1925 Repositories
Python windows-api Libraries
1.本项目采用Python Flask框架开发提供(应用管理,实例管理,Ansible管理,LDAP管理等相关功能)
op-devops-api 1.本项目采用Python Flask框架开发提供(应用管理,实例管理,Ansible管理,LDAP管理等相关功能) 后端项目配套前端项目为:op-devops-ui jenkinsManager 一.插件python-jenkins bug修复 (1).插件版本 pyt
Discord bot to monitor collection of mods on the Steam Workshop and notify on update to selected discord server via Nextcordbot API.
Steam-Workshop-Monitor Discord bot to monitor collection of mods on the Steam Workshop and notify on update to selected Discord channel via Nextcordbo
Allows simplified Python interaction with Rapid7's InsightIDR REST API.
InsightIDR4Py Allows simplified Python interaction with Rapid7's InsightIDR REST API. InsightIDR4Py allows analysts to query log data from Rapid7 Insi
🚧 finCLI's own News API. No more limited API calls. Unlimited credible and latest information on BTC, Ethereum, Indian and Global Finance.
🚧 finCLI's own News API. No more limited API calls. Unlimited credible and latest information on BTC, Ethereum, Indian and Global Finance.
The official Python library for the Plutto API
Plutto Ruby SDK This library will help you easily integrate Plutto API to your software, making your developer life a little bit more enjoyable. Insta
Paginator for Dis-Snek Python Discord API wrapper
snek-paginator Paginator for Dis-Snek Python Discord API wrapper Installation: pip install -U snek-paginator Basic Example: from dis_snek.client impo
A Django api to display items and their current up-to-date prices from different online retailers in one platform.
A Django api to display items and their current up-to-date prices from different online retailers in one platform. Utilizing scrapy to periodically scrape the latest prices from different online retailers. Store in a PostgreSQL database and make available via an API.
a simple quant trading bot with CLI interface
shepherd a simple quant trading bot with CLI interface CLI shell command docs coming soon after I brush up the code and add more features :) Minimal R
Spert NLP Relation Extraction API deployed with torchserve for inference
SpERT torchserve Spert_torchserve is the Relation Extraction model (SpERT)Span-based Entity and Relation Transformer API deployed with pytorch/serve.
Using a GNSS module (Beidou + GPS) and the mapquest static map API
Using a GNSS module (Beidou + GPS) and the mapquest static map API
Connects to a local SenseCap M1 Helium Hotspot and pulls API Data.
sensecap_api_checker_HELIUM Connects to a local SenseCap M1 Helium Hotspot and pulls API Data.
Proxy scraper. Format: IP | PORT | COUNTRY | TYPE
proxy scraper 🔎 Installation: git clone https://github.com/ebankoff/proxy_scraper Required pip libraries (pip install library name): lxml beautifulso
Unofficial instagram API, give you access to ALL instagram features (like, follow, upload photo and video and etc)! Write on python.
Instagram-API-python Unofficial Instagram API to give you access to ALL Instagram features (like, follow, upload photo and video, etc)! Written in Pyt
API to help generating QR-code for ZATCA's e-invoice known as Fatoora with any programming language
You can try it @ api-fatoora api-fatoora API to help generating QR-code for ZATCA's e-invoice known as Fatoora with any programming language Disclaime
Python Capfire API wrapper
General CampfireAPI based on Campfire web. Install pip install Campfire-API Quickstart Use it without login: from campfire_api import CampfireAPI cf
Freaky fast fuzzy Denite/CtrlP matcher for vim/neovim
Freaky fast fuzzy Denite/CtrlP matcher for vim/neovim This is a matcher plugin for denite.nvim and CtrlP.
Themes for Windows Terminal
Windows Terminal Themes Preview and copy themes for the new Windows Terminal. Use the project at windowsterminalthemes.dev How to use the themes This
Powerful and Async API for AnimeWorld.tv 🚀
Powerful and Async API for AnimeWorld.tv 🚀
The fastest way to copy to (not from) high speed flash storage.
FastestCopy The fastest way to copy to (not from) high speed flash storage. This is about 3-6x faster than file copy on explorer.exe to usb flash driv
An API built to format given addresses using Python and Flask.
An API built to format given addresses using Python and Flask. About The API returns properly formatted data, i.e. removing duplicate fields, distingu
AWS Lambda Fast API starter application
AWS Lambda Fast API Fast API starter application compatible with API Gateway and Lambda Function. How to deploy it? Terraform AWS Lambda API is a reus
Minimal working example of data acquisition with nidaqmx python API
Data Aquisition using NI-DAQmx python API Based on this project It is a minimal working example for data acquisition using the NI-DAQmx python API. It
NiceHash Python Library and Command Line Rest API
NiceHash Python Library and Command Line Rest API Requirements / Modules pip install requests Required data and where to get it Following data is nee
API generated by OpenAPI for nhentai.net
nhentai-api No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator) This Python package is automati
Exchange indicators & Basic functions for Binance API.
binance-ema Exchange indicators & Basic functions for Binance API. This python library has been written to calculate SMA, EMA, MACD etc. functions wit
With Google Drive API. My computer and my phone are in love now.
Channel trought Google Drive Google Drive API In this case, "Google Drive App" is the program. To install everything you need(has some extra things),
A discord.py code generator program. Compatible with both linux and windows.
Astro-Cord A discord.py code generator program. Compatible with both linux and windows. About This is a program made to make discord.py bot developmen
Convert markdown to HTML using the GitHub API and some additional tweaks with Python.
Convert markdown to HTML using the GitHub API and some additional tweaks with Python. Comes with full formula support and image compression.
A python based command line tool to compare Github Users or Repositories
gitcomp A simple python package with a CLI to compare GitHub users and repositories by associating a git_score to each entry which is a weighted sum o
A simple tutorial to get you started with Discord and it's Python API
Hello there Feel free to fork and star, open issues if there are typos or you have a doubt. I decided to make this post because as a newbie I never fo
Weather App using openweathermap API
This is my hobby project used to learn how to use public api for project.In this i used the api of openweathermap to featch the weather details of various city across the globe by giving city name as input.
A basic Ubisoft API wrapper created in python.
UbisoftAPI A basic Ubisoft API wrapper created in python. I will be updating this with more endpoints as time goes on. Please note that this is my fir
A basic Ubisoft API wrapper created in python.
UbisoftAPI A basic Ubisoft API wrapper created in python. I will be updating this with more endpoints as time goes on. Please note that this is my fir
Read API docs offline, CLI, supports DevDocs.io compatible JSON files
Read API docs offline, CLI, supports DevDocs.io compatible JSON files
Simplified REST API to get stickers from Snap
Snap Sticker kit REST API Simplified REST API to get stickers from Snap 💻 Instructions Search stickers Request: url = "https://sticker-kit-horizon733
Python 3 tools for interacting with Notion API
NotionDB Python 3 tools for interacting with Notion API: API client Relational database wrapper Installation pip install notiondb API client from noti
Another (unofficial) Qt CLI Installer on multi-platforms
Another Qt installer(aqt) Release: Documentation: Test status: and Coverage: This is a utility alternative to the official graphical Qt installer, for
Simple, hackable offline speech to text - using the VOSK-API.
Simple, hackable offline speech to text - using the VOSK-API.
A simple API wrapper for Discord interactions.
Your ultimate Discord interactions library for discord.py. About | Installation | Examples | Discord | PyPI About What is discord-py-interactions? dis
Raspberry Pi Based Serial Console Server, with PushBullet Notification of IP changes, Automatic VPN termination, custom menu, Power Outlet Control, and a lot more
ConsolePi Acts as a serial Console Server, allowing you to remotely connect to ConsolePi via Telnet/SSH/bluetooth to gain Console Access to devices co
Python API and CLI for the ikea IDÅSEN desk.
idasen This is a heavily modified fork of rhyst/idasen-controller. The IDÅSEN is an electric sitting standing desk with a Linak controller sold by ike
Command-line interface to PyPI Stats API to get download stats for Python packages
pypistats Python 3.6+ interface to PyPI Stats API to get aggregate download statistics on Python packages on the Python Package Index without having t
MsfMania is a command line tool developed in Python that is designed to bypass antivirus software on Windows and Linux/Mac in the future
MsfMania MsfMania is a command line tool developed in Python that is designed to bypass antivirus software on Windows and Linux/Mac in the future. Sum
pyNPS - A cli Linux and Windows Nopaystation client made with python 3 and wget
Currently, all the work is being done inside the refactoring branch. pyNPS - A cli Linux and Windows Nopaystation client made with python 3 and wget P
Python package and CLI for user-friendly integration with SAS Viya
sasctl A user-friendly Python interface for SAS Viya. Full documentation: https://sassoftware.github.io/python-sasctl Table of Contents Overview Prere
spotifytools is a Python command line tool
spotifytools spotifytools is a Python command line tool Documentation The documentation is available on the following link Releases Instalation instru
a Music bot for discord
Bot this is a discord bot made by AnHalfGuy.py#6031(ID: 747864072879603743) and HastagStopAnimalAbuse#5617(ID :349916852308279306) This Bot Is For Mus
Python3 wrapper for the Sibyl System antispam API for telegram
SibylSystem-Py Python3 wrapper for the Sibyl System antispam API for telegram Installation pip install sibylsystem Usage from SibylSystem import
Search Shodan for Minecraft server IPs to grief
GriefBuddy This script searches Shodan for Minecraft server IPs to grief. This will return all servers connected to the public internet which Shodan h
A tool written in Python used to instalock agents in VALORANT using the local API.
Valorant Instalock Tool v2.1.0 by Mr. SOSA A tool written in Python used to instalock agents in VALORANT using the local API. This is NOT a hotkey pro
API to establish connection between server and client
Socket-programming API to establish connection between server and client, socket.socket() creates a socket object that supports the context manager ty
Advanced Number Validator Using telnyx api
Number Validator Python v1.0.0 Number Validator Using telnyx api DISCLAIMER This Tool is only for educational purposes You'll be responsible yourself
API for concurrency connections
Multi-connection-server-API API for concurrency connections difference between this server and the echo server is the call to lsock.setblocking(False)
Driver Buddy Reloaded is an IDA Pro Python plugin that helps automate some tedious Windows Kernel Drivers reverse engineering tasks.
Driver Buddy Reloaded Quickstart Table of Contents Installation Usage About Driver Buddy Reloaded Finding DispatchDeviceControl Labelling WDM & WDF St
A Python library for miHoYo bbs and HoYoLAB Community
A Python library for miHoYo bbs and HoYoLAB Community. genshin 原神签到小助手
an API to check if a url or IP address is safe or phishing
an API to check if a url or IP address is safe or phishing. Using a ML model. The API created using FastAPI.
Flask-SQLAlchemy API for daisuki-web
💟 Anime Daisuki! API API de animes com cadastro de usuários. O usuário autenticado pode avaliar e favoritar animes, comentar episódios e verificar o
Self Driving Car Prototype
Package Delivery Rover 🚀 This project is a prototype of Self Driving Car. It's based on embedded systems, to meet the current requirement of delivery
A simple flask application to scrape gogoanime website.
gogoanime-api-flask A simple flask application to scrape gogoanime website. Used for demo and learning purposes only. How to use the API The base api
Simple CLI prompt for easy I/O with OpenAI's API
openai-cli-prompt Simple CLI prompt for easy I/O with OpenAI's API Quickstart Create a .env file with: OPENAI_API_KEY=Your OpenAI API Key Configure
Integrating the Daraja-Api with Python language
Mpesa-Daraja-Api Integrating the Daraja-Api with Python language. Credentials.py file This file contains the consumer key and the consumer secrete key
Speed up your typing by some exercises in the multi-platform(Windows/Ubuntu).
Introduction This project purpose is speed up your typing by some exercises in the multi-platform(Windows/Ubuntu). Build Environment Software Environm
Apache Superset out of box version(Windows 64-bit)
superset_app Apache Superset out of box version (Windows 64bit) prepare job download 3 files python-3.8.10-embed-amd64.zip get-pip.py python_geohash‑0
A browser login credentials thief for windows and Linux
Thief 🦹🏻 A browser login credentials thief for windows and Linux Python script to decrypt login credentials from browsers in windows or linux Decryp
REST API with FastAPI and JSON file.
FastAPI RESTAPI with a JSON py 3.10 First, to install all dependencies, in ./src/: python -m pip install -r requirements.txt Second, into the ./src/
Spyware baseado em Python para Windows que registra como atividades da janela em primeiro plano, entradas do teclado.
Spyware baseado em Python para Windows que registra como atividades da janela em primeiro plano, entradas do teclado. Além disso, é capaz de fazer capturas de tela e executar comandos do shell em segundo plano.
Python API to interact with Uwazi
Python Uwazi API Quick Start To use the API install the requirements pip3 install -r requirements.txt and use it like this: uwazi_adapter = UwaziAdap
REST API with mongoDB and Flask.
Flask REST API with mongoDB py 3.10 First, to install all dependencies: python -m pip install -r requirements.txt Second, into the ./src/ folder, cop
AutoExploitSwagger is an automated API security testing exploit tool that can be combined with xray, BurpSuite and other scanners.
AutoExploitSwagger is an automated API security testing exploit tool that can be combined with xray, BurpSuite and other scanners.
Demo to explain how to use AWS Chalice to connect to twitter API and change profile picture at scheduled times.
chalice-twitter-demo Demo to explain how to use AWS Chalice to connect to twitter API and change profile picture at scheduled times. Video Demo Click
creates a batch file that uses adb to auto-install apks into the Windows Subsystem for Android and registers it as the default application to open apks.
wsa-apktool creates a batch file that uses adb to auto-install apks into the Windows Subsystem for Android and registers it as the default application
Build a Backend REST API with Python & Django
Build a Backend REST API with Python & Django Skills Python Django djangorestframework Aws Git Use the below Git commands in the Windows Command Promp
With Flask. Everything in a JSON.
Little Library REST API py 3.10 The only one requeriment it's to have Flask installed. To run this, in ./src/(if you're in PS): $env:FLASK_APP="app
A simple API example in Python (Flask framework)
API-Example A simple API in Python(Flask) ✨ Features An API i guess? 💁♀️ How to use first download the main.py install python then install flask fra
Little Library API REST
Little Library API REST py 3.10 The only one requeriment it's to have Flask installed.
Generate custom detailed survey paper with topic clustered sections and proper citations, from just a single query in just under 30 mins !!
Auto-Research A no-code utility to generate a detailed well-cited survey with topic clustered sections (draft paper format) and other interesting arti
REST API with Flask and SQLAlchemy. I would rather not use it anymore.
Flask REST API Python 3.9.7 The Flask experience, without data persistence :D First, to install all dependencies: python -m pip install -r requirement
BloodDonors: Built using Django REST Framework for the API backend and React for the frontend
BloodDonors By Daniel Yuan, Alex Tian, Aaron Pan, Jennifer Yuan As the pandemic raged, one of the side effects was an urgent shortage of blood donatio
eoplatform is a Python package that aims to simplify Remote Sensing Earth Observation by providing actionable information on a wide swath of RS platforms and provide a simple API for downloading and visualizing RS imagery
An Earth Observation Platform Earth Observation made easy. Report Bug | Request Feature About eoplatform is a Python package that aims to simplify Rem
ARA Records Ansible and makes it easier to understand and troubleshoot.
ARA Records Ansible ARA Records Ansible and makes it easier to understand and troubleshoot. It's another recursive acronym. What it does Simple to ins
Django backend of Helium's planner application
Helium Platform Project Prerequisites Python (= 3.6) Pip (= 9.0) MySQL (= 5.7) Redis (= 3.2) Getting Started The Platform is developed using Pytho
REST API with Flask. No data persistence.
Flask REST API Python 3.9.7 The Flask experience, without data persistence :D First, to install all dependencies: python -m pip install -r requirement
A python script to send sms anonymously with SMS Gateway API. Works on command line terminal.
incognito-sms-sender A python script to send sms anonymously with SMS Gateway API. Works on command line terminal. Download and run script Go to API S
Pyrin is an application framework built on top of Flask micro-framework to make life easier for developers who want to develop an enterprise application using Flask
Pyrin A rich, fast, performant and easy to use application framework to build apps using Flask on top of it. Pyrin is an application framework built o
A web application made with Flask that works with a weather service API to get the current weather from all over the world.
Weather App A web application made with Flask that works with a weather service API to get the current weather from all over the world. Uses data from
Sanic-RESTPlus is an extension for Sanic that adds support for quickly building REST APIs.
Sanic RestPlus Sanic-RESTPlus is an extension for Sanic that adds support for quickly building REST APIs. Sanic-RESTPlus encourages best practices wit
Neo4j Movies Example application with Flask backend using the neo4j-python-driver
Neo4j Movies Application: Quick Start This example application demonstrates how easy it is to get started with Neo4j in Python. It is a very simple we
Boilerplate code for a Python Flask API
MrMat :: Python :: API :: Flask Boilerplate code for a Python Flask API This variant of a Python Flask API is code-first and using native Flask Featur
Tubee is a web application, which runs actions when your subscribed channel upload new videos
Tubee is a web application, which runs actions when your subscribed channel upload new videos, think of it as a better IFTTT but built specifically for YouTube with many enhancements.
Learn REST API with Flask, Mysql and Docker
Learn REST API with Flask, Mysql and Docker A project for you to learn to work a flask REST api with docker and the mysql database manager! Table of C
📊 Python Flask game that consolidates data from Nasdaq, allowing the user to practice buying and selling stocks.
Web Trader Web Trader is a trading website that consolidates data from Nasdaq, allowing the user to search up the ticker symbol and price of any stock
A python file which I wrote to allow the Dorna Robots API to draw an Image on a 3D plane
Dorna-Robotics-Internship Code In the directory "Code" is a python file which I wrote to allow the Dorna Robots API to draw an Image on a 3D plane. I
This repo contains the Flask API to expose model and get predictions.
Tea Leaf Quality Srilanka Chapter This repo contains the Flask API to expose model and get predictions. Expose Model As An API Model Trainig will happ
(A)sync client for sms.ru with pydantic responses
🚧 aioSMSru Send SMS Check SMS status Get SMS cost Get balance Get limit Get free limit Get my senders Check login/password Add to stoplist Remove fro
CRUD app to create and save code snippets, Flask/Python restful Api/backend and React/Typescript frontend
MS3 Cheat-Hub A cheatsheet hub. An app that organizes your code snippets into collections of cheat sheets and allows you to view, like and save others
1cak - An Indonesian web that provide lot of fun.
An unofficial API of 1cak.com 1cak - An Indonesian web that provide lot of fun. Endpoint Lol - 10 Recent stored posts on database Example: https://on
iot-dashboard: Fully integrated architecture platform with a dashboard for Logistics Monitoring, Internet of Things.
Fully integrated architecture platform with a dashboard for Logistics Monitoring, Internet of Things. Written in Python. Flask applicati
Example Of Fine-Tuning BERT For Named-Entity Recognition Task And Preparing For Cloud Deployment Using Flask, React, And Docker
Example Of Fine-Tuning BERT For Named-Entity Recognition Task And Preparing For Cloud Deployment Using Flask, React, And Docker This repository contai
URL Shortener in Flask - Web service using Flask framework for Shortener URLs
URL Shortener in Flask Web service using Flask framework for Shortener URLs Install Create Virtual env $ python3 -m venv env Install requirements.txt