169 Repositories
Python qt-creator-boost-debugging-helper Libraries
Easy-to-use library to boost AI inference leveraging state-of-the-art optimization techniques.
NEW RELEASE How Nebullvm Works • Tutorials • Benchmarks • Installation • Get Started • Optimization Examples Discord | Website | LinkedIn | Twitter Ne
This is a free python bot program that crosses you to farm with auto click in space crypto NFT game, having fun :) Creator: Marlon Zanardi
🚀 Space Crypto auto click bot ready-to-use 🚀 This is a free python bot program that crosses you to farm with auto click in space crypto NFT game, ha
This repository contains helper functions which can help you generate additional data points depending on your NLP task.
NLP Albumentations For Data Augmentation This repository contains helper functions which can help you generate additional data points depending on you
FirmWire is a full-system baseband firmware emulation platform for fuzzing, debugging, and root-cause analysis of smartphone baseband firmwares
___ __ __ -. .-. | __|(+) _ _ _ _\ \ / /(+) _ _ ___ .-. .- \ / \ | _| | | '_| ' \ \/
python debugger and anti-vm that checks if you're in a virtual machine or if someones trying to debug your file
Anti-Debug was made by Love ❌ code ✅ 🎉 ・What it checks for ・ Kills tools that can be used to debug your file ・ Exits if ran in vm (supports different
A tiktok mass account creator with undetected selenium and email verification, to bot an account
SEH-Helper - Binary Ninja plugin for exploring Structured Exception Handlers
SEH Helper Author: EliseZeroTwo A Binary Ninja helper for exploring structured e
Wordle-solver - Wordle answer generation program in python
🟨 Wordle Solver 🟩 Wordle answer generation program in python ✔️ Requirements U
Dinamopy is a python helper library for dynamodb
Dinamopy is a python helper library for dynamodb. You can define your access patterns in a json file and can use dynamic method names to make operations.
Convert BART models to ONNX with quantization. 3X reduction in size, and upto 3X boost in inference speed
fast-Bart Reduction of BART model size by 3X, and boost in inference speed up to 3X BART implementation of the fastT5 library (https://github.com/Ki6a
Wordle is a web-based word game. Players have six attempts to guess a five-letter word;
Wordle is a web-based word game. Players have six attempts to guess a five-letter word; feedback is given for each guess, in the form of colored tiles, indicating when letters match or occupy the correct position. This program helps solving wordle problems.
ok-system-helper ok-system-helper是一个简单的系统硬件的实时信息收集工具,使用python3.x开发,支持哪些硬件:CPU、内存、SWAP、磁盘、网卡流量。用户可在自己的项目中直接引入、开箱即用,或者结合flask等web框架轻松做成http接口供前端调用,亦可通过注
ok-mail-helper ok-mail-helper是一个基于imap/smtp协议邮件客户端,使用python3.x开发,支持邮件接收并解析、邮件发送,用户可在自己的项目中直接引入、开箱即用,或者结合flask等web框架轻松做成http接口供前端调用、把邮箱管理集成到自己的系统中,亦可通过
Hypothesis debugging with vscode
Hypothesis debugging with vscode
Helperpod - A CLI tool to run a Kubernetes utility pod with pre-installed tools that can be used for debugging/testing purposes inside a Kubernetes cluster
Helperpod is a CLI tool to run a Kubernetes utility pod with pre-installed tools that can be used for debugging/testing purposes inside a Kubernetes cluster.
A python script providing an idea of how a MindSphere application, e.g., a dashboard, can be displayed around the clock without the need of manual re-authentication on enforced session expiration
A python script providing an idea of how a MindSphere application, e.g., a dashboard, can be displayed around the clock without the need of manual re-authentication on enforced session expiration
Cloudshell-sandbox-reporter - Helper modules and classes for writing to Cloudshell sandbox console
Cloudshell Sandbox Reporter This project provides utility classes for formatting
Debugging with Stack Overflow: Web Search Behavior in Novice and Expert Programmers
Debugging with Stack Overflow: ICSE SEET, 2022 This is the GitHub repository associated with the 2022 ICSE SEET paper, Debugging with Stack Overflow:
A simple log-frequency helper for solving Wordle puzzles
A Simple Helper for Wordle Basic Usage Clone the repo and run python play.py Select a word from the list, or type your own choice of word Type the sam
A python project to help you solve the Wordle game.
A python project to help you solve the Wordle game.
Wordle-helper: python script to help solving wordle game
wordle-helper This is a python script to help solving wordle game 5-letter-word-
Agora-token-helper - Some help tools for AgoraToken
Agora Token Helper Support AgoraToken version 001 - 006. But for security reason
Mannaggia is a python application to praise or more likely to curse the saints
Mannaggia-py 👼 Remember Mannaggia? This is a Python remake of it, with new features. mannaggia is a python application to praise or more likely to cu
A boosting-based Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) package that includes MIL-Boost and MCIL-Boost
A boosting-based Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) package that includes MIL-Boost and MCIL-Boost
A collection of python scripts which help you programatically create PNGs or GIFs
A collection of python scripts which help you programatically create PNGs or GIFs and their Metadata in bulk with custom rarity rates, upload them to OpenSea & list them for sale.
WORDLE Helper and Solver
WORDLE Helper and Solver There is a pupular game around WORDLE The game could be hard for non-English speaking people so I started to think of a helpe
A web-based visualization and debugging platform for NuPIC
Cerebro 2 A web-based visualization and debugging platform for NuPIC. Usage Set up cerebro2.server to export your model state. Then, run: cd static py
A helper program to play wordle
A helper program to play wordle
FantasyBballHelper - Espn Fantasy Basketball Helper
ESPN FANTASY BASKETBALL HELPER The simple goal of this project is to allow fanta
Machine Learning Algorithms ( Desion Tree, XG Boost, Random Forest )
implementation of machine learning Algorithms such as decision tree and random forest and xgboost on darasets then compare results for each and implement ant colony and genetic algorithms on tsp map, play blackjack game and robot in grid world and evaluate reward for it
Wordle helper: help you print posible 5-character words based on you input
Wordle Helper This program help you print posible 5-character words based on you
Discord group chat spammer concept.
GC Spammer [Concept] GC-Spammer for https://discord.com/ Warning: This is purely a concept. In the past the script worked, however, Discord ratelimite
Creates infinite amount of guilded accounts in seconds.
Guilded Cookie Creator [fuck guilded i quit working on this, they patch like every fucking method after 2/3 days i release shit] Optimizations Asynchr
A simple python script where the user inputs the current ingredients they have in their kitchen into ingredients.txt
A simple python script where the user inputs the current ingredients they have in their kitchen into ingredients.txt and then runs the main.py script, and it will output what recipes can be created based upon the ingredients supported.
leaking paid token generator that was a shit lmao for 100$ haha
Discord-Token-Generator-Leaked leaking paid token generator that was a shit lmao for 100$ he selling it for 100$ wth here the code enjoy don't forget
Simple helper library to convert a collection of numpy data to tfrecord, and build a tensorflow dataset from the tfrecord.
numpy2tfrecord Simple helper library to convert a collection of numpy data to tfrecord, and build a tensorflow dataset from the tfrecord. Installation
A simple CLI to convert snapshots into EAVT log, and EAVT log into SCD.
EAVT helper CLI Simple CLI to convert snapshots into eavt log, and eavt log into slowly changing dimensions Usage Installation Snapshot to EAVT log EA
Python library to interact with Move Hub / PoweredUp Hubs
Python library to interact with Move Hub / PoweredUp Hubs Move Hub is central controller block of LEGO® Boost Robotics Set. In fact, Move Hub is just
Helper to organize your windows on your desktop.
The script of positionsing windows on the screen. How does it work? Select your window to move/res
The CS Netlogo Helper is a small python script I made, to make computer science homework easier.
The CS Netlogo Helper is a small python script I made, to make computer science homework easier. This project is really ironic now that I think about it.
A general and strong 3D object detection codebase that supports more methods, datasets and tools (debugging, recording and analysis).
ALLINONE-Det ALLINONE-Det is a general and strong 3D object detection codebase built on OpenPCDet, which supports more methods, datasets and tools (de
A simple wrapper to analyse and visualise reinforcement learning agents' behaviour in the environment.
Visrl Visrl (pronounced "visceral") is a simple wrapper to analyse and visualise reinforcement learning agents' behaviour in the environment. Reinforc
Free-duolingo-plus - Duolingo account creator that uses your invite code to get you free duolingo plus
free-duolingo-plus duolingo account creator that uses your invite code to get yo
Kent - Fake Sentry server for local development, debugging, and integration testing
Kent is a service for debugging and integration testing Sentry.
This project provides the code and datasets for 'CapSal: Leveraging Captioning to Boost Semantics for Salient Object Detection', CVPR 2019.
Code-and-Dataset-for-CapSal This project provides the code and datasets for 'CapSal: Leveraging Captioning to Boost Semantics for Salient Object Detec
Image Compression GUI APP Python: PyQt5
Image Compression GUI APP Image Compression GUI APP Python: PyQt5 Use : f5 or debug or simply run it on your ids(vscode , pycham, anaconda etc.) socia
GEF (GDB Enhanced Features) - a modern experience for GDB with advanced debugging features for exploit developers & reverse engineers ☢
GEF (GDB Enhanced Features) - a modern experience for GDB with advanced debugging features for exploit developers & reverse engineers ☢
Qt-creator-boost-debugging-helper - Qt Creator Debugging Helper for Boost Library
Go to Tools Options Debugger Locals & Expressions. Paste the script path t
Vibrating-perimeter - Simple helper mod that logs how fast you are mining together with a simple buttplug.io script to control a vibrator
Vibrating Perimeter This project consists of a small minecraft helper mod that writes too a log file and a script that reads said log. Currently it on
Discord-account-generator - Creates Discord accounts and verifies by email & phone verification. Supports proxies. Uses sms-activate, kopeechka and anti captcha
Created in about 4.5 hours discord-account-generator Creates accounts and verifi
This project aim to create multi-label classification annotation tool to boost annotation speed and make it more easier.
This project aim to create multi-label classification annotation tool to boost annotation speed and make it more easier.
PRIME: A Few Primitives Can Boost Robustness to Common Corruptions
PRIME: A Few Primitives Can Boost Robustness to Common Corruptions This is the official repository of PRIME, the data agumentation method introduced i
Password List Creator Simple !
Password List Creator Simple !
A program that takes Python classes and turns them into CSS classes.
PyCSS What is it? PyCSS is a micro-framework to speed up the process of writing bulk CSS classes. How does it do it? With Python!!! First download the
An all-in-one financial analytics and smart portfolio creator as a Discord bot!
An all-in-one financial analytics bot to help you gain quantitative financial insights. Finn is a Discord Bot that lets you explore the stock market like you've never before!
Voldemort's Python import helper
importmagician Voldemort's Python import helper pip install importmagician Import from uninstalled Python directories Say you have a directory (relat
Remote vanilla PDB (over TCP sockets) done right: no extras, proper handling around connection failures and CI.
Overview docs tests package Remote vanilla PDB (over TCP sockets) done right: no extras, proper handling around connection failures and CI. Based on p
School helper, helps you at your pyllabus's.
pyllabus, helps you at your syllabus's... WARNING: It won't run without config.py! You should add config.py yourself, it will include your APIKEY. e.g
Sweeter debugging and benchmarking Python programs.
Do you ever use print() or log() to debug your code? If so, ycecream, or y for short, will make printing debug information a lot sweeter. And on top o
adbsync - An ADB syncing helper
adbsync - An ADB syncing helper What's this? Everytime I wanted to make a backup of my phone, or restore those files onto it, I had to use everytime t
A CLI tool to reduce the friction between data scientists by reducing git conflicts removing notebook metadata and gracefully resolving git conflicts.
databooks is a package for reducing the friction data scientists while using Jupyter notebooks, by reducing the number of git conflicts between different notebooks and assisting in the resolution of the conflicts.
Segger Embedded Studio project for building & debugging Flipper Zero firmware.
Segger Embedded Studio project for Flipper Zero firmware Установка Добавить данный репозиторий в качестве сабмодуля в корень локальной копии репозитор
NFT which pays royalties to its creator each time it is sold.
Chialisp NFT with Perpetual Creator Royalties This is a chialisp NFT in which the creator/minter defines a puzzle hash which will capture a fixed perc
A script where you execute a script that generates a base project for your gdextension
GDExtension Project Creator this is a script (currently only for linux) where you execute a script that generates a base project for your gdextension,
Multi minecraft server helper for python
呐 Yuki 您的群组服操作小助手。 使用Python3编写。使用 .yaml 配置文件记录子服,配合Screen管理Linux系统上的Minecraft子服,支持MCDR子服与非MCDR子服。 功能: 开启所有子服 关闭所有子服 重载所有子服MCDR 重载所有子服ChatBridge 使用方法:
Single Image Random Dot Stereogram for Tensorflow
TensorFlow-SIRDS Single Image Random Dot Stereogram for Tensorflow SIRDS is a means to present 3D data in a 2D image. It allows for scientific data di
Exports the local variables into a global dictionary for later debugging.
PyExfiltrator Julia’s @exfiltrate for Python; Exports the local variables into a global dictionary for later debugging. Installation pip install pyexf
Python dictionaries with advanced dot notation access
from box import Box movie_box = Box({ "Robin Hood: Men in Tights": { "imdb stars": 6.7, "length": 104 } }) movie_box.Robin_Hood_Men_in_Tights.imdb_s
A hue shift helper for OBS
obs-hue-shift A hue shift helper for OBS This is a repo based on the really nice script Hegemege made. The original script can be found https://gist.g
Histogramming for analysis powered by boost-histogram
Hist Hist is an analyst-friendly front-end for boost-histogram, designed for Python 3.7+ (3.6 users get version 2.4). See what's new. Installation You
✔️ Visual, reactive testing library for Julia. Time machine included.
PlutoTest.jl (alpha release) Visual, reactive testing library for Julia A macro @test that you can use to verify your code's correctness. But instead
An algorithm study of the 6th iOS 10 set of Boost Camp Web Mobile
알고리즘 스터디 🔥 부스트캠프 웹모바일 6기 iOS 10조의 알고리즘 스터디 입니다. 개인적인 사정 등으로 S034, S055만 참가하였습니다. 스터디 목적 상진: 코테 합격 + 부캠끝나고 아침에 일어나기 위해 필요한 사이클 기완: 꾸준하게 자리에 앉아 공부하기 +
Santa's kitchen helper for python
Santa's Kitchen Helper Introduction/Overview Contents UX User Stories Design Wireframes Color Scheme Typography Imagery Features Exisiting Features Fe
Some 3Commas helper bots, AltRank, GalaxyScore, Watchlist, Auto-Compound
3Commas Cyber Bot Helpers A collection of 3Commas bot helpers I wrote. (collection will grow over time) Disclaimer THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", W
A fast and easy python virtual environment creator for linux with some pre-installed libraries.
python-venv-creator A fast and easy python virtual environment created for linux with some optional pre-installed libraries. Dependencies: The followi
Takes a video as an input and creates a video which is suitable to upload on Youtube Shorts and Tik Tok (1080x1920 resolution).
Shorts-Tik-Tok-Creator Takes a video as an input and creates a video which is suitable to upload on Youtube Shorts and Tik Tok (1080x1920 resolution).
Wiremind Kubernetes helper
Wiremind Kubernetes helper This Python library is a high-level set of Kubernetes Helpers allowing either to manage individual standard Kubernetes cont
Usos Semester average helper
Usos Semester average helper Dzieki temu skryptowi mozesz sprawdzic srednia ocen na kazdy odbyty przez ciebie semestr PARAMETERS required: '--username
Aerial Ace is a helper bot for poketwo which provide various functionalities on top of being a pokedex.
Aerial Ace is a helper bot for poketwo which provide various functionalities on top of being a pokedex.
This is a simple tool to create ZIP payloads using a provided wordlist for the symlink attack (present in some file upload vulnerabilities)
zip-symlink-payload-creator This is a simple tool to create ZIP payloads using a provided wordlist for the symlink attack (present in some file upload
An helper library to scrape data from Instagram effortlessly, using the Influencer Hunters APIs.
Instagram Scraper An utility library to scrape data from Instagram hassle-free Go to the website » View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature About The
A package containing a lot of useful utilities for Python developing and debugging.
Vpack A package containing a lot of useful utilities for Python developing and debugging. Features Sigview: press Ctrl+C to print the current stack in
ACPOA plugin creation helper
ACPOA Plugin What is ACPOA ACPOA is the acronym for "Application Core for Plugin Oriented Applications". It's a tool to create flexible and extendable
Simple AoC helper program you can use to develop your own solutions in python.
AoC-Compabion Simple AoC helper program you can use to develop your own solutions in python. Simply install it in your python environment using pip fr
Python based GBDT implementation
Py-boost: a research tool for exploring GBDTs Modern gradient boosting toolkits are very complex and are written in low-level programming languages. A
Image Tooᥣs Bot I specialize for logo design Services with Amazing logo Creator Platform and more tools
Image Tooᥣs Bot I specialize for logo design Services with Amazing logo Creator Platform and more tools
Yaml - Loggers are like print() statements
Upgrade your print statements Loggers are like print() statements except they also include loads of other metadata: timestamp msg (same as print!) arg
Open Source Discord Account Creator
Alter Token Generator Open Source Discord Account Creator This program abuses the discord api and uses the 2Captcha captcha solving service to make di
A discord group chat creator just made it because i saw people selling this stuff for like up to 40 bucks
gccreator some discord group chat tools just made it because i saw people selling this stuff for like up to 40 bucks (im currently working on a faster
A python script generate password files in plain text
KeePass (or any desktop pw manager?) Helper WARNING: This script will generate password files in plain text. ITS NOT SECURE. I needed help remembering
This is a python helper package for Telebirr H5 Web payment integration helper.
Telebirr This is a python helper package for Telebirr H5 Web payment integration helper. The use case for this interface is payment via web. Third par
Voice helper on russian
Voice helper on russian
Tools for analyzing Java JVM gc log files
gc_log This package consists of two separate utilities useful for : gc_log_visualizer.py regionsize.py GC Log Visualizer This was updated to run under
i3wm helper tool for workspaces on multiple monitors
i3screens A helper tool for managing i3wm workspaces on multiple monitors. Use-case You have a multi-monitor setup and want to have the "same" workspa
Python dataset creator to construct datasets composed of OpenFace extracted features and Shimmer3 GSR+ Sensor datas
Python dataset creator to construct datasets composed of OpenFace extracted features and Shimmer3 GSR+ Sensor datas
A conda-smithy repository for boost-histogram.
The official Boost.Histogram Python bindings. Provides fast, efficient histogramming with a variety of different storages combined with dozens of composable axes. Part of the Scikit-HEP family.
VizTracer is a low-overhead logging/debugging/profiling tool that can trace and visualize your python code execution.
VizTracer is a low-overhead logging/debugging/profiling tool that can trace and visualize your python code execution.
CreamySoup - a helper script for automated SourceMod plugin updates management.
CreamySoup/"Creamy SourceMod Updater" (or just soup for short), a helper script for automated SourceMod plugin updates management.
Hypersearch weight debugging and losses tutorial
tutorial Activate tensorboard option Running TensorBoard remotely When working on a remote server, you can use SSH tunneling to forward the port of th