532 Repositories
Python phpipam-dhcp-config-generator Libraries
Lyrics generation with GPT2-based Transformer
HuggingArtists - Train a model to generate lyrics Create AI-Artist in just 5 minutes! 🚀 Run the demo notebook to train 🚀 Run the GUI demo to test Di
An auto discord account and token generator. Automatically verifies the phone number. Works without proxy. Bypasses captcha.
JOIN DISCORD SERVER https://discord.gg/uAc3agBY FREE HCAPTCHA SOLVING API Discord-Token-Gen An auto discord token generator. Auto verifies phone numbe
You'll learn about Iterators, Generators, Closure, Decorators, Property, and RegEx in detail with examples.
07_Python_Advanced_Topics Introduction 👋 In this tutorial, you will learn about: Python Iterators: They are objects that can be iterated upon. In thi
Incomplete easy-to-use math solver and PDF generator.
Math Expert Let me do your work Preview preview.mp4 Introduction Math Expert is our (@salastro, @younis-tarek, @marawn-mogeb) math high school graduat
A Really Simple and Advanced Google Colab NoteBook to Setup and start using Rclone on Google Colab easily.
Rclone on Google Colab (Advanced!) 🔥 1.Setup and Start using Rclone on Google Colab and Create/Edit/View and delete your Rclone config file and keep
✔👉A Centralized WebApp to Ensure Road Safety by checking on with the activities of the driver and activating label generator using NLP.
AI-For-Road-Safety Challenge hosted by Omdena Hyderabad Chapter Original Repo Link : https://github.com/OmdenaAI/omdena-india-roadsafety Final Present
This is the open source implementation of the ICLR2022 paper "StyleNeRF: A Style-based 3D-Aware Generator for High-resolution Image Synthesis"
StyleNeRF: A Style-based 3D-Aware Generator for High-resolution Image Synthesis StyleNeRF: A Style-based 3D-Aware Generator for High-resolution Image
ICON: Implicit Clothed humans Obtained from Normals (CVPR 2022)
ICON: Implicit Clothed humans Obtained from Normals Yuliang Xiu · Jinlong Yang · Dimitrios Tzionas · Michael J. Black CVPR 2022 News 🚩 [2022/04/26] H
A wordlist generator tool, that allows you to supply a set of words, giving you the possibility to craft multiple variations from the given words, creating a unique and ideal wordlist to use regarding a specific target.
A wordlist generator tool, that allows you to supply a set of words, giving you the possibility to craft multiple variations from the given words, creating a unique and ideal wordlist to use regarding a specific target.
Revolt account generator. Bypassing Hcaptcha using AI solver.
RevoltGenerator Revolt account generator. Bypassing Hcaptcha using AI solver. Config settings in config.json then put your usernames / proxies. If you
CLIP-GEN: Language-Free Training of a Text-to-Image Generator with CLIP
CLIP-GEN [简体中文][English] 本项目在萤火二号集群上用 PyTorch 实现了论文 《CLIP-GEN: Language-Free Training of a Text-to-Image Generator with CLIP》。 CLIP-GEN 是一个 Language-F
Simple ONNX operation generator. Simple Operation Generator for ONNX.
sog4onnx Simple ONNX operation generator. Simple Operation Generator for ONNX. https://github.com/PINTO0309/simple-onnx-processing-tools Key concept V
A simple python program that can be used to implement user authentication tokens into your program...
token-generator A simple python module that can be used by developers to implement user authentication tokens into your program... code examples creat
A SAT-based sudoku solver
SAT Sudoku solver A SAT-based Sudoku solver made in the context of a small project in the "Logic Problem Solving" class in the first year at the Polyt
This library is helpful when creating accounts, it has everything you need for this
AccountGeneratorHelper Library to facilitate accounts generation. Unofficial API for temp email services. Receive SMS from free services. Parsing and
Python based Spotify account generator.
Spotify Account Generator Python based Spotify account generator. Installation Download the latest release, open command prompt in the folder, run pip
This repository contains the data and code for the paper "Diverse Text Generation via Variational Encoder-Decoder Models with Gaussian Process Priors" (SPNLP@ACL2022)
GP-VAE This repository provides datasets and code for preprocessing, training and testing models for the paper: Diverse Text Generation via Variationa
PassAPI is a password generator in hash format and fully developed in Python, with the aim of teaching how to handle and build
simple, elegant and safe Introduction PassAPI is a password generator in hash format and fully developed in Python, with the aim of teaching how to ha
Roblox-Account-Gen - A simple account generator not using paid solving services
Roblox Account Generator Star this if it helped to spread awareness! No 2captcha
NFT Generator: A modular NFT generator application
NFT Generator A simple passion project done with the role to learn a bit about h
LyricsGenerator - A simple GUI made using Python(Tkinter) for generating song lyrics
Lyrics Generator Reference :- https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/create-a-gui-to-extr
IOGen - An Open source discord token generator
_____ ____ _____ |_ _/ __ \ / ____| | || | | | |
CVE-2022-23046 - SQL Injection Vulnerability on PhpIPAM v1.4.4
CVE-2022-23046 PhpIPAM v1.4.4 allows an authenticated admin user to inject SQL s
Ma2tl - macOS forensic timeline generator using the analysis result DBs of mac apt
ma2tl (mac_apt to timeline) This is a DFIR tool for generating a macOS forensic
Xoroshiro-cairo - A xoroshiro128** pseudorandom number generator implementation in Cairo
xoroshiro-cairo A xoroshiro128** pseudorandom number generator implementation in
Multi Account Generator Minecraft/NordVPN/Hulu/Origin And ...
Multi Account Generator Minecraft/NordVPN/Hulu/Origin And ...
A program that generates discord.py code
discord-py-generator A program that generates discord.py code Setup in cmds.txt file add your user id, client id and bot token you can change the bot
An ascii art generator that's actually good. Does edge detection and selects the most appropriate characters.
Ascii Artist An ascii art generator that's actually good. Does edge detection and selects the most appropriate characters. Installing Installing with
Spodcast is a caching Spotify podcast to RSS proxy
Spodcast Spodcast is a caching Spotify podcast to RSS proxy. Using Spodcast you can follow Spotify-hosted netcasts/podcasts using any player which sup
Download nitro generator that generates free nitro code that you can use for Discord
Download nitro generator that generates free nitro code that you can use for Discord, run it and wait for free nitro to come
An Advance Discord Generator Written in python Verified Email and Phone Number For Free!
Intro An Advance Discord Generator Written in python It can generate nearly fully verified tokens USAGE put server invite code inside ( invitecode = "
Credit Card And SK Checker Written In Python
💳 Credit Card Checker (CC Checker) & Mass SK Checker & Generator 💳
QR code python application which can read(decode) and generate(encode) QR codes.
QR Code Application This is a basic QR Code application. Using this application you can generate QR code for you text/links. Using this application yo
Qrcode Attendence System with Opencv and Pyzbar
Setup process Creates a virtual environment (Scripts that ensure executed Python code uses the Python interpreter and site packages installed inside t
Simple python script for generating custom high-secure passwords for securing your social-apps ❤️
Opensource Project Simple Python Password Generator This repository is just for peoples who want to generate strong-passwords for there social-account
FBGen is simple facebook user based wordlist generator using Username/ID and cookie.
FBGen is simple facebook user based wordlist generator using Username/ID and cookie.
PyFUD - Fully Undetectable payload generator for metasploit
PyFUD fully Undetectable payload generator for metasploit Usage: pyfud.py --host
A badge generator service to count visitors of your markdown file.
Github Visitors Badge A badge generator service to count visitors of your markdown file. Hello every one! In this post, I will tell you the story of m
NFT Generator - A NFT Generator created using Python
NFT_Generator v1 An NFT Generator created using Python. This NFT Generation tool
Having a weak password is not good for a system that demands high confidentiality and security of user credentials
Having a weak password is not good for a system that demands high confidentiality and security of user credentials. It turns out that people find it difficult to make up a strong password that is strong enough to prevent unauthorized users from memorizing it.
Spotify User Token Generator Template
Spotify User Token Generator Template Quick Start $ pip3 install -r requirements
Fake Shakespearean Text Generator
Fake Shakespearean Text Generator This project contains an impelementation of stateful Char-RNN model to generate fake shakespearean texts. Files and
Credit Card And SK Checker Written In Python
Credit Card And SK Checker Written In Python
Nfog - Scriptable Database-Driven NFO Generator for Movies and TV
nfog Scriptable Database-Driven NFO Generator for Movies and TV. Installation pi
Word document generator with python
In this study, real world data is anonymized. The content is completely different, but the structure is the same. It was a script I prepared for the backend of a work using UiPath.
Generate meme GIFs in which an image you choose can be viewed by the user only after they wait a whole hour.
Generate meme GIFs in which an image you choose can be viewed by the user only after they wait a whole hour.
WomboAI Art Generator
WomboAI Art Generator Automate AI art generation using wombot.art. Also integrated into SnailBot for you to try out. Setup Install Python Go to the py
Generates and prints proxies for the card game Magic: the Gathering
MTG-Proxy-Generator This program generates proxies for the card game Magic: the Gathering. These proxies can then be printed off and used. These copie
Config files for my GitHub profile.
Canalyst Candas Data Science Library Name Canalyst Candas Description Built by a former PM / analyst to give anyone with a little bit of Python knowle
A face dataset generator with out-of-focus blur detection and dynamic interval adjustment.
A face dataset generator with out-of-focus blur detection and dynamic interval adjustment.
Random pass word generator made with python. PyQt5 module is used to design GUI.
Differences in this GUI program : Default titlebar removed Custom Minimize,Maximize and Close Buttons Drag & move window from any point Program work l
Spotify playlist video generator
This program creates a video version of your Spotify playlist by using the Spotify API and YouTube-dl.
Automatic generation of crypto-arts based on image layers
NFT Generator Автоматическая генерация крипто-артов на основе слоев изображения. Установка pip3 install -r requirements.txt rm -rf result/* Как это ра
COCO Style Dataset Generator GUI
A simple GUI-based COCO-style JSON Polygon masks' annotation tool to facilitate quick and efficient crowd-sourced generation of annotation masks and bounding boxes. Optionally, one could choose to use a pretrained Mask RCNN model to come up with initial segmentations.
A small system that allow you to manage hosts stored in your .ssh/config file
A small system that allow you to manage hosts stored in your .ssh/config using simple commands.
This project generates news headlines using a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural network.
News Headlines Generator bunnysaini/Generate-Headlines Goal This project aims to generate news headlines using a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural
Python Password Generator
This is a console-based version of a password generator written with Python. The program generates a password based on numbers of letters, numbers, and symbols specified by the user. This is a simple Python program to demonstrate the use of randomization, list, and string concatenation. It also demonstrates the use of random.shuffle() method to shuffle items in lists.
CC-GENERATOR - A python script for generating CC
CC-GENERATOR A python script for generating CC NOTE: This tool is for Educationa
ChromiumJniGenerator - Jni Generator module extracted from Chromium project
ChromiumJniGenerator - Jni Generator module extracted from Chromium project
♻️ Password Generator (PSG) 📚 This plugin is made for more familiarity with Python, but can also be used to create passwords
About Tool This plugin is made for more familiarity with Python, but can also be used to create passwords.
Synthetic data need to preserve the statistical properties of real data in terms of their individual behavior and (inter-)dependences
Synthetic data need to preserve the statistical properties of real data in terms of their individual behavior and (inter-)dependences. Copula and functional Principle Component Analysis (fPCA) are statistical models that allow these properties to be simulated (Joe 2014). As such, copula generated data have shown potential to improve the generalization of machine learning (ML) emulators (Meyer et al. 2021) or anonymize real-data datasets (Patki et al. 2016).
Semi-hash-based Image Generator
pixel-planet Semi-hash-based Image Generator Utilizable for NFTs Generation Process Input is salted and hashed Colors (background, planet, stars) are
🚩 A simple and clean python banner generator - Banners
🚩 A simple and clean python banner generator - Banners
Minecraft - Online Players Overlay Generator
Minecraft - Online Players Overlay Generator Contents About Quick Start Download Pre-Built Binary Run from Source Configuration Command-Line Options F
A tiny Configuration File Parser for Python Projects
A tiny Configuration File Parser for Python Projects. Currently working on JSON Config Files only.
Random Number Generator Analysis With Python
Random-Number-Generator-Analysis Governor's Honors Program Project to determine
Automated Changelog/release note generation
Quickly generate changelogs and release notes by analysing your git history. A tool written in python, but works on any language.
⛤Keylogger Generator for Windows written in Python⛤
⛤Keylogger Generator for Windows written in Python⛤
Irenedao-nft-generator - Original scripts used to generate IreneDAO NFTs
IreneDAO NFT Generator Scripts to generate IreneDAO NFT. Make sure you have Pill
A stock generator that assess a list of stocks and returns the best stocks for investing and money allocations based on users choices of volatility, duration and number of stocks
Stock-Generator Please visit "Stock Generator.ipynb" for a clearer view and "Stock Generator.py" for scripts. The stock generator is designed to allow
QR Code Generator
In this project, we'll be using some libraries to instantly generate authentic QR Codes and export them in various formats
This is new discord nitro generator for discord
Hello! This is new discord nitro generator for discord. If you want use it, To generator i added checker for no seraching generator and checker. This tool maked by .
leaking paid token generator that was a shit lmao for 100$ haha
Discord-Token-Generator-Leaked leaking paid token generator that was a shit lmao for 100$ he selling it for 100$ wth here the code enjoy don't forget
An email generator code in python language
An email generator code in python language. I have done it in the simplest way possible and with no link to an SMTP server. Generating infinite emails until CTRL+C . It is a code that can be used in hash generators like MD-5,password generators, random affiliate links generation and many other related necessities.
Pgen is the best brute force password generator and it is improved from the cupp.py
pgen Pgen is the best brute force password generator and it is improved from the cupp.py The pgen tool is dedicated to Leonardo da Vinci -Time stays l
Fixed Version Of Blender Low Poly Rock Generator For Blender 3.0.0
Blender (3.0.0) - Low Poly Rock Generator This is an addon for Blender 3.0.0 to generate low poly rocks. It was based on an addon that unfortunately h
Cweqgen - The CW Equation Generator
The CW Equation Generator The cweqgen (pronouced like "Queck-Jen") package provi
This is a discord token generator(requests) which works and makes 200 tokens per minute
Discord Email verified token generator Creates email verified discord accounts (unlocked) Report Bug · Discord server Features Profile pictures and na
A wide AOI generator tool.
Dark Generator A wide AOI generator tool. Information Installation To Install you have to have python 3.x and pip installed on your system. If you hav
Tron Wallet (TRX) Crack Finder With Python Just 64 Line
TRXGEN Tron Wallet Finder and Crack With Python Tron Wallet (TRX) Crack Finder With Python Just 64 Line My tools [pycharm + anaconda3 + python3.8 + vi
Statistical Random Number Generator Attack Against The Kirchhoff-law-johnson-noise (Kljn) Secure Key Exchange Protocol
Statistical Random Number Generator Attack Against The Kirchhoff-law-johnson-noise (Kljn) Secure Key Exchange Protocol
A lightweight terminal-based password manager coded with Python using SQLCipher for SQLite database encryption.
password-manager A lightweight terminal-based password manager coded with Python using SQLCipher for SQLite database encryption. Screenshot Pre-requis
FileGenerator - File Generator for sites that accepts documents
File Generator for sites that accepts documents This code generates files as per
VCC-Generator is a python script that generate VCC for testing purposes only
VCC-Generator is a python script that generate VCC for testing purposes only
Secsie is a configuration language made for speed, beauty, and ease of use.
secsie-conf pip3 install secsie-conf Secsie is a configuration language parser for Python, made for speed and beauty. Instead of writing config files
This repo contains a small project i've done using PILLOW module in python
This repo contains a small project i've done using PILLOW module in python. I wrote an automated script which generates more than 5k+ unique nfts with 0 hassle in less time.
Image Recognition Model Generator
Takes a user-inputted query and generates a machine learning image recognition model that determines if an inputted image is or isn't their query
Deep motion generator collections
GenMotion GenMotion (/gen’motion/) is a Python library for making skeletal animations. It enables easy dataset loading and experiment sharing for synt
Exam Schedule Generator using Genetic Algorithm
Exam Schedule Generator using Genetic Algorithm Requirements Use any kind of crossover Choose any justifiable rate of mutation Use roulette wheel sele
NFT collection generator. Generates layered images
NFT collection generator Generates layered images, whole collections. Provides additional functionality. Repository includes three scripts generate.py
Generate FastAPI projects for high performance applications
Generate FastAPI projects for high performance applications. Based on MVC architectural pattern, WSGI + ASGI. Includes tests, pipeline, base utilities, Helm chart, and script for bootstrapping local Minikube with high available Redis cluster.
A quick random name generator
Random Profile Generator USAGE & CREDITS Any public or priavte demonstrative usage of this project is strictly prohibited, UNLESS WhineyMonkey10 (http
A general-purpose wallet generator, for supported coins only
2gen A general-purpose generator for keys. Designed for all cryptocurrencies supporting the Bitcoin format of keys and addresses. Functions To enable
The GUI application by Python3.8. Using QT Design draw UI and generator UI XML file provides to PySide2 build GUI components
The GUI application by Python3.8. Using QT Design draw UI and generator UI XML file provides to PySide2 build GUI components. Total adopt OOD design class, service, and abstract class. OOP implemented this project.
A Telegram bot written in python.
telegram_bot This bot is currently a beta project. Features A telegram bot which can: Send current COVID-19 cases/stats of Germany Send current worth
Dyalog-apl-docset - Dyalog APL Dash Docset Generator
Dyalog APL Dash Docset Generator o alasa e kili sona kepeken tenpo lili a A Dash
KivyPassword - A password generator using both Kivy framework and SQL in order to create a local database for users to generate strong passwords and store them
KivyPassword A password generator using both Kivy framework and SQL in order t
Genpass - A Passwors Generator App With Python3
Genpass Welcom again into another python3 App this is simply an Passwors Generat
Qrgenerator - A qr generator app using python3
qrgenerator by Mal4D Hi welcome into qr code generator using python by Mal4d Lin