10420 Repositories
Python python-modules Libraries
PyTime is an easy-use Python module which aims to operate date/time/datetime by string.
PyTime PyTime is an easy-use Python module which aims to operate date/time/datetime by string. PyTime allows you using nonregular datetime string to g
Python datetimes made easy
Pendulum Python datetimes made easy. Supports Python 2.7 and 3.4+. import pendulum now_in_paris = pendulum.now('Europe/Paris') now_in_par
A Python library for dealing with dates
moment A Python library for dealing with dates/times. Inspired by Moment.js and Kenneth Reitz's Requests library. Ideas were also taken from the Times
Datetimes for Humans™
Maya: Datetimes for Humans™ Datetimes are very frustrating to work with in Python, especially when dealing with different locales on different systems
Delorean: Time Travel Made Easy
Delorean: Time Travel Made Easy Delorean is a library for clearing up the inconvenient truths that arise dealing with datetimes in Python. Understandi
Useful extensions to the standard Python datetime features
dateutil - powerful extensions to datetime The dateutil module provides powerful extensions to the standard datetime module, available in Python. Inst
A Python 3 library for parsing human-written times and dates
Chronyk A small Python 3 library containing some handy tools for handling time, especially when it comes to interfacing with those pesky humans. Featu
Motor - the async Python driver for MongoDB and Tornado or asyncio
Motor Info: Motor is a full-featured, non-blocking MongoDB driver for Python Tornado and asyncio applications. Documentation: Available at motor.readt
Redis Python Client
redis-py The Python interface to the Redis key-value store. Python 2 Compatibility Note redis-py 3.5.x will be the last version of redis-py that suppo
PyMongo - the Python driver for MongoDB
PyMongo Info: See the mongo site for more information. See GitHub for the latest source. Documentation: Available at pymongo.readthedocs.io Author: Mi
Python client for Apache Kafka
Kafka Python client Python client for the Apache Kafka distributed stream processing system. kafka-python is designed to function much like the offici
DataStax Python Driver for Apache Cassandra
DataStax Driver for Apache Cassandra A modern, feature-rich and highly-tunable Python client library for Apache Cassandra (2.1+) and DataStax Enterpri
ClickHouse Python Driver with native interface support
ClickHouse Python Driver ClickHouse Python Driver with native (TCP) interface support. Asynchronous wrapper is available here: https://github.com/myma
A supercharged SQLite library for Python
SuperSQLite: a supercharged SQLite library for Python A feature-packed Python package and for utilizing SQLite in Python by Plasticity. It is intended
Pure Python MySQL Client
PyMySQL Table of Contents Requirements Installation Documentation Example Resources License This package contains a pure-Python MySQL client library,
MySQL database connector for Python (with Python 3 support)
mysqlclient This project is a fork of MySQLdb1. This project adds Python 3 support and fixed many bugs. PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/mysqlclient/ Gi
Python object-oriented database
ZODB, a Python object-oriented database ZODB provides an object-oriented database for Python that provides a high-degree of transparency. ZODB runs on
TinyDB is a lightweight document oriented database optimized for your happiness :)
Quick Links Example Code Supported Python Versions Documentation Changelog Extensions Contributing Introduction TinyDB is a lightweight document orien
pickleDB is an open source key-value store using Python's json module.
pickleDB pickleDB is lightweight, fast, and simple database based on the json module. And it's BSD licensed! pickleDB is Fun import pickledb
Main repository for Vispy
VisPy: interactive scientific visualization in Python Main website: http://vispy.org VisPy is a high-performance interactive 2D/3D data visualization
Statistical data visualization using matplotlib
seaborn: statistical data visualization Seaborn is a Python visualization library based on matplotlib. It provides a high-level interface for drawing
A grammar of graphics for Python
plotnine Latest Release License DOI Build Status Coverage Documentation plotnine is an implementation of a grammar of graphics in Python, it is based
A curated list of awesome Dash (plotly) resources
Awesome Dash A curated list of awesome Dash (plotly) resources Dash is a productive Python framework for building web applications. Written on top of
Cartopy - a cartographic python library with matplotlib support
Cartopy is a Python package designed to make drawing maps for data analysis and visualisation easy. Table of contents Overview Get in touch License an
Interactive Data Visualization in the browser, from Python
Bokeh is an interactive visualization library for modern web browsers. It provides elegant, concise construction of versatile graphics, and affords hi
Declarative statistical visualization library for Python
Altair http://altair-viz.github.io Altair is a declarative statistical visualization library for Python. With Altair, you can spend more time understa
Business Intelligence (BI) in Python, OLAP
Open Mining Business Intelligence (BI) Application Server written in Python Requirements Python 2.7 (Backend) Lua 5.2 or LuaJIT 5.1 (OML backend) Mong
Pandas on AWS - Easy integration with Athena, Glue, Redshift, Timestream, QuickSight, Chime, CloudWatchLogs, DynamoDB, EMR, SecretManager, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLServer and S3 (Parquet, CSV, JSON and EXCEL).
AWS Data Wrangler Pandas on AWS Easy integration with Athena, Glue, Redshift, Timestream, QuickSight, Chime, CloudWatchLogs, DynamoDB, EMR, SecretMana
Python binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library
PyNaCl: Python binding to the libsodium library PyNaCl is a Python binding to libsodium, which is a fork of the Networking and Cryptography library. T
The leading native Python SSHv2 protocol library.
Paramiko Paramiko: Python SSH module Copyright: Copyright (c) 2009 Robey Pointer [email protected] Copyright: Copyright (c) 2020 Jeff Forcier
Strict separation of config from code.
Python Decouple: Strict separation of settings from code Decouple helps you to organize your settings so that you can change parameters without having
Python 3+ compatible port of the configobj library
configobj Python 3+ compatible port of the configobj library. Documentation You can find a full manual on how to use ConfigObj at readthedocs. If you
A Python wrapper for the tesseract-ocr API
tesserocr A simple, Pillow-friendly, wrapper around the tesseract-ocr API for Optical Character Recognition (OCR). tesserocr integrates directly with
The Open Source Framework for Machine Vision
SimpleCV Quick Links: About Installation [Docker] (#docker) Ubuntu Virtual Environment Arch Linux Fedora MacOS Windows Raspberry Pi SimpleCV Shell Vid
A Python wrapper for Google Tesseract
Python Tesseract Python-tesseract is an optical character recognition (OCR) tool for python. That is, it will recognize and "read" the text embedded i
The world's simplest facial recognition api for Python and the command line
Face Recognition You can also read a translated version of this file in Chinese 简体中文版 or in Korean 한국어 or in Japanese 日本語. Recognize and manipulate fa
Ready-to-use OCR with 80+ supported languages and all popular writing scripts including Latin, Chinese, Arabic, Devanagari, Cyrillic and etc.
EasyOCR Ready-to-use OCR with 80+ languages supported including Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Thai. What's new 1 February 2021 - Version 1.2.3 Add set
A supercharged AWS command line interface (CLI).
SAWS Motivation AWS CLI Although the AWS CLI is a great resource to manage your AWS-powered services, it's tough to remember usage of: 70+ top-level c
Postgres CLI with autocompletion and syntax highlighting
A REPL for Postgres This is a postgres client that does auto-completion and syntax highlighting. Home Page: http://pgcli.com MySQL Equivalent: http://
A Terminal Client for MySQL with AutoCompletion and Syntax Highlighting.
mycli A command line client for MySQL that can do auto-completion and syntax highlighting. HomePage: http://mycli.net Documentation: http://mycli.net/
CLI for SQLite Databases with auto-completion and syntax highlighting
litecli Docs A command-line client for SQLite databases that has auto-completion and syntax highlighting. Installation If you already know how to inst
Kubernetes shell: An integrated shell for working with the Kubernetes
kube-shell Kube-shell: An integrated shell for working with the Kubernetes CLI Under the hood kube-shell still calls kubectl. Kube-shell aims to provi
As easy as /aitch-tee-tee-pie/ 🥧 Modern, user-friendly command-line HTTP client for the API era. JSON support, colors, sessions, downloads, plugins & more. https://twitter.com/httpie
HTTPie: human-friendly CLI HTTP client for the API era HTTPie (pronounced aitch-tee-tee-pie) is a command-line HTTP client. Its goal is to make CLI in
Dead simple CLI tool to try Python packages - It's never been easier! :package:
try - It's never been easier to try Python packages try is an easy-to-use cli tool to try out Python packages. Features Install specific package versi
:computer: tmux session manager. built on libtmux
tmuxp, tmux session manager. built on libtmux. We need help! tmuxp is a trusted session manager for tmux. If you could lend your time to helping answe
Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command.
The Fuck The Fuck is a magnificent app, inspired by a @liamosaur tweet, that corrects errors in previous console commands. Is The Fuck too slow? Try t
Because sometimes you need to do it live
doitlive doitlive is a tool for live presentations in the terminal. It reads a file of shell commands and replays the commands in a fake terminal sess
A command-line utility that creates projects from cookiecutters (project templates), e.g. Python package projects, VueJS projects.
Cookiecutter A command-line utility that creates projects from cookiecutters (project templates), e.g. creating a Python package project from a Python
Library and command-line utility for rendering projects templates.
A library for rendering project templates. Works with local paths and git URLs. Your project can include any file and Copier can dynamically replace v
Python Fire is a library for automatically generating command line interfaces (CLIs) from absolutely any Python object.
Python Fire Python Fire is a library for automatically generating command line interfaces (CLIs) from absolutely any Python object. Python Fire is a s
Typical: Fast, simple, & correct data-validation using Python 3 typing.
typical: Python's Typing Toolkit Introduction Typical is a library devoted to runtime analysis, inference, validation, and enforcement of Python types
Run-time type checker for Python
This library provides run-time type checking for functions defined with PEP 484 argument (and return) type annotations. Four principal ways to do type
Data parsing and validation using Python type hints
pydantic Data validation and settings management using Python type hinting. Fast and extensible, pydantic plays nicely with your linters/IDE/brain. De
Typing-toolbox for Python 3 _and_ 2.7 w.r.t. PEP 484.
Welcome to the pytypes project pytypes is a typing toolbox w.r.t. PEP 484 (PEP 526 on the road map, later also 544 if it gets accepted). Its main feat
Unbearably fast O(1) runtime type-checking in pure Python.
Look for the bare necessities, the simple bare necessities. Forget about your worries and your strife. — The Jungle Book.
A static analysis tool for Python
pyanalyze Pyanalyze is a tool for programmatically detecting common mistakes in Python code, such as references to undefined variables and some catego
Static type checker for Python
Static type checker for Python Speed Pyright is a fast type checker meant for large Python source bases. It can run in a “watch” mode and performs fas
Optional static typing for Python 3 and 2 (PEP 484)
Mypy: Optional Static Typing for Python Got a question? Join us on Gitter! We don't have a mailing list; but we are always happy to answer questions o
A static type analyzer for Python code
pytype - ? ✔ Pytype checks and infers types for your Python code - without requiring type annotations. Pytype can: Lint plain Python code, flagging c
A system for Python that generates static type annotations by collecting runtime types
MonkeyType MonkeyType collects runtime types of function arguments and return values, and can automatically generate stub files or even add draft type
Collection of library stubs for Python, with static types
typeshed About Typeshed contains external type annotations for the Python standard library and Python builtins, as well as third party packages as con
Performant type-checking for python.
Pyre is a performant type checker for Python compliant with PEP 484. Pyre can analyze codebases with millions of lines of code incrementally – providi
A formatter for Python files
YAPF Introduction Most of the current formatters for Python --- e.g., autopep8, and pep8ify --- are made to remove lint errors from code. This has som
A Python utility / library to sort imports.
Read Latest Documentation - Browse GitHub Code Repository isort your imports, so you don't have to. isort is a Python utility / library to sort import
The uncompromising Python code formatter
The Uncompromising Code Formatter “Any color you like.” Black is the uncompromising Python code formatter. By using it, you agree to cede control over
The strictest and most opinionated python linter ever!
wemake-python-styleguide Welcome to the strictest and most opinionated python linter ever. wemake-python-styleguide is actually a flake8 plugin with s
Code audit tool for python.
Pylama Code audit tool for Python and JavaScript. Pylama wraps these tools: pycodestyle (formerly pep8) © 2012-2013, Florent Xicluna; pydocstyle (form
Find dead Python code
Vulture - Find dead code Vulture finds unused code in Python programs. This is useful for cleaning up and finding errors in large code bases. If you r
pycallgraph is a Python module that creates call graphs for Python programs.
Project Abandoned Many apologies. I've stopped maintaining this project due to personal time constraints. Blog post with more information. I'm happy t
Inspects Python source files and provides information about type and location of classes, methods etc
prospector About Prospector is a tool to analyse Python code and output information about errors, potential problems, convention violations and comple
Turn your Python and Javascript code into DOT flowcharts
Notes from 2017 This is an older project which I am no longer working on. It was built before ES6 existed and before Python 3 had much usage. While it
coala provides a unified command-line interface for linting and fixing all your code, regardless of the programming languages you use.
"Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live." ― John F. Woods coala provides a
A Python wrapper around the libmemcached interface from TangentOrg.
pylibmc is a Python client for memcached written in C. See the documentation at sendapatch.se/projects/pylibmc/ for more information. New in version 1
A slick ORM cache with automatic granular event-driven invalidation.
Cacheops A slick app that supports automatic or manual queryset caching and automatic granular event-driven invalidation. It uses redis as backend for
Indico - A feature-rich event management system, made @ CERN, the place where the Web was born.
Indico Indico is: ? a general-purpose event management tool; ? fully web-based; ? feature-rich but also extensible through the use of plugins; ⚖️ O
FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production
FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production Documentation: https://fastapi.tiangolo.com Source Code: https:
The lightning-fast ASGI server. ?
The lightning-fast ASGI server. Documentation: https://www.uvicorn.org Community: https://discuss.encode.io/c/uvicorn Requirements: Python 3.6+ (For P
The little ASGI framework that shines. ?
✨ The little ASGI framework that shines. ✨ Documentation: https://www.starlette.io/ Community: https://discuss.encode.io/c/starlette Starlette Starlet
Screaming-fast Python 3.5+ HTTP toolkit integrated with pipelining HTTP server based on uvloop and picohttpparser.
Japronto! There is no new project development happening at the moment, but it's not abandoned either. Pull requests and new maintainers are welcome. I
Library for building WebSocket servers and clients in Python
What is websockets? websockets is a library for building WebSocket servers and clients in Python with a focus on correctness and simplicity. Built on
WebSocket and WAMP in Python for Twisted and asyncio
Autobahn|Python WebSocket & WAMP for Python on Twisted and asyncio. Quick Links: Source Code - Documentation - WebSocket Examples - WAMP Examples Comm
cirrina is an opinionated asynchronous web framework based on aiohttp
cirrina cirrina is an opinionated asynchronous web framework based on aiohttp. Features: HTTP Server Websocket Server JSON RPC Server Shared sessions
Fast, asynchronous and elegant Python web framework.
Warning: This project is being completely re-written. If you're curious about the progress, reach me on Slack. Vibora is a fast, asynchronous and eleg
Async Python 3.6+ web server/framework | Build fast. Run fast.
Sanic | Build fast. Run fast. Build Docs Package Support Stats Sanic is a Python 3.6+ web server and web framework that's written to go fast. It allow
Asynchronous HTTP client/server framework for asyncio and Python
Async http client/server framework Key Features Supports both client and server side of HTTP protocol. Supports both client and server Web-Sockets out
PyArmadillo: an alternative approach to linear algebra in Python
PyArmadillo is a linear algebra library for the Python language, with an emphasis on ease of use.
Software build automation tool for Python.
PyBuilder — an easy-to-use build automation tool for Python PyBuilder is a software build tool written in 100% pure Python, mainly targeting Python ap
Python module for generating and verifying JSON Web Tokens
python-jwt Module for generating and verifying JSON Web Tokens. Note: From version 2.0.1 the namespace has changed from jwt to python_jwt, in order to
A JOSE implementation in Python
python-jose A JOSE implementation in Python Docs are available on ReadTheDocs. The JavaScript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) technologies - JSON
JSON Web Token implementation in Python
PyJWT A Python implementation of RFC 7519. Original implementation was written by @progrium. Sponsor If you want to quickly add secure token-based aut
Social auth made simple
Python Social Auth Python Social Auth is an easy-to-setup social authentication/registration mechanism with support for several frameworks and auth pr
A fully tested, abstract interface to creating OAuth clients and servers.
Note: This library implements OAuth 1.0 and not OAuth 2.0. Overview python-oauth2 is a python oauth library fully compatible with python versions: 2.6
A generic, spec-compliant, thorough implementation of the OAuth request-signing logic
OAuthLib - Python Framework for OAuth1 & OAuth2 *A generic, spec-compliant, thorough implementation of the OAuth request-signing logic for Python 3.5+
OAuth2 goodies for the Djangonauts!
Django OAuth Toolkit OAuth2 goodies for the Djangonauts! If you are facing one or more of the following: Your Django app exposes a web API you want to
The ultimate Python library in building OAuth, OpenID Connect clients and servers. JWS,JWE,JWK,JWA,JWT included.
Authlib The ultimate Python library in building OAuth and OpenID Connect servers. JWS, JWK, JWA, JWT are included. Authlib is compatible with Python2.
xonsh is a Python-powered, cross-platform, Unix-gazing shell
xonsh is a Python-powered, cross-platform, Unix-gazing shell language and command prompt.
Read music meta data and length of MP3, OGG, OPUS, MP4, M4A, FLAC, WMA and Wave files with python 2 or 3
tinytag tinytag is a library for reading music meta data of MP3, OGG, OPUS, MP4, M4A, FLAC, WMA and Wave files with python Install pip install tinytag
Python module for handling audio metadata
Mutagen is a Python module to handle audio metadata. It supports ASF, FLAC, MP4, Monkey's Audio, MP3, Musepack, Ogg Opus, Ogg FLAC, Ogg Speex, Ogg The
eyeD3 is a Python module and command line program for processing ID3 tags. Information about mp3 files (i.e bit rate, sample frequency, play time, etc.) is also provided. The formats supported are ID3v1 (1.0/1.1) and ID3v2 (2.3/2.4).
Status About eyeD3 is a Python tool for working with audio files, specifically MP3 files containing ID3 metadata (i.e. song info). It provides a comma
music library manager and MusicBrainz tagger
beets Beets is the media library management system for obsessive music geeks. The purpose of beets is to get your music collection right once and for