282 Repositories
Python sql-injection-attacks Libraries
Confluence OGNL injection
CVE-2021-26084 Confluence OGNL injection CVE-2021-26084 is an Object-Graph Navigation Language (OGNL) injection vulnerability in the Atlassian Conflue
Reusable Lightweight Pythonic Dependency Injection Library
Vacuna Inject everything! Vacuna is a little library to provide dependency management for your python code. Install pip install vacuna Usage import va
WebScan is a web vulnerability Scanning tool, which scans sites for SQL injection and XSS vulnerabilities
WebScan is a web vulnerability Scanning tool, which scans sites for SQL injection and XSS vulnerabilities Which is a great tool for web pentesters. Coded in python3, CLI. WebScan is capable of scanning and detecting sql injection vulnerabilities across HTTP and HTTP sites.
CVE-2021-26084 - Confluence Pre-Auth RCE OGNL injection
CVE-2021-26084 - Confluence Pre-Auth RCE OGNL injection Usage usage: cve-2021-26084_confluence_rce.py [-h] --url URL [--cmd CMD] [--shell] CVE-2021-2
TAPEX: Table Pre-training via Learning a Neural SQL Executor
TAPEX: Table Pre-training via Learning a Neural SQL Executor The official repository which contains the code and pre-trained models for our paper TAPE
Async ORM based on PyPika
PyPika-ORM - ORM for PyPika SQL Query Builder The package gives you ORM for PyPika with asycio support for a range of databases (SQLite, PostgreSQL, M
theHasher Tool created for generate strong and unbreakable passwords by using Hash Functions.Generate Hashes and store them in txt files.Use the txt files as lists to execute Brute Force Attacks!
$theHasher theHasher is a Tool for generating hashes using some of the most Famous Hashes Functions ever created. You can save your hashes to correspo
DIT is a DTLS MitM proxy implemented in Python 3. It can intercept, manipulate and suppress datagrams between two DTLS endpoints and supports psk-based and certificate-based authentication schemes (RSA + ECC).
DIT - DTLS Interception Tool DIT is a MitM proxy tool to intercept DTLS traffic. It can intercept, manipulate and/or suppress DTLS datagrams between t
Evidence enables analysts to deliver a polished business intelligence system using SQL and markdown.
Evidence enables analysts to deliver a polished business intelligence system using SQL and markdown
Some Attacks of Exchange SSRF ProxyLogon&ProxyShell
Some Attacks of Exchange SSRF This project is heavily replicated in ProxyShell, NtlmRelayToEWS https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/GFcEKA48bPWsezNdVcrWag Get 1
SQLModel is a library for interacting with SQL databases from Python code, with Python objects.
SQLModel is a library for interacting with SQL databases from Python code, with Python objects. It is designed to be intuitive, easy to use, highly compatible, and robust.
KIRI - Keyboard Interception, Remapping, and Injection using Raspberry Pi as an HID Proxy.
KIRI - Keyboard Interception, Remapping and Injection using Raspberry Pi as a HID Proxy. Near limitless abilities for a keyboard warrior. Features Sim
Emulate and Dissect MSF and *other* attacks
Need help in analyzing Windows shellcode or attack coming from Metasploit Framework or Cobalt Strike (or may be also other malicious or obfuscated code)? Do you need to automate tasks with simple scripting? Do you want help to decrypt MSF generated traffic by extracting keys from payloads?
Defending graph neural networks against adversarial attacks (NeurIPS 2020)
GNNGuard: Defending Graph Neural Networks against Adversarial Attacks Authors: Xiang Zhang (xiang_zhang@hms.harvard.edu), Marinka Zitnik (marinka@hms.
Airflow Operator for running Soda SQL scans
Airflow Operator for running Soda SQL scans
The dataset and source code for our paper: "Did You Ask a Good Question? A Cross-Domain Question IntentionClassification Benchmark for Text-to-SQL"
TriageSQL The dataset and source code for our paper: "Did You Ask a Good Question? A Cross-Domain Question Intention Classification Benchmark for Text
Anomaly detection on SQL data warehouses and databases
With CueObserve, you can run anomaly detection on data in your SQL data warehouses and databases. Getting Started Install via Docker docker run -p 300
edgedressing leverages a Windows "feature" in order to force a target's Edge browser to open. This browser is then directed to a URL of choice.
edgedressing One day while experimenting with airpwn-ng, I noticed unexpected GET requests on the target node. The node in question happened to be a W
A fun hangman style game to guess random movie names with a short summary about the movie.
hang-movie-man Hangman but for movies 😉 This is a fun hangman style game to guess random movie names from the local database and show some summary ab
Bearsql allows you to query pandas dataframe with sql syntax.
Bearsql adds sql syntax on pandas dataframe. It uses duckdb to speedup the pandas processing and as the sql engine
Argument Injection in Dragonfly Ruby Gem
CVE-2021-33564 PoC Exploit script for CVE-2021-33564 (Argument Injection in Dragonfly Ruby Gem). Usage Arbitrary File Read python3 poc.py -u https://
a url shortener with fastapi and tortoise-orm
fastapi-tortoise-orm-url-shortener a url shortener with fastapi and tortoise-orm
Text-to-SQL in the Wild: A Naturally-Occurring Dataset Based on Stack Exchange Data
SEDE SEDE (Stack Exchange Data Explorer) is new dataset for Text-to-SQL tasks with more than 12,000 SQL queries and their natural language description
Simple dependency injection framework for Python
A simple, strictly typed dependency injection library.
Migrate data from SQL to NoSQL easily
Migrate data from SQL to NoSQL easily Installation 💯 pip install sql2nosql --upgrade Dependencies 📢 For the package to work, it first needs "clients
Adversarial Robustness Toolbox (ART) - Python Library for Machine Learning Security - Evasion, Poisoning, Extraction, Inference - Red and Blue Teams
Adversarial Robustness Toolbox (ART) is a Python library for Machine Learning Security. ART provides tools that enable developers and researchers to defend and evaluate Machine Learning models and applications against the adversarial threats of Evasion, Poisoning, Extraction, and Inference. ART supports all popular machine learning frameworks (TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, MXNet, scikit-learn, XGBoost, LightGBM, CatBoost, GPy, etc.), all data types (images, tables, audio, video, etc.) and machine learning tasks (classification, object detection, speech recognition, generation, certification, etc.).
We will see a basic program that is basically a hint to brute force attack to crack passwords. In other words, we will make a program to Crack Any Password Using Python. Show some ❤️ by starring this repository!
Crack Any Password Using Python We will see a basic program that is basically a hint to brute force attack to crack passwords. In other words, we will
Pre-Auth Blind NoSQL Injection leading to Remote Code Execution in Rocket Chat 3.12.1
CVE-2021-22911 Pre-Auth Blind NoSQL Injection leading to Remote Code Execution in Rocket Chat 3.12.1 The getPasswordPolicy method is vulnerable to NoS
Adversarial Attacks on Probabilistic Autoregressive Forecasting Models.
Attack-Probabilistic-Models This is the source code for Adversarial Attacks on Probabilistic Autoregressive Forecasting Models. This repository contai
dask-sql is a distributed SQL query engine in python using Dask
dask-sql is a distributed SQL query engine in Python. It allows you to query and transform your data using a mixture of common SQL operations and Python code and also scale up the calculation easily if you need it.
HatSploit native powerful payload generation and shellcode injection tool that provides support for common platforms and architectures.
HatVenom HatSploit native powerful payload generation and shellcode injection tool that provides support for common platforms and architectures. Featu
An implementation demo of the ICLR 2021 paper Neural Attention Distillation: Erasing Backdoor Triggers from Deep Neural Networks in PyTorch.
Neural Attention Distillation This is an implementation demo of the ICLR 2021 paper Neural Attention Distillation: Erasing Backdoor Triggers from Deep
An IVR Chatbot which can exponentially reduce the burden of companies as well as can improve the consumer/end user experience.
IVR-Chatbot Achievements 🏆 Team Uhtred won the Maverick 2.0 Bot-a-thon 2021 organized by AbInbev India. ❓ Problem Statement As we all know that, lot
Implementation of Wasserstein adversarial attacks.
Stronger and Faster Wasserstein Adversarial Attacks Code for Stronger and Faster Wasserstein Adversarial Attacks, appeared in ICML 2020. This reposito
Code for "Diversity can be Transferred: Output Diversification for White- and Black-box Attacks"
Output Diversified Sampling (ODS) This is the github repository for the NeurIPS 2020 paper "Diversity can be Transferred: Output Diversification for W
Hue Editor: Open source SQL Query Assistant for Databases/Warehouses
Hue Editor: Open source SQL Query Assistant for Databases/Warehouses
Ethereum ETL lets you convert blockchain data into convenient formats like CSVs and relational databases.
Python scripts for ETL (extract, transform and load) jobs for Ethereum blocks, transactions, ERC20 / ERC721 tokens, transfers, receipts, logs, contracts, internal transactions.
tfquery: Run SQL queries on your Terraform infrastructure. Query resources and analyze its configuration using a SQL-powered framework.
🌩️ tfquery 🌩️ Run SQL queries on your Terraform infrastructure. Ask questions that are hard to answer 🚀 What is tfquery? tfquery is a framework tha
“ HOLA HUMANS 👋 I'M DAISYX 2.0 ❤️ „ LATEST VERSION OF DAISYX.. Source Code of @Daisyxbot
❤️ DaisyX 2.0 ❤️ A Powerful, Smart And Simple Group Manager ... Written with AioGram , Pyrogram and Telethon... ⭐️ Thanks to everyone who starred Dais
transfer attack; adversarial examples; black-box attack; unrestricted Adversarial Attacks on ImageNet; CVPR2021 天池黑盒竞赛
transfer_adv CVPR-2021 AIC-VI: unrestricted Adversarial Attacks on ImageNet CVPR2021 安全AI挑战者计划第六期赛道2:ImageNet无限制对抗攻击 介绍 : 深度神经网络已经在各种视觉识别问题上取得了最先进的性能。
Attack classification models with transferability, black-box attack; unrestricted adversarial attacks on imagenet
Attack classification models with transferability, black-box attack; unrestricted adversarial attacks on imagenet, CVPR2021 安全AI挑战者计划第六期:ImageNet无限制对抗攻击 决赛第四名(team name: Advers)
Image-Scaling Attacks and Defenses
Image-Scaling Attacks & Defenses This repository belongs to our publication: Erwin Quiring, David Klein, Daniel Arp, Martin Johns and Konrad Rieck. Ad
Mongita is to MongoDB as SQLite is to SQL
Mongita is a lightweight embedded document database that implements a commonly-used subset of the MongoDB/PyMongo interface. Mongita differs from MongoDB in that instead of being a server, Mongita is a self-contained Python library. Mongita can be configured to store its documents either on disk or in memory.
Apache Superset is a Data Visualization and Data Exploration Platform
Apache Superset is a Data Visualization and Data Exploration Platform
This tool extracts Credit card numbers, NTLM(DCE-RPC, HTTP, SQL, LDAP, etc), Kerberos (AS-REQ Pre-Auth etype 23), HTTP Basic, SNMP, POP, SMTP, FTP, IMAP, etc from a pcap file or from a live interface.
This tool extracts Credit card numbers, NTLM(DCE-RPC, HTTP, SQL, LDAP, etc), Kerberos (AS-REQ Pre-Auth etype 23), HTTP Basic, SNMP, POP, SMTP, FTP, IMAP, etc from a pcap file or from a live interface.
PINCE is a front-end/reverse engineering tool for the GNU Project Debugger (GDB), focused on games.
PINCE is a front-end/reverse engineering tool for the GNU Project Debugger (GDB), focused on games. However, it can be used for any reverse-engi
BlazingSQL is a lightweight, GPU accelerated, SQL engine for Python. Built on RAPIDS cuDF.
A lightweight, GPU accelerated, SQL engine built on the RAPIDS.ai ecosystem. Get Started on app.blazingsql.com Getting Started | Documentation | Examp
Release of SPLASH: Dataset for semantic parse correction with natural language feedback in the context of text-to-SQL parsing
SPLASH: Semantic Parsing with Language Assistance from Humans SPLASH is dataset for the task of semantic parse correction with natural language feedba
SQL for Humans™
Records: SQL for Humans™ Records is a very simple, but powerful, library for making raw SQL queries to most relational databases. Just write SQL. No b
Pupy is an opensource, cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OSX, Android) remote administration and post-exploitation tool mainly written in python
Pupy Installation Installation instructions are on the wiki, in addition to all other documentation. For maximum compatibility, it is recommended to u
Automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool
sqlmap sqlmap is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of
An open source multi-tool for exploring and publishing data
Datasette An open source multi-tool for exploring and publishing data Datasette is a tool for exploring and publishing data. It helps people take data
Django app for building dashboards using raw SQL queries
django-sql-dashboard Django app for building dashboards using raw SQL queries Brings a useful subset of Datasette to Django. Currently only works with
Modin: Speed up your Pandas workflows by changing a single line of code
Scale your pandas workflows by changing one line of code To use Modin, replace the pandas import: # import pandas as pd import modin.pandas as pd Inst
Streamlit dashboard examples - Twitter cashtags, StockTwits, WSB, Charts, SQL Pattern Scanner
streamlit-dashboards Streamlit dashboard examples - Twitter cashtags, StockTwits, WSB, Charts, SQL Pattern Scanner Tutorial Video https://ww
📦 Autowiring dependency injection container for python 3
Lagom - Dependency injection container What Lagom is a dependency injection container designed to give you "just enough" help with building your depen
:fishing_pole_and_fish: List of `pre-commit` hooks to ensure the quality of your `dbt` projects.
pre-commit-dbt List of pre-commit hooks to ensure the quality of your dbt projects. BETA NOTICE: This tool is still BETA and may have some bugs, so pl
A dynamic FastAPI router that automatically creates CRUD routes for your models
⚡ Create CRUD routes with lighting speed ⚡ A dynamic FastAPI router that automatically creates CRUD routes for your models Documentation: https://fast
Big-Papa Integrates Javascript and python for remote cookie stealing which then can be used for session hijacking
Big-Papa is a remote cookie stealer which can then be used for session hijacking and Bypassing 2 Factor Authentication
InfoBERT: Improving Robustness of Language Models from An Information Theoretic Perspective
InfoBERT: Improving Robustness of Language Models from An Information Theoretic Perspective This is the official code base for our ICLR 2021 paper
Apache Spark - A unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing
Apache Spark Spark is a unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing. It provides high-level APIs in Scala, Java, Python, and R, and an op
A dynamic FastAPI router that automatically creates CRUD routes for your models
⚡ Create CRUD routes with lighting speed ⚡ A dynamic FastAPI router that automatically creates CRUD routes for your models Documentation: https://fast
Automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool
sqlmap sqlmap is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of
PyPika is a python SQL query builder that exposes the full richness of the SQL language using a syntax that reflects the resulting query. PyPika excels at all sorts of SQL queries but is especially useful for data analysis.
PyPika - Python Query Builder Abstract What is PyPika? PyPika is a Python API for building SQL queries. The motivation behind PyPika is to provide a s
Easy-to-use data handling for SQL data stores with support for implicit table creation, bulk loading, and transactions.
dataset: databases for lazy people In short, dataset makes reading and writing data in databases as simple as reading and writing JSON files. Read the
SQL for Humans™
Records: SQL for Humans™ Records is a very simple, but powerful, library for making raw SQL queries to most relational databases. Just write SQL. No b
A pandas-like deferred expression system, with first-class SQL support
Ibis: Python data analysis framework for Hadoop and SQL engines Service Status Documentation Conda packages PyPI Azure Coverage Ibis is a toolbox to b
The Database Toolkit for Python
SQLAlchemy The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper Introduction SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper that giv
Easily share data across your company via SQL queries. From Grove Collab.
SQL Explorer SQL Explorer aims to make the flow of data between people fast, simple, and confusion-free. It is a Django-based application that you can
IMDbPY is a Python package useful to retrieve and manage the data of the IMDb movie database about movies, people, characters and companies
IMDbPY is a Python package for retrieving and managing the data of the IMDb movie database about movies, people and companies. Revamp notice Starting
🔥 Fire up your API with this flamethrower
🔥 Fire up your API. Documentation: https://flama.perdy.io Flama Flama aims to bring a layer on top of Starlette to provide an easy to learn and fast
Simple and rapid application development framework, built on top of Flask. includes detailed security, auto CRUD generation for your models, google charts and much more. Demo (login with guest/welcome) - http://flaskappbuilder.pythonanywhere.com/
Flask App Builder Simple and rapid application development framework, built on top of Flask. includes detailed security, auto CRUD generation for your
APT-Hunter is Threat Hunting tool for windows event logs
APT-Hunter is Threat Hunting tool for windows event logs which made by purple team mindset to provide detect APT movements hidden in the sea of windows event logs to decrease the time to uncover suspicious activity
A dynamic FastAPI router that automatically creates CRUD routes for your models
⚡ Create CRUD routes with lighting speed ⚡ A dynamic FastAPI router that automatically creates CRUD routes for your models
Soda SQL Data testing, monitoring and profiling for SQL accessible data.
Soda SQL Data testing, monitoring and profiling for SQL accessible data. What does Soda SQL do? Soda SQL allows you to Stop your pipeline when bad dat
Automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool
sqlmap sqlmap is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of
fsociety Hacking Tools Pack – A Penetration Testing Framework
Fsociety Hacking Tools Pack A Penetration Testing Framework, you will have every script that a hacker needs. Works with Python 2. For a Python 3 versi
A non-validating SQL parser module for Python
python-sqlparse - Parse SQL statements sqlparse is a non-validating SQL parser for Python. It provides support for parsing, splitting and formatting S
A Python interface to AFL, allowing for easy injection of testcases and other functionality.
Fuzzer This module provides a Python wrapper for interacting with AFL (American Fuzzy Lop: http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/afl/). It supports starting an A
Easy-to-use data handling for SQL data stores with support for implicit table creation, bulk loading, and transactions.
dataset: databases for lazy people In short, dataset makes reading and writing data in databases as simple as reading and writing JSON files. Read the
Apache Superset is a Data Visualization and Data Exploration Platform
Superset A modern, enterprise-ready business intelligence web application. Why Superset? | Supported Databases | Installation and Configuration | Rele
Jet Bridge (Universal) for Jet Admin – API-based Admin Panel Framework for your application
Jet Bridge for Jet Admin – Admin panel framework for your application Description About Jet Admin: https://about.jetadmin.io Live Demo: https://app.je