10382 Repositories
Python raylib-python Libraries
Machine Learning automation and tracking
The Open-Source MLOps Orchestration Framework MLRun is an open-source MLOps framework that offers an integrative approach to managing your machine-lea
Kubernetes-native workflow automation platform for complex, mission-critical data and ML processes at scale. It has been battle-tested at Lyft, Spotify, Freenome, and others and is truly open-source.
Flyte Flyte is a workflow automation platform for complex, mission-critical data, and ML processes at scale Home Page · Quick Start · Documentation ·
A high-performance Python-based I/O system for large (and small) deep learning problems, with strong support for PyTorch.
WebDataset WebDataset is a PyTorch Dataset (IterableDataset) implementation providing efficient access to datasets stored in POSIX tar archives and us
Python library for computer vision labeling tasks. The core functionality is to translate bounding box annotations between different formats-for example, from coco to yolo.
PyLabel pip install pylabel PyLabel is a Python package to help you prepare image datasets for computer vision models including PyTorch and YOLOv5. I
State-of-the-art NLP through transformer models in a modular design and consistent APIs.
Trapper (Transformers wRAPPER) Trapper is an NLP library that aims to make it easier to train transformer based models on downstream tasks. It wraps h
A declarative (epi)genomics visualization library for Python
gos is a declarative (epi)genomics visualization library for Python. It is built on top of the Gosling JSON specification, providing a simplified interface for authoring interactive genomic visualizations.
A framework for Quantification written in Python
QuaPy QuaPy is an open source framework for quantification (a.k.a. supervised prevalence estimation, or learning to quantify) written in Python. QuaPy
My first Python project is a simple Mad Libs program.
Python CLI Mad Libs Game My first Python project is a simple Mad Libs program. Mad Libs is a phrasal template word game created by Leonard Stern and R
Pynavt is a cli tool to create clean architecture app for you including Fastapi, bcrypt and jwt.
Pynavt _____ _ | __ \ | | | |__) | _ _ __ __ ___ _| |_ | ___/ | | | '_ \ / _` \ \ / /
Sample python script for monitoring Rocketchat database and get statistics of users.
rocketchat-DB-monitoring Sample python script for monitoring Rocketchat database and get statistics of users. 1. Update python: yum check-update && yu
Desenvolvendo as habilidades básicas de programação visando a construção de aplicativos por meio de bibliotecas apropriadas à Ciência de Dados.
Algoritmos e Introdução à Computação Ementa: Conceitos básicos sobre algoritmos e métodos para sua construção. Tipos de dados e variáveis. Estruturas
Conflict-aware Inference of Python Compatible Runtime Environments with Domain Knowledge Graph, ICSE 2022
PyCRE Conflict-aware Inference of Python Compatible Runtime Environments with Domain Knowledge Graph, ICSE 2022 Dependencies This project is developed
A 16x16 clone of Minecraft Classic, written in Python with the Ursina Engine
VoxelCraft A 16x16 clone of Minecraft Classic, written in Python with the Ursina Engine Features:Trees, Water(But there's no gravity, so if you break
🤖🧭Creates google-like navigation menu using python-telegram-bot wrapper
python telegram bot menu pagination Makes a google style pagination line for a list of items. In other words it builds a menu for navigation if you ha
A Python wrapper for the QQ Channel API
A Python wrapper for the QQ Channel API
Download images where login is required using har python and js
이미지 다운로드(har, python, js 사용) 로그인이 필요한 사이트에서 DevTools로 이미지를 다운받는 방법은 조금 까다로웠다. 가장 쉽게 할 수 있는 방법을 찾아보았다. 사용법 F12를 눌러 DevTools를 실행 Network 탭으로 이동 페이지 새로고침
Roblox Limited Sniper For Python
Info this is version 2.1 version 3 will support more options (install python: https://www.python.org) the program will buy any limited item with a pri
Discord bot ( discord.py ), uses pandas library from python for data-management.
Discord_bot A Best and the most easy-to-use Discord bot !! Some simple basic auto moderations, Chat functions. It includes a game similar to Casino, g
An API that allows you to get full information about TikTok videos
TikTok-API An API that allows you to get full information about TikTok videos without using any third party sources and only the TikTok API. ##API onl
A Telegram Music Bot with proper functions written in Python with Pyrogram and Py-Tgcalls.
⭐️ Yukki Music Bot ⭐️ A Telegram Music Bot written in Python using Pyrogram and Py-Tgcalls Ready to use method A Support Group and ready-to-use runnin
A short code in python, Enchpyter, is able to encrypt and decrypt words as you determine, of course
Enchpyter Enchpyter is a program do encrypt and decrypt any word you want (just letters). You enter how many letters jumps and write the word, so, the
A short code in python, Enchpyter, is able to encrypt and decrypt words as you determine, of course
Enchpyter Enchpyter is a program do encrypt and decrypt any word you want (just letters). You enter how many letters jumps and write the word, so, the
Yet another python home automation project. Because a smart light is more than just on or off
Automate home Yet another home automation project because a smart light is more than just on or off. Overview When talking about home automation there
Simple Dos-Attacker.
dos-attacker ❕ Atenção Não ataque sites privados. isto é illegal. 🖥️ Pré-requisitos Ultima versão do Python3. para verificar isto, é bem simples. Bas
A simple rest api that classifies pneumonia infection weather it is Normal, Pneumonia Virus or Pneumonia Bacteria from a chest-x-ray image.
This is a simple rest api that classifies pneumonia infection weather it is Normal, Pneumonia Virus or Pneumonia Bacteria from a chest-x-ray image.
Manually Install Python 2.7 pip without any problem !
Python2.7_install_pip Manually Install Python 2.7 pip without any problem ! Download installPip.py to your system and Run the code using this Command
Python lib to automate basic QFT calculations like Wick-contractions.
QFTools Python lib to automate basic QFT calculations like Wick-contractions. Features Wick contractions for real scalar fields Wick contractions for
A simple, elegant Python based web templating engine (part of web.py).
Templator Simple, elegant Python based web templating (part of web.py). If you are familiar with Python, there is no new syntax to learn. This is a st
Custom python interface to xstan (a modified (cmd)stan)
Custom python interface to xstan (a modified (cmd)stan) Use at your own risk, currently everything is very brittle and will probably be changed in the
Template for Django Project Using Docker
You want a Django project who use Docker and Docker-compose for Development and for Production ? It's for you !
Cube-CRUD is a simple example of a REST API CRUD in a context of rubik's cube review service.
Cube-CRUD is a simple example of a REST API CRUD in a context of rubik's cube review service. It uses Sqlalchemy ORM to manage the connection and database operations.
OpenTable Reservation Maker For Python
OpenTable-Reservation-Maker The code that corresponds with this blog post on writing a script to make reservations for me on opentable Getting started
A simple python project that can find Tangkeke in a given image.
A simple python project that can find Tangkeke in a given image. Make the real Tangkeke image as a kernel to convolute the target image. The area wher
How to create the game Rock, Paper, Scissors in Python
Rock, Paper, Scissors! If you want to learn how to do interactive games using Python, then this is great start for you. In this code, You will learn h
Model Validation Toolkit is a collection of tools to assist with validating machine learning models prior to deploying them to production and monitoring them after deployment to production.
Model Validation Toolkit is a collection of tools to assist with validating machine learning models prior to deploying them to production and monitoring them after deployment to production.
Python scripts for plotting audiograms and related data from Interacoustics Equinox audiometer and Otoaccess software.
audiometry Python scripts for plotting audiograms and related data from Interacoustics Equinox 2.0 audiometer and Otoaccess software. Maybe similar sc
Generate a wordlist to fuzz amounts or any other numerical values.
Generate a wordlist to fuzz amounts or any other numerical values. Based on Common Security Issues in Financially-Oriented Web Applications.
Blender Add-on That Provides Quick Access to Render Controls
Blender Render Buttons Blender Add-on That Provides Quick Access to Render Controls A Blender 3.0 compatablity update of Blender2.8x-RenderButton v0.0
A Python module and command-line utility for converting .ANS format ANSI art to HTML
ansipants A Python module and command-line utility for converting .ANS format ANSI art to HTML. Installation pip install ansipants Command-line usage
An unofficial Python wrapper for the 'Binance exchange REST API'
Welcome to binex_f v0.1.0 many interfaces are heavily used by myself in product environment, the websocket is reliable (re)connected. Latest version:
Standard mutable string (character array) implementation for Python.
chararray A standard mutable character array implementation for Python.
Easy and secure implementation of Azure AD for your FastAPI APIs 🔒 Single- and multi-tenant support.
Easy and secure implementation of Azure AD for your FastAPI APIs 🔒 Single- and multi-tenant support.
The Django Base Site is a Django site that is built using the best Django practices and comes with all the common Django packages that you need to jumpstart your next project.
Django Base Site The Django Base Site is a Django site that is built using the best Django practices and comes with all the common Django packages tha
Python implementation of ADD: Frequency Attention and Multi-View based Knowledge Distillation to Detect Low-Quality Compressed Deepfake Images, AAAI2022.
ADD: Frequency Attention and Multi-View based Knowledge Distillation to Detect Low-Quality Compressed Deepfake Images Binh M. Le & Simon S. Woo, "ADD:
local pypi server (custom packages and auto-mirroring of pypi)
localshop A PyPI server which automatically proxies and mirrors PyPI packages based upon packages requested. It has support for multiple indexes and t
Python CSS/Javascript minifier
Squeezeit - Python CSS and Javascript minifier Copyright (C) 2011 Sam Rudge This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it un
Python wrapper for GitHub API v3
Pygithub3 Pygithub3 is a wrapper to the Github API v3, written in Python. It has been developed with extensibility in mind, because the API is in a be
A fast MySQL driver written in pure C/C++ for Python. Compatible with gevent through monkey patching.
:: Description :: A fast MySQL driver written in pure C/C++ for Python. Compatible with gevent through monkey patching :: Requirements :: Requires P
Projeto job insights - Projeto avaliativo da Trybe do Bloco 32: Introdução à Python
Termos e acordos Ao iniciar este projeto, você concorda com as diretrizes do Código de Ética e Conduta e do Manual da Pessoa Estudante da Trybe. Boas
A Python function that makes flower plots.
Flower plot A Python 3.9+ function that makes flower plots. Installation This package requires at least Python 3.9. pip install
A community based economy bot with python works only with python 3.7.8 as web3 requires cytoolz
A community based economy bot with python works only with python 3.7.8 as web3 requires cytoolz has some issues building with python 3.10
Logo DYS (Doküman Yönetim Sitemi) API Python Implementation
dys-connector Logo DYS (Dokuman Yonetim Sistemi) API Python Implementation Python Package: https://pypi.org/project/dys-connector Quick Start from dys
The git for the Python Story Utility Package library.
PSUP, The Python Story Utility Package Module. PSUP helps making stories or games with options, diverging paths, different endings and so on. You can
Python script for converting obsidian md-file to html (recursively adds all link/images)
ObsidianToHtmlConverter I made a small python script for converting obsidian md-file to static (local) html (recursively adds all link/images) I made
A python script to visualise explain plans as a graph using graphviz
README Needs to be improved Prerequisites Need to have graphiz installed on the machine. Refer to https://graphviz.readthedocs.io/en/stable/manual.htm
A blazing fast mass certificate generator script for the community ⚡
A simple mass certificate generator script for the community ⚡ Source Code · Docs · Raw Script Docs All you need Certificate Design a simple template
A Python r2pipe script to automatically create a Frida hook to intercept TLS traffic for Flutter based apps
boring-flutter A Python r2pipe script to automatically create a Frida hook to intercept TLS traffic for Flutter based apps. Currently only supporting
This python script will generate passwords for your emails, With certain lengths, And saves them into plain text files.
How to use. Change the Default length of genereated password in default.length.txt Type the email for your account. Type the website that the email an
This repository contains Python scripts for extracting linguistic features from Filipino texts.
Filipino Text Linguistic Feature Extractors This repository contains scripts for extracting linguistic features from Filipino texts. The scripts were
Python script to download WAX transactions
WAXtax Python script to download WAX transactions WAXtax uses the CoinGecko API and the WAX Blockchain History API to download csvs for each account y
Encrypt Your Script Python
EncryptScritpPY Encrypt Your Script Python This Script For Encrypt Your File Python Tutorial Install [+] Open Termnal [+] Type: git clone https://gith
Python script which synchronizes the replica-directoty with the original-one.
directories_synchronizer Python script which synchronizes the replica-directoty with the original-one. Automatically detects all changes when script i
A python script to make leaderboards using a CSV with the runners name, IDs and Flag Emojis
SrcLbMaker A python script to make speedrun.com global leaderboards. Installation You need python 3.6 or higher. First, go to the folder where you wan
A male and female dog names python package
A male and female dog names python package
An a simple sistem code in python
AMS OS An a simple code in python ⁕¿What is AMS OS? AMS OS is an a simple sistem code writed in python. This code helps you with the cotidian task, yo
A basic implementation of the Battlesnake API in Python
Getting started with Battlesnake and Python This is a basic implementation of the Battlesnake API in Python. It's a great starting point for anyone wa
Linear encryption software programmed with python
Echoder linear encryption software programmed with python How does it work? The text in the text section runs a function with two keys entered keys mu
Make pack up python files easier.
python-easy-pack make pack up python files easier. 目前只提供了中文环境 如何使用? 将index.py复制到你的项目文件夹,或者把.py文件拷贝到这个文件夹。 打开你的cmd或者powershell 切换到程序所在目录,输入python index
An ongoing curated list of frameworks, libraries, learning tutorials, software and resources in Python Language.
Python Development Welcome to the world of Python. An ongoing curated list of frameworks, libraries, learning tutorials, software and resources in Pyt
This two python programs can convert km to miles and miles to km
km-to-miles These two little python programs can convert kilometers to miles and miles to kilometers Needed Python3 or a online python compiler with t
A python server markup language
PSML - Python server markup language How to install: python install.py
Simple Python project using Opencv and datetime package to recognise faces and log attendance data in a csv file.
Attendance-System-based-on-Facial-recognition-Attendance-data-stored-in-csv-file- Simple Python project using Opencv and datetime package to recognise
A begginer reverse shell tool python.
A begginer tools for hacking. The theme of this repository is to bring some ready-made open-source tools for anyone new to the world of hacking. This
Projeto Flappy Bird temática doom, projeto python e pygame
Doom-Bird Tecnologias usadas Requisitos para inicializar o jogo: Python faça o download em: https://www.python.org/downloads/ Após instalar o Python d
Enchpyter, is able to encrypt and decrypt words as you determine, of course, according to the alphabet.
Enchpyter is a program do encrypt and decrypt any word you want (just letters). You enter how many letters jumps and write the word, so, the program encrypt for you in seconds.
Two factor authentication system using azure services and python language and its api's
Very Simple Zoom Spam Pinger!
Very Simple Zoom Spam Pinger!
Very Simple 2 Message Spammer!
Very Simple 2 Message Spammer!
Генератор отчетов на Python с использованием библиотеки docx для работы с word-файлами и запросов к сервису
Генератор отчетов на Python с использованием библиотеки docx для работы с word-файлами и запросов к сервису
This repo explains in details about buffer overflow exploit development for windows executable.
Buffer Overflow Exploit Development For Beginner Introduction I am beginner in security community and as my fellow beginner, I spend some of my time a
The best Python Backdoor👌
Backdoor The best Python Backdoor Files Server file is used in all of cases If client is Windows, the client need execute EXE file If client is Linux,
POC using subprocess lib in Python 🐍
POC subprocess ☞ POC using the subprocess library with Python. References: https://github.com/GuillaumeFalourd/poc-subprocess https://geekflare.com/le
Portfolio project for Code Institute Full Stack software development course.
Comic Sales tracker This project is the third milestone project for the Code Institute Diploma in Full Stack Software Development. You can see the fin
Pytorch code for "Text-Independent Speaker Verification Using 3D Convolutional Neural Networks".
:speaker: Deep Learning & 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Speaker Verification
A comprensive software collection for nmea manipulation
nmeatoolkit A comprensive software collection for nmea manipulation; it includes a library and a collections of command line tools. Library pipes: con
A Lightweight Face Recognition and Facial Attribute Analysis (Age, Gender, Emotion and Race) Library for Python
deepface Deepface is a lightweight face recognition and facial attribute analysis (age, gender, emotion and race) framework for python. It is a hybrid
Template for new OSINT command-line tools
OSINT cli tool skeleton Template for new OSINT command-line tools. Press button "Use this template" to generate your own tool repository. See INSTALL.
Make low level API wrapper in fast, easy.
The lowrapper is a library for quickly and easily creating an environment for tapping the API without implementation.
Massively parallel Monte Carlo diffusion MR simulator written in Python.
Disimpy Disimpy is a Python package for generating simulated diffusion-weighted MR signals that can be useful in the development and validation of dat
Python Client for Yandex Cloud Logging
Python Client for Yandex Cloud Logging Installation pip3 install python-yandex-cloud-logging Creating a Yandex Cloud Logging Group yc logging group c
Python Multilingual Ucrel Semantic Analysis System
PymUSAS Python Multilingual Ucrel Semantic Analysis System, it currently is a rule based token level semantic tagger which can be added to any spaCy p
Functions to analyze Cell-ID single-cell cytometry data using python language.
PyCellID (building...) Functions to analyze Cell-ID single-cell cytometry data using python language. Dependecies for this project. attrs(=21.1.0) fo
Basic auth for Django.
A simple Python library that allows you to customize your CLI based output on Linux
Terminal-Colored-Print About A small module that allows to simply decorate strings on Linux terminals. I personally use it for multi-threaded project,
Provide error messages for Python exceptions, even if the original message is empty
errortext is a Python package to provide error messages for Python exceptions, even if the original message is empty.
Cash in on Expressed Barcode Tags (EBTs) from NGS Sequencing Data with Python
Cash in on Expressed Barcode Tags (EBTs) from NGS Sequencing Data with Python Cashier is a tool developed by Russell Durrett for the analysis and extr
Authware API wrapper for Python 3.5+
AuthwarePy Asynchronous wrapper for Authware in Python 3.5+ View our documentation 📲 Installation Run this to install the library via pip: pip instal
A Yahtzee-solving python package and command line tool.
yahtzee A Yahtzee-solving python package and command line tool. The algorithm is mathematically guaranteed to have the best strategy. That is, it maxi