10814 Repositories
Python generate-2D-quadrilateral-mesh-with-neural-networks-and-tree-search Libraries
A powerful and user-friendly binary analysis platform!
angr angr is a platform-agnostic binary analysis framework. It is brought to you by the Computer Security Lab at UC Santa Barbara, SEFCOM at Arizona S
SASM - simple crossplatform IDE for NASM, MASM, GAS and FASM assembly languages
SASM (SimpleASM) - простая кроссплатформенная среда разработки для языков ассемблера NASM, MASM, GAS, FASM с подсветкой синтаксиса и отладчиком. В SA
Not Suitable for Work (NSFW) classification using deep neural network Caffe models.
Open nsfw model This repo contains code for running Not Suitable for Work (NSFW) classification deep neural network Caffe models. Please refer our blo
Anomaly detection related books, papers, videos, and toolboxes
Anomaly Detection Learning Resources Outlier Detection (also known as Anomaly Detection) is an exciting yet challenging field, which aims to identify
Markdown Presentations for Tech Conferences, Training, Developer Advocates, and Educators.
March 1, 2021: Service on gitpitch.com has been shutdown permanently. GitPitch 4.0 Docs Twitter About Watch the Introducing GitPitch 4.0 Video Visit t
A list of NLP(Natural Language Processing) tutorials
NLP Tutorial A list of NLP(Natural Language Processing) tutorials built on PyTorch. Table of Contents A step-by-step tutorial on how to implement and
Distributed deep learning on Hadoop and Spark clusters.
Note: we're lovingly marking this project as Archived since we're no longer supporting it. You are welcome to read the code and fork your own version
Mina is a new cryptocurrency with a constant size blockchain, improving scaling while maintaining decentralization and security.
Mina Mina is the first cryptocurrency with a lightweight, constant-sized blockchain. This is the main source code repository for the Mina project. It
Unofficial implementation of the ImageNet, CIFAR 10 and SVHN Augmentation Policies learned by AutoAugment using pillow
AutoAugment - Learning Augmentation Policies from Data Unofficial implementation of the ImageNet, CIFAR10 and SVHN Augmentation Policies learned by Au
Social reading and reviewing, decentralized with ActivityPub
BookWyrm Social reading and reviewing, decentralized with ActivityPub Contents Joining BookWyrm Contributing About BookWyrm What it is and isn't The r
AutoKey, a desktop automation utility for Linux and X11.
AutoKey Contents About Installation Zero-installation Method Documentation Support Bug reports and Pull Requests Changelog License About AutoKey, a de
BleachBit system cleaner for Windows and Linux
BleachBit BleachBit cleans files to free disk space and to maintain privacy. Running from source To run BleachBit without installation, unpack the tar
Very efficient backup system based on the git packfile format, providing fast incremental saves and global deduplication
Very efficient backup system based on the git packfile format, providing fast incremental saves and global deduplication (among and within files, including virtual machine images). Current release is 0.31, and the development branch is master. Please post problems or patches to the mailing list for discussion (see the end of the README below).
Gmvault: Backup and restore your gmail account
Gmvault: Backup and restore your gmail account Gmvault is a tool for backing up your gmail account and never lose email correspondence. Gmvault is ope
NVDA, the free and open source Screen Reader for Microsoft Windows
NVDA NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access) is a free, open source screen reader for Microsoft Windows. It is developed by NV Access in collaboration with a
Small and highly customizable twin-panel file manager for Linux with support for plugins.
Note: Prefered repository hosting is GitLab. If you don't have an account there and don't wish to make one interacting with one on GitHub is fine. Sun
Free and open source qualitative research tool
Taguette A spin on the phrase "tag it!", Taguette is a free and open source qualitative research tool that allows users to: Import PDFs, Word Docs (.d
Low code web framework for real world applications, in Python and Javascript
Full-stack web application framework that uses Python and MariaDB on the server side and a tightly integrated client side library.
A SQL linter and auto-formatter for Humans
The SQL Linter for Humans SQLFluff is a dialect-flexible and configurable SQL linter. Designed with ELT applications in mind, SQLFluff also works with
Vis2Mesh: Efficient Mesh Reconstruction from Unstructured Point Clouds of Large Scenes with Learned Virtual View Visibility ICCV2021
Vis2Mesh This is the offical repository of the paper: Vis2Mesh: Efficient Mesh Reconstruction from Unstructured Point Clouds of Large Scenes with Lear
Pi-NAS: Improving Neural Architecture Search by Reducing Supernet Training Consistency Shift (ICCV 2021)
Π-NAS This repository provides the evaluation code of our submitted paper: Pi-NAS: Improving Neural Architecture Search by Reducing Supernet Training
Code for "Learning Skeletal Graph Neural Networks for Hard 3D Pose Estimation" ICCV'21
Skeletal-GNN Code for "Learning Skeletal Graph Neural Networks for Hard 3D Pose Estimation" ICCV'21 Various deep learning techniques have been propose
PatchMatch-RL: Deep MVS with Pixelwise Depth, Normal, and Visibility
PatchMatch-RL: Deep MVS with Pixelwise Depth, Normal, and Visibility Jae Yong Lee, Joseph DeGol, Chuhang Zou, Derek Hoiem Installation To install nece
A new codebase for Group Activity Recognition. It contains codes for ICCV 2021 paper: Spatio-Temporal Dynamic Inference Network for Group Activity Recognition and some other methods.
Spatio-Temporal Dynamic Inference Network for Group Activity Recognition The source codes for ICCV2021 Paper: Spatio-Temporal Dynamic Inference Networ
Train Scene Graph Generation for Visual Genome and GQA in PyTorch = 1.2 with improved zero and few-shot generalization.
Scene Graph Generation Object Detections Ground truth Scene Graph Generated Scene Graph In this visualization, woman sitting on rock is a zero-shot tr
Liveskidordownload - Simple tool to scrape and download cross country ski timings and results from live.skidor.com
LiveSkidorDownload Simple tool to scrape and download cross country ski timings
Oil is a new Unix shell. It's our upgrade path from bash to a better language and runtime
Oil is a new Unix shell. It's our upgrade path from bash to a better language and runtime. It's also for Python and JavaScript users who avoid shell!
A compiler for ARM, X86, MSP430, xtensa and more implemented in pure Python
Introduction The PPCI (Pure Python Compiler Infrastructure) project is a compiler written entirely in the Python programming language. It contains fro
a curated list of docker-compose files prepared for testing data engineering tools, databases and open source libraries.
data-services A repository for storing various Data Engineering docker-compose files in one place. How to use it ? Set the required settings in .env f
Customer Service Requests Analysis is one of the practical life problems that an analyst may face. This Project is one such take. The project is a beginner to intermediate level project. This repository has a Source Code, README file, Dataset, Image and License file.
Customer Service Requests Analysis Project 1 DESCRIPTION Background of Problem Statement : NYC 311's mission is to provide the public with quick and e
deep learning model with only python and numpy with test accuracy 99 % on mnist dataset and different optimization choices
deep_nn_model_with_only_python_100%_test_accuracy deep learning model with only python and numpy with test accuracy 99 % on mnist dataset and differen
duralava is a neural network which can simulate a lava lamp in an infinite loop.
duralava duralava is a neural network which can simulate a lava lamp in an infinite loop. Example This is not a real lava lamp but a "fake" one genera
Inflitator is a classic doom and wolfenstein3D like game made in Python, using the famous PYGAME module.
INFLITATOR Raycaster INFLITATOR is a raycaster made in Python3 with Pygame. It is a game built on top of a simple engine of the same name. An example
Python project setup, updater, and launcher
pyLaunch Python project setup, updater, and launcher Purpose: Increase project productivity and provide features easily. Once installed as a git submo
Handles SDVX EXCEED GEAR result screen photos and attempts to read it.
Handles SDVX EXCEED GEAR result screen photos and attempts to read it.
BART aids transcribe tasks by taking a source audio file and creating automatic repeated loops, allowing transcribers to listen to fragments multiple times
BART (Beyond Audio Replay Technology) aids transcribe tasks by taking a source audio file and creating automatic repeated loops, allowing transcribers to listen to fragments multiple times (with possible overlap between segments).
A script that takes what you're listening too on Spotify and sets it as your Nertivia custom status.
nertivia-spotify-listening-status A script that takes what you're listening too on Spotify and sets it as your Nertivia custom status. setup Install r
This Artificial Intelligence program can take a black and white/grayscale image and generate a realistic or plausible colorized version of the same picture.
Colorizer The point of this project is to write a program capable of taking a black and white / grayscale image, and generating a realistic or plausib
This Python program generates a random email address and password from a 2 big lists and checks the generated email.
This Python program generates a random email address and password from a 2 big lists and checks the generated email.
Track player's stats, find out when they're online and grinding!
Hypixel Stats Tracker Track player's stats, find out when they're online and playing games! INFO Showcase Server: https://discord.gg/yY5qQHPar6 Suppor
This project hosts the code for implementing the ISAL algorithm for object detection and image classification
Influence Selection for Active Learning (ISAL) This project hosts the code for implementing the ISAL algorithm for object detection and image classifi
Code and Experiments for ACL-IJCNLP 2021 Paper Mind Your Outliers! Investigating the Negative Impact of Outliers on Active Learning for Visual Question Answering.
Code and Experiments for ACL-IJCNLP 2021 Paper Mind Your Outliers! Investigating the Negative Impact of Outliers on Active Learning for Visual Question Answering.
Web-scraping - Program that scrapes a website for a collection of quotes, picks one at random and displays it
web-scraping Program that scrapes a website for a collection of quotes, picks on
CMS for everyone, easy to deploy and scale, robust modular system with many packages.
Django-Leonardo Full featured platform for fast and easy building extensible web applications. Don't waste your time searching stable solution for dai
A Django content management system focused on flexibility and user experience
Wagtail is an open source content management system built on Django, with a strong community and commercial support. It's focused on user experience,
PDFSanitizer - Renders possibly unsafe PDF files and outputs harmless PDF files
PDFSanitizer Renders possibly malicious PDF files and outputs harmless PDF files
Mastermind-Game - A game to test programming and logical skills
Bem vindo ao jogo Mastermind! O jogo consiste em adivinhar uma senha que será ge
BERN2: an advanced neural biomedical namedentity recognition and normalization tool
BERN2 We present BERN2 (Advanced Biomedical Entity Recognition and Normalization
A library for graph deep learning research
Documentation | Paper [JMLR] | Tutorials | Benchmarks | Examples DIG: Dive into Graphs is a turnkey library for graph deep learning research. Why DIG?
In this project we can see how we can generate automatic music using character RNN.
Automatic Music Genaration Table of Contents Project Description Approach towards the problem Limitations Libraries Used Summary Applications Referenc
Paper Title: Heterogeneous Knowledge Distillation for Simultaneous Infrared-Visible Image Fusion and Super-Resolution
HKDnet Paper Title: "Heterogeneous Knowledge Distillation for Simultaneous Infrared-Visible Image Fusion and Super-Resolution" Email: 18186470991@163.
FaceBot is a script to automatically create a facebook account using the selenium and chromedriver modules.
FaceBot is a script to automatically create a facebook account using the selenium and chromedriver modules. That way, we don't need to input full name, email and password and date of birth. All will be helped by this FaceBot.
DongshanPI Seven for STM32MP157DAC.
STM32MP1 Buildroot External Tree
A Telegram crawler to search groups and channels automatically and collect any type of data from them.
Introduction This is a crawler I wrote in Python using the APIs of Telethon months ago. This tool was not intended to be publicly available for a numb
Space robot - (Course Project) Using the space robot to capture the target satellite that is disabled and spinning, then stabilize and fix it up
Space robot - (Course Project) Using the space robot to capture the target satellite that is disabled and spinning, then stabilize and fix it up
songplays datamart provide details about the musical taste of our customers and can help us to improve our recomendation system
Songplays User activity datamart The following document describes the model used to build the songplays datamart table and the respective ETL process.
MNE: Magnetoencephalography (MEG) and Electroencephalography (EEG) in Python
MNE-Python MNE-Python software is an open-source Python package for exploring, visualizing, and analyzing human neurophysiological data such as MEG, E
Pythonic particle-based (super-droplet) warm-rain/aqueous-chemistry cloud microphysics package with box, parcel & 1D/2D prescribed-flow examples in Python, Julia and Matlab
PySDM PySDM is a package for simulating the dynamics of population of particles. It is intended to serve as a building block for simulation systems mo
Chatbot for ordering and tracking a Pizza.
Pizza Chatbot To start the app, follow the below steps: Clone the repo using the below command: git clone [email protected]:shreyashah115/PizzaHere.git G
A library to make concurrent selenium tests that automatically download and setup webdrivers
AutoParaSelenium A library to make parallel selenium tests that automatically download and setup webdrivers Usage Installation pip install autoparasel
Uproot is a library for reading and writing ROOT files in pure Python and NumPy.
Uproot is a library for reading and writing ROOT files in pure Python and NumPy. Unlike the standard C++ ROOT implementation, Uproot is only an I/O li
NNR conformation conditional and global probabilities estimation and analysis in peptides or proteins fragments
NNR and global probabilities estimation and analysis in peptides or protein fragments This module calculates global and NNR conformation dependent pro
DeepMusic is an easy to use Spotify like app to manage and listen to your favorites musics.
DeepMusic is an easy to use Spotify like app to manage and listen to your favorites musics. Technically, this project is an Android Client and its ent
Simulate genealogical trees and genomic sequence data using population genetic models
msprime msprime is a population genetics simulator based on tskit. Msprime can simulate random ancestral histories for a sample of individuals (consis
Free python/telegram bot for easy execution and surveillance of crypto trading plans on multiple exchanges.
EazeBot Introduction Have you ever traded cryptocurrencies and lost overview of your planned buys/sells? Have you encountered the experience that your
Battle.net and PlayStation title watcher that reports updates via Discord.
Renovate Renovate is a Battle.net and PlayStation title watcher that reports updates via Discord. Usage Open config_example.json and provide the confi
PyMove is a Python library to simplify queries and visualization of trajectories and other spatial-temporal data
Use PyMove and go much further Information Package Status License Python Version Platforms Build Status PyPi version PyPi Downloads Conda version Cond
Python Client for Algorithmia Algorithms and Data API
Algorithmia Common Library (python) Python client library for accessing the Algorithmia API For API documentation, see the PythonDocs Algorithm Develo
A Tandy Color Computer 1, 2, and 3 assembler written in Python
CoCo Assembler and File Utility Table of Contents What is it? Requirements License Installing Assembler Assembler Usage Input File Format Print Symbol
JSONManipulator is a Python package to retrieve, add, delete, change and store objects in JSON files.
JSONManipulator JSONManipulator is a Python package to retrieve, add, delete, change and store objects in JSON files. Installation Use the package man
Develop and deploy applications with the Ionburst Cloud Python SDK.
Ionburst SDK for Python The Ionburst SDK for Python enables developers to easily integrate with Ionburst Cloud, building in ultra-secure and private o
Msgpack serialization/deserialization library for Python, written in Rust using PyO3 and rust-msgpack. Reboot of orjson. msgpack.org[Python]
ormsgpack ormsgpack is a fast msgpack library for Python. It is a fork/reboot of orjson It serializes faster than msgpack-python and deserializes a bi
Python library for Spurwing API to schedule appointments, manage calendars and custom integrations.
Spurwing API Python Library Lightweight Python library for Spurwing's API. Spurwing's API makes it easy to add robust scheduling and booking to your a
Configure your linux server and check for vulnerabilities with serverlla
serverlla Configure your linux server and check for vulnerabilities with serverlla. Serverlla has a menu with options and allows you to configure your
Forum written for learning purposes in flask and sqlalchemy
Flask-forum forum written for learning purposes using SQLalchemy and flask How to install install requirements pip install sqlalchemy flask clone repo
A lightweight face-recognition toolbox and pipeline based on tensorflow-lite
FaceIDLight 📘 Description A lightweight face-recognition toolbox and pipeline based on tensorflow-lite with MTCNN-Face-Detection and ArcFace-Face-Rec
Wrapper for the undocumented CodinGame API. Can be used both synchronously and asynchronlously.
codingame API wrapper Pythonic wrapper for the undocumented CodinGame API. Installation Python 3.6 or higher is required. Install codingame with pip:
Python module used to generate random facts
Randfacts is a python library that generates random facts. You can use randfacts.get_fact() to return a random fun fact. Disclaimer: Facts are not gua
SAQ (Simple Async Queue) is a simple and performant job queueing framework built on top of asyncio and redis
SAQ SAQ (Simple Async Queue) is a simple and performant job queueing framework built on top of asyncio and redis. It can be used for processing backgr
Neural network for stock price prediction
neural_network_for_stock_price_prediction Neural networks for stock price predic
Leshycam - Generate Inscryption styled portrait sprites from any image
Leshy's Camera Generate Inscryption styled portrait sprites from any image. Setu
Supporting code for short YouTube series Neural Networks Demystified.
Neural Networks Demystified Supporting iPython notebooks for the YouTube Series Neural Networks Demystified. I've included formulas, code, and the tex
Machine Learning Study 혼자 해보기
Machine Learning Study 혼자 해보기 기여자 (Contributors) ✨ Teddy Lee 🏠 HongJaeKwon 🏠 Seungwoo Han 🏠 Tae Heon Kim 🏠 Steve Kwon 🏠 SW Song 🏠 K1A2 🏠 Wooil
Code for the Lovász-Softmax loss (CVPR 2018)
The Lovász-Softmax loss: A tractable surrogate for the optimization of the intersection-over-union measure in neural networks Maxim Berman, Amal Ranne
Text and code for the forthcoming second edition of Think Bayes, by Allen Downey.
Think Bayes 2 by Allen B. Downey The HTML version of this book is here. Think Bayes is an introduction to Bayesian statistics using computational meth
Code repo for the book "Feature Engineering for Machine Learning," by Alice Zheng and Amanda Casari, O'Reilly 2018
feature-engineering-book This repo accompanies "Feature Engineering for Machine Learning," by Alice Zheng and Amanda Casari. O'Reilly, 2018. The repo
Advbox is a toolbox to generate adversarial examples that fool neural networks in PaddlePaddle、PyTorch、Caffe2、MxNet、Keras、TensorFlow and Advbox can benchmark the robustness of machine learning models.
Advbox is a toolbox to generate adversarial examples that fool neural networks in PaddlePaddle、PyTorch、Caffe2、MxNet、Keras、TensorFlow and Advbox can benchmark the robustness of machine learning models. Advbox give a command line tool to generate adversarial examples with Zero-Coding.
Official Repsoitory for "Mish: A Self Regularized Non-Monotonic Neural Activation Function" [BMVC 2020]
Mish: Self Regularized Non-Monotonic Activation Function BMVC 2020 (Official Paper) Notes: (Click to expand) A considerably faster version based on CU
Bottom-up attention model for image captioning and VQA, based on Faster R-CNN and Visual Genome
bottom-up-attention This code implements a bottom-up attention model, based on multi-gpu training of Faster R-CNN with ResNet-101, using object and at
Pytorch implementations of Bayes By Backprop, MC Dropout, SGLD, the Local Reparametrization Trick, KF-Laplace, SG-HMC and more
Bayesian Neural Networks Pytorch implementations for the following approximate inference methods: Bayes by Backprop Bayes by Backprop + Local Reparame
Tensorflow 2.x based implementation of EDSR, WDSR and SRGAN for single image super-resolution
Single Image Super-Resolution with EDSR, WDSR and SRGAN A Tensorflow 2.x based implementation of Enhanced Deep Residual Networks for Single Image Supe
Algorithms written in different programming languages
Data Structures and Algorithms Clean example implementations of data structures and algorithms written in different languages. List of implementations
Face Mask Detection system based on computer vision and deep learning using OpenCV and Tensorflow/Keras
Face Mask Detection Face Mask Detection System built with OpenCV, Keras/TensorFlow using Deep Learning and Computer Vision concepts in order to detect
Keras implementation of "One pixel attack for fooling deep neural networks" using differential evolution on Cifar10 and ImageNet
One Pixel Attack How simple is it to cause a deep neural network to misclassify an image if an attacker is only allowed to modify the color of one pix
Vehicle detection using machine learning and computer vision techniques for Udacity's Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree.
Vehicle Detection Video demo Overview Vehicle detection using these machine learning and computer vision techniques. Linear SVM HOG(Histogram of Orien
DL course co-developed by YSDA, HSE and Skoltech
Deep learning course This repo supplements Deep Learning course taught at YSDA and HSE @fall'21. For previous iteration visit the spring21 branch. Lec
Python for Microscopists and other image processing enthusiasts
The YouTube channel associated with this code walks you through the entire process of learning to code in Python; all the way from basics to advanced machine learning and deep learning.
This repository contains small projects related to Neural Networks and Deep Learning in general.
ILearnDeepLearning.py Description People say that nothing develops and teaches you like getting your hands dirty. This repository contains small proje
A collection of Reinforcement Learning algorithms from Sutton and Barto's book and other research papers implemented in Python.
Reinforcement-Learning-Notebooks A collection of Reinforcement Learning algorithms from Sutton and Barto's book and other research papers implemented
A general-purpose encoder-decoder framework for Tensorflow
READ THE DOCUMENTATION CONTRIBUTING A general-purpose encoder-decoder framework for Tensorflow that can be used for Machine Translation, Text Summariz