5 Repositories
Python obstacle-avoidance Libraries
Example for AUAV 2022 with obstacle avoidance.
AUAV 2022 Sample This is a sample PX4 based quadrotor path planning framework based on Ubuntu 20.04 and ROS noetic for the IEEE Autonomous UAS 2022 co
Tackling Obstacle Tower Challenge using PPO & A2C combined with ICM.
Obstacle Tower Challenge using Deep Reinforcement Learning Unity Obstacle Tower is a challenging realistic 3D, third person perspective and procedural
LaneDetectionAndLaneKeeping - Lane Detection And Lane Keeping
LaneDetectionAndLaneKeeping This project is part of my bachelor's thesis. The go
Official Matlab Implementation for "Tiny Obstacle Discovery by Occlusion-aware Multilayer Regression", TIP 2020
Tiny Obstacle Discovery by Occlusion-aware Multilayer Regression Official Matlab Implementation for "Tiny Obstacle Discovery by Occlusion-aware Multil
Deep Reinforcement Learning for mobile robot navigation in ROS Gazebo simulator
DRL-robot-navigation Deep Reinforcement Learning for mobile robot navigation in ROS Gazebo simulator. Using Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gra