1701 Repositories
Python group-maneger-bot Libraries
Telegram Music/ Video Streaming Bot Using Pytgcalls
Video Player 🔥 ᴢᴀɪᴅ ᴠᴄ ᴘʟᴀyᴇʀ ɪꜱ ᴀ ᴛᴇʟᴇɢʀᴀᴍ ᴘʀᴏᴊᴇᴄᴛ ʙᴀꜱᴇᴅ ᴏɴ ᴘʏʀᴏɢʀᴀᴍ ꜰᴏʀ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄꜱ ɪɴ ᴠᴄ ᴄʜᴀᴛꜱ... 🅡🅔🅟🅞 🅢🅣🅐🅣🅢 ʀᴇQᴜɪʀᴇᴍᴇɴᴛꜱ 📝 FFmpeg NodeJ
Feup-csr - Repository holding my group's submission to the CSR project competition
CSR Competições de Swarm Robotics Swarm Robotics Competitions This repository holds the files submitted for the CSR project competition. Project group
Webb-Tracker-Bot - This is a discord bot that displays current progress of the James Webb Space Telescope.
Webb-Tracker-Bot - This is a discord bot that displays current progress of the James Webb Space Telescope.
Web-scraping - A bot using Python with BeautifulSoup that scraps IRS website by form number and returns the results as json
Web-scraping - A bot using Python with BeautifulSoup that scraps IRS website (prior form publication) by form number and returns the results as json. It provides the option to download pdfs over a range of years.
Video-Player - Telegram Music/ Video Streaming Bot Using Pytgcalls
Video Player 🔥 ᴢᴀɪᴅ ᴠᴄ ᴘʟᴀyᴇʀ ɪꜱ ᴀ ᴛᴇʟᴇɢʀᴀᴍ ᴘʀᴏᴊᴇᴄᴛ ʙᴀꜱᴇᴅ ᴏɴ ᴘʏʀᴏɢʀᴀᴍ ꜰᴏʀ ᴘʟᴀʏ
Discord.py-Bot-Template - Discord Bot Template with Python 3.x
Discord Bot Template with Python 3.x This is a template for creating a custom Di
SkyzoMusicBot - Bot Music Telegram By Skyzo
SKYZO MUSIC BOT Telegram Music Bot And Stream Feature New Version Ready to use m
Markov bot - A Writing bot based on Markov Chain for Data Structure Lab
基于马尔可夫链的写作机器人 前端 用html/css完成 Demo展示(已给出文本的相应展示) 用户提供相关的语料库后训练的成果 后端 要完成的几个接口 解析文
BingBot - A bot that will automate searches on bing
bingBot A bot that will automate searches on bing. To install this just download
TG-Url-Uploader-Bot - Telegram RoBot to Upload Links
MW-URL-Uploader Bot Telegram RoBot to Upload Links. Features: 👉 Only Auth Users
HinamiRobot - Telegram Group Manager Bot Written In Python Using Pyrogram
✨ HINAMI CHAN ✨ Telegram Group Manager Bot Written In Python Using Pyrogram. Rea
Benefits :- ✓ Google Drive link cloning using gclone.(wip) ✓ Telegram File mirro
Easy-apply-bot - A LinkedIn Easy Apply bot to help with my job search.
easy-apply-bot A LinkedIn Easy Apply bot to help with my job search. Getting Started First, clone the repository somewhere onto your computer, or down
Spam-bot - Simple email-spammer discord bot
📝 Functional [ ✔️ ] Premium system via .json [ ✔️ ] Spammer [ ✔️ ] Validater [ ✔️ ] Discord bot ❓ How to launch ➡️ 1) Make discord bot ➡️ 2) Paste to
Cryptocurrency Trading Bot - A trading bot to automate cryptocurrency trading strategies using Python, equipped with a basic GUI
Cryptocurrency Trading Bot - A trading bot to automate cryptocurrency trading strategies using Python, equipped with a basic GUI. Used REST and WebSocket API to connect to two of the most popular crypto exchanges in the world.
Pogodasbot - Telegram bot sending channel weather info
Pogodasbot - Telegram bot sending channel weather info
Python-random-quote - A file-based quote bot written in Python
Let's Write a Python Quote Bot! This repository will get you started with building a quote bot in Python. It's meant to be used along with the Learnin
Blankly - 🚀 💸 Trade stocks, cryptos, and forex w/ one package. Easily build, backtest, trade, and deploy across exchanges in a few lines of code.
💨 Rapidly build and deploy quantitative models for stocks, crypto, and forex 🚀 View Docs · Our Website · Join Our Newsletter · Getting Started Why B
TarkovScrappy - A nifty little bot that lets you know if a queried item might be required for a quest at some point in the land of Tarkov!
TarkovScrappy A nifty little bot that lets you know if a queried item might be required for a quest at some point in the land of Tarkov! Hideout items
PokemonGo-Bot - The Pokemon Go Bot, baking with community.
PokemonGo-Bot PokemonGo-Bot is a project created by the PokemonGoF team. Since no public API available for now, a patch to use HASH-Server was applied
DeleteAllBot - Telegram bot to delete all messages in a group
Delete All Bot A star ⭐ from you means a lot to me ! Telegram bot to delete all
Technical_indicators_cryptos - Using technical indicators to find optimal trading strategies to deploy onto trading bot.
technical_indicators_cryptos Using technical indicators to find optimal trading strategies to deploy onto trading bot. In the Jup Notebook you wil
DankMemer-Farmer - Autofarm Self-Bot for Discord bot Named Dankmemer.
DankMemer-Farmer Autofarm Self-Bot for Discord bot Named Dankmemer. Warning We are not responsible if you got banned, since "self-bots" outside of the
TwitterMusicBot - A Twitter bot with Spotify integration.
A Twitter Music Bot 🤖 🎵 🎶 I created this project to learn more about APIs, so it only works for student purposes. Initially, delving into the Spoti
Ethone-Selfbot - Open Source Discord Self-Bot, written in discord.py
Ethone SB Table of contents Newest open-source Discord SelfBot with useful commands and easy documentation on how to add your own and change the exist
Twewy-discord-chatbot - Build a Discord AI Chatbot that Speaks like Your Favorite Character
Build a Discord AI Chatbot that Speaks like Your Favorite Character! This is a Discord AI Chatbot that uses the Microsoft DialoGPT conversational mode
ShadowMusic - A Telegram Music Bot with proper functions written in Python with Pyrogram and Py-Tgcalls.
⭐️ Shadow Music ⭐️ A Telegram Music Bot written in Python using Pyrogram and Py-Tgcalls Ready to use method A Support Group, Updates Channel and ready
MassReportBot - Discord Mass Report Bot By Dropout
Discord Mass Report Bot By Dropout Discord Report Bot, Just Re-Made The "Admin R
NekoRobot-2 - Neko is An Anime themed advance Telegram group management bot.
NekoRobot A modular telegram Python bot running on python3 with an sqlalchemy, mongodb database. ╒═══「 Status 」 Maintained Support Group Included Free
Image-Bot-Discord - This Is a discord bot that shows the specific image you search from Google
Advanced Discord.py Image Bot CREDITS Made by RLX and Mathiscool README by Milrato Installation Guide in .env Adjust the TOKEN python main.py to start
Instagram-follower-bot - An Instagram follower bot written in Python
Instagram Follower Bot An Instagram follower bot written in Python. The bot follows the follower of which account you want. e.g. (You want to follow @
Discord-Bot - Bot using nextcord for beginners
Discord-Bot Bot using nextcord for beginners! Requirements: 1 :- Install nextcord by typing "pip install nextcord" Thats it! You can use this code any
StringSessionGenerator - A Telegram bot to generate pyrogram and telethon string session
⭐️ String Session Generator ⭐️ Genrate String Session Using this bot. Made by TeamUltronX 🔥 String Session Demo Bot: Environment Variables Mandatory
Repositório para meu Discord Bot pessoal
BassetinhoBot Escrevi o código usando o Python 3.8.3 e até agora não tive problemas rodando nas versões mais recentes. Repositório para o Discord Bot
RequestTrackerBot - Request Tracker Bot With Python
Request Tracker Bot This is a Request Tracker Bot repo, It is for those who uplo
⭐️ Pyro String Generator ⭐️ Genrate String Session Using this bot.Made by TeamUltronX 🔥
⭐️ Pyro String Generator ⭐️ Genrate String Session Using this bot.Made by TeamUltronX 🔥 Configs: API_HASH Get from Here. API_ID Get from Here. API_KE
A simple python discord bot which give you a yogurt brand name, basing on a large database often updated.
YaourtBot A discord simple bot by Lopinosaurus Before using this code : ・Move env file to .env ・Change the channel ID on line 38 of bot.py to your #pi
An incomplete add-on extension to Pyrogram, to create telegram bots a bit more easily
PyStark A star ⭐ from you means a lot An incomplete add-on extension to Pyrogram
Rocks vc Userbot: A Telegram Bot Project That's Allow You To Play Audio And Video Music On Telegram Voice Chat Group
⭐️ Rocks VC Userbot ⭐️ Telegram Userbot To Play Audio And Video Song On VC Chat
Discord Bot for bugbounty Web
BugbountyBot Discord Bot for Bug Bounty Web The purpose of this bot is to automa
Discord heximals: More colors for your bot
DISCORD-HEXIMALS More colors for your bot ! Support : okimii#0434 COLORS ( 742 )
A casino discord bot written in Python
Casino Bot Casino bot is a gambling discord bot I made for my friends. It is able to play blackjack, slots, flip a coin, and roll dice. It stores ever
Auto Moderation is a powerfull moderation bot
Auto Moderation.py Auto Moderation a powerful Moderation Discord Bot 🎭 Futures Moderation Auto Moderation 🚀 Installation git clone https://github.co
Discord bot that performs various functions.
rikka-bot A Discord bot that performs various functions. Table of Contents Commands Main Commands Utility Commands Admin Commands Self-Assignable Role
A retro text-to-speech bot for Discord
hawking A retro text-to-speech bot for Discord, designed to work with all of the stuff you might've seen in Moonbase Alpha, using the existing command
Simple discord bot by @merive 🤖
Parzibot Powerful and Useful Discord Bot on Python. The source code of the bot is available to everyone. Parzibot uses English language. This is free
Discord bot for polls and votes including STV. Supports hiding results and is written with Discord.py
VoteBot Discord voting bot capable of standard polls, as found in many other bots; anonymous polls, where votes are hidden and totals are only display
A multi-purpose Discord bot with simple moderation commands, reaction roles, reminders, and much more!
Nokari This is the rewrite of Nokari. There are still a lot of things to be done. I'm still working on the internal logic, so the bot basically has no
A simple configurable bot for sending arXiv article alert by mail
arXiv-newsletter A simple configurable bot for sending arXiv article alert by mail. Prerequisites PyYAML=5.3.1 arxiv=1.4.0 Configuration All config
Discord py bot that plays magic the gathering.
Klunker Discord py bot that can play magic the gathering Bug Hunter Hello Bug Hunters. To help out with production of this bot, we need help catching
A Discord Bot for the Pygame Community Server
PygameCommunityBot The Pygame Community Discord bot The bot is capable of doing a lot of stuff, the command prefix is pg!. For help on all the bot com
Telegram Userbot built with Pyrogram
Pyrogram Userbot A Telegram Userbot based on Pyrogram This repository contains the source code of a Telegram Userbot and the instructions for running
A discord.py extension for sending, receiving and handling ui interactions in discord
discord-ui A discord.py extension for using discord ui/interaction features pip package ▪ read the docs ▪ examples Introduction This is a discord.py u
Bot for mirroring one or multiple Twitter accounts in Pleroma/Mastodon.
Stork (pleroma-bot) Mirror one or multiple Twitter accounts in Pleroma/Mastodon. Introduction After using the pretty cool mastodon-bot for a while, I
Telegram Bot for everyday raffles
SpinEverydayBot v2 Telegram bot for everyday raffles. HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL! WORK IN PROGRESS! Setting up Requirements Python 3.9+ PostgreSQL 13+ Older
Discord bot do sprawdzania ceny pizzy.
Discord bot do sprawdzania ceny pizzy w pizzeri Bombola. Umieszczony jest na platformie Heroku, dzięki czemu działa 24/7. Commands List Info: Jako com
Instagram Bot posting earthquakes with magnitude greater than or equal to 3.5.
Instagram Bot posting earthquakes with magnitude greater than or equal to 3.5
A simpler way to make forms, surveys, and reaction input using discord.py.
discord-ext-forms An easier way to make forms and surveys in discord.py. This module is a very simple way to ask questions and create complete forms i
A Bot to Track Kernel Upstreams from kernel.org and Post it on Telegram Channel
Channel Kernel Tracker is the channel where the bot will be sending the updates in. Introduction This is a Telegram Bot to Track Kernel Upstreams kern
An Async Bot/API wrapper for Twitch made in Python.
TwitchIO is an asynchronous Python wrapper around the Twitch API and IRC, with a powerful command extension for creating Twitch Chat Bots. TwitchIO co
An inline Telegram bot to keep your private messages hidden from prying eyes.
Hide This Bot Hide This Bot is an inline Telegram bot to keep your private messages hidden from prying eyes. How do I host it? Here is a brief gui
The blazing-fast Discord bot.
Wavy Wavy is an open-source multipurpose Discord bot built with pycord. Wavy is still in development, so use it at your own risk. Tools and services u
Простенький ботик для троллинга с интерфейсом #Yakima_Visus
Bot-Trolling-Vk Простенький ботик для троллинга с интерфейсом #Yakima_Visus Установка pip install vk_api pip install requests если там еще чото будет
Senditapp.com bot spammer, spam your friends
Sendit Spammer Python ⚠️ I am not responsible for how you use this tool. This tool is against "Sendit" ToS and shall not be used in a production envir
Discovery is an open-source Discord Bot with the main features Tickets, Moderation, Giveaways and Reaction roles.
Discovery is an open-source Discord Bot with the main features Tickets, Moderation, Giveaways and Reaction roles.
A telegram bot script for generating session string using pyrogram and telethon on Telegram bot
String-session-Bot Telegram Bot to generate Pyrogram and Telethon String Session. A star ⭐ from you means a lot to us! Usage Deploy to Heroku Tap on a
A Telegram Bot Written In Python
TelegraphUploader A Telegram Bot Written In Python DEPLOY Local Machine Clone the repository Install requirements: pip3 install -r requirements.txt e
Telegram music & video bot direct play music
🤖 Fast and simple bot to transform links from Amazon into a nice post with your referral link in Telegram 🛒
AmazonBot 🤖 Fast and simple bot to transform links from Amazon into a nice post with your referral link in Telegram 🛒 Prerequisites You need Python
A stable and Fast telegram video convertor bot which can compress, convert(video into audio and other video formats), rename with permanent thumbnail and trim.
ᴠɪᴅᴇᴏ ᴄᴏɴᴠᴇʀᴛᴏʀ A stable and Fast telegram video convertor bot which can compress, convert(video into audio and other video formats), rename and trim.
A Anything goes Discord bot written in python and uses the wrapper Discord.py
GerardTheWizard A Anything goes Discord bot written in python and uses the wrapper Discord.py What can he do? Allow users to level up through typing,
A Next-Gen modular Python3 Telegram-Bot with Anime Theme to it.
Hsea Robot A modular Telegram Python bot running on python3 with a sqlalchemy database and an entirely themed persona to make Cutiepii suitable for An
A multi purpose discord bot for python
Sypher The best multi purpose discord bot. Add Sypher right now Invite Me | Join
Just a simple discord bot a create for try
WAIFU MATERIAL DISCORD BOT! French ver. here HOW TO LAUNCH First, clone this rep
Discord Bot for League of Legends live match tracker
SABot Dicord Bot for League of Legends match auto tracker Features: Search Summoners statistics in League of Legends. Auto-notifications provide when
Neko: An Anime themed advance Telegram group management bot
𝑪𝒖𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒑𝒊𝒊 𝑹𝒐𝒃𝒐𝒕 A modular telegram Python bot running on python3 wit
Asad Alexa VC Bot Is A Telegram Bot Project That's Allow You To Play Audio And Video Music On Telegram Voice Chat Group.
Asad Alexa VC Bot Is A Telegram Bot Project That's Allow You To Play Audio And Video Music On Telegram Voice Chat Group.
Telegram music & video bot direct play music
Telegram music & video bot direct play music
A plugin for modmail-bot for stealing,making ,etc emojis
EmojiPlugin for the Modmail-bot My first plugin .. its very Basic I will make more and better too Only 3 commands for now emojiadd-supports .jpg, .png
Upvotes and karma for Discord: Heart 💗 or Crush 💔 a comment to give points to an user, or Star ⭐ it to add it to the Best Of!
🤖 Reto Reto is a community-oriented Discord bot, featuring a karma system, a way to reward the best comments, leaderboards, and so much more! React t
A simple Discord bot written in Python
Acolyte A small and simple little Discord bot written in Python that utilizes the discord.py library. Dependencies The bot depends on Python 3.9 and u
ANKIT-OS/TG-MUSIC-PLAYER a special repository. Its Is A Telegram Bot To Play To Play Music In Voice Chat
🔥 🎶 TG MUSIC PLAYER 🎶 🔥 The owner would not be responsible for any kind of bans due to the bot. • ⚡ INSTALLING ⚡ • • 🛠️ Lᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇs Aɴᴅ Tᴏᴏʟs 🔰 •
This is a telegram bot help you to get stylish fonts and text.
Stylish Font Bot 🐿 This is a telegram bot help you to get stylish fonts and text. Deploy to heroku 🗳 Press the button Deploy to heroku and give the
A simple use library for bot discord.py developers
Discord Bot Template It's a simple use library for bot discord.py developers. Ob
Male' Map Telegram Bot
Male' Map TelegramBot A simple TelegramBot to fetch residential addresses in Male', Maldives. The bot can be queried inline or directly. sample .env f
Telegram bot for our internal organizers tasks
Welcome to ppm-telegram-bot 👋 Telegram Bot Platform integration for bot commands processing. We use it for our internal @piterpy-meetup needs, basica
Manage Proxmox KVM Virtual Machines via Slack bot.
proxmox-slack-bot Create KVM Virtual Machines on Proxmox, the easy way. Not much works works here yet... Setup dev environment Setup fully editable st
Discord bot developed by Delhi University Student Community!
DUSC-Bot Discord bot developed by Delhi University Student Community! Libraries Used Pycord - Documentation Features Can purge messages in bulk Drop-D
Neko is An Anime themed advance Telegram group management bot.
NekoRobot A modular telegram Python bot running on python3 with an sqlalchemy, mongodb database. ╒═══「 Status 」 Maintained Support Group Included Free
Its Is A Telegram Maths Basic Calculator Bot
Its Is A Telegram Maths Basic Calculator Bot
Bot to connect a real Telegram user, simulating responses with OpenAI's davinci GPT-3 model.
AI-BOT Bot to connect a real Telegram user, simulating responses with OpenAI's davinci GPT-3 model.
Web3 Pancakeswap Sniper & honeypot detector Take Profit/StopLose bot written in python3, For ANDROID WIN MAC & LINUX
Web3 Pancakeswap Sniper & honeypot detector Take Profit/StopLose bot written in python3, For ANDROID WIN MAC & LINUX
This is a python bot to automate BombCrypto game
This is a python bot to automate BombCrypto game. Logs in to the game, reconnects when needed, closes error warnings, sends heroes to work or home automatically, has Telegram integration and lets you know by message or call if the farm stop. It is fully open source and free, compatible with Windows and Ubuntu.
A Powerful telegram giveawayz bot based on the python-telegram-bot API
GiveawayZ Bot A Powerful telegram giveawayz bot based on the python-telegram-bot API. Powered by Team Zyntax and Team DFX Developed by @Zycho-Dev A pr
A multipurpose Telegram Bot written in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to Google Drive
Mirror Leech Bot Mirror Leech Bot is a multipurpose Telegram Bot written in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to our beloved Google Drive. Ba
python based bot Sends notification to your telegram whenever a new video is released on a youtube channel!
YTnotifier python based bot Sends notification to your telegram whenever a new video is released on a youtube channel! REQUIREMENTS telethon python-de
ANKIT-OS/TG-SESSION-GENERATOR-BOTbisTG-SESSION-GENERATOR-BOT a special repository. Its Is A Telegram Bot To Generate String Session
ANKIT-OS/TG-SESSION-GENERATOR-BOTbisTG-SESSION-GENERATOR-BOT a special repository. Its Is A Telegram Bot To Generate String Session
LEC_Ditto is a bot that tracks the follows and unfollows of Twitter accounts
✨ LEC_Ditto ✨ I'm Ditto, and I'm a bot 🤖 . Getting Started | Installation | Usage Getting Started LEC_Ditto is a bot that tracks the follows and unfo
Buy early bsc gems with custom gas fee, slippage, amount. Auto approve token after buy
Buy early bsc gems with custom gas fee, slippage, amount. Auto approve token after buy. Sell buyed token with custom gas fee, slippage, amount. And more.