jina is geared towards building search systems for any kind of data, including text, images, audio, video and many more. With the modular design & multi-layer abstraction, you can leverage the efficient patterns to build the system by parts, or chaining them into a Flow for an end-to-end experience.
Django Ninja is a web framework for building APIs with Django and Python 3.6+ type hints.
💨 Fast, Async-ready, Openapi, type hints based framework for building APIs
Pydantic model support for Django ORM
Pydantic model support for Django ORM
Transparently load variables from environment or JSON/YAML file.
A thin wrapper over Pydantic's settings management. Allows you to define configuration variables and load them from environment or JSON/YAML file. Also generates initial configuration files and documentation for your defined configuration.
A Django app that integrates with Dramatiq.
django_dramatiq django_dramatiq is a Django app that integrates with Dramatiq. Requirements Django 1.11+ Dramatiq 0.18+ Example You can find an exampl
Full featured redis cache backend for Django.
Redis cache backend for Django This is a Jazzband project. By contributing you agree to abide by the Contributor Code of Conduct and follow the guidel
A simple app that provides django integration for RQ (Redis Queue)
Django-RQ Django integration with RQ, a Redis based Python queuing library. Django-RQ is a simple app that allows you to configure your queues in djan
A multiprocessing distributed task queue for Django
A multiprocessing distributed task queue for Django Features Multiprocessing worker pool Asynchronous tasks Scheduled, cron and repeated tasks Signed
Beatserver, a periodic task scheduler for Django 🎵
Beat Server Beatserver, a periodic task scheduler for django channels | beta software How to install Prerequirements: Follow django channels documenta
Mixer -- Is a fixtures replacement. Supported Django, Flask, SqlAlchemy and custom python objects.
The Mixer is a helper to generate instances of Django or SQLAlchemy models. It's useful for testing and fixture replacement. Fast and convenient test-
TinyMCE integration for Django
django-tinymce django-tinymce is a Django application that contains a widget to render a form field as a TinyMCE editor. Quickstart Install django-tin
django-quill-editor makes Quill.js easy to use on Django Forms and admin sites
django-quill-editor django-quill-editor makes Quill.js easy to use on Django Forms and admin sites No configuration required for static files! The ent
Visual DSL framework for django
Preface Processes change more often than technic. Domain Rules are situational and may differ from customer to customer. With diverse code and frequen
Awesome Django Markdown Editor, supported for Bootstrap & Semantic-UI
martor Martor is a Markdown Editor plugin for Django, supported for Bootstrap & Semantic-UI. Features Live Preview Integrated with Ace Editor Supporte
Comprehensive Markdown plugin built for Django
Django MarkdownX Django MarkdownX is a comprehensive Markdown plugin built for Django, the renowned high-level Python web framework, with flexibility,
Django admin CKEditor integration.
Django CKEditor NOTICE: django-ckeditor 5 has backward incompatible code moves against 4.5.1. File upload support has been moved to ckeditor_uploader.
Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
Domain-driven e-commerce for Django Oscar is an e-commerce framework for Django designed for building domain-driven sites. It is structured such that
E-Commerce Platform
Shuup Shuup is an Open Source E-Commerce Platform based on Django and Python. https://shuup.com/ Copyright Copyright (c) 2012-2021 by Shuup Commerce I
A modular, high performance, headless e-commerce platform built with Python, GraphQL, Django, and React.
Saleor Commerce Customer-centric e-commerce on a modern stack A headless, GraphQL-first e-commerce platform delivering ultra-fast, dynamic, personaliz
A Django blog app implemented in Wagtail
Puput Puput is a powerful and simple Django app to manage a blog. It uses the awesome Wagtail CMS as content management system. Puput is the catalan n
A curated list of awesome packages, articles, and other cool resources from the Wagtail community.
Awesome Wagtail A curated list of awesome packages, articles, and other cool resources from the Wagtail community. Wagtail is a Python CMS powered by
A helper for organizing Django project settings by relying on well established programming patterns.
django-configurations django-configurations eases Django project configuration by relying on the composability of Python classes. It extends the notio
Dynamic Django settings.
Constance - Dynamic Django settings A Django app for storing dynamic settings in pluggable backends (Redis and Django model backend built in) with an
Organize Django settings into multiple files and directories. Easily override and modify settings. Use wildcards and optional settings files.
Organize Django settings into multiple files and directories. Easily override and modify settings. Use wildcards in settings file paths and mark setti
Django-environ allows you to utilize 12factor inspired environment variables to configure your Django application.
Django-environ django-environ allows you to use Twelve-factor methodology to configure your Django application with environment variables. import envi
Management commands to help backup and restore your project database and media files
Django Database Backup This Django application provides management commands to help backup and restore your project database and media files with vari
Write Django management command using the click CLI library
Django Click Project information: Automated code metrics: django-click is a library to easily write Django management commands using the click command
This is a repository for collecting global custom management extensions for the Django Framework.
Django Extensions Django Extensions is a collection of custom extensions for the Django Framework. Getting Started The easiest way to figure out what
No effort, no worry, maximum performance.
Django Cachalot Caches your Django ORM queries and automatically invalidates them. Documentation: http://django-cachalot.readthedocs.io Table of Conte
Developer-friendly asynchrony for Django
Django Channels Channels augments Django to bring WebSocket, long-poll HTTP, task offloading and other async support to your code, using familiar Djan
Creating delicious APIs for Django apps since 2010.
django-tastypie Creating delicious APIs for Django apps since 2010. Currently in beta but being used actively in production on several sites. Requirem
Integrate GraphQL into your Django project.
Graphene-Django A Django integration for Graphene. 💬 Join the community on Slack Documentation Visit the documentation to get started! Quickstart For
Automated generation of real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 schemas from Django REST Framework code.
drf-yasg - Yet another Swagger generator Generate real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 specifications from a Django Rest Framework API. Compatible with Django Res
Transparently use webpack with django
Looking for maintainers This repository is unmaintained as I don't have any free time to dedicate to this effort. If you or your organisation are heav
A JSON Web Token authentication plugin for the Django REST Framework.
Simple JWT Abstract Simple JWT is a JSON Web Token authentication plugin for the Django REST Framework. For full documentation, visit django-rest-fram
Django queries
Djaq Djaq - pronounced “Jack” - provides an instant remote API to your Django models data with a powerful query language. No server-side code beyond t
REST implementation of Django authentication system.
djoser REST implementation of Django authentication system. djoser library provides a set of Django Rest Framework views to handle basic actions such
Authentication Module for django rest auth
django-rest-knox Authentication Module for django rest auth Knox provides easy to use authentication for Django REST Framework The aim is to allow for
Authentication for Django Rest Framework
Dj-Rest-Auth Drop-in API endpoints for handling authentication securely in Django Rest Framework. Works especially well with SPAs (e.g React, Vue, Ang
Django app for handling the server headers required for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
django-cors-headers A Django App that adds Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) headers to responses. This allows in-browser requests to your Django a
Web APIs for Django. 🎸
Django REST framework Awesome web-browsable Web APIs. Full documentation for the project is available at https://www.django-rest-framework.org/. Fundi
Allow foreign key attributes in list_display with '__'
django-related-admin Allow foreign key attributes in Django admin change list list_display with '__' This is based on DjangoSnippet 2996 which was mad
Material design for django administration
Django Material Administration Quick start pip install django-material-admin Add material.admin and material.admin.default to your INSTALLED_APPS sett
Visually distinguish environments in Django Admin
django-admin-env-notice Visually distinguish environments in Django Admin. Based on great advice from post: 5 ways to make Django Admin safer by hakib
Django app that enables staff to log in as other users using their own credentials.
Impostor Impostor is a Django application which allows staff members to login as a different user by using their own username and password. Login Logg
"Log in as user" for the Django admin.
django-loginas About "Login as user" for the Django admin. loginas supports Python 3 only, as of version 0.4. If you're on 2, use 0.3.6. Installing dj
:honey_pot: A fake Django admin login screen page.
django-admin-honeypot django-admin-honeypot is a fake Django admin login screen to log and notify admins of attempted unauthorized access. This app wa
Django application and library for importing and exporting data with admin integration.
django-import-export django-import-export is a Django application and library for importing and exporting data with included admin integration. Featur
With Django Hijack, admins can log in and work on behalf of other users without having to know their credentials.
Django Hijack With Django Hijack, admins can log in and work on behalf of other users without having to know their credentials. Docs See http://django
Jazzy theme for Django
Django jazzmin (Jazzy Admin) Drop-in theme for django admin, that utilises AdminLTE 3 & Bootstrap 4 to make yo' admin look jazzy Installation pip inst
Quick example of a todo list application using Django and HTMX
django-htmx-todo-list Quick example of a todo list application using Django and HTMX Background Modified & expanded from https://github.com/jaredlockh
Tracker to check the covid shot slot availability in India and send mobile alerts via Twilio Messaging Service.
Cowin-Slot-Tracker Tracker to check the covid vaccine slot availability in India and send mobile notifications through Twilio Messaging Service. Requi
Create a netflix-like service using Django, React.js, & More.
Create a netflix-like service using Django. Learn advanced Django techniques to achieve amazing results like never before.
“ HOLA HUMANS 👋 I'M DAISYX 2.0 ❤️ „ LATEST VERSION OF DAISYX.. Source Code of @Daisyxbot
❤️ DaisyX 2.0 ❤️ A Powerful, Smart And Simple Group Manager ... Written with AioGram , Pyrogram and Telethon... ⭐️ Thanks to everyone who starred Dais
Tortoise ORM is an easy-to-use asyncio ORM inspired by Django.
Tortoise ORM was build with relations in mind and admiration for the excellent and popular Django ORM. It's engraved in it's design that you are working not with just tables, you work with relational data.
Chat app for Django, powered by Django Channels, Websockets & Asyncio
Django Private Chat2 New and improved https://github.com/Bearle/django-private-chat Chat app for Django, powered by Django Channels, Websockets & Asyn
Campsite Reservation Cancellation Finder (Yellowstone National Park)
yellowstone-camping yellowstone-camping is a Campsite Reservation Cancellation Finder for Yellowstone National Park. This simple Python application wi
Service request portal on top of Ansible Tower
Squest - A service request portal based on Ansible Tower Squest is a Web portal that allow to expose Tower based automation as a service. If you want
Use heroicons in your Django and Jinja templates.
heroicons Use heroicons in your Django and Jinja templates. Requirements Python 3.6 to 3.9 supported. Django 2.2 to 3.2 supported. Are your tests slow
Grammar Induction using a Template Tree Approach
Gitta Gitta ("Grammar Induction using a Template Tree Approach") is a method for inducing context-free grammars. It performs particularly well on data
This is a repository for a semantic segmentation inference API using the OpenVINO toolkit
BMW-IntelOpenVINO-Segmentation-Inference-API This is a repository for a semantic segmentation inference API using the OpenVINO toolkit. It's supported
An automated, headless YouTube Uploader
An automated, headless YouTube Uploader Authors: Christian C., Moritz M., Luca S. Related Projects: YouTube Watcher, Twitch Compilation Creator, Neura
This repository allows you to anonymize sensitive information in images/videos. The solution is fully compatible with the DL-based training/inference solutions that we already published/will publish for Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation.
BMW-Anonymization-Api Data privacy and individuals’ anonymity are and always have been a major concern for data-driven companies. Therefore, we design
This is a repository for a Semantic Segmentation inference API using the Gluoncv CV toolkit
BMW Semantic Segmentation GPU/CPU Inference API This is a repository for a Semantic Segmentation inference API using the Gluoncv CV toolkit. The train
Backend logic implementation for realworld with awesome FastAPI
Backend logic implementation for realworld with awesome FastAPI
Diffgram - Supervised Learning Data Platform
Data Annotation, Data Labeling, Annotation Tooling, Training Data for Machine Learning
The Django Leaflet Admin List package provides an admin list view featured by the map and bounding box filter for the geo-based data of the GeoDjango.
The Django Leaflet Admin List package provides an admin list view featured by the map and bounding box filter for the geo-based data of the GeoDjango. It requires a django-leaflet package.
An Open-Source Discord bot created to provide basic functionality which should be in every discord guild. We use this same bot with additional configurations for our guilds.
A Discord bot completely written to be taken from the source and built according to your own custom needs. This bot supports some core features and is