77 Repositories
Python response Libraries
AWS CloudSaga - Simulate security events in AWS
AWS CloudSaga - Simulate security events in AWS AWS CloudSaga is for customers to test security controls and alerts within their Amazon Web Services (
Python script that takes an Impulse response .wav and a input .wav to demonstrate audio convolution.
convolver Python script that takes an Impulse response .wav and a input .wav to demonstrate audio convolution. Created by Sean Higley s_higley@u.pacif
BlackIP-Rep is a tool designed to gather the reputation and information of Bulk IP's.
BlackIP-Rep is a tool designed to gather the reputation and information of Bulk IP's. Focused on increasing the workflow of Security Operations(SOC) team during investigation.
Using Data Science with Machine Learning techniques (ETL pipeline and ML pipeline) to classify received messages after disasters.
Using Data Science with Machine Learning techniques (ETL pipeline and ML pipeline) to classify received messages after disasters.
Cado Response Integration with Amazon GuardDuty using AWS Lambda
Cado Response Integration with Amazon GuardDuty using AWS Lambda This repository contains a simple example where: An alert is triggered by GuardDuty T
Kaggle competition: Springleaf Marketing Response
PruebaEnel Prueba Kaggle-Springleaf-master Prueba Kaggle-Springleaf Kaggle competition: Springleaf Marketing Response Competencia de Kaggle: Marketing
Iris-client - Python client for DFIR-IRIS
Python client dfir_iris_client offers a Python interface to communicate with IRI
This repository compare a selfie with images from identity documents and response if the selfie match.
aws-rekognition-facecompare This repository compare a selfie with images from identity documents and response if the selfie match. This code was made
Aws-lambda-requests-wrapper - Request/Response wrapper for AWS Lambda with API Gateway
AWS Lambda Requests Wrapper Request/Response wrapper for AWS Lambda with API Gat
Feedback is important: response-aware feedback mechanism for background based conversation
RFM The code for the paper: "Feedback is important: response-aware feedback mechanism for background based conversation." Requirements python 3.7 pyto
Continuous Security Group Rule Change Detection & Response at scale
Introduction Get notified of Security Group Changes across all AWS Accounts & Regions in an AWS Organization, with the ability to respond/revert those
WebScraper - A script that prints out a list of all EXTERNAL references in the HTML response to an HTTP/S request
Project A: WebScraper A script that prints out a list of all EXTERNAL references
Python package for caching HTTP response based on etag
Etag cache implementation for HTTP requests, to save request bandwidth for a non-modified response. Returns high-speed accessed dictionary data as cache.
Official implementation of our neural-network-based fast diffuse room impulse response generator (FAST-RIR)
This is the official implementation of our neural-network-based fast diffuse room impulse response generator (FAST-RIR) for generating room impulse responses (RIRs) for a given acoustic environment.
PyFIR - Python implementations of Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters
pyFIR Python implementations of Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters. The algorithms are mainly (but not strictly) the ones described in WEFERS, Fran
Covid-ChatBot - A Rapid Response Virtual Agent for Covid-19 Queries
COVID-19 CHatBot A Rapid Response Virtual Agent for Covid-19 Queries Contents What is ChatBot Types of ChatBots About the Project Dataset Prerequisite
Wakatime Response In javascript and python
Project Title Wakatime Response In javascript and python Description just for refrence Getting Started Dependencies For Python: requests json For Java
fastapi-cache is a tool to cache fastapi response and function result, with backends support redis and memcached.
fastapi-cache Introduction fastapi-cache is a tool to cache fastapi response and function result, with backends support redis, memcache, and dynamodb.
Blender addon for executing the operator in response to the received OSC message.
I/F Joiner 受信したOSCメッセージに応じてオペレータ(bpy.ops)を実行するアドオンです. OSC通信に対応したコントローラやアプリをインストールしたスマートフォンを使用してBlenderを操作することが可能になります. 同時開発しているAndroidコントローラ化アプリMocopa
Execution After Redirect (EAR) / Long Response Redirection Vulnerability Scanner written in python3
Execution After Redirect (EAR) / Long Response Redirection Vulnerability Scanner written in python3, It Fuzzes All URLs of target website & then scan them for EAR
PyTorch implementation of Uncertainty Estimation via Response Scaling for Pseudo-mask Noise Mitigation in Weakly-supervised Semantic Segmentation
Uncertainty Estimation via Response Scaling for Pseudo-mask Noise Mitigation in Weakly-supervised Semantic Segmentation Introduction This is a PyTorch
The Delegate Network: An Interactive Voice Response Delegative Democracy Implementation of Liquid Democracy
The Delegate Network Overview The delegate network is a completely transparent, easy-to-use and understand version of what is sometimes called liquid
Uncertainty Estimation via Response Scaling for Pseudo-mask Noise Mitigation in Weakly-supervised Semantic Segmentation
Uncertainty Estimation via Response Scaling for Pseudo-mask Noise Mitigation in Weakly-supervised Semantic Segmentation Introduction This is a PyTorch
HTTP Request & Response Service, written in Python + Flask.
httpbin(1): HTTP Request & Response Service
Flask html response minifier
Flask-HTMLmin Minify flask text/html mime type responses. Just add MINIFY_HTML = True to your deployment config to minify HTML and text responses of y
Bayesian Deep Learning and Deep Reinforcement Learning for Object Shape Error Response and Correction of Manufacturing Systems
Bayesian Deep Learning for Manufacturing 2.0 (dlmfg) Object Shape Error Response (OSER) Digital Lifecycle Management - In Process Quality Improvement
Code for Towards Unifying Behavioral and Response Diversity for Open-ended Learning in Zero-sum Games
Unifying Behavioral and Response Diversity for Open-ended Learning in Zero-sum Games How to run our algorithm? Create the new environment using: conda
Pytorch implementation for "Implicit Semantic Response Alignment for Partial Domain Adaptation"
Implicit-Semantic-Response-Alignment Pytorch implementation for "Implicit Semantic Response Alignment for Partial Domain Adaptation" Prerequisites pyt
Source code for our paper "Empathetic Response Generation with State Management"
Source code for our paper "Empathetic Response Generation with State Management" this repository is maintained by both Jun Gao and Yuhan Liu Model Ove
Source code for our paper "Improving Empathetic Response Generation by Recognizing Emotion Cause in Conversations"
Source code for our paper "Improving Empathetic Response Generation by Recognizing Emotion Cause in Conversations" this repository is maintained by bo
AWS Lambda - Parsing Cloudwatch Data and sending the response via email.
AWS Lambda - Parsing Cloudwatch Data and sending the response via email. Author: Evan Erickson Language: Python Backend: AWS / Serverless / AWS Lambda
Basic-Discord-Response-Bot, in Python
Response bot for Discord. EG: User: Hello! Bot: Hello there! About Very customizable, no credits needed. Edit the bot.py to what you want, basic Pytho
Baseline is a cross-platform library and command-line utility that creates file-oriented baselines of your systems.
Baselining, on steroids! Baseline is a cross-platform library and command-line utility that creates file-oriented baselines of your systems. The proje
Scrapy uses Request and Response objects for crawling web sites.
Requests and Responses¶ Scrapy uses Request and Response objects for crawling web sites. Typically, Request objects are generated in the spiders and p
A Simulated Optimal Intrusion Response Game
Optimal Intrusion Response An OpenAI Gym interface to a MDP/Markov Game model for optimal intrusion response of a realistic infrastructure simulated u
Unified MultiWOZ evaluation scripts for the context-to-response task.
MultiWOZ Context-to-Response Evaluation Standardized and easy to use Inform, Success, BLEU ~ See the paper ~ Easy-to-use scripts for standardized eval
A full Rest-API With Oauth2 and JWT for request & response a JSON file Using FastAPI and SQLAlchemy 🔑
Pexon-Rest-API A full Rest-API for request & response a JSON file, Building a Simple WorkFlow that help you to Request a JSON File Format and Handling
Optimal Adaptive Allocation using Deep Reinforcement Learning in a Dose-Response Study
Optimal Adaptive Allocation using Deep Reinforcement Learning in a Dose-Response Study Supplementary Materials for Kentaro Matsuura, Junya Honda, Imad
Modify version of impacket wmiexec.py, get output(data,response) from registry, don't need SMB connection, also bypassing antivirus-software in lateral movement like WMIHACKER.
wmiexec-RegOut Modify version of impacket wmiexec.py,wmipersist.py. Got output(data,response) from registry, don't need SMB connection, but I'm in the
The Easy-to-use Dialogue Response Selection Toolkit for Researchers
The Easy-to-use Dialogue Response Selection Toolkit for Researchers
Get Response Of Container Deployment Kube with python
get-response-of-container-deployment-kube 概要 get-response-of-container-deployment-kube は、例えばエッジコンピューティング環境のコンテナデプロイメントシステムにおいて、デプロイ元の端末がデプロイ先のコンテナデプロイ
A Happy and lightweight Python Package that Provides an API to search for articles on Google News and returns a JSON response.
A Happy and lightweight Python Package that Provides an API to search for articles on Google News and returns a JSON response.
The Easy-to-use Dialogue Response Selection Toolkit for Researchers
Easy-to-use toolkit for retrieval-based Chatbot Recent Activity Our released RRS corpus can be found here. Our released BERT-FP post-training checkpoi
Checks for a 200 response from your subdomain list.
Check for available subdomains Written in Python, this terminal based application looks for a 200 response from the subdomain list you've provided. En
The Easy-to-use Dialogue Response Selection Toolkit for Researchers
Easy-to-use toolkit for retrieval-based Chatbot Our released data can be found at this link. Make sure the following steps are adopted to use our code
Bypass 4xx HTTP response status codes.
Forbidden Bypass 4xx HTTP response status codes. To see all the test cases, check the source code - follow the NOTE comments. Script uses multithreadi
This is the official implementation of our neural-network-based fast diffuse room impulse response generator (FAST-RIR) for generating room impulse responses (RIRs) for a given acoustic environment.
ThePhish: an automated phishing email analysis tool
ThePhish ThePhish is an automated phishing email analysis tool based on TheHive, Cortex and MISP. It is a web application written in Python 3 and base
A configurable set of panels that display various debug information about the current request/response.
Django Debug Toolbar The Django Debug Toolbar is a configurable set of panels that display various debug information about the current request/respons
Query protocol and response
whois Query protocol and response _MᵃˢᵗᵉʳBᵘʳⁿᵗ_ _ ( ) _ ( )( ) _ | | ( ) | || |__ _ (_) ___ | | | | | || _ `\ /'_`\ | |/',__) |
DirBruter is a Python based CLI tool. It looks for hidden or existing directories/files using brute force method. It basically works by launching a dictionary based attack against a webserver and analyse its response.
DirBruter DirBruter is a Python based CLI tool. It looks for hidden or existing directories/files using brute force method. It basically works by laun
The purpose of this code base is to add a specified signal-to-noise ratio noise from MUSAN dataset to a pure speech signal and to generate far-field speech data using room impulse response data from BUT Speech@FIT Reverb Database.
Add_noise_and_rir_to_speech The purpose of this code base is to add a specified signal-to-noise ratio noise from MUSAN dataset to a pure speech signal
Oriented Response Networks, in CVPR 2017
Oriented Response Networks [Home] [Project] [Paper] [Supp] [Poster] Torch Implementation The torch branch contains: the official torch implementation
A configurable set of panels that display various debug information about the current request/response.
Django Debug Toolbar The Django Debug Toolbar is a configurable set of panels that display various debug information about the current request/respons
evtx-hunter helps to quickly spot interesting security-related activity in Windows Event Viewer (EVTX) files.
Introduction evtx-hunter helps to quickly spot interesting security-related activity in Windows Event Viewer (EVTX) files. It can process a high numbe
Cancer Drug Response Prediction via a Hybrid Graph Convolutional Network
DeepCDR Cancer Drug Response Prediction via a Hybrid Graph Convolutional Network This work has been accepted to ECCB2020 and was also published in the
Python tool to check a web applications compliance with OWASP HTTP response headers best practices
Check Your Head A quick and easy way to check a web applications response headers!
Incident Response Process and Playbooks | Goal: Playbooks to be Mapped to MITRE Attack Techniques
PURPOSE OF PROJECT That this project will be created by the SOC/Incident Response Community Develop a Catalog of Incident Response Playbook for every
A Telegram Repo For Devs To Controll The Bots Under Maintenance.This Bot Is For Developers, If Your Bot Is Down, Use This Repo To Give Your Dear Subscribers Some Support By Providing Them Response.
Maintenance Bot A Telegram Repo For Devs To Controll The Bots Under Maintenance About This Bot This Bot Is For Developers, If Your Bot Is Down, Use Th
A Telegram Repo For Devs To Controll The Bots Under Maintenance.This Bot Is For Developers, If Your Bot Is Down, Use This Repo To Give Your Dear Subscribers Some Support By Providing Them Response.
Maintenance Bot A Telegram Repo For Devs To Controll The Bots Under Maintenance About This Bot This Bot Is For Developers, If Your Bot Is Down, Use Th
Find index entries in $INDEX_ALLOCATION attributes
INDXRipper Find index entries in $INDEX_ALLOCATION attributes Timeline created using mactime.pl on the combined output of INDXRipper and fls. See: sle
PyTorch Implementation for AAAI'21 "Do Response Selection Models Really Know What's Next? Utterance Manipulation Strategies for Multi-turn Response Selection"
UMS for Multi-turn Response Selection Implements the model described in the following paper Do Response Selection Models Really Know What's Next? Utte
AHA is an incident management & communication framework to provide real-time alert customers when there are active AWS event(s). For customers with AWS Organizations, customers can get aggregated active account level events of all the accounts in the Organization. Customers not using AWS Organizations still benefit alerting at the account level.
Table of Contents Introduction Architecture Configuring an Endpoint Creating a Amazon Chime Webhook URL Creating a Slack Webhook URL Creating a Micros
《Image2Reverb: Cross-Modal Reverb Impulse Response Synthesis》(2021)
Image2Reverb Image2Reverb is an end-to-end neural network that generates plausible audio impulse responses from single images of acoustic environments
Source Code for DialogBERT: Discourse-Aware Response Generation via Learning to Recover and Rank Utterances (https://arxiv.org/pdf/2012.01775.pdf)
DialogBERT This is a PyTorch implementation of the DialogBERT model described in DialogBERT: Neural Response Generation via Hierarchical BERT with Dis
A Happy and lightweight Python Package that searches Google News RSS Feed and returns a usable JSON response and scrap complete article - No need to write scrappers for articles fetching anymore
GNews 🚩 A Happy and lightweight Python Package that searches Google News RSS Feed and returns a usable JSON response 🚩 As well as you can fetch full
GRR Rapid Response: remote live forensics for incident response
GRR Rapid Response is an incident response framework focused on remote live forensics. Build Type Status Tests End-to-end Tests Windows Templates Linu
Pyroomacoustics is a package for audio signal processing for indoor applications. It was developed as a fast prototyping platform for beamforming algorithms in indoor scenarios.
Summary Pyroomacoustics is a software package aimed at the rapid development and testing of audio array processing algorithms. The content of the pack
A configurable set of panels that display various debug information about the current request/response.
Django Debug Toolbar The Django Debug Toolbar is a configurable set of panels that display various debug information about the current request/respons
HTTP client mocking tool for Python - inspired by Fakeweb for Ruby
HTTPretty 1.0.5 HTTP Client mocking tool for Python created by Gabriel Falcão . It provides a full fake TCP socket module. Inspired by FakeWeb Github
HTTP request/response parser for python in C
http-parser HTTP request/response parser for Python compatible with Python 2.x (=2.7), Python 3 and Pypy. If possible a C parser based on http-parser
APT-Hunter is Threat Hunting tool for windows event logs
APT-Hunter is Threat Hunting tool for windows event logs which made by purple team mindset to provide detect APT movements hidden in the sea of windows event logs to decrease the time to uncover suspicious activity
Hotwired/Turbo Django response helpers
This package provides helpers for server-side rendering of Hotwired/Turbo streams and frames. Disclaimer: the Hotwired/Turbo client libraries are, at
automate the procedure of 403 response code bypass
403bypasser automate the procedure of 403 response code bypass Description i notice a lot of #bugbountytips describe how to bypass 403 response code s
HTTP client mocking tool for Python - inspired by Fakeweb for Ruby
HTTPretty 1.0.5 HTTP Client mocking tool for Python created by Gabriel Falcão . It provides a full fake TCP socket module. Inspired by FakeWeb Github
HTTP client mocking tool for Python - inspired by Fakeweb for Ruby
HTTPretty 1.0.5 HTTP Client mocking tool for Python created by Gabriel Falcão . It provides a full fake TCP socket module. Inspired by FakeWeb Github
A configurable set of panels that display various debug information about the current request/response.
Django Debug Toolbar The Django Debug Toolbar is a configurable set of panels that display various debug information about the current request/respons