1326 Repositories
Python text-style Libraries
Silero Models: pre-trained speech-to-text, text-to-speech models and benchmarks made embarrassingly simple
Silero Models: pre-trained speech-to-text, text-to-speech models and benchmarks made embarrassingly simple
Labelling platform for text using distant supervision
With DataQA, you can label unstructured text documents using rule-based distant supervision.
text-to-speach bot - You really do NOT have time for read a newsletter? Now you can listen to it
NewsletterReader You really do NOT have time for read a newsletter? Now you can listen to it The Newsletter of Filipe Deschamps is a great place to re
Just playing with getting CLIP Guided Diffusion running locally, rather than having to use colab.
CLIP-Guided-Diffusion Just playing with getting CLIP Guided Diffusion running locally, rather than having to use colab. Original colab notebooks by Ka
Simple embedding based text classifier inspired by fastText, implemented in tensorflow
FastText in Tensorflow This project is based on the ideas in Facebook's FastText but implemented in Tensorflow. However, it is not an exact replica of
Library for fast text representation and classification.
fastText fastText is a library for efficient learning of word representations and sentence classification. Table of contents Resources Models Suppleme
Neural Style and MSG-Net
PyTorch-Style-Transfer This repo provides PyTorch Implementation of MSG-Net (ours) and Neural Style (Gatys et al. CVPR 2016), which has been included
Pytorch tutorials for Neural Style transfert
PyTorch Tutorials This tutorial is no longer maintained. Please use the official version: https://pytorch.org/tutorials/advanced/neural_style_tutorial
Fast Neural Style for Image Style Transform by Pytorch
FastNeuralStyle by Pytorch Fast Neural Style for Image Style Transform by Pytorch This is famous Fast Neural Style of Paper Perceptual Losses for Real
Implementation of Neural Style Transfer in Pytorch
PytorchNeuralStyleTransfer Code to run Neural Style Transfer from our paper Image Style Transfer Using Convolutional Neural Networks. Also includes co
pytorch implementation of fast-neural-style
fast-neural-style 🌇 🚀 NOTICE: This codebase is no longer maintained, please use the codebase from pytorch examples repository available at pytorch/e
A production-ready pipeline for text mining and subject indexing
A production-ready pipeline for text mining and subject indexing
A free Python source code editor and Notepad replacement for Windows
Website Download Features Toolbar Wide array of view options Syntax highlighting support for Python Usable accelerator keys for each function (Ctrl+N,
This repo in the implementation of EMNLP'21 paper "SPARQLing Database Queries from Intermediate Question Decompositions" by Irina Saparina, Anton Osokin
SPARQLing Database Queries from Intermediate Question Decompositions This repo is the implementation of the following paper: SPARQLing Database Querie
This project converts your human voice input to its text transcript and to an automated voice too.
Human Voice to Automated Voice & Text Introduction: In this project, whenever you'll speak, it will turn your voice into a robot voice and furthermore
py-trans is a Free Python library for translate text into different languages.
Free Python library to translate text into different languages.
AnnIE - Annotation Platform, tool for open information extraction annotations using text files.
AnnIE - Annotation Platform, tool for open information extraction annotations using text files.
A new style for Django admin
Djamin Djamin a new and clean styles for Django admin based in Google projects styles. Quick start Install djamin: pip install -e git://github.com/her
A new style for Django admin
Djamin Djamin a new and clean styles for Django admin based in Google projects styles. Quick start Install djamin: pip install -e git://github.com/her
CPT: A Pre-Trained Unbalanced Transformer for Both Chinese Language Understanding and Generation
CPT This repository contains code and checkpoints for CPT. CPT: A Pre-Trained Unbalanced Transformer for Both Chinese Language Understanding and Gener
Code for EMNLP'21 paper "Types of Out-of-Distribution Texts and How to Detect Them"
Code for EMNLP'21 paper "Types of Out-of-Distribution Texts and How to Detect Them"
A Sublime Text plugin that displays inline images for single-line comments formatted like `// `.
Inline Images Sometimes ASCII art is not enough. Sometimes an image says more than a thousand words. This Sublime Text plugin can display images inlin
ROSITA: Enhancing Vision-and-Language Semantic Alignments via Cross- and Intra-modal Knowledge Integration
ROSITA News & Updates (24/08/2021) Release the demo to perform fine-grained semantic alignments using the pretrained ROSITA model. (15/08/2021) Releas
A Fast API style support for Flask. Gives you MyPy types with the flexibility of flask
Flask-Fastx Flask-Fastx is a Fast API style support for Flask. It Gives you MyPy types with the flexibility of flask. Compatibility Flask-Fastx requir
Code for EMNLP'21 paper "Types of Out-of-Distribution Texts and How to Detect Them"
ood-text-emnlp Code for EMNLP'21 paper "Types of Out-of-Distribution Texts and How to Detect Them" Files fine_tune.py is used to finetune the GPT-2 mo
Related resources for our EMNLP 2021 paper Plan-then-Generate: Controlled Data-to-Text Generation via Planning
Plan-then-Generate: Controlled Data-to-Text Generation via Planning Authors: Yixuan Su, David Vandyke, Sihui Wang, Yimai Fang, and Nigel Collier Code
An experimental Fang Song style Chinese font generated with skeleton-tracing and pix2pix
An experimental Fang Song style Chinese font generated with skeleton-tracing and pix2pix, with glyphs based on cwTeXFangSong. The font is optimised fo
Feed forward VQGAN-CLIP model, where the goal is to eliminate the need for optimizing the latent space of VQGAN for each input prompt
Feed forward VQGAN-CLIP model, where the goal is to eliminate the need for optimizing the latent space of VQGAN for each input prompt. This is done by
Finds snippets in iambic pentameter in English-language text and tries to combine them to a rhyming sonnet.
Sonnet finder Finds snippets in iambic pentameter in English-language text and tries to combine them to a rhyming sonnet. Usage This is a Python scrip
Telegram bot to extract text from image
OCR Bot @Image_To_Text_OCR_Bot A star ⭐ from you means a lot to us! Telegram bot to extract text from image Usage Deploy to Heroku Tap on above button
Code for EMNLP 2021 main conference paper "Text AutoAugment: Learning Compositional Augmentation Policy for Text Classification"
Code for EMNLP 2021 main conference paper "Text AutoAugment: Learning Compositional Augmentation Policy for Text Classification"
Code for EMNLP 2021 main conference paper "Text AutoAugment: Learning Compositional Augmentation Policy for Text Classification"
Text-AutoAugment (TAA) This repository contains the code for our paper Text AutoAugment: Learning Compositional Augmentation Policy for Text Classific
This python module is an easy-to-use port of the text normalization used in the paper "Not low-resource anymore: Aligner ensembling, batch filtering, and new datasets for Bengali-English machine translation". It is intended to be used for normalizing / cleaning Bengali and English text.
normalizer This python module is an easy-to-use port of the text normalization used in the paper "Not low-resource anymore: Aligner ensembling, batch
Tutorial to pretrain & fine-tune a 🤗 Flax T5 model on a TPUv3-8 with GCP
Pretrain and Fine-tune a T5 model with Flax on GCP This tutorial details how pretrain and fine-tune a FlaxT5 model from HuggingFace using a TPU VM ava
Python lib for Simple PDF text extraction
Python lib for Simple PDF text extraction
This is the code for the EMNLP 2021 paper AEDA: An Easier Data Augmentation Technique for Text Classification
The baseline code is for EDA: Easy Data Augmentation techniques for boosting performance on text classification tasks
✨Rubrix is a production-ready Python framework for exploring, annotating, and managing data in NLP projects.
✨A Python framework to explore, label, and monitor data for NLP projects
CLabel is a terminal-based cluster labeling tool that allows you to explore text data interactively and label clusters based on reviewing that data.
CLabel is a terminal-based cluster labeling tool that allows you to explore text data interactively and label clusters based on reviewing that
Generate text line images for training deep learning OCR model (e.g. CRNN)
Generate text line images for training deep learning OCR model (e.g. CRNN)
multi-label,classifier,text classification,多标签文本分类,文本分类,BERT,ALBERT,multi-label-classification,seq2seq,attention,beam search
multi-label,classifier,text classification,多标签文本分类,文本分类,BERT,ALBERT,multi-label-classification,seq2seq,attention,beam search
Python 3 patcher for Sublime Text v4107-4114 Windows x64
sublime-text-4-patcher Python 3 patcher for Sublime Text v4107-4114 Windows x64 Credits for signatures and patching logic goes to https://github.com/l
A bot can be used to broadcast your messages ( Text & Media ) to the Subscribers
Broadcast Bot A Telegram bot to send messages and medias to the subscribers directly through bot. Authorized users of the bot can send messages (Texts
Ptorch NLU, a Chinese text classification and sequence annotation toolkit, supports multi class and multi label classification tasks of Chinese long text and short text, and supports sequence annotation tasks such as Chinese named entity recognition, part of speech tagging and word segmentation.
Pytorch-NLU,一个中文文本分类、序列标注工具包,支持中文长文本、短文本的多类、多标签分类任务,支持中文命名实体识别、词性标注、分词等序列标注任务。 Ptorch NLU, a Chinese text classification and sequence annotation toolkit, supports multi class and multi label classification tasks of Chinese long text and short text, and supports sequence annotation tasks such as Chinese named entity recognition, part of speech tagging and word segmentation.
Mail classification with tensorflow and MS Exchange Server (ham or spam).
Mail classification with tensorflow and MS Exchange Server (ham or spam).
SummerTime - Text Summarization Toolkit for Non-experts
A library to help users choose appropriate summarization tools based on their specific tasks or needs. Includes models, evaluation metrics, and datasets.
An original implementation of "Noisy Channel Language Model Prompting for Few-Shot Text Classification"
Channel LM Prompting (and beyond) This includes an original implementation of Sewon Min, Mike Lewis, Hannaneh Hajishirzi, Luke Zettlemoyer. "Noisy Cha
TextDescriptives - A Python library for calculating a large variety of statistics from text
A Python library for calculating a large variety of statistics from text(s) using spaCy v.3 pipeline components and extensions. TextDescriptives can be used to calculate several descriptive statistics, readability metrics, and metrics related to dependency distance.
Unofficial PyTorch Implementation of UnivNet: A Neural Vocoder with Multi-Resolution Spectrogram Discriminators for High-Fidelity Waveform Generation
UnivNet UnivNet: A Neural Vocoder with Multi-Resolution Spectrogram Discriminators for High-Fidelity Waveform Generation This is an unofficial PyTorch
GSoC'2021 | TensorFlow implementation of Wav2Vec2
GSoC'2021 | TensorFlow implementation of Wav2Vec2
DomainWordsDict, Chinese words dict that contains more than 68 domains, which can be used as text classification、knowledge enhance task
DomainWordsDict, Chinese words dict that contains more than 68 domains, which can be used as text classification、knowledge enhance task。涵盖68个领域、共计916万词的专业词典知识库,可用于文本分类、知识增强、领域词汇库扩充等自然语言处理应用。
Generate vibrant and detailed images using only text.
CLIP Guided Diffusion From RiversHaveWings. Generate vibrant and detailed images using only text. See captions and more generations in the Gallery See
Simple torch.nn.module implementation of Alias-Free-GAN style filter and resample
Alias-Free-Torch Simple torch module implementation of Alias-Free GAN. This repository including Alias-Free GAN style lowpass sinc filter @filter.py A
Pipeline for fast building text classification TF-IDF + LogReg baselines.
Text Classification Baseline Pipeline for fast building text classification TF-IDF + LogReg baselines. Usage Instead of writing custom code for specif
Image transformations designed for Scene Text Recognition (STR) data augmentation. Published at ICCV 2021 Workshop on Interactive Labeling and Data Augmentation for Vision.
Data Augmentation for Scene Text Recognition (ICCV 2021 Workshop) (Pronounced as "strog") Paper Arxiv Why it matters? Scene Text Recognition (STR) req
IMS-Toucan is a toolkit to train state-of-the-art Speech Synthesis models
IMS-Toucan is a toolkit to train state-of-the-art Speech Synthesis models. Everything is pure Python and PyTorch based to keep it as simple and beginner-friendly, yet powerful as possible.
Extract knowledge from raw text
Extract knowledge from raw text This repository is a nearly copy-paste of "From Text to Knowledge: The Information Extraction Pipeline" with some cosm
Summary Explorer is a tool to visually explore the state-of-the-art in text summarization.
Summary Explorer Summary Explorer is a tool to visually inspect the summaries from several state-of-the-art neural summarization models across multipl
Reference code for the paper CAMS: Color-Aware Multi-Style Transfer.
CAMS: Color-Aware Multi-Style Transfer Mahmoud Afifi1, Abdullah Abuolaim*1, Mostafa Hussien*2, Marcus A. Brubaker1, Michael S. Brown1 1York University
This Telegram bot allows you to create direct links with pre-filled text to WhatsApp Chats
WhatsApp API Bot Telegram bot to create direct links with pre-filled text for WhatsApp Chats You can check our bot here. The bot is based on the API p
Summary Explorer is a tool to visually explore the state-of-the-art in text summarization.
Summary Explorer is a tool to visually explore the state-of-the-art in text summarization.
Official implementation of Meta-StyleSpeech and StyleSpeech
Meta-StyleSpeech : Multi-Speaker Adaptive Text-to-Speech Generation Dongchan Min, Dong Bok Lee, Eunho Yang, and Sung Ju Hwang This is an official code
Official Implementation of Domain-Aware Universal Style Transfer
Domain Aware Universal Style Transfer Official Pytorch Implementation of 'Domain Aware Universal Style Transfer' (ICCV 2021) Domain Aware Universal St
A "gym" style toolkit for building lightweight Neural Architecture Search systems
A "gym" style toolkit for building lightweight Neural Architecture Search systems
Text based command line webcam photobooth app
Skunkbooth Why See it in action Usage Installation Run Media location Contributing Install Poetry Clone the repo Activate poetry shell Install dev dep
The pytorch implementation of the paper "text-guided neural image inpainting" at MM'2020
TDANet: Text-Guided Neural Image Inpainting, MM'2020 (Oral) MM | ArXiv This repository implements the paper "Text-Guided Neural Image Inpainting" by L
Database Reasoning Over Text project for ACL paper
Database Reasoning over Text This repository contains the code for the Database Reasoning Over Text paper, to appear at ACL2021. Work is performed in
PyTorch Implementation of Daft-Exprt: Robust Prosody Transfer Across Speakers for Expressive Speech Synthesis
Daft-Exprt - PyTorch Implementation PyTorch Implementation of Daft-Exprt: Robust Prosody Transfer Across Speakers for Expressive Speech Synthesis The
Official implementation for ICDAR 2021 paper "Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition with Bidirectionally Trained Transformer"
Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition with Bidirectionally Trained Transformer Description Convert offline handwritten mathematical expressi
Text-to-Image generation
Generate vivid Images for Any (Chinese) text CogView is a pretrained (4B-param) transformer for text-to-image generation in general domain. Read our p
Full-text multi-table search application for Django. Easy to install and use, with good performance.
django-watson django-watson is a fast multi-model full-text search plugin for Django. It is easy to install and use, and provides high quality search
End-to-end text to speech system using gruut and onnx. There are 40 voices available across 8 languages.
End to end text to speech system using gruut and onnx
Genalog is an open source, cross-platform python package allowing generation of synthetic document images with custom degradations and text alignment capabilities.
Genalog is an open source, cross-platform python package allowing generation of synthetic document images with custom degradations and text alignment capabilities.
Export solved codewars kata challenges to a text file.
Codewars Kata Exporter Note:this is not totally my work.i've edited the project to make more easier and faster for me.you can find the original work h
A demo for end-to-end English and Chinese text spotting using ABCNet.
ABCNet_Chinese A demo for end-to-end English and Chinese text spotting using ABCNet. This is an old model that was trained a long ago, which serves as
Text-Based Ideal Points
Text-Based Ideal Points Source code for the paper: Text-Based Ideal Points by Keyon Vafa, Suresh Naidu, and David Blei (ACL 2020). Update (June 29, 20
PyTorch implementation of paper: AdaAttN: Revisit Attention Mechanism in Arbitrary Neural Style Transfer, ICCV 2021.
AdaAttN: Revisit Attention Mechanism in Arbitrary Neural Style Transfer [Paper] [PyTorch Implementation] [Paddle Implementation] Overview This reposit
Textual is a TUI (Text User Interface) framework for Python inspired by modern web development.
Textual is a TUI (Text User Interface) framework for Python inspired by modern web development.
Code for "Finetuning Pretrained Transformers into Variational Autoencoders"
transformers-into-vaes Code for Finetuning Pretrained Transformers into Variational Autoencoders (our submission to NLP Insights Workshop 2021). Gathe
ThinkTwice: A Two-Stage Method for Long-Text Machine Reading Comprehension
ThinkTwice ThinkTwice is a retriever-reader architecture for solving long-text machine reading comprehension. It is based on the paper: ThinkTwice: A
📦 A command line utility to put text in a box.
boxie A command line utility to put text in a box. Installation pip install boxie If you are on Linux you may need to use sudo to access this globally
Zero-Shot Text-to-Image Generation VQGAN+CLIP Dockerized
VQGAN-CLIP-Docker About Zero-Shot Text-to-Image Generation VQGAN+CLIP Dockerized This is a stripped and minimal dependency repository for running loca
API for the GPT-J language model 🦜. Including a FastAPI backend and a streamlit frontend
gpt-j-api 🦜 An API to interact with the GPT-J language model. You can use and test the model in two different ways: Streamlit web app at http://api.v
Google Project: Search and auto-complete sentences within given input text files, manipulating data with complex data-structures.
Auto-Complete Google Project In this project there is an implementation for one feature of Google's search engines - AutoComplete. Autocomplete, or wo
Hierarchical Metadata-Aware Document Categorization under Weak Supervision (WSDM'21)
Hierarchical Metadata-Aware Document Categorization under Weak Supervision This project provides a weakly supervised framework for hierarchical metada
This repository contains data used in the NAACL 2021 Paper - Proteno: Text Normalization with Limited Data for Fast Deployment in Text to Speech Systems
Proteno This is the data release associated with the corresponding NAACL 2021 Paper - Proteno: Text Normalization with Limited Data for Fast Deploymen
The dataset and source code for our paper: "Did You Ask a Good Question? A Cross-Domain Question IntentionClassification Benchmark for Text-to-SQL"
TriageSQL The dataset and source code for our paper: "Did You Ask a Good Question? A Cross-Domain Question Intention Classification Benchmark for Text
Code for our CVPR 2021 Paper "Rethinking Style Transfer: From Pixels to Parameterized Brushstrokes".
Rethinking Style Transfer: From Pixels to Parameterized Brushstrokes (CVPR 2021) Project page | Paper | Colab | Colab for Drawing App Rethinking Style
Segmentation in Style: Unsupervised Semantic Image Segmentation with Stylegan and CLIP
Segmentation in Style: Unsupervised Semantic Image Segmentation with Stylegan and CLIP Abstract: We introduce a method that allows to automatically se
PyTorch implementation of MuseMorphose, a Transformer-based model for music style transfer.
MuseMorphose This repository contains the official implementation of the following paper: Shih-Lun Wu, Yi-Hsuan Yang MuseMorphose: Full-Song and Fine-
"Inductive Entity Representations from Text via Link Prediction" @ The Web Conference 2021
Inductive entity representations from text via link prediction This repository contains the code used for the experiments in the paper "Inductive enti
Official implementation of SynthTIGER (Synthetic Text Image GEneratoR) ICDAR 2021
🐯 SynthTIGER: Synthetic Text Image GEneratoR Official implementation of SynthTIGER | Paper | Datasets Moonbin Yim1, Yoonsik Kim1, Han-cheol Cho1, Sun
A python script to prefab your scripts/text files, and re create them with ease and not have to open your browser to copy code or write code yourself
Scriptfab - What is it? A python script to prefab your scripts/text files, and re create them with ease and not have to open your browser to copy code
Unofficial PyTorch Implementation of UnivNet: A Neural Vocoder with Multi-Resolution Spectrogram Discriminators for High-Fidelity Waveform Generation
UnivNet UnivNet: A Neural Vocoder with Multi-Resolution Spectrogram Discriminators for High-Fidelity Waveform Generation This is an unofficial PyTorch
Chinese real time voice cloning (VC) and Chinese text to speech (TTS).
Chinese real time voice cloning (VC) and Chinese text to speech (TTS). 好用的中文语音克隆兼中文语音合成系统,包含语音编码器、语音合成器、声码器和可视化模块。
Active learning for text classification in Python
Active Learning allows you to efficiently label training data in a small-data scenario.
Style transfer, deep learning, feature transform
FastPhotoStyle License Copyright (C) 2018 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license (https://creativecommons
A python implementation of Deep-Image-Analogy based on pytorch.
Deep-Image-Analogy This project is a python implementation of Deep Image Analogy.https://arxiv.org/abs/1705.01088. Some results Requirements python 3
PyTorch implementation of convolutional neural networks-based text-to-speech synthesis models
Deepvoice3_pytorch PyTorch implementation of convolutional networks-based text-to-speech synthesis models: arXiv:1710.07654: Deep Voice 3: Scaling Tex
Mdformat is an opinionated Markdown formatter that can be used to enforce a consistent style in Markdown files
Mdformat is an opinionated Markdown formatter that can be used to enforce a consistent style in Markdown files. Mdformat is a Unix-style command-line tool as well as a Python library.
This project is a re-implementation of MASTER: Multi-Aspect Non-local Network for Scene Text Recognition by MMOCR
This project is a re-implementation of MASTER: Multi-Aspect Non-local Network for Scene Text Recognition by MMOCR,which is an open-source toolbox based on PyTorch. The overall architecture will be shown below.