10769 Repositories
Python python-flask-example-keepalive Libraries
Scraping Top Repositories for Topics on GitHub,
0.-Webscrapping-using-python Scraping Top Repositories for Topics on GitHub, Web scraping is the process of extracting and parsing data from websites
A Python script that exports users from one Telegram group to another using one or more concurrent user bots.
ExportTelegramUsers A Python script that exports users from one Telegram group to another using one or more concurrent user bots. Make sure to set all
Tenssens framework focused on gathering information from free tools or resources. The intention is to help people find free OSINT resources.
Tenssens framework focused on gathering information from free tools or resources. The intention is to help people find free OSINT resources.
Python remote shell.
Python remote shell.
A Discord Self-Bot in Python
👨💻 Discord Self Bot 👨💻 A Discord Self-Bot in Python by natrix Installation Run: selfbot.bat Python: version : 3.8 Modules
Moji sends text and fun facts from different APIs wit da use of a notification deamon
Moji sends text and fun facts from different APIs wit da use of a notification deamon. Can be runned via dmenu or rofi.
A Python module that allows you to create and use simple sockets.
EasySockets A Python module that allows you to create and use simple sockets. Installation The easysockets module can be installed using pip. pip inst
This is a key logger based in python which when executed records all the keystrokes of the system it has been executed on .
This is a key logger based in python which when executed records all the keystrokes of the system it has been executed on
Create QR Code for link using Python
Quick Response QR is short and named for a quick read from a cell phone. Used to view information from transitory media and put it on your cell phone.
Text editor on python to convert english text to malayalam(Romanization/Transiteration).
Manglish Text Editor This is a simple transiteration (romanization ) program which is used to convert manglish to malayalam (converts njaan to ഞാൻ ).
python driver for fingerprint machine (ZKTeco biometrics)
fpmachine python driver for fingerprint machine (ZKTeco biometrics) support until now 2 model supported and tested ZMM100_TFT and ZMM220_TFT install p
Removes all archived super productivity tasks. Just run the python script.
delete-archived-sp-tasks.py Removes all archived super productivity tasks. Just run the python script. This is helpful to do a cleanup every 3-6 month
This is a web scraper, using Python framework Scrapy, built to extract data from the Deals of the Day section on Mercado Livre website.
Deals of the Day This is a web scraper, using the Python framework Scrapy, built to extract data such as price and product name from the Deals of the
A fun, casual and strategic game made using Python!
Steve's Pixels A fun, casual and strategic game made using Python! Prerequisites See requirements.txt Demo video demo.mp4 Usage python -m steves_pixel
Adblocker for movie subtitles.
SubAdBlock Adblocker for movie subtitles. Usage Place "main.py" and "config.conf" in directory with subtitles and run "main.py". It will automatically
multi-purpose discord bot
virus multi-purpose discord bot ⚠️ WARNING This project is incomplete and may not work as expected. Download & Run Install Python =3.10 Clone the sou
A simple application builder. Made with python.
Python Flask Server Template Check the Github Repository for updates Flask is an application builder. It is very common in Python but can also be used
Un script en python qui permet d'automatique bumpée (disboard.org) tout les 2h
auto-bumper Un script en python qui permet d'automatique bumpée (disboard.org) tout les 2h Pour la première utilisation, 1.Lancer Install.bat 2.(faire
A Simple Key-Value Data-store written in Python
mercury-db This is a File Based Key-Value Datastore that supports basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations developed using Python. The dat
Implementation in Python of the reliability measures such as Omega.
OmegaPy Summary Simple implementation in Python of the reliability measures: Omega Total, Omega Hierarchical and Omega Hierarchical Total. Name Link O
GDIT: Geometry Dash Info Tool
GDIT: Geometry Dash Info Tool This is the first large script that allows you to quickly get information from the Geometry Dash server
py2dis - A disassembly engine & library for Python
py2dis - A disassembly engine & library for Python. py2dis is a disassembly library for Python that does not use any modules/libraries other than colo
☄️ High performance, easy to use and feature-rich Solana SDK for Python.
Solathon is an high performance, easy to use and feature-rich Solana SDK for Python. Easy for beginners, powerful for real world applications.
A Neural Network based chess engine and GUI made with Python and Tensorflow/Keras.
Haxaw-Chess Haxaw: Haxaw is the Neural Network based chess engine made with Python and Tensorflow/Keras. Also uses the python-chess library. (WIP: Imp
This is a boilerplate for a basic backend app using Python, Django and SQLite, as developed after tutorials with Programming with Mosh
This is a boilerplate for a basic backend app using Python, Django and SQLite, as developed after tutorials with Programming with Mosh
Make YouTube videos tasks in Todoist faster and time efficient!
Youtubist Basically fork of yt-dlp python module to my needs. You can paste playlist or channel link on the YouTube. It will automatically format to s
A python shell / chat bot for XMPP and cloud services
XMPP_Shell_Bot A python shell / chat bot for XMPP and cloud services, designed for penetration testers to bypass network filters. To better understand
An optimal solution finder for the game Wordle, written in Python
wordle-solver: a nearly-optimal computer player for Wordle Wordle is an interesting word guessing game. This program plays it very well, taking only 3
A python bot using the Selenium library to auto-buy specified sneakers on the nike.com website.
Sneaker-Bot-UK A python bot using the Selenium library to auto-buy specified sneakers on the nike.com website. This bot is still in development and is
Python client for numerbay.ai - the Numerai community marketplace
NumerBay Python API Programmatic interaction with numerbay.ai - the Numerai community marketplace. If you encounter a problem or have suggestions, fee
Speech Recognition Database Management with python
Speech Recognition Database Management The main aim of this project is to recogn
simple_pytorch_example project is a toy example of a python script that instantiates and trains a PyTorch neural network on the FashionMNIST dataset
simple_pytorch_example project is a toy example of a python script that instantiates and trains a PyTorch neural network on the FashionMNIST dataset
Youtube-music - Youtube music with python
youtube-music fzf on https://github.com/junegunn/fzf python3 ytb.py [no/yes] yes
Neural-net-from-scratch - A simple Neural Network from scratch in Python using the Pymathrix library
A Simple Neural Network from scratch A Simple Neural Network from scratch in Pyt
Chatterpatter - A simple GUI complex backend Chat Application made using python
Chatterpatter - A simple GUI complex backend Chat Application made using python
LSTM built using Keras Python package to predict time series steps and sequences. Includes sin wave and stock market data
LSTM Neural Network for Time Series Prediction LSTM built using the Keras Python package to predict time series steps and sequences. Includes sine wav
Machine Learning for Time-Series with Python.Published by Packt
Machine-Learning-for-Time-Series-with-Python Become proficient in deriving insights from time-series data and analyzing a model’s performance Links Am
A simple flask application to collect annotations for the Turing Change Point Dataset, a benchmark dataset for change point detection algorithms
AnnotateChange Welcome to the repository of the "AnnotateChange" application. This application was created to collect annotations of time series data
TICC is a python solver for efficiently segmenting and clustering a multivariate time series
TICC TICC is a python solver for efficiently segmenting and clustering a multivariate time series. It takes as input a T-by-n data matrix, a regulariz
A Multipurpose Library for Synthetic Time Series Generation in Python
TimeSynth Multipurpose Library for Synthetic Time Series Please cite as: J. R. Maat, A. Malali, and P. Protopapas, “TimeSynth: A Multipurpose Library
A Python package for time series augmentation
tsaug tsaug is a Python package for time series augmentation. It offers a set of augmentation methods for time series, as well as a simple API to conn
An example of time series augmentation methods with Keras
Time Series Augmentation This is a collection of time series data augmentation methods and an example use using Keras. News 2020/04/16: Repository Cre
🏹 Better dates & times for Python
Arrow: Better dates & times for Python Arrow is a Python library that offers a sensible and human-friendly approach to creating, manipulating, formatt
Supervised forecasting of sequential data in Python.
Supervised forecasting of sequential data in Python. Intro Supervised forecasting is the machine learning task of making predictions for sequential da
Python implementation of the Learning Time-Series Shapelets method, that learns a shapelet-based time-series classifier with gradient descent.
shaplets Python implementation of the Learning Time-Series Shapelets method by Josif Grabocka et al., that learns a shapelet-based time-series classif
Whisper is a file-based time-series database format for Graphite.
Whisper Overview Whisper is one of three components within the Graphite project: Graphite-Web, a Django-based web application that renders graphs and
Python port of R's Comprehensive Dynamic Time Warp algorithm package
Welcome to the dtw-python package Comprehensive implementation of Dynamic Time Warping algorithms. DTW is a family of algorithms which compute the loc
Survival analysis in Python
What is survival analysis and why should I learn it? Survival analysis was originally developed and applied heavily by the actuarial and medical commu
:spaghetti: Pastas is an open-source Python framework for the analysis of hydrological time series.
Pastas: Analysis of Groundwater Time Series Pastas: what is it? Pastas is an open source python package for processing, simulating and analyzing groun
(JMLR' 19) A Python Toolbox for Scalable Outlier Detection (Anomaly Detection)
Python Outlier Detection (PyOD) Deployment & Documentation & Stats & License PyOD is a comprehensive and scalable Python toolkit for detecting outlyin
Forecast dynamically at scale with this unique package. pip install scalecast
🌄 Scalecast: Dynamic Forecasting at Scale About This package uses a scaleable forecasting approach in Python with common scikit-learn and statsmodels
Quantify the difference between two arbitrary curves in space
similaritymeasures Quantify the difference between two arbitrary curves Curves in this case are: discretized by inidviudal data points ordered from a
A python library for time-series smoothing and outlier detection in a vectorized way.
tsmoothie A python library for time-series smoothing and outlier detection in a vectorized way. Overview tsmoothie computes, in a fast and efficient w
Python calculations for the position of the sun and moon.
Astral This is 'astral' a Python module which calculates Times for various positions of the sun: dawn, sunrise, solar noon, sunset, dusk, solar elevat
An open source python library for automated feature engineering
"One of the holy grails of machine learning is to automate more and more of the feature engineering process." ― Pedro Domingos, A Few Useful Things to
ruptures: change point detection in Python
Welcome to ruptures ruptures is a Python library for off-line change point detection. This package provides methods for the analysis and segmentation
Python binding for Khiva library.
Khiva-Python Build Documentation Build Linux and Mac OS Build Windows Code Coverage README This is the Khiva Python binding, it allows the usage of Kh
Python package for dynamic system estimation of time series
PyDSE Toolset for Dynamic System Estimation for time series inspired by DSE. It is in a beta state and only includes ARMA models right now. Documentat
A Python library for unevenly-spaced time series analysis
traces A Python library for unevenly-spaced time series analysis. Why? Taking measurements at irregular intervals is common, but most tools are primar
This is a Python wrapper for TA-LIB based on Cython instead of SWIG.
TA-Lib This is a Python wrapper for TA-LIB based on Cython instead of SWIG. From the homepage: TA-Lib is widely used by trading software developers re
Python package for downloading ECMWF reanalysis data and converting it into a time series format.
ecmwf_models Readers and converters for data from the ECMWF reanalysis models. Written in Python. Works great in combination with pytesmo. Citation If
Deploy AutoML as a service using Flask
AutoML Service Deploy automated machine learning (AutoML) as a service using Flask, for both pipeline training and pipeline serving. The framework imp
BBScan py3 - BBScan py3 With Python
BBScan_py3 This repository is forked from lijiejie/BBScan 1.5. I migrated the fo
Robot Swerve Test Public With Python
Robot-Swerve-Test-Public The codebase for our swerve drivetrain prototype robot.
Tiktok-bot - A Simple Tiktok bot With Python
Install the requirements pip install selenium pip install pyfiglet==0.7.5 How ca
deepstream python rtsp video h264 or gstreamer python rtsp h264 | h264
deepstream python rtsp video h264 or gstreamer python rtsp h264 | h264 deepstrea
Space-invaders - Simple Game created using Python & PyGame, as my Beginner Python Project
Space Invaders This is a simple SPACE INVADER game create using PYGAME whihc hav
This is my implementation on the K-nearest neighbors algorithm from scratch using Python
K Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm In this Machine Learning world, there are various algorithms designed for classification problems such as Logistic
Software Engineer Salary Prediction
Based on 2021 stack overflow data, this machine learning web application helps one predict the salary based on years of experience, level of education and the country they work in.
Check bookings for TUM libraries.
TUM Library Checker Only for educational purposes This repository contains a crawler to save bookings for TUM libraries in a CSV file. Sample data fro
Your custom slash commands Discord bot!
Slashy - Your custom slash-commands bot Hey, I'm Slashy - your friendly neighborhood custom-command bot! The code for this bot exists because I'm like
A small Python library which gives you the IEEE-754 representation of a floating point number.
ieee754 ieee754 is small Python library which gives you the IEEE-754 representation of a floating point number. You can specify a precision given in t
This is Minesweeper coded in Python. It has almost all features from the main game
Minesweeper This is Minesweeper coded in Python. It has almost all features from the main game Use right click to open tile, right click on an open ti
learn python in 100 days, a simple step could be follow from beginner to master of every aspect of python programming and project also include side project which you can use as demo project for your personal portfolio
learn python in 100 days, a simple step could be follow from beginner to master of every aspect of python programming and project also include side project which you can use as demo project for your personal portfolio
Example applications, dashboards, scripts, notebooks, and other utilities built using Polygon.io
Polygon.io Examples Example applications, dashboards, scripts, notebooks, and other utilities built using Polygon.io. Examples Preview Name Type Langu
😸Awsome markdown readme for your profile or your portfolio
GitHub Profile Readme Description That's a simple and minimalist README.md for your profile Usage You can download or copy to your repository and make
Template repo for a GCP-hosted REST API with automatic API versioning and custom domain mapping
Python + Poetry REST API with FastAPI, hosted on GCP This template will get you ready to deploy a FastAPI app in Google Cloud with automatic API versi
a minimal terminal with python 😎😉
Meterm a terminal with python 😎 How to use Clone Project: $ git clone https://github.com/motahharm/meterm.git Run: in Terminal: meterm.exe Or pip ins
Código que verifica se o grafo é Hamiltoniano (Em Python)
Código para encontrar um ciclo de Hamilton em um dado grafo e a partir daí verificar se o grafo é hamiltoniano. Um ciclo hamiltoniano é um ciclo gerad
Problem 5: Fermat near-misses
Problem 5: Fermat near-misses fermatnearmiss This is a script that computes fermat nearm misses when the -f option is set and requires users to input
Código para trabalho com o dataset Wine em Python
Um perceptron multicamadas (MLP) é uma rede neural artificial feedforward que gera um conjunto de saídas a partir de um conjunto de entradas. Um MLP é
DevSecOps pipeline for Python based web app using Jenkins, Ansible, AWS, and open-source security tools and checks.
DevSecOps pipeline for Python Web App A Jenkins end-to-end DevSecOps pipeline for Python web application, hosted on AWS Ubuntu 20.04 Note: This projec
Python 3 SDK/Wrapper for Huobi Crypto Exchange Api
This packages intents to be an idiomatic PythonApi wrapper for https://www.huobi.com/ Huobi Api Doc: https://huobiapi.github.io/docs Showcase TODO Con
Import entity definition document into SQLie3. Manage the entity. Also, create a "Create Table SQL file".
EntityDocumentMaker Version 1.00 After importing the entity definition (Excel file), store the data in sqlite3. エンティティ定義(Excelファイル)をインポートした後、データをsqlit
Deepchecks is a Python package for comprehensively validating your machine learning models and data with minimal effort
Deepchecks is a Python package for comprehensively validating your machine learning models and data with minimal effort
Reproducible research and reusable acyclic workflows in Python. Execute code on HPC systems as if you executed them on your personal computer!
Reproducible research and reusable acyclic workflows in Python. Execute code on HPC systems as if you executed them on your machine! Motivation Would
A curated list of the top 10 computer vision papers in 2021 with video demos, articles, code and paper reference.
The Top 10 Computer Vision Papers of 2021 The top 10 computer vision papers in 2021 with video demos, articles, code, and paper reference. While the w
A simple cookiecutter to create Python Telegram bots, wrapped with Django.
PTB Django cookiecutter A simple cookiecutter to create Python Telegram bots, wrapped with Django. Based on this cool projects python-telegram-bot (PT
Send logs to RabbitMQ from Python/Django.
python-logging-rabbitmq Logging handler to ships logs to RabbitMQ. Compatible with Django. Installation Install using pip. pip install python_logging_
A Python program that will log into your scheduled Google Meets hands free
Chrome GMautomation General Information This Python program will open up Chrome and log into your scheduled Google Meet with camera and mic turned off
A calibre plugin that generates Word Wise and X-Ray files then sends them to Kindle. Supports KFX, AZW3 and MOBI eBooks. X-Ray supports 18 languages.
WordDumb A calibre plugin that generates Word Wise and X-Ray files then sends them to Kindle. Supports KFX, AZW3 and MOBI eBooks. Languages X-Ray supp
AXI Combat is a networked multiplayer game built on the AXI Visualizer 3D engine.
AXI_Combat AXI Combat is a networked multiplayer game built on the AXI Visualizer 3D engine. https://axi.x10.mx/Combat AXI Combat is released under th
Anki vector Music ❤ is the best and only Telegram VC player with playlists, Multi Playback, Channel play and more
Anki Vector Music 🎵 A bot that can play music on Telegram Group and Channel Voice Chats Available on telegram as @Anki Vector Music Features 🔥 Thumb
Simple spam bot made in python
Simple Spam Bot A Simple and easy way to be the most hated person between your friends, All you have to do is spam the group chat using this bot until
A web application that provides real time temperature and humidity readings of a house.
About A web application which provides real time temperature and humidity readings of a house. If you're interested in the data collected so far click
A bot for PDF for doing Many Things....
Telegram PDF Bot A Telegram bot that can: Compress, crop, decrypt, encrypt, merge, preview, rename, rotate, scale and split PDF files Compare text dif
Texting service to receive current air quality conditions and maps, powered by AirNow, Twilio, and AWS
The Air Quality Bot is generally available by texting a zip code (and optionally the word "map") to (415) 212-4229. The bot will respond with the late
A library for fast parse & import of Windows Prefetch into Elasticsearch.
prefetch2es Fast import of Windows Prefetch(.pf) into Elasticsearch. prefetch2es uses C library libscca. Usage When using from the commandline interfa
Pywbem - A WBEM client and related utilities, written in pure Python.
Pywbem - A WBEM client and related utilities, written in pure Python Overview Pywbem is a WBEM client and WBEM indication listener and provides relate
Python meta class and abstract method library with restrictions.
abcmeta Python meta class and abstract method library with restrictions. This library provides a restricted way to validate abstract methods. The Pyth