10416 Repositories
Python python-pattern Libraries
A Python interface between Earth Engine and xarray
eexarray A Python interface between Earth Engine and xarray Description eexarray was built to make processing gridded, mesoscale time series data quic
CobraML: Completely Customizable A python ML library designed to give the end user full control
CobraML: Completely Customizable What is it? CobraML is a python library built on both numpy and numba. Unlike other ML libraries CobraML gives the us
Vericopy - This Python script provides various usage modes for secure local file copying and hashing.
Vericopy This Python script provides various usage modes for secure local file copying and hashing. Hash data is captured and logged for paths before
REST API for sentence tokenization and embedding using Multilingual Universal Sentence Encoder.
MUSE stands for Multilingual Universal Sentence Encoder - multilingual extension (supports 16 languages) of Universal Sentence Encoder (USE).
IDRLnet, a Python toolbox for modeling and solving problems through Physics-Informed Neural Network (PINN) systematically.
IDRLnet IDRLnet is a machine learning library on top of PyTorch. Use IDRLnet if you need a machine learning library that solves both forward and inver
Attractors is a package for simulation and visualization of strange attractors.
attractors Attractors is a package for simulation and visualization of strange attractors. Installation The simplest way to install the module is via
A handy tool for generating Django-based backend projects without coding. On the other hand, it is a code generator of the Django framework.
Django Sage Painless The django-sage-painless is a valuable package based on Django Web Framework & Django Rest Framework for high-level and rapid web
A python script to turn Ubuntu Desktop in a one stop security platform. The InfoSec Fortress installs the packages,tools, and resources to make Ubuntu 20.04 capable of both offensive and defensive security work.
infosec-fortress A python script to turn Ubuntu Desktop into a strong DFIR/RE System with some teeth (Purple Team Ops)! This is intended to create a s
Probe and discover HTTP pathname using brute-force methodology and filtered by specific word or 2 words at once
pathprober Probe and discover HTTP pathname using brute-force methodology and filtered by specific word or 2 words at once. Purpose Brute-forcing webs
Automated Integration Testing and Live Documentation for your API
Automated Integration Testing and Live Documentation for your API
RapidFuzz is a fast string matching library for Python and C++
RapidFuzz is a fast string matching library for Python and C++, which is using the string similarity calculations from FuzzyWuzzy
This package creates clean and beautiful matplotlib plots that work on light and dark backgrounds
This package creates clean and beautiful matplotlib plots that work on light and dark backgrounds. Inspired by the work of Edward Tufte.
Utility functions for working with data from Nix in Python
Pynixutil - Utility functions for working with data from Nix in Python Examples Base32 encoding/decoding import pynixutil input = "v5sv61sszx301i0x6x
Python package for machine learning for healthcare using a OMOP common data model
This library was developed in order to facilitate rapid prototyping in Python of predictive machine-learning models using longitudinal medical data from an OMOP CDM-standard database.
NeuralCompression is a Python repository dedicated to research of neural networks that compress data
NeuralCompression is a Python repository dedicated to research of neural networks that compress data. The repository includes tools such as JAX-based entropy coders, image compression models, video compression models, and metrics for image and video evaluation.
Rubrix is a free and open-source tool for exploring and iterating on data for artificial intelligence projects.
Open-source tool for exploring, labeling, and monitoring data for AI projects
A simple python tool for explore your object detection dataset
A simple tool for explore your object detection dataset. The goal of this library is to provide simple and intuitive visualizations from your dataset and automatically find the best parameters for generating a specific grid of anchors that can fit you data characteristics
Official repository of my book: "Deep Learning with PyTorch Step-by-Step: A Beginner's Guide"
This is the official repository of my book "Deep Learning with PyTorch Step-by-Step". Here you will find one Jupyter notebook for every chapter in the book.
Annotated, understandable, and visually interpretable PyTorch implementations of: VAE, BIRVAE, NSGAN, MMGAN, WGAN, WGANGP, LSGAN, DRAGAN, BEGAN, RaGAN, InfoGAN, fGAN, FisherGAN
Overview PyTorch 0.4.1 | Python 3.6.5 Annotated implementations with comparative introductions for minimax, non-saturating, wasserstein, wasserstein g
The PyTorch improved version of TPAMI 2017 paper: Face Alignment in Full Pose Range: A 3D Total Solution.
Face Alignment in Full Pose Range: A 3D Total Solution By Jianzhu Guo. [Updates] 2020.8.30: The pre-trained model and code of ECCV-20 are made public
A Python library to utilize AWS API Gateway's large IP pool as a proxy to generate pseudo-infinite IPs for web scraping and brute forcing.
A Python library to utilize AWS API Gateway's large IP pool as a proxy to generate pseudo-infinite IPs for web scraping and brute forcing.
Pyomo is an object-oriented algebraic modeling language in Python for structured optimization problems.
Pyomo is a Python-based open-source software package that supports a diverse set of optimization capabilities for formulating and analyzing optimization models. Pyomo can be used to define symbolic problems, create concrete problem instances, and solve these instances with standard solvers.
A Python tool to generate a static HTML file that represents the internal structure of a PDF file
PDFSyntax A Python tool to generate a static HTML file that represents the internal structure of a PDF file At some point the low-level functions deve
Python script to launch burp scans automatically
SimpleAutoBurp Python script that takes a config.json file as config and uses Burp Suite Pro to scan a list of websites.
Medusa is a cross-platform agent compatible with both Python 3.8 and Python 2.7.
Medusa Medusa is a cross-platform agent compatible with both Python 3.8 and Python 2.7. Installation To install Medusa, you'll need Mythic installed o
Quickly and efficiently delete your entire tweet history with the help of your Twitter archive without worrying about the pointless 3200 tweet limit imposed by Twitter.
Twitter Nuke Quickly and efficiently delete your entire tweet history with the help of your Twitter archive without worrying about the puny and pointl
Python script designed to search and fetch direct download links from nxbrew.com
SwitchGamesDownloader Only for windows nxbrew.com is a website, accessible only using a proxy, where the majority of games for the Nintendo Switch are
Automatically find solutions when your Python code encounters an issue.
What The Python?! Helping you find answers to the errors Python spits out. Installation You can find the source code on GitHub at: https://github.com/
Newsemble is an API that provides easy access to the current news for programmatic analysis
Newsemble is an API that provides easy access to the current news for programmatic analysis. It has been built using Python, BeautifulSoup and MongoDB.
🪄 Auto-generate Streamlit UI from Pydantic Models and Dataclasses.
Streamlit Pydantic Auto-generate Streamlit UI elements from Pydantic models. Getting Started • Documentation • Support • Report a Bug • Contribution •
PIX is an image processing library in JAX, for JAX.
PIX PIX is an image processing library in JAX, for JAX. Overview JAX is a library resulting from the union of Autograd and XLA for high-performance ma
Pytorch code for ICRA'21 paper: "Hierarchical Cross-Modal Agent for Robotics Vision-and-Language Navigation"
Hierarchical Cross-Modal Agent for Robotics Vision-and-Language Navigation This repository is the pytorch implementation of our paper: Hierarchical Cr
MachineLearningStocks is designed to be an intuitive and highly extensible template project applying machine learning to making stock predictions.
Using python and scikit-learn to make stock predictions
Probably the best way to simulate block scopes in Python
This is a package, as it says on the tin, to emulate block scoping in Python, the lack of which being a clever design choice yet sometimes a trouble.
Решения, подсказки, тесты и утилиты для тренировки по алгоритмам от Яндекса.
Решения и подсказки к тренировке по алгоритмам от Яндекса Что есть внутри Решения с подсказками и комментариями; рекомендую сначала смотреть md файл п
Python版OpenCVのTracking APIのサンプルです。DaSiamRPNアルゴリズムまで対応しています。
OpenCV-Object-Tracker-Sample Python版OpenCVのTracking APIのサンプルです。 Requirement opencv-contrib-python or later Algorithm 2021/07/16時点でOpenCVには以
Anti Spam/NSFW Telegram Bot Written In Python With Pyrogram.
✨ SpamProtectionRobot ✨ Anti Spam/NSFW Telegram Bot Written In Python With Pyrogram. Requirements Python = 3.7 Install Locally Or On A VPS $ git clon
A passive recon suite designed for fetching the information about web application
FREAK Suite designed for passive recon Usage: python3 setup.py python3 freak.py warning This tool will throw error if you doesn't provide valid api ke
Track International space station with python
NASA-ISS-tracker Track International space station with python Modules import json import turtle import urllib.request import time import webbrowser i
An ftp syncing python package that I use to sync pokemon saves between my hacked 3ds running ftpd and my server
Sync file pairs over ftp and apply patches to them. Useful for using ftpd to transfer ROM save files to and from your DS if you also play on an emulator. Setup a cron job to check for your DS's ftp server periodically to setup automatic syncing. Untested on windows. It may just work out of the box, unsure though.
A small Python Script To get all levels of subdomains from a list
getlevels A small Python Script To get all levels of subdomains Easily get 1st level, 2nd level, 3rd level, 4th level .... nth level subdomains Usag
A simple and easy to use Spam Bot made in Python!
This is a simple spam bot made in python. You can use to to spam anyone with anything on any platform.
An implementation of ordered dithering algorithm in python as multimedia course project
One way of minimizing the size of an image is to simply reduce the number of bits you use to represent each pixel.
A Python library for reading, writing and visualizing the OMEGA Format
A Python library for reading, writing and visualizing the OMEGA Format, targeted towards storing reference and perception data in the automotive context on an object list basis with a focus on an urban use case.
Write Python in Urdu - اردو میں کوڈ لکھیں
UrduPython Write simple Python in Urdu. How to Use Write Urdu code in سامپل۔پے The mappings are as following: "۔": ".", "،":
Greedy Algorithm-Problem Solving
MAX-MIN-Hackrrank-Python-Solution Greedy Algorithm-Problem Solving You will be given a list of integers, , and a single integer . You must create an a
Python program to do with percentages and chances, random generation.
Chances and Percentages Python program to do with percentages and chances, random generation. What is this? This small program will generate a list wi
Convert Python 3 code to CUDA code.
Py2CUDA Convert python code to CUDA. Usage To convert a python file say named py_file.py to CUDA, run python generate_cuda.py --file py_file.py --arch
Artificial Intelligence search algorithm base on Pacman
Pacman Search Artificial Intelligence search algorithm base on Pacman Source The Pacman Projects by the University of California, Berkeley. Layouts Di
Mass Shortlink Bypass Merupakan Tools Yang Akan Bypass Shortlink Ke Tujuan Asli, Dibuat Dengan Python 3
Shortlink-Bypass Mass Shortlink Bypass Merupakan Tools Yang Akan Bypass Shortlink Ke Tujuan Asli, Dibuat Dengan Python 3 Support Shortlink tii.ai/tei.
An open source Python library for the Snake retro game.
An open source Python library for the Snake retro game.
A boilerplate Flask API for a Fullstack Project :rocket:
Flask Boilerplate to quickly get started with production grade flask application with some additional packages and configuration prebuilt.
Json Formatter for the standard python logger
This library is provided to allow standard python logging to output log data as json objects. With JSON we can make our logs more readable by machines and we can stop writing custom parsers for syslog type records.
A self hosted slack bot to conduct standups & generate reports.
StandupMonkey A self hosted slack bot to conduct standups & generate reports. Report Bug · Request Feature Installation Install already hosted bot (Us
A PyTorch implementation of "DGC-Net: Dense Geometric Correspondence Network"
DGC-Net: Dense Geometric Correspondence Network This is a PyTorch implementation of our work "DGC-Net: Dense Geometric Correspondence Network" TL;DR A
🤖 A Python library for learning and evaluating knowledge graph embeddings
PyKEEN PyKEEN (Python KnowlEdge EmbeddiNgs) is a Python package designed to train and evaluate knowledge graph embedding models (incorporating multi-m
The Incredible PyTorch: a curated list of tutorials, papers, projects, communities and more relating to PyTorch.
This is a curated list of tutorials, projects, libraries, videos, papers, books and anything related to the incredible PyTorch. Feel free to make a pu
A community run, 5-day PyTorch Deep Learning Bootcamp
Deep Learning Winter School, November 2107. Tel Aviv Deep Learning Bootcamp : http://deep-ml.com. About Tel-Aviv Deep Learning Bootcamp is an intensiv
PyTorch - Python + Nim
Master Release Pytorch - Py + Nim A Nim frontend for pytorch, aiming to be mostly auto-generated and internally using ATen. Because Nim compiles to C+
🛠 All-in-one web-based IDE specialized for machine learning and data science.
All-in-one web-based development environment for machine learning Getting Started • Features & Screenshots • Support • Report a Bug • FAQ • Known Issu
A toy compiler that can convert Python scripts to pickle bytecode 🥒
Pickora 🐰 A small compiler that can convert Python scripts to pickle bytecode. Requirements Python 3.8+ No third-party modules are required. Usage us
The Zig programming language, packaged for PyPI
Zig PyPI distribution This repository contains the script used to repackage the releases of the Zig programming language as Python binary wheels. This
A fun hangman style game to guess random movie names with a short summary about the movie.
hang-movie-man Hangman but for movies 😉 This is a fun hangman style game to guess random movie names from the local database and show some summary ab
Stream music with ffmpeg and python
youtube-stream Stream music with ffmpeg and python original Usage set the KEY in stream.sh run server.py run stream.sh (You can use Git bash or WSL in
Monitor your Binance portfolio
Binance Report Bot The intent of this bot is to take a snapshot of your binance wallet, e.g. the current balances and store it for further plotting. I
An AI Assistant More Than a Toolkit
tymon An AI Assistant More Than a Toolkit The reason for creating framework tymon is simple. making AI more like an assistant, helping us to complete
Manage your exceptions in Python like a PRO
A linter to manage all your python exceptions and try/except blocks (limited only for those who like dinosaurs).
RetinaFace: Deep Face Detection Library in TensorFlow for Python
RetinaFace is a deep learning based cutting-edge facial detector for Python coming with facial landmarks.
A mindmap summarising Machine Learning concepts, from Data Analysis to Deep Learning.
A mindmap summarising Machine Learning concepts, from Data Analysis to Deep Learning.
Introduction to Augmented Reality (AR) with Python 3 and OpenCV 4.2.
Introduction to Augmented Reality (AR) with Python 3 and OpenCV 4.2.
A PyTorch-based open-source framework that provides methods for improving the weakly annotated data and allows researchers to efficiently develop and compare their own methods.
Knodle (Knowledge-supervised Deep Learning Framework) - a new framework for weak supervision with neural networks. It provides a modularization for se
An unoffcial python API client for primeuploads.com
primeuploads-py An unoffcial python API wrapper for primeuploads.com Installation pip3 install primeuploads-py Usage example from prime import PrimeUp
OpenDILab RL Kubernetes Custom Resource and Operator Lib
DI Orchestrator DI Orchestrator is designed to manage DI (Decision Intelligence) jobs using Kubernetes Custom Resource and Operator. Prerequisites A w
A fast python implementation of DTU MVS 2014 evaluation
DTUeval-python A python implementation of DTU MVS 2014 evaluation. It only takes 1min for each mesh evaluation. And the gap between the two implementa
A linter to manage all your python exceptions and try/except blocks (limited only for those who like dinosaurs).
Manage your exceptions in Python like a PRO Currently in BETA. Inspired by this blog post. I shared the building process of this tool here. “For those
A fast and lightweight python-based CTC beam search decoder for speech recognition.
pyctcdecode A fast and feature-rich CTC beam search decoder for speech recognition written in Python, providing n-gram (kenlm) language model support
pystitcher stitches your PDF files together, generating nice customizable bookmarks for you using a declarative markdown file as input
pystitcher pystitcher stitches your PDF files together, generating nice customizable bookmarks for you using a declarative input in the form of a mark
AWS Quick Start Team
EKS CDK Quick Start (in Python) DEVELOPER PREVIEW NOTE: Thise project is currently available as a preview and should not be considered for production
A python library for extracting text from PDFs without losing the formatting of the PDF content.
Multilingual PDF to Text Install Package from Pypi Install it using pip. pip install multilingual-pdf2text The library uses Tesseract which can be ins
A small repository of projects built in my course, REST APIs with Flask and Python.
A small repository of projects built in my course, REST APIs with Flask and Python.
Introduction to Django Rest Framework
Introduction to Django Rest Framework This is the repository of the video series Introduction to Django Rest Framework published on YouTube. It is a s
Implemented fully documented Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm (basic model with few advanced features) using Python programming language
Implemented fully documented Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm in Python which includes a basic model along with few advanced features such as updating inertia weight, cognitive, social learning coefficients and maximum velocity of the particle.
Python parser for DTED data.
DTED Parser This is a package written in pure python (with help from numpy) to parse and investigate Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) files. This
Deepak Clouds Torrent is a multipurpose Telegram Bot writen in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to our beloved Google Drive.
Deepak Clouds Torrent is a multipurpose Telegram Bot writen in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to our beloved Google Drive.
Automating whatsapp with python
whatsapp-automation Automating whatsapp with python used on this project pyautogui pywhatkit pyttsx3 SpeechRecognition colorama embedded in python tim
A simple pygame dino game which can also be trained and played by a NEAT KI
Dino Game AI Game The game itself was developed with the Pygame module pip install pygame You can also play it yourself by making the dino jump with t
Notion API Database Python Implementation
Python Notion Database Notion API Database Python Implementation created only by database from the official Notion API. Installing / Getting started p
Black for Python docstrings and reStructuredText (rst).
Style-Doc Style-Doc is Black for Python docstrings and reStructuredText (rst). It can be used to format docstrings (Google docstring format) in Python
A simple Notepad-like editor written in Python
monkepad A simple Notepad-like editor written in Python Since MonkePad is written in one file, all your customization can be done without much trouble
domhttpx is a google search engine dorker with HTTP toolkit built with python, can make it easier for you to find many URLs/IPs at once with fast time.
domhttpx is a google search engine dorker with HTTP toolkit built with python, can make it easier for you to find many URLs/IPs at once with fast time
Install python modules from pypi from a previous date in history
pip-rewind is a command-line tool that can rewind pypi module versions (given as command-line arguments or read from a requirements.txt file) to a previous date in time.
A FastAPI Framework for things like Database, Redis, Logging, JWT Authentication and Rate Limits
A FastAPI Framework for things like Database, Redis, Logging, JWT Authentication and Rate Limits Install You can install this Library with: pip instal
Terminal Bot which will Execute your Commands From telegram bot!
Terminal-Bot see this bot alive: https://t.me/HerokuTerminal_Bot With this bot you can execute system commands on your server. how to config? clone or
cc_sim_crack v.1 An open-source SMS/call bomber for Linux And Termux. Note: Due misusing of cc_sim_crack, several API's died. Don't be afraid if you d
Pure-python PostgreSQL driver
pg-purepy pg-purepy is a pure-Python PostgreSQL wrapper based on the anyio library. A lot of this library was inspired by the pg8000 library. Credits
An API wrapper around the pythonanywhere's API.
pyaww An API wrapper around the pythonanywhere's API. The name stands for pythonanywherewrapper. 100% api coverage most of the codebase is documented
🕹 An esoteric language designed so that the program looks like the transcript of a Pokémon battle
PokéBattle is an esoteric language designed so that the program looks like the transcript of a Pokémon battle. Original inspiration and specification
News search API developed for the purposes of the ColdCase Project.
Saxion - Cold Case - News Search API Setup Local – Linux/MacOS Make sure you have python 3.9 and pip 21 installed. This project uses a MySQL database,
Python library to decrypt Airtag reports, as well as a InfluxDB/Grafana self-hosted dashboard example
Openhaystack-python This python daemon will allow you to gather your Openhaystack-based airtag reports and display them on a Grafana dashboard. You ca