11531 Repositories
Python python-network-cdp-seed-crawler Libraries
A stat tracker for the bedwars hypixel game in python
A hypixel bedwars stat tracker. Features Get stats in your current lobby Get stats in a guild Installation & Configuration git clone https://github.co
A Python library for setting up projects using tabular data.
A Python library for setting up projects using tabular data. It can create project folders, standardize delimiters, and convert files to CSV from either individual files or a directory.
An implementation of multimap with per-item expiration backed up by Redis.
MultiMapWithTTL An implementation of multimap with per-item expiration backed up by Redis. Documentation: https://loggi.github.io/python-multimapwitht
An open source terminal project made in python
Calamity-Terminal An open source terminal project made in python. Calamity Terminal is a free and open source lightweight terminal. Its made 100% off
A basic quiz game using Python
QuizGame A basic quiz game using Python Passwords for quizzes (NO CAPS LOCK!): -ryzermattishandsome -canisleepwithyou Before using this, please make s
Gesture controlled media player
Media Player Gesture Control Gesture controller for media player with MediaPipe, VLC and OpenCV. Contents About Setup About A tool for using gestures
Notebooks em Python para Métodos Eletromagnéticos
GeoSci Labs This is a repository of code used to power the notebooks and interactive examples for https://em.geosci.xyz and https://gpg.geosci.xyz. Th
A tool to create the basics of a project
Project-Scheduler Instalação Para instalar o Project Maker, você necessita está em um ambiente de desenvolvimento Linux ou wsl com alguma distro debia
Python based league of legends orbwalker
League of Legends Orbwalker Usage Install python3 Create a python3 venv Install the requirements pip install -r requirements.txt Get in game and run m
A python module for DeSo
DeSo.py A python package for DeSo. Developed by ItsAditya Run pip install deso to install the module! Examples of How To Use DeSo.py Getting $DeSo pri
Hide secret data within a digital image using good ol' terminal
pystego Hide secret data within a digital image using good ol' terminal Installation The recommended way for installing this package is using, python
BUBBLE SHOOT - Pygame (python)
BUBBLE-SHOOT---Pygame BUBBLE SHOOT - Pygame (python) Bubbleshooter This is a Bubble shooter Game made with pygame. The arrow is controlled by the arro
Xbps-install wrapper written in Python that doesn't care about case sensitiveness and package versions
xbi Xbps-install wrapper written in Python that doesn't care about case sensitiveness and package versions. Description This Python script can be easi
Stream deck using Arduino and Python
Stream deck using Arduino and Python This is a little project I started due to the fact that I wanted to stream and didn't want to spend lots on a sim
Clases y ejercicios del curso de python diactodo por la UNSAM
Programación en Python En el marco del proyecto de Inteligencia Artificial Interdisciplinaria, la Escuela de Ciencia y Tecnología de la UNSAM vuelve a
A simple GUI video downloader built off of the python module 'yt-dlp'
Simple-Youtube-DL-Gui Supported Operating Systems Windows 7 (x64), Windows 8 (x64), and Windows 10 (x64) How to use Main Gui Extract program from arch
Small Python application that links a Digico console and Reaper, handling automatic marker insertion and tracking.
Digico-Reaper-Link This is a small GUI based helper application designed to help with using Digico's Copy Audio function with a Reaper DAW used for re
This Is A Python Program To Showcase Two Modules (Gratient And Fade)
Hellooo, It's PndaBoi Here! This Is A Python Program To Showcase Two Modules (Gratient And Fade). I Really Like Both Of These Modules So I Decided To
A youtube videos or channels tag finder python module
A youtube videos or channels tag finder python module
An alternative serializer implementation for REST framework written in cython built for speed.
drf-turbo An alternative serializer implementation for REST framework written in cython built for speed. Free software: MIT license Documentation: htt
strava-offline is a tool to keep a local mirror of Strava activities for further analysis/processing:
strava-offline Overview strava-offline is a tool to keep a local mirror of Strava activities for further analysis/processing: synchronizes metadata ab
Bodywork deploys machine learning projects developed in Python, to Kubernetes.
Bodywork deploys machine learning projects developed in Python, to Kubernetes. It helps you to: serve models as microservices execute batch jobs run r
A python library for writing parser-based interactive fiction.
About IntFicPy A python library for writing parser-based interactive fiction. Currently in early development. IntFicPy Docs Parser-based interactive f
Build custom OSINT tools and APIs (Ping, Traceroute, Scans, Archives, DNS, Scrape, Whois, Metadata & built-in database for more info) with this python package
Build custom OSINT tools and APIs with this python package - It includes different OSINT modules (Ping, Traceroute, Scans, Archives, DNS, Scrape, Whoi
A Python port and library-fication of the midicsv tool by John Walker.
A Python port and library-fication of the midicsv tool by John Walker. If you need to convert MIDI files to human-readable text files and back, this is the library for you.
ChirpText is a collection of text processing tools for Python 3.
ChirpText is a collection of text processing tools for Python 3. It is not meant to be a powerful tank like the popular NTLK but a small package which
A tool for automatically generating 3D printable STLs from freely available lidar scan data.
mini-map-maker A tool for automatically generating 3D printable STLs from freely available lidar scan data. Screenshots Tutorial To use this script, g
Python library for Seeedstudio Grove devices
grove.py Python library for Seeedstudio Grove Devices on embeded Linux platform, especially good on below platforms: Coral Dev Board (Wiki) NVIDIA Jet
A Python wrapper for Matrix Synapse admin API
Synapse-admin-api-python A Python wrapper for Matrix Synapse admin API. Versioning This library now supports up to Synapse 1.45.0, any Admin API intro
CiteURL is an extensible tool that parses legal citations and makes links to websites where you can read the cited language for free.
CiteURL is an extensible tool that parses legal citations and makes links to websites where you can read the cited language for free. It can be used t
Free components that wrap up Python into Delphi and Lazarus (FPC)
Python for Delphi (P4D) is a set of free components that wrap up the Python DLL into Delphi and Lazarus (FPC). They let you easily execute Python scri
A Python Tool to encrypt all types of files using AES and XOR Algorithm.
DataShield This project intends to protect user’s data, it stores files in encrypted format in device provided the passcode and path of the file. AES
A lighweight screen color picker tool
tkpick A lighweigt screen color picker tool Availability Only GNU/Linux 🐧 Installing Install via pip (No auto-update): [sudo] pip install tkpick Usa
PyScaffold is a project generator for bootstrapping high quality Python packages
PyScaffold is a project generator for bootstrapping high quality Python packages, ready to be shared on PyPI and installable via pip. It is easy to use and encourages the adoption of the best tools and practices of the Python ecosystem, helping you and your team to stay sane, happy and productive. The best part? It is stable and has been used by thousands of developers for over half a decade!
MetPy is a collection of tools in Python for reading, visualizing and performing calculations with weather data.
MetPy MetPy is a collection of tools in Python for reading, visualizing and performing calculations with weather data. MetPy follows semantic versioni
MagTape is a Policy-as-Code tool for Kubernetes that allows for evaluating Kubernetes resources against a set of defined policies to inform and enforce best practice configurations.
MagTape is a Policy-as-Code tool for Kubernetes that allows for evaluating Kubernetes resources against a set of defined policies to inform and enforce best practice configurations. MagTape includes variable policy enforcement, notifications, and targeted metrics.
PyKaldi is a Python scripting layer for the Kaldi speech recognition toolkit.
PyKaldi is a Python scripting layer for the Kaldi speech recognition toolkit. It provides easy-to-use, low-overhead, first-class Python wrappers for t
nbsafety adds a layer of protection to computational notebooks by solving the stale dependency problem when executing cells out-of-order
nbsafety adds a layer of protection to computational notebooks by solving the stale dependency problem when executing cells out-of-order
gdsfactory is an EDA (electronics design automation) tool to Layout Integrated Circuits.
gdsfactory 3.5.5 gdsfactory is an EDA (electronics design automation) tool to Layout Integrated Circuits. It is build on top of phidl gdspy and klayou
Remote control your Greenbone Vulnerability Manager (GVM)
Greenbone Vulnerability Management Tools The Greenbone Vulnerability Management Tools gvm-tools are a collection of tools that help with remote contro
The Python agent for Apache SkyWalking
SkyWalking Python Agent SkyWalking-Python: The Python Agent for Apache SkyWalking, which provides the native tracing abilities for Python project. Sky
3D-printable hexagonal mirror array capable of reflecting sunlight into arbitrary patterns
3D-printable hexagonal mirror array capable of reflecting sunlight into arbitrary patterns
python-beryl, a Python driver for BerylDB.
python-beryl, a Python driver for BerylDB.
Aydin is a user-friendly, feature-rich, and fast image denoising tool
Aydin is a user-friendly, feature-rich, and fast image denoising tool that provides a number of self-supervised, auto-tuned, and unsupervised image denoising algorithms.
Implementation for the paper: Invertible Denoising Network: A Light Solution for Real Noise Removal (CVPR2021).
Invertible Image Denoising This is the PyTorch implementation of paper: Invertible Denoising Network: A Light Solution for Real Noise Removal (CVPR 20
⚡ZenGL is a minimalist Python module providing exactly one way to render scenes with OpenGL.
ZenGL is a minimalist Python module providing exactly one way to render scenes with OpenGL.
ticktock is a minimalist library to profile Python code
ticktock is a minimalist library to profile Python code: it periodically displays timing of running code.
A telegram user and chat info extractor with pyrogram python module
Made with Python3 (C) @FayasNoushad Copyright permission under MIT License License - https://github.com/FayasNoushad/Telegram-Info/blob/main/LICENSE
Userbot Telegram + Music Voice Chats. Dibuat Untuk Bersenang - Senang , Dan Mempermudah Kegiatan. Created By Rio.
RIO - USERBOT Disclaimer Saya tidak bertanggung jawab atas penyalahgunaan bot ini. Bot ini dimaksudkan untuk bersenang-senang sekaligus membantu Anda
This repo. is an implementation of ACFFNet, which is accepted for in Image and Vision Computing.
Attention-Guided-Contextual-Feature-Fusion-Network-for-Salient-Object-Detection This repo. is an implementation of ACFFNet, which is accepted for in I
A python Script For Taking Screenshot Of Windows
PyShot A Python Script For Taking Screenshot Of Windows Disclaimer This tool is for educational purposes only ! Don't use this to take revenge I will
Stocks Trading News Alert Using Python
Stocks-Trading-News-Alert-Using-Python Ever Thought of Buying Shares of your Dream Company, When their stock price got down? But It is not possible to
Morphological edge detection or object's boundary detection using erosion and dialation in OpenCV python
Morphologycal-edge-detection-using-erosion-and-dialation the task is to detect object boundary using erosion or dialation . Here, use the kernel or st
A discord nitro generator written in python
VerseGenerator A discord nitro generator written in python Usage ・Fork the repo ・Clone it to replit ・Install the required packages and run it ・Input t
A Python training and inference implementation of Yolov5 helmet detection in Jetson Xavier nx and Jetson nano
yolov5-helmet-detection-python A Python implementation of Yolov5 to detect head or helmet in the wild in Jetson Xavier nx and Jetson nano. In Jetson X
MATLAB codes of the book "Digital Image Processing Fourth Edition" converted to Python
Digital Image Processing Python MATLAB codes of the book "Digital Image Processing Fourth Edition" converted to Python TO-DO: Refactor scripts, curren
A CLI that searches and download Youtube videos in mp3 format.
A CLI that searches and download Youtube videos in mp3 format.
Python script to harvest tweets with the Twitter API V2 Academic Research Product Track
Tweet harvester Python script to scrape, collect, and/or harvest tweets with the Twitter API V2 Academic Research Product Track. Important note: In or
Python code for solving 3D structural problems using the finite element method
3DFEM Python 3D finite element code This python code allows for solving 3D structural problems using the finite element method. New features will be a
A Python3 library to generate dynamic SVGs
The Python library for generating dynamic SVGs using Python3
A python trivium implemention
A python trivium implemention
Asita is a web application framework for python.
What is Asita ? Asita is a web application framework for python. It is designed to be easy to use and be more easy for javascript users to use python
A python script to brute-force guess the passwords to Instagram accounts
Instagram-Brute-Force The purpose of this script is to brute-force guess the passwords to Instagram accounts. Specifics: Comes with 2 separate modes i
A multipurpose Telegram Bot writen in Python for mirroring files
Deepak Clouds Mirror Deepak Clouds Torrent is a multipurpose Telegram Bot writen in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to our beloved Google D
Python interface for reading and appending tar files
Python interface for reading and appending tar files, while keeping a fast index for finding and reading files in the archive. This interface has been
A modern,feature-rich, and async ready API wrapper for Discord written in Python
discord.io A modern, easy to use, feature-rich, and async ready API wrapper for Discord written in Python. Key Features Modern Pythonic API using asyn
Telegram Group Manager Bot + Userbot Written In Python Using Pyrogram.
Telegram Group Manager Bot + Userbot Written In Python Using PyrogramTelegram Group Manager Bot + Userbot Written In Python Using Pyrogram
A jokes python module
Made with Python3 (C) @FayasNoushad Copyright permission under MIT License License - https://github.com/FayasNoushad/Jokes/blob/main/LICENSE Deploy
Ducky Script is the payload language of Hak5 gear.
Ducky Script is the payload language of Hak5 gear. Since its introduction with the USB Rubber Ducky in 2010, Ducky Script has grown in capability while maintaining simplicity. Aided by Bash for logic and conditional operations, Ducky Script provides multi-vector functions for all Hak5 payload platforms.
University Challenge 2021 With Python
University Challenge 2021 This repository contains: The TeX file of the technical write-up describing the University / HYPER Challenge 2021 under late
Course: Information Security with Python
Curso: Segurança da Informação com Python Curso realizado atravès da Plataforma da Digital Innovation One Prof: Bruno Dias Conteúdo: Introdução aos co
Yahoo Mail Validator For Python
Validator Validator helps to know if the mail is valid or not Installation Install The libraries pip install requests bs4 colorama Usage Create a new
Collection Of Discord Hacking Tools / Fun Stuff / Exploits That Is Completely Made Using Python.
Venom Collection Of Discord Hacking Tools / Fun Stuff / Exploits That Is Completely Made Using Python. Report Bug · Request Feature Contributing Well,
WhatsApp Status Tracker With Python
Warning!! This Repo is Purly educational purpose Don't use this to stalk on others, which is subjective to crime Pre-Req: Telegram bot of your own wit
Implementation of the bachelor's thesis "Real-time stock predictions with deep learning and news scraping".
Real-time stock predictions with deep learning and news scraping This repository contains a partial implementation of my bachelor's thesis "Real-time
An Advanced Local Network IP Scanner, made in python of course!
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Python implementation of the Session open group server
API Documentation CLI Reference Want to build from source? See BUILDING.md. Want to deploy using Docker? See DOCKER.md. Installation Instructions Vide
A Random Password Generator made from Python
Things you need Python Step 1 Download the python file from Releases Step 2 Go to the directory where the python file is and run it Step 3 Type the le
Bionic is Python Framework for crafting beautiful, fast user experiences for web and is free and open source
Bionic is fast. It's powered core python without any extra dependencies. Bionic offers stateful hot reload, allowing you to make changes to your code and see the results instantly without restarting your app or losing its state.
Python Scripts for Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE)
A set of Python scripts to configure a freshly installed Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) for simple operation; in my case, a basic Cisco Software-Defined Access environment.
Python wrapper to different clients to determine how a particular term is used.
Python wrapper to different clients to determine how a particular term is used.
Sardana integration into the Jupyter ecosystem.
sardana-jupyter Sardana integration into the Jupyter ecosystem.
This is a keylogger in python for Windows, Mac and Linux!
Python-Keylogger This is a keylogger in python for Windows, Mac and Linux! #How to use it by downloading the zip file? Download the zip file first The
A python script for AES Angecryption in Steganography
Angecryption is an encryption or an decryption result from a file to create an other file with the same / or not type.
A random cats photos python module
A random cats photos python module
Daiho Tool is a Script Gathering for Windows/Linux systems written in Python.
Daiho is a Script Developed with Python3. It gathers a total of 22 Discord tools (including a RAT, a Raid Tool, a Nuker Tool, a Token Grabberr, etc). It has a pleasant and intuitive interface to facilitate the use of all with help and explanations for each of them.
A dog facts python module
A dog facts python module
A jokes api python module
A jokes api python module
A random cat fact python module
A random cat fact python module
JLC2KICAD_lib is a python script that generate a component library for KiCad from the JLCPCB/easyEDA library.
JLC2KiCad_lib is a python script that generate a component library (schematic, footprint and 3D model) for KiCad from the JLCPCB/easyEDA library. This script requires Python 3.6 or higher.
ICS-Visualizer is an interactive Industrial Control Systems (ICS) network graph that contains up-to-date ICS metadata
ICS-Visualizer is an interactive Industrial Control Systems (ICS) network graph that contains up-to-date ICS metadata (Name, company, port, user manua
Code for "FPS-Net: A convolutional fusion network for large-scale LiDAR point cloud segmentation".
FPS-Net Code for "FPS-Net: A convolutional fusion network for large-scale LiDAR point cloud segmentation", accepted by ISPRS journal of Photogrammetry
Ini adalah program python untuk mengubah background foto dalam 1 folder, tidak perlu satu satu
Myherokuapp my web drive You can see my web drive and can request film/Application do you want in here my blog you can visit my blog RemBg ini adalah
An opensource library to use SNMP get/bulk/set/walk in Python
SNMP-UTILS An opensource library to use SNMP get/bulk/set/walk in Python Features Work with OIDS json list [Find Here](#OIDS List) GET command SET com
Python calculator made with tkinter package
Python-Calculator Python calculator made with tkinter package. works both on Visual Studio Code Or Any Other Ide Or You Just Copy paste The Same Thing
A Python adaption of Augur to prioritize cell types in perturbation analysis.
A Python adaption of Augur to prioritize cell types in perturbation analysis.
A Python script to backup your favorite Discord gifs
About the project Discord recently felt like it would be a good idea to limit the favorites to 250, which made me lose most of my gifs... Luckily for
Generate Gaussian 09 input files for the rotamers of an input compound.
Rotapy Purpose Generate Gaussian 09 input files for the rotamers of an input compound. Distance to the axis of rotation remains constant throughout th
Metrinome is an all-purpose tool for working with code complexity metrics.
Overview Metrinome is an all-purpose tool for working with code complexity metrics. It can be used as both a REPL and API, and includes: Converters to
Python Indent - Correct python indentation in Visual Studio Code.
Python Indent Correct python indentation in Visual Studio Code. See the extension on the VSCode Marketplace and its source code on GitHub. Please cons