12688 Repositories
Python k-means-implementation-in-python Libraries
LittlePythonGUIGuide - This is a short GUI Guide with python
This is a short GUI Guide with python, learning how to use the simple and easy moduel built into python, named tkinter.
The hippynn python package - a modular library for atomistic machine learning with pytorch.
The hippynn python package - a modular library for atomistic machine learning with pytorch. We aim to provide a powerful library for the training of a
Calling Julia from Python - an experiment on data loading
Calling Julia from Python - an experiment on data loading See the slides. TLDR After reading Patrick's blog post, we decided to try to replace C++ wit
Freqtrade 3commas wrapper for python
Freqtrade 3commas wrapper The aim of this project is to provide an easy way to integrate freqtrade with 3commas. The main reason someone would want to
Twitter-clone using Django (DRF) + VueJS
Twitter Clone work in progress 🚧 A Twitter clone project Table Of Contents About the Project Built With Getting Started Running project License Autho
Chainlink Python Serverless External Adapter Template
This template shows a basic usecase of an external adapter written in Python for the CryptoCompare API. It can be ran locally, in Docker, AWS Lambda, or GCP Functions.
Machine learning algorithms implementation
Machine learning algorithms implementation This repository consisits of implementation of various machine learning algorithms. The algorithms implemen
Gesture Volume Control Using OpenCV and MediaPipe
This Project Uses OpenCV and MediaPipe Hand solutions to identify hands and Change system volume by taking thumb and index finger positions
Ensure secure infrastructure and consistency with the firewall rules
Python Port Scanner This script tries to check if it's possible to make a connection with the specific endpoint port. This is very useful to ensure se
Official implementation for "Image Quality Assessment using Contrastive Learning"
Image Quality Assessment using Contrastive Learning Pavan C. Madhusudana, Neil Birkbeck, Yilin Wang, Balu Adsumilli and Alan C. Bovik This is the offi
Implementation of Monocular Direct Sparse Localization in a Prior 3D Surfel Map (DSL)
DSL Project page: https://sites.google.com/view/dsl-ram-lab/ Monocular Direct Sparse Localization in a Prior 3D Surfel Map Authors: Haoyang Ye, Huaiya
Official implementation of the RAVE model: a Realtime Audio Variational autoEncoder
Official implementation of the RAVE model: a Realtime Audio Variational autoEncoder
An experimental Python-to-C transpiler and domain specific language for embedded high-performance computing
An experimental Python-to-C transpiler and domain specific language for embedded high-performance computing
PyTorch implementation for 3D human pose estimation
Towards 3D Human Pose Estimation in the Wild: a Weakly-supervised Approach This repository is the PyTorch implementation for the network presented in:
Official implementation of "OpenPifPaf: Composite Fields for Semantic Keypoint Detection and Spatio-Temporal Association" in PyTorch.
openpifpaf Continuously tested on Linux, MacOS and Windows: New 2021 paper: OpenPifPaf: Composite Fields for Semantic Keypoint Detection and Spatio-Te
Python Control Systems Library
The Python Control Systems Library is a Python module that implements basic operations for analysis and design of feedback control systems.
Python project to take sound as input and output as RGB + Brightness values suitable for DMX
sound-to-light Python project to take sound as input and output as RGB + Brightness values suitable for DMX Current goals: Get one pixel working: Vary
Implementation of light baking system for ray tracing based on Activision's UberBake
Vulkan Light Bakary MSU Graphics Group Student's Diploma Project Treefonov Andrey [GitHub] [LinkedIn] Project Goal The goal of the project is to imple
Disco is an extensive and extendable Python 2.x/3.x library for the Discord API.
disco Disco is an extensive and extendable Python 2.x/3.x library for the Discord API. Disco boasts the following major features: Expressive, function
implementation of the KNN algorithm on crab biometrics dataset for CS16
crab-knn implementation of the KNN algorithm in Python applied to biometrics data of purple rock crabs (leptograpsus variegatus) to classify the sex o
A Way to Use Python, Easier.
PyTools A Way to Use Python, Easier. How to Install Just copy this code, then make a new file in your project directory called PyTools.py, then paste
A calculator to test numbers against the collatz conjecture
The Collatz Calculator This is an algorithm custom built by Kyle Dickey, used to test numbers against the simple rules of the Collatz Conjecture.
Shell Trality API for local development.
Trality Simulator Intro This package is a work in progress. It allows local development of Trality bots in an IDE such as VS Code. The package provide
Python: Asynchronous client for the Open-Meteo API.
Python: Asynchronous client for the Open-Meteo API. Asynchronous client for the Open-Meteo API. About Open-Meteo offers free weather forecast APIs for
Python library for Serbian Natural language processing (NLP)
SrbAI - Python biblioteka za procesiranje srpskog jezika SrbAI je projekat prikupljanja algoritama i modela za procesiranje srpskog jezika u jedinstve
Simple Python Gemini browser with nice formatting
gg I wasn't satisfied with any of the other available Gemini clients, so I wrote my own. Requires Python 3.9 (maybe older, I haven't checked) and opti
vartests is a Python library to perform some statistic tests to evaluate Value at Risk (VaR) Models
vartests is a Python library to perform some statistic tests to evaluate Value at Risk (VaR) Models, such as: T-test: verify if mean of distribution i
🌟 Python algorithm team note for programming competition or coding test
🌟 Python algorithm team note for programming competition or coding test
A template for some new Python tool or package with a reasonable basic setup.
python-app-template A template with a reasonable basic setup, including: black (formatting) flake8 (linting) mypy (type checking) isort (import sortin
Encrypted Python Password Manager
PyPassKeep Encrypted Python Password Manager About PyPassKeep (PPK for short) is an encrypted python password manager used to secure your passwords fr
Official PyTorch implementation of "Synthesis of Screentone Patterns of Manga Characters"
Manga Character Screentone Synthesis Official PyTorch implementation of "Synthesis of Screentone Patterns of Manga Characters" presented in IEEE ISM 2
Create a 2D mesh for an airfoil in GMSH using python.
GMSHFoil A simple class to create a 2D mesh for an airfoil in GMSH using python. Requirements pip install airfoils
Implementation of the pix2pix model on satellite images
This repo shows how to implement and use the pix2pix GAN model for image to image translation. The model is demonstrated on satellite images, and the
Implementation of the master's thesis "Temporal copying and local hallucination for video inpainting".
Temporal copying and local hallucination for video inpainting This repository contains the implementation of my master's thesis "Temporal copying and
PSP (Python Starter Package) is meant for those who want to start coding in python but are new to the coding scene.
Python Starter Package PSP (Python Starter Package) is meant for those who want to start coding in python, but are new to the coding scene. We include
Pyfunctools is a module that provides functions, methods and classes that help in the creation of projects in python
Pyfunctools Pyfunctools is a module that provides functions, methods and classes that help in the creation of projects in python, bringing functional
A calculator to test numbers against the collatz conjecture
The Collatz Calculator This is an algorithm custom built by Kyle Dickey, used to test numbers against the simple rules of the Collatz Conjecture. Get
Official implementation of Protected Attribute Suppression System, ICCV 2021
Official implementation of Protected Attribute Suppression System, ICCV 2021
Pytorch implementation of forward and inverse Haar Wavelets 2D
Pytorch implementation of forward and inverse Haar Wavelets 2D
A clean and extensible PyTorch implementation of Masked Autoencoders Are Scalable Vision Learners
A clean and extensible PyTorch implementation of Masked Autoencoders Are Scalable Vision Learners A PyTorch re-implementation of Mask Autoencoder trai
Implementation of [Time in a Box: Advancing Knowledge Graph Completion with Temporal Scopes].
Time2box Implementation of [Time in a Box: Advancing Knowledge Graph Completion with Temporal Scopes].
Bio-OFC gym implementation and Gym-Fly environment
Bio-OFC gym implementation and Gym-Fly environment This repository includes the gym compatible implementation of the Bio-OFC algorithm from the paper
Code for DeepXML: A Deep Extreme Multi-Label Learning Framework Applied to Short Text Documents
DeepXML Code for DeepXML: A Deep Extreme Multi-Label Learning Framework Applied to Short Text Documents Architectures and algorithms DeepXML supports
Implementation of the ICCV'21 paper Temporally-Coherent Surface Reconstruction via Metric-Consistent Atlases
Temporally-Coherent Surface Reconstruction via Metric-Consistent Atlases [Papers 1, 2][Project page] [Video] The implementation of the papers Temporal
Implementation of FSGNN
FSGNN Implementation of FSGNN. For more details, please refer to our paper Experiments were conducted with following setup: Pytorch: 1.6.0 Python: 3.8
PyTorch implementation of MulMON
MulMON This repository contains a PyTorch implementation of the paper: Learning Object-Centric Representations of Multi-object Scenes from Multiple Vi
PyTorch Implementation for Fracture Detection in Wrist Bone X-ray Images
wrist-d PyTorch Implementation for Fracture Detection in Wrist Bone X-ray Images note: Paper: Under Review at MPDI Diagnostics Submission Date: Novemb
Implementation of the paper Scalable Intervention Target Estimation in Linear Models (NeurIPS 2021), and the code to generate simulation results.
Scalable Intervention Target Estimation in Linear Models Implementation of the paper Scalable Intervention Target Estimation in Linear Models (NeurIPS
The official implementation of NeurIPS 2021 paper: Finding Optimal Tangent Points for Reducing Distortions of Hard-label Attacks
Introduction This repository includes the source code for "Finding Optimal Tangent Points for Reducing Distortions of Hard-label Attacks", which is pu
Wileless-PDGNet Implementation
Wileless-PDGNet Implementation This repo is related to the following paper: Boning Li, Ananthram Swami, and Santiago Segarra, "Power allocation for wi
Implementation of neural class expression synthesizers
NCES Implementation of neural class expression synthesizers (NCES) Installation Clone this repository: https://github.com/ConceptLengthLearner/NCES.gi
Official implementation of Meta-StyleSpeech and StyleSpeech
Meta-StyleSpeech : Multi-Speaker Adaptive Text-to-Speech Generation Dongchan Min, Dong Bok Lee, Eunho Yang, and Sung Ju Hwang This is an official code
This is the reference implementation for "Coresets via Bilevel Optimization for Continual Learning and Streaming"
Coresets via Bilevel Optimization This is the reference implementation for "Coresets via Bilevel Optimization for Continual Learning and Streaming" ht
Thinky nature dots with python
Thinky Nature Welcome to my rice dotfiles of my ThinkPad X230 You surely will need to change some configs to fit your files and stuff and maybe tweak
A python tool one can extract the "hash" from a WINDOWS HELLO PIN
WINHELLO2hashcat About With this tool one can extract the "hash" from a WINDOWS HELLO PIN. This hash can be cracked with Hashcat, more precisely with
A simple Python script to convert multiple images (well technically also a single image) into a pdf.
PythonImage2PDF A simple Python script to convert multiple images into a single PDF-document. Created basically for only my own needs for converting m
Automated testing tool developed in python for Advanced mathematical operations.
Advanced-Maths-Operations-Validations Automated testing tool developed in python for Advanced mathematical operations. Requirements Python 3.5 or late
A collection of online resources to help you on your Tech journey.
Everything Tech Resources & Projects About The Project Coming from an engineering background and looking to up skill yourself on a new field can be di
Python: Asynchronous client for the Tailscale API
Python: Asynchronous client for the Tailscale API Asynchronous client for the Tailscale API. About This package allows you to control and monitor Tail
kitty - the fast, feature-rich, cross-platform, GPU based terminal
kitty - the fast, feature-rich, cross-platform, GPU based terminal
Snake Game in Python
Snake game is one of the most popular arcade games of all time. In this game, the main objective of the player is to catch the maximum number of fruits without hitting the wall or itself.
This bot is made with Python and it is running using Docker container and is concentrated on heroku.
This bot is made with Python and it is running using Docker container and is concentrated on heroku.
This is the official implementation of the paper "Object Propagation via Inter-Frame Attentions for Temporally Stable Video Instance Segmentation".
[CVPRW 2021] - Object Propagation via Inter-Frame Attentions for Temporally Stable Video Instance Segmentation
A python script that changes your desktop background based on current weather and time of the day.
Desktop background wallpaper, based on current weather and time A python script that changes your computer's desktop background based on current weath
Elemeno.ai standard development kit in Python
Overview A set of glue code and utilities to make using elemeno AI platform a smooth experience Free software: Apache Software License 2.0 Installatio
A relatively simple python program to generate one of those reddit text to speech videos dominating youtube.
Reddit text to speech generator A basic reddit tts video generator Current functionality Generate videos for subs based on comments,(askreddit) so rea
Interactive Web App with Streamlit and Scikit-learn that applies different Classification algorithms to popular datasets
Interactive Web App with Streamlit and Scikit-learn that applies different Classification algorithms to popular datasets Datasets Used: Iris dataset,
Hobby Project. A Python Library to create and generate static web pages using just python.
PyWeb 🕸️ 🐍 Current Release: 0.1 A Hobby Project 🤓 PyWeb is a small Library to generate customized static web pages using python. Aimed for new deve
FLIR/DJI IR Camera Data Parser, Python Version
FLIR/DJI IR Camera Data Parser, Python Version Parser infrared camera data as NumPy data. Usage Clone this respository and cd thermal_parser. Run pip
Python framework to build apps with the GASP metaphor
Gaspium Python framework to build apps with the GASP metaphor This project is part of the Pyrustic Open Ecosystem. Installation | Documentation | Late
Python package for agilex robotics mobile base platform
This is Python API for Agilex Robotics Mobile base This is a python API for Can communication with Agilex Robotics Mobile base and controlling it. Sup
Rich implementation for Flask
Flask Rich Implements the Rich programming library with Flask. All features are toggleable, including: Better logging Colorful tracebacks Usage Import
An amazing simple Python IDE for developers!
PyHub An amazing simple Python IDE for developers! Get ready to compile and run your code in the most simplest and easiest IDE of the ancient world! T
An implementation of Group Fisher Pruning for Practical Network Compression based on pytorch and mmcv
FisherPruning-Pytorch An implementation of Group Fisher Pruning for Practical Network Compression based on pytorch and mmcv Main Functions Pruning f
Python script to check if there is any differences in responses of an application when the request comes from a search engine's crawler.
crawlersuseragents This Python script can be used to check if there is any differences in responses of an application when the request comes from a se
Geometry Dash Song Bypass with Python Flask Server
Geometry Dash Song Bypass with Python Flask Server
This is a simple web application using Python Flask and MySQL database.
Simple Web Application This is a simple web application using Python Flask and MySQL database. This is used in the demonstration of development of Ans
A "finish the lyrics" game using Spotify, YouTube Transcript, and YouTube Search APIs, coupled with visual machine learning
Singify Introducing Singify, the party game! Challenge your friend to who knows songs better. Play random songs from your very own Spotify playlist an
Python Freecell Solver
freecell Python Freecell Solver Very early version right now. You can pick a board by changing the file path in freecell.py If you want to play a game
Python plugin/extra to load data files from an external source (such as AWS S3) to a local directory
Data Loader Plugin - Python Table of Content (ToC) Data Loader Plugin - Python Table of Content (ToC) Overview References Python module Python virtual
This is a Python implementation of the HMRF algorithm on networks with categorial variables.
Salad Salad is an Open Source Python library to segment tissues into different biologically relevant regions based on Hidden Markov Random Fields. The
i3wm helper tool for workspaces on multiple monitors
i3screens A helper tool for managing i3wm workspaces on multiple monitors. Use-case You have a multi-monitor setup and want to have the "same" workspa
A Telegram Bot written in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to Google Drive
No support is going to be provided of any kind, only maintaining this for vps user on request. This is a Telegram Bot written in Python for mirroring
Discord Online Account Forever
💠 Discord-Online-Account-Forever Discord Online Account Forever 📸 Tutorial Token Discord NEVER SHARE YOUR TOKEN Installation Replit 🧿 Replit : Here
Python-based proof-of-concept tool for generating payloads that utilize unsafe Java object deserialization.
Python-based proof-of-concept tool for generating payloads that utilize unsafe Java object deserialization.
A discord bot can stress ip addresses with python tool
Python-ddos-bot Coded by Lamp#1442 A discord bot can stress ip addresses with python tool. Warning! DOS or DDOS is illegal, i shared for educational p
PyAF is an Open Source Python library for Automatic Time Series Forecasting built on top of popular pydata modules.
PyAF (Python Automatic Forecasting) PyAF is an Open Source Python library for Automatic Forecasting built on top of popular data science python module
MASS (Mueen's Algorithm for Similarity Search) - a python 2 and 3 compatible library used for searching time series sub-sequences under z-normalized Euclidean distance for similarity.
Introduction MASS allows you to search a time series for a subquery resulting in an array of distances. These array of distances enable you to identif
ObsPy: A Python Toolbox for seismology/seismological observatories.
ObsPy is an open-source project dedicated to provide a Python framework for processing seismological data. It provides parsers for common file formats
Unofficial Implementation of RobustSTL: A Robust Seasonal-Trend Decomposition Algorithm for Long Time Series (AAAI 2019)
RobustSTL: A Robust Seasonal-Trend Decomposition Algorithm for Long Time Series (AAAI 2019) This repository contains python (3.5.2) implementation of
Luminaire is a python package that provides ML driven solutions for monitoring time series data.
A hands-off Anomaly Detection Library Table of contents What is Luminaire Quick Start Time Series Outlier Detection Workflow Anomaly Detection for Hig
Python library to download market data via Bloomberg, Eikon, Quandl, Yahoo etc.
findatapy findatapy creates an easy to use Python API to download market data from many sources including Quandl, Bloomberg, Yahoo, Google etc. using
Portfolio analytics for quants, written in Python
QuantStats: Portfolio analytics for quants QuantStats Python library that performs portfolio profiling, allowing quants and portfolio managers to unde
scikit-survival is a Python module for survival analysis built on top of scikit-learn.
scikit-survival scikit-survival is a Python module for survival analysis built on top of scikit-learn. It allows doing survival analysis while utilizi
PySurvival is an open source python package for Survival Analysis modeling
PySurvival What is Pysurvival ? PySurvival is an open source python package for Survival Analysis modeling - the modeling concept used to analyze or p
Deep Survival Machines - Fully Parametric Survival Regression
Package: dsm Python package dsm provides an API to train the Deep Survival Machines and associated models for problems in survival analysis. The under
Banpei is a Python package of the anomaly detection.
Banpei Banpei is a Python package of the anomaly detection. Anomaly detection is a technique used to identify unusual patterns that do not conform to
slim-python is a package to learn customized scoring systems for decision-making problems.
slim-python is a package to learn customized scoring systems for decision-making problems. These are simple decision aids that let users make yes-no p
Python package for causal inference using Bayesian structural time-series models.
Python Causal Impact Causal inference using Bayesian structural time-series models. This package aims at defining a python equivalent of the R CausalI
A Python package for modular causal inference analysis and model evaluations
Causal Inference 360 A Python package for inferring causal effects from observational data. Description Causal inference analysis enables estimating t