5506 Repositories
Python learning-in-high-dimensions-always-amounts-to-extrapolation Libraries
Snips Python library to extract meaning from text
Snips NLU Snips NLU (Natural Language Understanding) is a Python library that allows to extract structured information from sentences written in natur
🛸 Use pretrained transformers like BERT, XLNet and GPT-2 in spaCy
spacy-transformers: Use pretrained transformers like BERT, XLNet and GPT-2 in spaCy This package provides spaCy components and architectures to use tr
🦆 Contextually-keyed word vectors
sense2vec: Contextually-keyed word vectors sense2vec (Trask et. al, 2015) is a nice twist on word2vec that lets you learn more interesting and detaile
✨Fast Coreference Resolution in spaCy with Neural Networks
✨ NeuralCoref 4.0: Coreference Resolution in spaCy with Neural Networks. NeuralCoref is a pipeline extension for spaCy 2.1+ which annotates and resolv
Python implementation of TextRank for phrase extraction and summarization of text documents
PyTextRank PyTextRank is a Python implementation of TextRank as a spaCy pipeline extension, used to: extract the top-ranked phrases from text document
fastNLP: A Modularized and Extensible NLP Framework. Currently still in incubation.
fastNLP fastNLP是一款轻量级的自然语言处理(NLP)工具包,目标是快速实现NLP任务以及构建复杂模型。 fastNLP具有如下的特性: 统一的Tabular式数据容器,简化数据预处理过程; 内置多种数据集的Loader和Pipe,省去预处理代码; 各种方便的NLP工具,例如Embedd
Code for the paper "Exploring the Limits of Transfer Learning with a Unified Text-to-Text Transformer"
T5: Text-To-Text Transfer Transformer The t5 library serves primarily as code for reproducing the experiments in Exploring the Limits of Transfer Lear
Easily train your own text-generating neural network of any size and complexity on any text dataset with a few lines of code.
textgenrnn Easily train your own text-generating neural network of any size and complexity on any text dataset with a few lines of code, or quickly tr
Official Stanford NLP Python Library for Many Human Languages
Stanza: A Python NLP Library for Many Human Languages The Stanford NLP Group's official Python NLP library. It contains support for running various ac
:mag: Transformers at scale for question answering & neural search. Using NLP via a modular Retriever-Reader-Pipeline. Supporting DPR, Elasticsearch, HuggingFace's Modelhub...
Haystack is an end-to-end framework for Question Answering & Neural search that enables you to ... ... ask questions in natural language and find gran
An open source library for deep learning end-to-end dialog systems and chatbots.
DeepPavlov is an open-source conversational AI library built on TensorFlow, Keras and PyTorch. DeepPavlov is designed for development of production re
An easier way to build neural search on the cloud
An easier way to build neural search on the cloud Jina is a deep learning-powered search framework for building cross-/multi-modal search systems (e.g
NLP made easy
GluonNLP: Your Choice of Deep Learning for NLP GluonNLP is a toolkit that helps you solve NLP problems. It provides easy-to-use tools that helps you l
Open Source Neural Machine Translation in PyTorch
OpenNMT-py: Open-Source Neural Machine Translation OpenNMT-py is the PyTorch version of the OpenNMT project, an open-source (MIT) neural machine trans
An open-source NLP research library, built on PyTorch.
An Apache 2.0 NLP research library, built on PyTorch, for developing state-of-the-art deep learning models on a wide variety of linguistic tasks. Quic
Data loaders and abstractions for text and NLP
torchtext This repository consists of: torchtext.data: Generic data loaders, abstractions, and iterators for text (including vocabulary and word vecto
A very simple framework for state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing (NLP)
A very simple framework for state-of-the-art NLP. Developed by Humboldt University of Berlin and friends. IMPORTANT: (30.08.2020) We moved our models
ChatterBot is a machine learning, conversational dialog engine for creating chat bots
ChatterBot ChatterBot is a machine-learning based conversational dialog engine build in Python which makes it possible to generate responses based on
💬 Open source machine learning framework to automate text- and voice-based conversations: NLU, dialogue management, connect to Slack, Facebook, and more - Create chatbots and voice assistants
Rasa Open Source Rasa is an open source machine learning framework to automate text-and voice-based conversations. With Rasa, you can build contextual
NLTK Source
Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) NLTK -- the Natural Language Toolkit -- is a suite of open source Python modules, data sets, and tutorials supporting
💫 Industrial-strength Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Python
spaCy: Industrial-strength NLP spaCy is a library for advanced Natural Language Processing in Python and Cython. It's built on the very latest researc
Dimensionality reduction in very large datasets using Siamese Networks
ivis Implementation of the ivis algorithm as described in the paper Structure-preserving visualisation of high dimensional single-cell datasets. Ivis
The open-source tool for building high-quality datasets and computer vision models
The open-source tool for building high-quality datasets and computer vision models. Website • Docs • Try it Now • Tutorials • Examples • Blog • Commun
Automatically Visualize any dataset, any size with a single line of code. Created by Ram Seshadri. Collaborators Welcome. Permission Granted upon Request.
AutoViz Automatically Visualize any dataset, any size with a single line of code. AutoViz performs automatic visualization of any dataset with one lin
Visualize and compare datasets, target values and associations, with one line of code.
In-depth EDA (target analysis, comparison, feature analysis, correlation) in two lines of code! Sweetviz is an open-source Python library that generat
HiPlot makes understanding high dimensional data easy
HiPlot - High dimensional Interactive Plotting HiPlot is a lightweight interactive visualization tool to help AI researchers discover correlations and
Extensible, parallel implementations of t-SNE
openTSNE openTSNE is a modular Python implementation of t-Distributed Stochasitc Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) [1], a popular dimensionality-reduction al
Visualizations for machine learning datasets
Introduction The facets project contains two visualizations for understanding and analyzing machine learning datasets: Facets Overview and Facets Dive
A high-level plotting API for pandas, dask, xarray, and networkx built on HoloViews
hvPlot A high-level plotting API for the PyData ecosystem built on HoloViews. Build Status Coverage Latest dev release Latest release Docs What is it?
A Python toolbox for gaining geometric insights into high-dimensional data
"To deal with hyper-planes in a 14 dimensional space, visualize a 3D space and say 'fourteen' very loudly. Everyone does it." - Geoff Hinton Overview
Library for exploring and validating machine learning data
TensorFlow Data Validation TensorFlow Data Validation (TFDV) is a library for exploring and validating machine learning data. It is designed to be hig
Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection
UMAP Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) is a dimension reduction technique that can be used for visualisation similarly to t-SNE, bu
Create HTML profiling reports from pandas DataFrame objects
Pandas Profiling Documentation | Slack | Stack Overflow Generates profile reports from a pandas DataFrame. The pandas df.describe() function is great
Learning embeddings for classification, retrieval and ranking.
StarSpace StarSpace is a general-purpose neural model for efficient learning of entity embeddings for solving a wide variety of problems: Learning wor
Elegy is a framework-agnostic Trainer interface for the Jax ecosystem.
Elegy Elegy is a framework-agnostic Trainer interface for the Jax ecosystem. Main Features Easy-to-use: Elegy provides a Keras-like high-level API tha
NeuPy is a Tensorflow based python library for prototyping and building neural networks
NeuPy v0.8.2 NeuPy is a python library for prototyping and building neural networks. NeuPy uses Tensorflow as a computational backend for deep learnin
Predictive AI layer for existing databases.
MindsDB is an open-source AI layer for existing databases that allows you to effortlessly develop, train and deploy state-of-the-art machine learning
Intel® Nervana™ reference deep learning framework committed to best performance on all hardware
DISCONTINUATION OF PROJECT. This project will no longer be maintained by Intel. Intel will not provide or guarantee development of or support for this
Lightweight library to build and train neural networks in Theano
Lasagne Lasagne is a lightweight library to build and train neural networks in Theano. Its main features are: Supports feed-forward networks such as C
A toolkit for making real world machine learning and data analysis applications in C++
dlib C++ library Dlib is a modern C++ toolkit containing machine learning algorithms and tools for creating complex software in C++ to solve real worl
Machine learning framework for both deep learning and traditional algorithms
NeoML is an end-to-end machine learning framework that allows you to build, train, and deploy ML models. This framework is used by ABBYY engineers for
ThunderGBM: Fast GBDTs and Random Forests on GPUs
Documentations | Installation | Parameters | Python (scikit-learn) interface What's new? ThunderGBM won 2019 Best Paper Award from IEEE Transactions o
torchbearer: A model fitting library for PyTorch
Note: We're moving to PyTorch Lightning! Read about the move here. From the end of February, torchbearer will no longer be actively maintained. We'll
JAX-based neural network library
Haiku: Sonnet for JAX Overview | Why Haiku? | Quickstart | Installation | Examples | User manual | Documentation | Citing Haiku What is Haiku? Haiku i
ThunderSVM: A Fast SVM Library on GPUs and CPUs
What's new We have recently released ThunderGBM, a fast GBDT and Random Forest library on GPUs. add scikit-learn interface, see here Overview The miss
MACE is a deep learning inference framework optimized for mobile heterogeneous computing platforms.
Documentation | FAQ | Release Notes | Roadmap | MACE Model Zoo | Demo | Join Us | 中文 Mobile AI Compute Engine (or MACE for short) is a deep learning i
fklearn: Functional Machine Learning
fklearn: Functional Machine Learning fklearn uses functional programming principles to make it easier to solve real problems with Machine Learning. Th
The SHOGUN machine learning toolbox Unified and efficient Machine Learning since 1999. Latest release: Cite Shogun: Develop branch build status: Donat
High performance, easy-to-use, and scalable machine learning (ML) package, including linear model (LR), factorization machines (FM), and field-aware factorization machines (FFM) for Python and CLI interface.
What is xLearn? xLearn is a high performance, easy-to-use, and scalable machine learning package that contains linear model (LR), factorization machin
ktrain is a Python library that makes deep learning and AI more accessible and easier to apply
Overview | Tutorials | Examples | Installation | FAQ | How to Cite Welcome to ktrain News and Announcements 2020-11-08: ktrain v0.25.x is released and
Deep learning operations reinvented (for pytorch, tensorflow, jax and others)
This video in better quality. einops Flexible and powerful tensor operations for readable and reliable code. Supports numpy, pytorch, tensorflow, and
Ludwig is a toolbox that allows to train and evaluate deep learning models without the need to write code.
Translated in 🇰🇷 Korean/ Ludwig is a toolbox that allows users to train and test deep learning models without the need to write code. It is built on
mlpack: a scalable C++ machine learning library --
a fast, flexible machine learning library Home | Documentation | Doxygen | Community | Help | IRC Chat Download: current stable version (3.4.2) mlpack
High-level library to help with training and evaluating neural networks in PyTorch flexibly and transparently.
TL;DR Ignite is a high-level library to help with training and evaluating neural networks in PyTorch flexibly and transparently. Click on the image to
A scikit-learn compatible neural network library that wraps PyTorch
A scikit-learn compatible neural network library that wraps PyTorch. Resources Documentation Source Code Examples To see more elaborate examples, look
Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK), an open source deep-learning toolkit
CNTK Chat Windows build status Linux build status The Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (https://cntk.ai) is a unified deep learning toolkit that describes
TensorFlow-based neural network library
Sonnet Documentation | Examples Sonnet is a library built on top of TensorFlow 2 designed to provide simple, composable abstractions for machine learn
A Neural Net Training Interface on TensorFlow, with focus on speed + flexibility
Tensorpack is a neural network training interface based on TensorFlow. Features: It's Yet Another TF high-level API, with speed, and flexibility built
Turi Create simplifies the development of custom machine learning models.
Quick Links: Installation | Documentation | WWDC 2019 | WWDC 2018 Turi Create Check out our talks at WWDC 2019 and at WWDC 2018! Turi Create simplifie
PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning: Machine Learning Framework from Industrial Practice (『飞桨』核心框架,深度学习&机器学习高性能单机、分布式训练和跨平台部署)
English | 简体中文 Welcome to the PaddlePaddle GitHub. PaddlePaddle, as the only independent R&D deep learning platform in China, has been officially open
Vowpal Wabbit is a machine learning system which pushes the frontier of machine learning with techniques such as online, hashing, allreduce, reductions, learning2search, active, and interactive learning.
This is the Vowpal Wabbit fast online learning code. Why Vowpal Wabbit? Vowpal Wabbit is a machine learning system which pushes the frontier of machin
Deep learning library featuring a higher-level API for TensorFlow.
TFLearn: Deep learning library featuring a higher-level API for TensorFlow. TFlearn is a modular and transparent deep learning library built on top of
A flexible framework of neural networks for deep learning
Chainer: A deep learning framework Website | Docs | Install Guide | Tutorials (ja) | Examples (Official, External) | Concepts | ChainerX Forum (en, ja
A fast, scalable, high performance Gradient Boosting on Decision Trees library, used for ranking, classification, regression and other machine learning tasks for Python, R, Java, C++. Supports computation on CPU and GPU.
Website | Documentation | Tutorials | Installation | Release Notes CatBoost is a machine learning method based on gradient boosting over decision tree
🔮 A refreshing functional take on deep learning, compatible with your favorite libraries
Thinc: A refreshing functional take on deep learning, compatible with your favorite libraries From the makers of spaCy, Prodigy and FastAPI Thinc is a
The fastai deep learning library
Welcome to fastai fastai simplifies training fast and accurate neural nets using modern best practices Important: This documentation covers fastai v2,
The lightweight PyTorch wrapper for high-performance AI research. Scale your models, not the boilerplate.
The lightweight PyTorch wrapper for high-performance AI research. Scale your models, not the boilerplate. Website • Key Features • How To Use • Docs •
Lightweight, Portable, Flexible Distributed/Mobile Deep Learning with Dynamic, Mutation-aware Dataflow Dep Scheduler; for Python, R, Julia, Scala, Go, Javascript and more
Apache MXNet (incubating) for Deep Learning Apache MXNet is a deep learning framework designed for both efficiency and flexibility. It allows you to m
A fast, distributed, high performance gradient boosting (GBT, GBDT, GBRT, GBM or MART) framework based on decision tree algorithms, used for ranking, classification and many other machine learning tasks.
Light Gradient Boosting Machine LightGBM is a gradient boosting framework that uses tree based learning algorithms. It is designed to be distributed a
Scalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting (GBDT, GBRT or GBM) Library, for Python, R, Java, Scala, C++ and more. Runs on single machine, Hadoop, Spark, Dask, Flink and DataFlow
eXtreme Gradient Boosting Community | Documentation | Resources | Contributors | Release Notes XGBoost is an optimized distributed gradient boosting l
Deep Learning for humans
Keras: Deep Learning for Python Under Construction In the near future, this repository will be used once again for developing the Keras codebase. For
Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration
PyTorch is a Python package that provides two high-level features: Tensor computation (like NumPy) with strong GPU acceleration Deep neural networks b
scikit-learn: machine learning in Python
scikit-learn is a Python module for machine learning built on top of SciPy and is distributed under the 3-Clause BSD license. The project was started
An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone
Documentation TensorFlow is an end-to-end open source platform for machine learning. It has a comprehensive, flexible ecosystem of tools, libraries, a
Scalene: a high-performance, high-precision CPU and memory profiler for Python
scalene: a high-performance CPU and memory profiler for Python by Emery Berger 中文版本 (Chinese version) About Scalene % pip install -U scalene Scalen
Lazydata: Scalable data dependencies for Python projects
lazydata: scalable data dependencies lazydata is a minimalist library for including data dependencies into Python projects. Problem: Keeping all data
High level Python client for Elasticsearch
Elasticsearch DSL Elasticsearch DSL is a high-level library whose aim is to help with writing and running queries against Elasticsearch. It is built o
🦉 Modern high-performance serialization utilities for Python (JSON, MessagePack, Pickle)
srsly: Modern high-performance serialization utilities for Python This package bundles some of the best Python serialization libraries into one standa
A high-level distributed crawling framework.
Cola: high-level distributed crawling framework Overview Cola is a high-level distributed crawling framework, used to crawl pages and extract structur
A Smart, Automatic, Fast and Lightweight Web Scraper for Python
AutoScraper: A Smart, Automatic, Fast and Lightweight Web Scraper for Python This project is made for automatic web scraping to make scraping easy. It
Web mining module for Python, with tools for scraping, natural language processing, machine learning, network analysis and visualization.
Pattern Pattern is a web mining module for Python. It has tools for: Data Mining: web services (Google, Twitter, Wikipedia), web crawler, HTML DOM par
Scrapy, a fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework for Python.
Scrapy Overview Scrapy is a fast high-level web crawling and web scraping framework, used to crawl websites and extract structured data from their pag
🏆 A ranked list of awesome machine learning Python libraries. Updated weekly.
Best-of Machine Learning with Python 🏆 A ranked list of awesome machine learning Python libraries. Updated weekly. This curated list contains 840 awe
Markdown parser, done right. 100% CommonMark support, extensions, syntax plugins & high speed. Now in Python!
markdown-it-py Markdown parser done right. Follows the CommonMark spec for baseline parsing Configurable syntax: you can add new rules and even replac
Implementation of Feedback Transformer in Pytorch
Feedback Transformer - Pytorch Simple implementation of Feedback Transformer in Pytorch. They improve on Transformer-XL by having each token have acce
Implementation of trRosetta and trDesign for Pytorch, made into a convenient package
trRosetta - Pytorch (wip) Implementation of trRosetta and trDesign for Pytorch, made into a convenient package
PyTorch code for the paper: FeatMatch: Feature-Based Augmentation for Semi-Supervised Learning
FeatMatch: Feature-Based Augmentation for Semi-Supervised Learning This is the PyTorch implementation of our paper: FeatMatch: Feature-Based Augmentat
Implementation / replication of DALL-E, OpenAI's Text to Image Transformer, in Pytorch
DALL-E in Pytorch Implementation / replication of DALL-E, OpenAI's Text to Image Transformer, in Pytorch. It will also contain CLIP for ranking the ge
Deploy a ML inference service on a budget in less than 10 lines of code.
BudgetML is perfect for practitioners who would like to quickly deploy their models to an endpoint, but not waste a lot of time, money, and effort trying to figure out how to do this end-to-end.
PORORO: Platform Of neuRal mOdels for natuRal language prOcessing
PORORO: Platform Of neuRal mOdels for natuRal language prOcessing pororo performs Natural Language Processing and Speech-related tasks. It is easy to
Collection of tasks for fast prototyping, baselining, finetuning and solving problems with deep learning.
Collection of tasks for fast prototyping, baselining, finetuning and solving problems with deep learning Installation
Learning Continuous Image Representation with Local Implicit Image Function
LIIF This repository contains the official implementation for LIIF introduced in the following paper: Learning Continuous Image Representation with Lo
Implementation of Bottleneck Transformer in Pytorch
Bottleneck Transformer - Pytorch Implementation of Bottleneck Transformer, SotA visual recognition model with convolution + attention that outperforms
Trankit is a Light-Weight Transformer-based Python Toolkit for Multilingual Natural Language Processing
Trankit: A Light-Weight Transformer-based Python Toolkit for Multilingual Natural Language Processing Trankit is a light-weight Transformer-based Pyth
说明 机器学习、深度学习、自然语言处理基础知识总结。 目前主要参考李航老师的《统计学习方法》一书,也有一些内容例如XGBoost、聚类、深度学习相关内容、NLP相关内容等是书中未提及的。
Meinheld is a high performance asynchronous WSGI Web Server (based on picoev)
What's this This is a high performance python wsgi web server. And Meinheld is a WSGI compliant web server. (PEP333 and PEP3333 supported) You can als
⚾🤖⚾ Automatic baseball pitching overlay in realtime
⚾ Automatically overlaying pitch motion and trajectory with machine learning! This project takes your baseball pitching clips and automatically genera
Simple command line tool for text to image generation using OpenAI's CLIP and Siren (Implicit neural representation network)
Deep Daze mist over green hills shattered plates on the grass cosmic love and attention a time traveler in the crowd life during the plague meditative
A simple command line tool for text to image generation, using OpenAI's CLIP and a BigGAN
artificial intelligence cosmic love and attention fire in the sky a pyramid made of ice a lonely house in the woods marriage in the mountains lantern
Informer: Beyond Efficient Transformer for Long Sequence Time-Series Forecasting
Informer: Beyond Efficient Transformer for Long Sequence Time-Series Forecasting This is the origin Pytorch implementation of Informer in the followin