1925 Repositories
Python windows-api Libraries
An API that allows you to get full information about TikTok videos
TikTok-API An API that allows you to get full information about TikTok videos without using any third party sources and only the TikTok API. ##API onl
A simple rest api that classifies pneumonia infection weather it is Normal, Pneumonia Virus or Pneumonia Bacteria from a chest-x-ray image.
This is a simple rest api that classifies pneumonia infection weather it is Normal, Pneumonia Virus or Pneumonia Bacteria from a chest-x-ray image.
Cube-CRUD is a simple example of a REST API CRUD in a context of rubik's cube review service.
Cube-CRUD is a simple example of a REST API CRUD in a context of rubik's cube review service. It uses Sqlalchemy ORM to manage the connection and database operations.
Easy to use API Wrapper for somerandomapi.ml.
Overview somerandomapi is an API Wrapper for some-random-api.ml Examples Asynchronous from somerandomapi import Animal
An unofficial Python wrapper for the 'Binance exchange REST API'
Welcome to binex_f v0.1.0 many interfaces are heavily used by myself in product environment, the websocket is reliable (re)connected. Latest version:
Python wrapper for GitHub API v3
Pygithub3 Pygithub3 is a wrapper to the Github API v3, written in Python. It has been developed with extensibility in mind, because the API is in a be
Logo DYS (Doküman Yönetim Sitemi) API Python Implementation
dys-connector Logo DYS (Dokuman Yonetim Sistemi) API Python Implementation Python Package: https://pypi.org/project/dys-connector Quick Start from dys
A basic implementation of the Battlesnake API in Python
Getting started with Battlesnake and Python This is a basic implementation of the Battlesnake API in Python. It's a great starting point for anyone wa
Faster RCNN pytorch windows
Faster-RCNN-pytorch-windows Faster RCNN implementation with pytorch for windows Open cmd, compile this comands: cd lib python setup.py build develop T
Project developed as part of a selection process for the company Denox
📝 Tabela de conteúdos Sobre Requisitos para rodar o projeto Instalação Rotas da API Observações 🧐 Sobre Projeto desenvolvido como parte de um proces
This script aims to make the dynamic public ip of your local server, public.
EZ DDNS CLOUDFLARE This script aims to make the dynamic ip of your local server, public. It does this by regularly updating cloudflare's dns record. B
Two factor authentication system using azure services and python language and its api's
Town / City geolocations with FastAPI & Mongo
geolocations-api United Kingdom Town / City geolocations with FastAPI & Mongo Build container To build a custom image or extend the api run the follow
This repo explains in details about buffer overflow exploit development for windows executable.
Buffer Overflow Exploit Development For Beginner Introduction I am beginner in security community and as my fellow beginner, I spend some of my time a
Downloads data from OSM API and uploads it to the mapping sandbox.
OpenStreetMap To Sandbox This is a script to download data from OSM API and upload it to the mapping sandbox. Note that it clears all data in the sand
Make low level API wrapper in fast, easy.
The lowrapper is a library for quickly and easily creating an environment for tapping the API without implementation.
Basic auth for Django.
Authware API wrapper for Python 3.5+
AuthwarePy Asynchronous wrapper for Authware in Python 3.5+ View our documentation 📲 Installation Run this to install the library via pip: pip instal
ASC - Api Server Controller
ASC - Api Server Controller
Python library to connect to Firebots API
This is a firebot library to connect to Firebots API. https://firebot.app/ From Firebots Website: "Firebot is a fully featured open-source bot that c
An Web Scraping API for MDL(My Drama List) for Python.
PyMDL An API for MyDramaList(MDL) based on webscraping for python. Description An API for MDL to make your life easier in retriving and working on dat
Sarus implementation of classical ML models. The models are implemented using the Keras API of tensorflow 2. Vizualization are implemented and can be seen in tensorboard.
Sarus published models Sarus implementation of classical ML models. The models are implemented using the Keras API of tensorflow 2. Vizualization are
This repository contains a Ruby API for utilizing TensorFlow.
tensorflow.rb Description This repository contains a Ruby API for utilizing TensorFlow. Linux CPU Linux GPU PIP Mac OS CPU Not Configured Not Configur
Local server that gives you your OAuth 2.0 tokens needed to interact with the Conta Azul's API
What's this? This is a django project meant to be run locally that gives you your OAuth 2.0 tokens needed to interact with Conta Azul's API Prerequisi
Book search Django web project that uses requests python library and openlibrary API.
Book Search API Developer: Vladimir Vojtenko Book search Django web project that uses requests python library and openlibrary API. #requests #openlibr
Easy to use API Wrapper for somerandomapi.ml.
Overview somerandomapi is an API Wrapper for some-random-api.ml Examples Asynchronous from somerandomapi import Animal import asyncio async def main
A simple GitHub Action that physically puts your senses on alert when your build/release fails
GH Release Paniker A simple GitHub Action that physically puts your senses on alert when your build/release fails Usage Requirements: Raspberry Pi, LE
CryptoCo-py is a Python CLI application that uses CoinGecko API to allow the user to query cryptocurrency information by typing simple commands.
CryptoCo-py is a Python CLI application that uses CoinGecko API to allow the user to query cryptocurrency information by typing simple com
Scratch2py or S2py is a easy to use, versatile tool to communicate with the Scratch API Based of Scratch2py
Scratch2py Scratch2py or S2py is a easy to use, versatile tool to communicate with the Scratch API Based of Scratch2py Installation Run this command i
Basic auth for Django.
Basic auth for Django.
Code for generating Tiktok X-Gorgon, X-Khronos and etc. parameters
TikTok-Algorithm I found this python file from a source which was later deleted. Although the test api functions no longer seem to work, surprisingly
GUI Pancakeswap V2 and Uniswap V3 trading client (and bot)MOST ADVANCE TRADING BOT SUPPORT WINDOWS LINUX MAC
An unofficial wrapper for Engineer Man's Piston API
Pistonpy Pistonpy is an API wrapper for the Piston code execution engine by Engineer Man. Key Features Simple modern and efficient Pythonic API using
Python implementation of Spotify's authorization flow.
Spotify API Apps 🎷 🎶 🎼 This repository consists of many strange codes that make you think why the hell this guy doing this. Well... I got some reas
Fully automated YouTube Channel. Using Reddit and YouTube API.
Fully Automated YouTube Shorts Channel This code will show you how to setup and fully autmated YouTube Channel. Content is gathered from Reddit using
Self-adjusting, auto-compounding multi-pair DCA crypto trading bot using Python, AWS Lambda & 3Commas API
Self-adjusting, auto-compounding multi-pair DCA crypto trading bot using Python, AWS Lambda & 3Commas API The following code describes how we can leve
Reading streams of Twitter data, save them to Kafka, then process with Kafka Stream API and Spark Streaming
Using Streaming Twitter Data with Kafka and Spark Reading streams of Twitter data, publishing them to Kafka topic, process message using Kafka Stream
FedTorch is an open-source Python package for distributed and federated training of machine learning models using PyTorch distributed API
FedTorch is a generic repository for benchmarking different federated and distributed learning algorithms using PyTorch Distributed API.
FindUncommonShares.py is a Python equivalent of PowerView's Invoke-ShareFinder.ps1 allowing to quickly find uncommon shares in vast Windows Domains.
FindUncommonShares The script FindUncommonShares.py is a Python equivalent of PowerView's Invoke-ShareFinder.ps1 allowing to quickly find uncommon sha
API which returns cusswords , can be used to check cusswords in bots etc.
Anti-abuse-api-flask API which returns cusswords , can be used to check cusswords in bots etc. Run pip install -r requirements.txt py app.py API Endpo
Generates Windows 95 and 95 OEM keys using the modulus 7 check algorithm
w95keygen-python windowskeygen.py - Generates Windows 95 and 95 OEM keys using the modulus 7 check algorithm Just download and drop in the directory y
Windows & Linux GUI application to use a Satodime (satodime.io)
Satodime-Tool Licence: LGPL v3 Author: Toporin Language: Python (= 3.6) Homepage: https://github.com/Toporin/Satodime-Tool Introduction What is Satod
Great script for sending and spaming emails! gmail, yahoo, outlook, hotmail.
• License • Issues • Project • Wikipedia • Я не несу ответственности за ваши действия. Скачивая программное обеспечение из этого репозитория, вы согла
Python code to remove empty folders from Windows/Android.
Empty Folder Cleaner is a program that deletes empty folders from your computer or device and removes clutter to improve performance. It supports only windows and android for now.
Enables you to execute scripts and perform API requests in MikroTik router
HomeAssistant component: MikroTik API The mikrotik_api platform enables you to execute scripts and perform API requests in MikroTik router To enable M
The first public repository that provides free BUBT website scraping API script on Github.
BUBT WEBSITE SCRAPPING SCRIPT I think this is the first public repository that provides free BUBT website scraping API script on github. When I was do
An API wrapper around Discord API written in Python
Diskord This library is a maintained fork of now archived library, discord.py. A modern and easy to use API wrapper around Discord API written in Pyth
An audnexus client, providing rich author and audiobook data to Plex via it's legacy plugin agent system.
Audnexus.bundle An audnex.us client, providing rich author and audiobook data to Plex via it's legacy plugin agent system. 📝 Table of Contents About
Demonstrate a Dataflow pipeline that saves data from an API into BigQuery table
Overview dataflow-mvp provides a basic example pipeline that pulls data from an API and writes it to a BigQuery table using GCP's Dataflow (i.e., Apac
A PG3D API Made with Python
PG3D Python API A Pixel Gun 3D Python API (Public Ver) Features Count: 29 How To Use? import api as pbn Examples pbn.isBanned(192819483) - True pbn.f
A Python Script to automate searching of available vaccination centers in the city and hence booking
Cowin Vaccine Availability Notifier Cowin Vaccine Availability Notifier takes your City or PIN code as an input and automatically notifies you via ema
Simple Weather Check base on Hefeng api, Work on raspberry Pi
Simple Weather Check base on Hefeng api, Work on raspberry Pi
Advanced Developing of Python Apps Final Exercise
Advanced-Developing-of-Python-Apps-Final-Exercise This is an exercise that I did for a python advanced learning course. The exercise is divided into t
Simple API for UCI Machine Learning Dataset Repository (search, download, analyze)
A simple API for working with University of California, Irvine (UCI) Machine Learning (ML) repository Table of Contents Introduction About Page of the
A pure python media player that can be used in AI media API development.
A pure python media player that can be used in AI media API development.
Translates English into Mandalorian (Mando'a) utilizing a "funtranslations" free API
Mandalorian Translator Translates English into Mandalorian (Mando'a) utilizing a "funtranslations" free API About I created this app to experiment wit
An automated bot for twitter using Tweepy!
Tweeby An automated bot for twitter using Tweepy! About This bot will look for tweets that contain certain hashtags, if found. It'll send them a messa
Monochrome's API, implemented with Deta Base and Deta Drive.
Monochrome Monochrome's API, implemented with Deta Base and Deta Drive. Create a free account on Deta to test this out! Most users will prefer the Mon
An open-source, multipurpose, configurable discord bot that does it all
Spacebot is an open source discord bot that is designed to be fun, easy to use, and replace every other discord bot out there!! Feel free to add a star ⭐ to the repository to promote the project!
A discord bot that utilizes Google's Rest API for Calendar, Drive, and Sheets
Bott This is a discord bot that utilizes Google's Rest API for Calendar, Drive, and Sheets. The bot first takes the sheet from the schedule manager in
Messing around with GitHub API to look at omicron build times
gh-workflow-runs This is a very simple tool to dump out basic information about workflow runs for a GitHub repo. The structure is based on gh-subscrip
Python module to interface with Tuya WiFi smart devices
TinyTuya Python module to interface with Tuya WiFi smart devices Description This python module controls and monitors Tuya compatible WiFi Smart Devic
Decentra Network is an open source blockchain that combines speed, security and decentralization.
Decentra Network is an open source blockchain that combines speed, security and decentralization. Decentra Network has very high speeds, scalability, asymptotic security and complete decentralization.
Eclipse zenoh Python API
Eclipse zenoh Python API Eclipse zenoh is an extremely efficient and fault-tolerant Named Data Networking (NDN) protocol that is able to scale down to
A kedro-plugin to serve Kedro Pipelines as API
General informations Software repository Latest release Total downloads Pypi Code health Branch Tests Coverage Links Documentation Deployment Activity
Automated JSON API based communication with Fronius Symo
PyFronius - a very basic Fronius python bridge A package that connects to a Fronius device in the local network and provides data that is provided via
Async boto3 with Autogenerated Data Classes
awspydk Async boto3 with Autogenerated JIT Data Classes Motivation This library is forked from an internal project that works with a lot of backend AW
GUI Pancakeswap2 and Uniswap3 trading client (and bot)
A robust, low-level connector for the Discord API
Bauxite Bauxite is a robust, low-level connector for the Discord API. What is Bauxite for? Bauxite is made for two main purposes: Creating higher-leve
FastAPI native extension, easy and simple JWT auth
fastapi-jwt FastAPI native extension, easy and simple JWT auth
Rancher Kubernetes API compatible with RKE, RKE2 and maybe others?
kctl Rancher Kubernetes API compatible with RKE, RKE2 and maybe others? Documentation is WIP. Quickstart pip install --upgrade kctl Usage from lazycls
Network Engineer's Unified Realtime Automation Library
NEURAL is the premiere CLI jockey replacement full stack web/app/database network automation application, providing a "no-code" web app for network engineers developed by a network engineer!
A ToDO Rest API using Django, PostgreSQL and Docker
This Rest API uses PostgreSQL, Docker and Django to implements a ToDo application.
Create Discord Accounts Semi-Automatically Without Captcha Solving API Key
Discord-Account-Generator Create Discord Accounts Semi-Automatically without captcha solving api key IMPORTANT: Your chromedriver version should be th
Stream comments, submissions from subreddits and users across reddit right in your terminal
reddit_from_terminal stream comments, submissions from subreddits and users across reddit right in your terminal Alert! : Can't watch media contents(p
Python library for the eWarehousing Solutions API.
eWarehousing Solutions Python Library This library provides convenient access to the eWarehousing Solutions API from applications written in the Pytho
A repository containing a short tutorial for Docker (with Python).
Docker Tutorial for IFT 6758 Lab In this repository, we examine the advtanges of virtualization, what Docker is and how we can deploy simple programs
The open source extract transaction infomation by using OCR.
Transaction OCR Mã nguồn trích xuất thông tin transaction từ file scaned pdf, ở đây tôi lựa chọn tài liệu sao kê công khai của Thuy Tien. Mã nguồn có
WinPython is a portable distribution of the Python programming language for Windows
WinPython tools Copyright © 2012-2013 Pierre Raybaut Copyright © 2014-2019+ The Winpython development team https://github.com/winpython/ Licensed unde
GCP Scripts and API Client Toolss
GCP Scripts and API Client Toolss Script Authentication The scripts and CLI assume GCP Application Default Credentials are set. Credentials can be set
Telegram bot + Flask API ( Make Introduction pages )
Introduction-Page-Maker Setup the api Upload the flask api on your host Setup requirements Make pages file on your host and upload the css and js and
tradingview socket api for fetching real time prices.
tradingView-API tradingview socket api for fetching real time prices. How to run git clone https://github.com/mohamadkhalaj/tradingView-API.git cd tra
Swin-Transformer is basically a hierarchical Transformer whose representation is computed with shifted windows.
Swin-Transformer Swin-Transformer is basically a hierarchical Transformer whose representation is computed with shifted windows. For more details, ple
Minimal API for the COVID Booking System of the Offices at the UniPD Math Dep
Simple and easy to use python BOT for the COVID registration booking system of the math department @ unipd (torre archimede). This API creates an interface with the official website, with more useful functionalities.
TikTok Username Swapper/Claimer/etc
TikTok-Turbo TikTok Username Swapper/Claimer/etc I wanted to create it as fast as possible but i eventually gave up and recoded it many many many many
Hcl.py is an Amino client for Python
Hcl.py Hcl.py Hcl.py is an Amino client for Python. It provides to access aminoapps Web, app and socket servers. Developed BY Kapidev And Upgraded BY
A simple rest api serving a deep learning model that classifies human gender based on their faces. (vgg16 transfare learning)
this is a simple rest api serving a deep learning model that classifies human gender based on their faces. (vgg16 transfare learning)
A discord http interactions framework built on top of Sanic
snowfin An async discord http interactions framework built on top of Sanic Installing for now just install the package through pip via github # Unix b
Signs API calls to SberCloud.Advanced with AK/SK
sbercloud-api-aksk Signs API calls to SberCloud.Advanced with AK/SK This script is a courtesy of @sadpdtchr Description Sometimes there is a need to m
Add members to unlimited telegram channels and groups
Program Features 📌 Coded with Python version 10. 📌 without the need for a proxy. 📌 without the need for a Telegram ID. 📌 Ability to add infinite p
API moment - LussovAPI
LussovAPI TL;DR: py API container, pip install -r requirements.txt, example, main configuration Long version: Install Dependancies Download file requi
Django based webapp pulling in crypto news and price data via api
Deploy Django in Production FTA project implementing containerization of Django Web Framework into Docker to be placed into Azure Container Services a
Generate a backend and frontend stack using Python and json-ld, including interactive API documentation.
d4 - Base Project Generator Generate a backend and frontend stack using Python and json-ld, including interactive API documentation. d4? What is d4 fo
Practice-python is a simple Fast api project for dealing with modern rest api technologies.
Practice Python Practice-python is a simple Fast api project for dealing with modern rest api technologies. Deployment with docker Go to the project r
Dominate is a Python library for creating and manipulating HTML documents using an elegant DOM API
Dominate Dominate is a Python library for creating and manipulating HTML documents using an elegant DOM API. It allows you to write HTML pages in pure
Facial detection, landmark tracking and expression transfer library for Windows, Linux and Mac
Welcome to the CSIRO Face Analysis SDK. Documentation for the SDK can be found in doc/documentation.html. All code in this SDK is provided according t
A markdown template manager for writing API docs in python.
DocsGen-py A markdown template manager for writing API docs in python. Contents Usage API Reference Usage You can install the latest commit of this re
APIlocal_dbAWS_RDS - Disclaimer! All data used is for educational purposes only.
APIlocal_dbAWS_RDS Disclaimer! All data used is for educational purposes only. ETL pipeline diagram. Aim of project By creating a fully working pipe
API which uses discord+mojang api to scrape NameMC searches/droptime/dropping status of minecraft names, and texture links
API which uses discord+mojang api to scrape NameMC searches/droptime/dropping status of minecraft names, and texture links
Token Manager written in Python
Discord-API-Token-Entrance Description This is a Token Manager that allows your token to enter your discord server, written in python. Packages Requir