1925 Repositories
Python windows-api Libraries
An interactive App to play with Spotify data, both from the Spotify Web API and from CSV datasets.
An interactive App to play with Spotify data, both from the Spotify Web API and from CSV datasets.
WIOpy - Walmart Affiliate API Python wrapper
WalmartIO Python Wrapper - WIOpy A python wrapper for the Walmart io API. Only s
Event-driven-model-serving - Unified API of Apache Kafka and Google PubSub
event-driven-model-serving Unified API of Apache Kafka and Google PubSub 1. Proj
Sample code helps get you started with a simple Python web service using AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway
Welcome to the AWS CodeStar sample web service This sample code helps get you started with a simple Python web service using AWS Lambda and Amazon API
Deepl - DeepL Free API For Python
DeepL DeepL Free API Notice Since I don't want to make my AuthKey public, if you
Project made in Qt Designer + Python, for evaluation in the subject Introduction to Programming in IFPE - Paulista campus.
Project made in Qt Designer + Python, for evaluation in the subject Introduction to Programming in IFPE - Paulista campus.
Extract the windows major and minor build numbers from an ISO file, and automatically sort the iso files.
WindowsBuildFromISO Extract the windows major and minor build numbers from an ISO file, and automatically sort the iso files. Features Parse multiple
Auto-researching tool generating word documents.
About ResearchTE automates researching by generating document with answers to given questions. Supports getting results from: Google DuckDuckGo (with
This project is a small tool for processing url-containing texts delivered by HUAWEI Share on Windows.
hwshare_helper This project is a small tool for handling url-containing texts delivered by HUAWEI Share on Windows. config Before use, please install
Using DST's API with Python
A short guide on how to access Denmark's Statistics API with python, together with a helper class that facilitates the collection of data and metadata from any DST's table
DIAL(Did I Alert Lambda?) is a centralised security misconfiguration detection framework which completely runs on AWS Managed services like AWS API Gateway, AWS Event Bridge & AWS Lambda
DIAL(Did I Alert Lambda?) is a centralised security misconfiguration detection framework which completely runs on AWS Managed services like AWS API Gateway, AWS Event Bridge & AWS Lambda
A simple API that will return a key-value pair of randomly generated UUID
A simple API that will return a key-value pair of randomly generated UUID. Key will be a timestamp and value will be UUID. While the server is running, whenever the API is called, it should return all the previous UUIDs ever generated by the API alongside a new UUID.
A simple serverless create api test repository. Please Ignore.
serverless-create-api-test A simple serverless create api test repository. Please Ignore. Things to remember: Setup workflow Change Name in workflow e
⛤Keylogger Generator for Windows written in Python⛤
⛤Keylogger Generator for Windows written in Python⛤
Developer centric, performant and extensible Python ASGI framework
Introduction xpresso is an ASGI web framework built on top of Starlette, Pydantic and di, with heavy inspiration from FastAPI. Some of the standout fe
SimplePyBLE - Python bindings for SimpleBLE
The ultimate fully-fledged cross-platform Python BLE library, designed for simplicity and ease of use.
Epagneul is a tool to visualize and investigate windows event logs
epagneul Epagneul is a tool to visualize and investigate windows event logs. Dep
CVE-2022-21907 - Windows HTTP协议栈远程代码执行漏洞 CVE-2022-21907
CVE-2022-21907 Description POC for CVE-2022-21907: Windows HTTP协议栈远程代码执行漏洞 creat
pyhakuna is a client to access the API of the time keeping service hakuna.ch.
pyhakuna pyhakuna is a client to access the API of the time keeping service hakuna.ch. The Hakuna API is – unfortunately – personal and currently does
Workon - A simple project manager for conda, windows 10 and vscode
WORK ON A simple project manager for conda, windows 10 and vscode Installation p
AirDrive lets you store unlimited files to cloud for free. Upload & download files from your personal drive at any time using its super-fast API.
AirDrive lets you store unlimited files to cloud for free. Upload & download files from your personal drive at any time using its super-fast API.
A recipe sharing API built using Django rest framework.
Recipe Sharing API This is the backend API for the recipe sharing platform at https://mesob-recipe.netlify.app/ This API allows users to share recipes
Script for YouTube creators to share dislike count with their viewers.
Stahování disliků z YouTube - milafon Tento skript slouží jako možnost zobrazit divákům počet disliků u YouTube videí. Vyžaduje implementaci ze strany
Box CRUD API With Python
Box CRUD API: Consider a store which has an inventory of boxes which are all cuboid(which have length breadth and height). Each Cuboid has been added
FilmMikirAPI - A simple rest-api which is used for scrapping on the Kincir website using the Python and Flask package
FilmMikirAPI - A simple rest-api which is used for scrapping on the Kincir website using the Python and Flask package
Just a python library to make reddit post caching easier
Reddist Just a python library to make reddit post caching easier. Caching Options In Memory Caching Redis Caching Pickle Caching Usage Installation: D
100 Days of Code The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2022
100-Day-With-Python 100 Days of Code - The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2022. In this course, I spend with python language over 100 days, and I up
Telegram Bot Repo Capable of fetching the following Info via Anilist API inspired from AniFluid and Nepgear
Telegram Bot Repo Capable of fetching the following Info via Anilist API inspired from AniFluid and Nepgear Anime Airing Manga Character Scheduled Top
Instagram story report with python
instagram-story-report Mass reports a victim stories. Made for fun, but can be used for chaos Single session and multi session support Login, choose a
A tool to build scripts to toggle between minimal & default services in Windows based on user defined lists.
A tool to build scripts to toggle between minimal & default services in Windows based on user defined lists.
Open Source API and interchange format for editorial timeline information.
OpenTimelineIO is currently in Public Beta. That means that it may be missing some essential features and there are large changes planned. During this phase we actively encourage you to provide feedback, requests, comments, and/or contributions.
Bot that embeds a random hysterical meme from Reddit into your text channel as an embedded message, using an API call.
Discord_Meme_Bot 🤣 Bot that embeds a random hysterical meme from Reddit into your text channel as an embedded message, using an API call. Add the bot
PyDiscord, a maintained fork of discord.py, is a python wrapper for the Discord API.
discord.py A modern, easy to use, feature-rich, and async ready API wrapper for Discord written in Python. The Future of discord.py Please read the gi
Automatically commits and pushes changes from a specified directory to remote repository
autopush a simple python program that checks a directory for updates and automatically commits any updated files (and optionally pushes them) installa
The project aims to develop a personal-assistant for Windows & Linux-based systems
The project aims to develop a personal-assistant for Windows & Linux-based systems. Samiksha draws its inspiration from virtual assistants like Cortana for Windows, and Siri for iOS. It has been designed to provide a user-friendly interface for carrying out a variety of tasks by employing certain well-defined commands.
PHOTONAI is a high level python API for designing and optimizing machine learning pipelines.
PHOTONAI is a high level python API for designing and optimizing machine learning pipelines. We've created a system in which you can easily select and
Programa de código abierto para probar el API de Bitso, el exchange más importante de América Latina.
Bitso Semiautomático Programa de código abierto para probar el API de Bitso, el exchange más importante de América Latina. Desarrollador Fernando Mire
An API that uses NLP and AI to let you predict possible diseases and symptoms based on a prompt of what you're feeling.
Disease detection API for MediSearch An API that uses NLP and AI to let you predict possible diseases and symptoms based on a prompt of what you're fe
Pure Python implementation of the Windows API method IDvdInfo2::GetDiscID.
pydvdid-m Pure Python implementation of the Windows API method IDvdInfo2::GetDiscID. This is a modification of sjwood's pydvdid. The Windows API metho
A Python wrapper around the Pushbullet API to send different types of push notifications to your phone or/and computer.
pushbullet-python A Python wrapper around the Pushbullet API to send different types of push notifications to your phone or/and computer. Installation
A simple chat api that can also work with ipb4 and chatbox+
SimpleChatApi API for chatting that can work on its own or work with Invision Community and Chatbox+. You are also welcome to create frontend for this
Calibre Libgen Non-fiction / Sci-tech store plugin
CalibreLibgenSci A Libgen Non-Fiction/Sci-tech store plugin for Calibre Installation Download the latest zip file release from here Open Calibre Navig
Most Simple & Powefull web3 Trade Bot (WINDOWS LINUX) Suport BSC ETH
Most Simple & Powefull Trade Bot (WINDOWS LINUX) What Are Some Pros And Cons Of Owning A Sniper Bot? While having a sniper bot is typically an advanta
Just-Music - Spotify API Driven Music Web app, that allows to listen and control and share songs
Just Music... Just Music Is A Web APP That Allows Users To Play Song Using Spoti
Procscan is a quick and dirty python script used to look for potentially dangerous api call patterns in a Procmon PML file.
PROCSCAN Procscan is a quick and dirty python script used to look for potentially dangerous api call patterns in a Procmon PML file. Installation git
Generate daily updated visualizations of user and repository statistics from the GitHub API using GitHub Actions
Generate daily updated visualizations of user and repository statistics from the GitHub API using GitHub Actions for any combination of private and public repositories - dark mode supported
trade bot connected to binance API/ websocket.,, include dashboard in plotly dash to visualize trades and balances
Crypto trade bot 1. What it is Trading bot connected to Binance API. This project made for fun. So ... Do not use to trade live before you have backte
Asynchronous Python API Wrapper for phisherman.gg
Asynchronous Python API Wrapper for phisherman.gg
Automatically pick a winner who Retweeted, Commented, and Followed your Twitter account!
AutomaticTwitterGiveaways automates selecting winners for "Retweet, Comment, Follow" type Twitter giveaways.
An agnostic Canvas API for the browser-less and insane
Apollo An agnostic Canvas API for the browser-less and mildly insane. Project Apollo is a Pythonic re-imagining of HTML Canvas element implementati
Automatically pulls specified repository whenever a specified file is pushed. Great for working collaboratively when you need to run something locally.
autopull Simple python tool that allows you to automatically pull from a github repository whenever a file with a specified name is uploaded installat
Fully Automated YouTube Channel ▶️with Added Extra Features.
Fully Automated Youtube Channel ▒█▀▀█ █▀▀█ ▀▀█▀▀ ▀▀█▀▀ █░░█ █▀▀▄ █▀▀ █▀▀█ ▒█▀▀▄ █░░█ ░░█░░ ░▒█░░ █░░█ █▀▀▄ █▀▀ █▄▄▀ ▒█▄▄█ ▀▀▀▀ ░░▀░░ ░▒█░░ ░▀▀▀ ▀▀▀░
Flask RestAPI Project - Transimage Rest API For Python
[ 이미지 변환 플라스크 Rest API ver01 ] 0. Flask Rest API - in SunnyWeb : 이미지 변환 웹의 Flask
Clash of Clans developer unofficial api Wrapper to generate ip based token
Clash of Clans developer unofficial api Wrapper to generate ip based token
Match-making API for OpenSanctions
OpenSanctions Match-making API This directory contains code and a Docker image for running an API to match data against OpenSanctions. It is intended
A passive-recon tool that parses through found assets and interacts with the Hackerone API
Hackerone Passive Recon Tool A passive-recon tool that parses through found assets and interacts with the Hackerone API. Setup Simply run setup.sh to
In this project , I play with the YouTube data API and extract trending videos in Nigeria on a particular day
YouTubeTrendingVideosAnalysis In this project , I played with the YouTube data API and extracted trending videos in Nigeria on a particular day. This
A simple message content sniping Discord bot which you can run yourself! Sniping API pulled from isobot and Arch bot
Discord Snipe Bot This is a bot made with the same message content sniping API from isobot and Arch bot. It's default prefix is -, however you can als
A supercharged Git/GitHub command line interface (CLI)
A supercharged Git/GitHub command line interface (CLI).
pybotnet - A Python Library for building Botnet , Trojan or BackDoor for windows and linux with Telegram control panel
pybotnet A Python Library for building botnet , trojan or backdoor for windows and linux with Telegram control panel Disclaimer: Please note that this
Helper to organize your windows on your desktop.
The script of positionsing windows on the screen. How does it work? Select your window to move/res
API Server for VoIP analysis (CDR + Audio CODECs)
Swagger generated server Overview This server was generated by the swagger-codegen project. By using the OpenAPI-Spec from a remote server, you can ea
A tiny, pedagogical neural network library with a pytorch-like API.
candl A tiny, pedagogical implementation of a neural network library with a pytorch-like API. The primary use of this library is for education. Use th
Simple proxy scraper made by using ProxyScrape's api.
What is Moon? Moon is a lightweight and fast proxy scraper made by using ProxyScrape's api. What can i do with this? You can use proxies for varietys
A security system to warn you when people enter your room 🎥
Get Out My Room v0.1 I hate people coming in my room when i'm not there. Get Out My Room is a simple security system that sends notifications with vid
BSDotPy, A module to get a bombsquad player's account data.
BSDotPy BSDotPy, A module to get a bombsquad player's account data from bombsquad's servers. Badges Provided By: shields.io Acknowledgements Issues Pu
A Java implementation of the experiments for the paper "k-Center Clustering with Outliers in Sliding Windows"
OutliersSlidingWindows A Java implementation of the experiments for the paper "k-Center Clustering with Outliers in Sliding Windows" Dataset generatio
Disctopia-c2 - Windows Backdoor that is controlled through Discord
Disctopia Disctopia Command and Control What is Disctopia? Disctopia is an open
A modern, easy to use, feature-rich, and async ready API wrapper for Discord written in Python.
disfork A modern, easy to use, feature-rich, and async ready API wrapper for Discord written in Python. Key Features Modern Pythonic API using async a
Python functions for opentargets.org API
What is opy_Targets? Opentargets.org uses GraphQL API to explore it's content via coding. This ensemble of functions aim is to make it easy to use the
🤖 Automated follow/unfollow bot for GitHub. Uses GitHub API. Written in python.
GitHub Follow Bot Table of Contents Disclaimer How to Use Install requirements Authenticate Get a GitHub Personal Access Token Add your GitHub usernam
Apilytics for Python - Easy API analytics for Python backends
apilytics-python Installation Sign up and get your API key from https://apilytics.io - we offer a completely free trial with no credit card required!
official ( API ) for the zAmericanEnglish app in [ Google play ] and [ App store ]
official ( API ) for the zAmericanEnglish app in [ Google play ] and [ App store ]
A command line interface to interact with the Hypixel api allowing the user to get stats, leaderboards, etc
HyConsole is a way to get data on players and leaderboards from the Hypixel Minecraft server from the command line. Keep in mind I have no a
Gathers machine learning and Tensorflow deep learning models for NLP problems, 1.13 Tensorflow 2.0
NLP-Models-Tensorflow, Gathers machine learning and tensorflow deep learning models for NLP problems, code simplify inside Jupyter Notebooks 100%. Tab
A simple Blogging Backend app created with Fast API
This is a simple blogging app backend built with FastAPI. This project is created to simulate a real CRUD blogging system. It is built to be used by s
SpamSMS - SPAM SMS menggunakan api web INDIHOME
SPAM SMS Unlimited SPAM SMS menggunakan api web INDIHOME Cara Install Di Termux
Discord bot that shows valorant your daily store by using the Ingame API
Valorant store checker - Discord Bot Discord bot that shows valorant your daily store by using the Ingame API. written using Python and the Pycord lib
Moji sends text and fun facts from different APIs wit da use of a notification deamon
Moji sends text and fun facts from different APIs wit da use of a notification deamon. Can be runned via dmenu or rofi.
An easy way to access the Scratch API!
The majority of people are likely here because they want to easily access the Scratch API!
Hydro Quebec API wrapper.
HydroQC Hydro Quebec API wrapper. This is a package to access some functionalities of Hydro Quebec API that are not documented. Documentation https://
Python client for numerbay.ai - the Numerai community marketplace
NumerBay Python API Programmatic interaction with numerbay.ai - the Numerai community marketplace. If you encounter a problem or have suggestions, fee
An API-first distributed deployment system of deep learning models using timeseries data to analyze and predict systems behaviour
Gordo Building thousands of models with timeseries data to monitor systems. Table of content About Examples Install Uninstall Developer manual How to
Hierarchical Time Series Forecasting with a familiar API
scikit-hts Hierarchical Time Series with a familiar API. This is the result from not having found any good implementations of HTS on-line, and my work
Template repo for a GCP-hosted REST API with automatic API versioning and custom domain mapping
Python + Poetry REST API with FastAPI, hosted on GCP This template will get you ready to deploy a FastAPI app in Google Cloud with automatic API versi
Мои личные наработки по новому API Тинькофф. Не официально.
TinkoffNewAPI Мои личные наработки по новому API Тинькофф. Не официально. Официально по ссылке: https://github.com/Tinkoff/investAPI/ Выложено по прос
Python 3 SDK/Wrapper for Huobi Crypto Exchange Api
This packages intents to be an idiomatic PythonApi wrapper for https://www.huobi.com/ Huobi Api Doc: https://huobiapi.github.io/docs Showcase TODO Con
A web crawler for recording posts in "sina weibo"
Web Crawler for "sina weibo" A web crawler for recording posts in "sina weibo" Introduction This script helps collect attributes of posts in "sina wei
A library for fast parse & import of Windows Prefetch into Elasticsearch.
prefetch2es Fast import of Windows Prefetch(.pf) into Elasticsearch. prefetch2es uses C library libscca. Usage When using from the commandline interfa
examify-io is an online examination system that offers automatic grading , exam statistics , proctoring and programming tests , multiple user roles
examify-io is an online examination system that offers automatic grading , exam statistics , proctoring and programming tests , multiple user roles ( Examiner , Supervisor , Student )
Asynchronous python aria2 mirror bot Telegram.
aioaria2-mirror-bot A Bot for Telegram made with Python using Pyrogram library. It needs Python 3.9 or newer to run. THIS BOT IS INTENDED TO BE USED O
CLI tool to build, test, debug, and deploy Serverless applications using AWS SAM
AWS SAM The AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) is an open-source framework for building serverless applications. It provides shorthand syntax to e
Persepolis Download Manager is a GUI for aria2.
Persepolis Download Manager Content About FAQ Screenshots Credits About Persepolis is a download manager & a GUI for Aria2. It's written in Python. Pe
BleachBit system cleaner for Windows and Linux
BleachBit BleachBit cleans files to free disk space and to maintain privacy. Running from source To run BleachBit without installation, unpack the tar
NVDA, the free and open source Screen Reader for Microsoft Windows
NVDA NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access) is a free, open source screen reader for Microsoft Windows. It is developed by NV Access in collaboration with a
Low code web framework for real world applications, in Python and Javascript
Full-stack web application framework that uses Python and MariaDB on the server side and a tightly integrated client side library.