397 Repositories
Python module Libraries
A GUI calculator made with tkinter module in python
GUI-Calculator A GUI calculator made with tkinter module in python How to setup the calculator If pygame is not installed, go to terminal and do pip i
⛵️The official PyTorch implementation for "BERT-of-Theseus: Compressing BERT by Progressive Module Replacing" (EMNLP 2020).
BERT-of-Theseus Code for paper "BERT-of-Theseus: Compressing BERT by Progressive Module Replacing". BERT-of-Theseus is a new compressed BERT by progre
An Advanced Python Playing Card Module that makes creating playing card games simple and easy!
playingcards.py An Advanced Python Playing Card Module that makes creating playing card games simple and easy! Features Easy to Understand Class Objec
A modern python module including many useful features that make discord bot programming extremely easy.
discord-super-utils Documentation Secondary Documentation A modern python module including many useful features that make discord bot programming extr
Get MODBUS data from Sofar (K-TLX) inverter through LSW-3 or LSE module
SOFAR Inverter + LSW-3/LSE Small utility to read data from SOFAR K-TLX inverters through the Solarman (LSW-3/LSE) datalogger. Two scripts to get inver
Architectural Patterns implementation by using notification handler module prototype
This repository covers singleton, indirection, factory, adaptor, mediator patterns in python language by using university hypothetical notification module prototype. The code is just for demonstrating the pattern implementation not modules working
Simple module with some functions such as generate password (get_random_string)
Simple module with some functions such as generate password (get_random_string), fix unicode strings, size converter, dynamic console, read/write speed checker, etc.
A Python module made to simplify the usage of Text To Speech and Speech Recognition.
Nav Module The solution for voice related stuff in Python Nav is a Python module which simplifies voice related stuff in Python. Just import the Modul
FFPuppet is a Python module that automates browser process related tasks to aid in fuzzing
FFPuppet FFPuppet is a Python module that automates browser process related tasks to aid in fuzzing. Happy bug hunting! Are you fuzzing the browser? G
A module grouping multiple translation APIs
translatepy (originally: translate) An aggregation of multiple translation API Translate, transliterate, get the language of texts in no time with the
pyo is a Python module written in C to help digital signal processing script creation.
pyo is a Python module written in C to help digital signal processing script creation.
SIMD-accelerated bitwise hamming distance Python module for hexidecimal strings
hexhamming What does it do? This module performs a fast bitwise hamming distance of two hexadecimal strings. This looks like: DEADBEEF = 1101111010101
Projects using the Tkinter module in Python!
Tkinter projects This repository includes some Tkinter projects made by me. All of these are simple to understand. I create apps with good functionali
Python client and module for BGP Ranking
Python client and module for BGP Ranking THis project will make querying BGP Ranking easier. Installation pip install pybgpranking Usage Command line
🐍 A hyper-fast Python module for reading/writing JSON data using Rust's serde-json.
A hyper-fast, safe Python module to read and write JSON data. Works as a drop-in replacement for Python's built-in json module. This is alpha software
Create custom desktop notificatons using python
Create custom desktop notificatons using python In this video i am going to use a module called plyer
An Amazon Product Scraper built using scapy module of python
Amazon Product Scraper This is an Amazon Product Scraper built using scapy module of python Features it scrape various things Product Title Product Im
A module making it easier to manage Discord oAuth with Quart
quart_discord A module making it easier to manage Discord oAuth with Quart Install pip install git+https://github.com/xelA/quart_discord@master How to
Modified fork of CPython's ast module that parses `# type:` comments
Typed AST typed_ast is a Python 3 package that provides a Python 2.7 and Python 3 parser similar to the standard ast library. Unlike ast up to Python
Runtime inspection utilities for Python typing module
Typing Inspect The typing_inspect module defines experimental API for runtime inspection of types defined in the Python standard typing module. Works
A small Python module for BMP image processing.
micropython-microbmp A small Python module for BMP image processing. It supports BMP image of 1/2/4/8/24-bit colour depth. Loading supports compressio
A simple Python Module for sending cross-platform desktop notifications on Windows, macOS and Linux
notify.py Cross platform desktop notifications for Python scripts and applications. Docs You can read the docs on this Git's Wiki, or here Supported P
Python module that parse power builder file (PBD) and analyze code
PowerBuilder-decompile Python module that parse power builder file (PBD) and analyze code (Incomplete) this tool is composed of: pbd_dump.py pbd file
PyAbsorp is a python module that has the main focus to help estimate the Sound Absorption Coefficient.
This is a package developed to be use to find the Sound Absorption Coefficient through some implemented models, like Biot-Allard, Johnson-Champoux and
A python module for retrieving and parsing WHOIS data
pythonwhois A WHOIS retrieval and parsing library for Python. Dependencies None! All you need is the Python standard library. Instructions The manual
contextlib2 is a backport of the standard library's contextlib module to earlier Python versions.
contextlib2 is a backport of the standard library's contextlib module to earlier Python versions. It also sometimes serves as a real world proving gro
Python periodic table module
elemenpy Hello! elements.py is a small Python periodic table module that is used for calling certain information about an element. Installation Instal
This is a module that I had created along with my friend. It's a basic web scraping module
QuickInfo PYPI link : https://pypi.org/project/quickinfo/ This is the library that you've all been searching for, it's built for developers and allows
importlib_resources is a backport of Python standard library importlib.resources module for older Pythons.
importlib_resources is a backport of Python standard library importlib.resources module for older Pythons. The key goal of this module is to replace p
Python 3 module to print out long strings of text with intervals of time inbetween
Python-Fastprint Python 3 module to print out long strings of text with intervals of time inbetween Install: pip install fastprint Sync Usage: from fa
A module for use with Pygame. Includes fully customisable buttons, textboxes, sliders and many more, as well as the ability to create and run animations on these widgets.
Pygame Widgets A helper module for common widgets that may be required in developing applications with Pygame. It supports fully customisable buttons,
A Python module and command-line utility for converting .ANS format ANSI art to HTML
ansipants A Python module and command-line utility for converting .ANS format ANSI art to HTML. Installation pip install ansipants Command-line usage
The Good Old Days. | Testing Out A New Module-
The-Good-Old-Days. The Good Old Days. | Testing Out A New Module- Installation Asciimatics supports Python versions 2 & 3. For the precise list of tes
A module filled with many useful functions and modules in various subjects.
Usefulpy Check out the Usefulpy site Usefulpy site is not always up to date Download and Import download and install with with pip download usefulpyth
I automated the lumberjack game on telegram, by recognising pixels and using pyautogui module
Lumberjack Automated: @gamebot According to the official documentation, @gamebot is a demo bot for the Telegram Gaming Platform.` It provides some sam
A module to prevent invites and joins to Matrix rooms by checking the involved server(s)' domain.
Synapse Domain Rule Checker A module to prevent invites and joins to Matrix rooms by checking the involved server(s)' domain. Installation From the vi
Python module to interface with Tuya WiFi smart devices
TinyTuya Python module to interface with Tuya WiFi smart devices Description This python module controls and monitors Tuya compatible WiFi Smart Devic
A multipurpose, semi-modular Discord bot written in Python with the new discord.py module.
Discord.py Reaction Bot MIRAI KURIYAMA A multipurpose, semi-modular Discord bot written in Python with the new discord.py module. Installing dependenc
Network Engineer's Unified Realtime Automation Library
NEURAL is the premiere CLI jockey replacement full stack web/app/database network automation application, providing a "no-code" web app for network engineers developed by a network engineer!
Custom implementation of Corrleation Module
Pytorch Correlation module this is a custom C++/Cuda implementation of Correlation module, used e.g. in FlowNetC This tutorial was used as a basis for
A play store search module
A play store search module
TLoL (Python Module) - League of Legends Deep Learning AI (Research and Development)
TLoL-py - League of Legends Deep Learning Library TLoL-py is the Python component of the TLoL League of Legends deep learning library. It provides a s
A lightweight Python module and command-line tool for generating NATO APP-6(D) compliant military symbols from both ID codes and natural language names
Python military symbols This is a lightweight Python module, including a command-line script, to generate NATO APP-6(D) compliant military symbol icon
An advanced caesar cypher python module
CaesarPlus An advanced caesar cypher python module What is CaesarPlus CaesarPlus is a advanced caesar cypher python module that is more secure than ca
Python module and script to interact with the Tractive GPS tracker.
pyTractive GPS Python module and script to interact with the Tractive GPS tracker. Requirements Python 3 geopy folium pandas pillow usage: main.py [-h
An extremely fast JavaScript and CSS bundler and minifier
Website | Getting started | Documentation | Plugins | FAQ Why? Our current build tools for the web are 10-100x slower than they could be: The main goa
An extension module to make reaction based menus with disnake
disnake-ext-menus An experimental extension menu that makes working with reaction menus a bit easier. Installing python -m pip install -U disnake-ext-
A simple file module for creating, editing and saving files.
A simple file module for creating, editing and saving files.
Machine Learning Framework for Operating Systems - Brings ML to Linux kernel
KML: A Machine Learning Framework for Operating Systems & Storage Systems Storage systems and their OS components are designed to accommodate a wide v
PyTorch implementation for the visual prior component (i.e. perception module) of the Visually Grounded Physics Learner [Li et al., 2020].
VGPL-Visual-Prior PyTorch implementation for the visual prior component (i.e. perception module) of the Visually Grounded Physics Learner (VGPL). Give
Additional functionality for use with fastai’s medical imaging module
fmi Adding additional functionality to fastai's medical imaging module To learn more about medical imaging using Fastai you can view my blog Install g
dirty_cat is a Python module for machine-learning on dirty categorical variables.
dirty_cat dirty_cat is a Python module for machine-learning on dirty categorical variables.
Implementation of the Chamfer Distance as a module for pyTorch
Chamfer Distance for pyTorch This is an implementation of the Chamfer Distance as a module for pyTorch. It is written as a custom C++/CUDA extension.
The LiberaPay archive module for the SeanPM life archive project.
By: Top README.md Read this article in a different language Sorted by: A-Z Sorting options unavailable ( af Afrikaans Afrikaans | sq Shqiptare Albania
Python module for data science and machine learning users.
dsnk-distributions package dsnk distribution is a Python module for data science and machine learning that was created with the goal of reducing calcu
A module to develop and apply old-style links
Old-Linkage-Dev (OLD) Old Linkage Development is a module to develop and apply old-style links. Old-style links stand for some traditional or conventi
A python module to create random networks using network models
networkgen A python module to create random networks using network models Usage $
Python module for performing linear regression for data with measurement errors and intrinsic scatter
Linear regression for data with measurement errors and intrinsic scatter (BCES) Python module for performing robust linear regression on (X,Y) data po
Transpiler for Excel formula like language to Python. Support script and module mode
Transpiler for Excel formula like language to Python. Support script and module mode (formulas are functions).
A pypi package details search python module
A pypi package details search python module
A Python module for clustering creators of social media content into networks
sm_content_clustering A Python module for clustering creators of social media content into networks. Currently supports identifying potential networks
Simple Port Scanner With Socket Module In Python 3x
PortScanner Simple Port Scanner With Socket Module In Python 3x How To Install Requirements Of This Port Scanner sudo apt install python3;sudo apt ins
A check numbers python module
Made with Python3 (C) @FayasNoushad Copyright permission under MIT License License - https://github.com/FayasNoushad/Numbers/blob/main/LICENSE Deplo
A scikit-learn-compatible module for estimating prediction intervals.
MAPIE - Model Agnostic Prediction Interval Estimator MAPIE allows you to easily estimate prediction intervals (or prediction sets) using your favourit
A QR Code encode and decode python module
A QR Code encode and decode python module
Pyfunctools is a module that provides functions, methods and classes that help in the creation of projects in python
Pyfunctools Pyfunctools is a module that provides functions, methods and classes that help in the creation of projects in python, bringing functional
Codebase for the paper titled "Continual learning with local module selection"
This repository contains the codebase for the paper Continual Learning via Local Module Composition. Setting up the environemnt Create a new conda env
scikit-survival is a Python module for survival analysis built on top of scikit-learn.
scikit-survival scikit-survival is a Python module for survival analysis built on top of scikit-learn. It allows doing survival analysis while utilizi
A Python module for parallel optimization of expensive black-box functions
blackbox: A Python module for parallel optimization of expensive black-box functions What is this? A minimalistic and easy-to-use Python module that e
PowerShell module to import/export Excel spreadsheets, without Excel
PowerShell + Excel = Better Together Automate Excel via PowerShell without having Excel installed. Runs on Windows, Linux and MAC. Creating Tables, Pi
A Python module to bypass Cloudflare's anti-bot page.
cloudflare-scrape A simple Python module to bypass Cloudflare's anti-bot page (also known as "I'm Under Attack Mode", or IUAM), implemented with Reque
An animal facts python module
An animal facts python module
Addon for adding subtitle files to blender VSE as Text sequences. Using pysub2 python module.
Import Subtitles for Blender VSE Addon for adding subtitle files to blender VSE as Text sequences. Using pysub2 python module. Supported formats by py
Advanced Variable Manager {AVM} [0.8.0]
Advanced Variable Manager {AVM} [0.8.0] By Grosse pastèque#6705 WARNING : This modules need some typing modifications ! If you try to run it without t
In this repo i inherit the pos module and added QR code to pos receipt
odoo-pos-inherit In this repo i inherit the pos module and added QR code to pos receipt 1- Create new Odoo Module using command line $ python odoo-bin
Vehicle direction identification consists of three module detection , tracking and direction recognization.
Vehicle-direction-identification Vehicle direction identification consists of three module detection , tracking and direction recognization. Algorithm
A Pixiv web crawler module
Pixiv-spider A Pixiv spider module WARNING It's an unfinished work, browsing the code carefully before using it. Features 0004 - Readme.md updated, co
A python module for DeSo
DeSo.py A python package for DeSo. Developed by ItsAditya Run pip install deso to install the module! Examples of How To Use DeSo.py Getting $DeSo pri
A simple GUI video downloader built off of the python module 'yt-dlp'
Simple-Youtube-DL-Gui Supported Operating Systems Windows 7 (x64), Windows 8 (x64), and Windows 10 (x64) How to use Main Gui Extract program from arch
This Is A Python Program To Showcase Two Modules (Gratient And Fade)
Hellooo, It's PndaBoi Here! This Is A Python Program To Showcase Two Modules (Gratient And Fade). I Really Like Both Of These Modules So I Decided To
A youtube videos or channels tag finder python module
A youtube videos or channels tag finder python module
⚡ZenGL is a minimalist Python module providing exactly one way to render scenes with OpenGL.
ZenGL is a minimalist Python module providing exactly one way to render scenes with OpenGL.
A telegram user and chat info extractor with pyrogram python module
Made with Python3 (C) @FayasNoushad Copyright permission under MIT License License - https://github.com/FayasNoushad/Telegram-Info/blob/main/LICENSE
A jokes python module
Made with Python3 (C) @FayasNoushad Copyright permission under MIT License License - https://github.com/FayasNoushad/Jokes/blob/main/LICENSE Deploy
A random cats photos python module
A random cats photos python module
A dog facts python module
A dog facts python module
A jokes api python module
A jokes api python module
A random cat fact python module
A random cat fact python module
Uses Google's gTTS module to easily create robo text readin' on command.
Tool to convert text to speech, creating files for later use. TTRS uses Google's gTTS module to easily create robo text readin' on command.
A hashtag check python module
A hashtag check python module
Python module providing a framework to trace individual edges in an image using Gaussian process regression.
Edge Tracing using Gaussian Process Regression Repository storing python module which implements a framework to trace individual edges in an image usi
A python youtube search module
A python youtube search module
A not exist person image generator python module
A not exist person image generator python module
A string to hashtags module
A string to hashtags module
The Turtle Race Game built in Python with Turtle module.
Turtle Race Game The Turtle Race Game built in Python with Turtle module. Installation If you don't have Turtle module on your computer. You can downl
A corona information module
A corona information module
A country information finder module
A country information finder module
A media upload to telegraph module
A media upload to telegraph module
IDM: An Intermediate Domain Module for Domain Adaptive Person Re-ID,
Intermediate Domain Module (IDM) This repository is the official implementation for IDM: An Intermediate Domain Module for Domain Adaptive Person Re-I
A hashtag from string extract python module
A hashtag from string extract python module