1180 Repositories
Python you-get Libraries
TextColor - An easy to use Python library which allows you to make your terminal outputs more colorful and therefore easier to read and understand
This is an easy to use Python library which allows you to make your terminal out
Turn your C++/Java code into a Python-like format for extra style points and to make everyone hates you
Turn your C++/Java code into a Python-like format for extra style points and to make everyone hates you
🔥 Minimal performant package to asynchronously make GET requests.
Minimal performant package to asynchronously make GET requests without any dependencies other than asyncio.
A bot to view Dilbert comics directly from Discord and get updates of the comics automatically.
A bot to view Dilbert comics directly from Discord and get updates of the comics automatically
Expense Tracker is a very good tool to keep track of your expenseditures and the total money you saved.
Expense Tracker is a very good tool to keep track of your expenseditures and the total money you saved.
Simple library for exploring/scraping the web or testing a website you’re developing
Robox is a simple library with a clean interface for exploring/scraping the web or testing a website you’re developing. Robox can fetch a page, click on links and buttons, and fill out and submit forms.
VOS: Learning What You Don’t Know by Virtual Outlier Synthesis
VOS This is the source code accompanying the paper VOS: Learning What You Don’t
Juniper Command System is a Micro CLI Tool that allows you to manage your files, launch applications, as well as providing extra tools for OS Management.
Juniper Command System is a Micro CLI Tool that allows you to manage your files, launch applications, as well as providing extra tools for OS Management.
Password-Manager - A Password Manager application made using Python. You can use this python application to store and to see the stored passwords
Password Manager 🔑 This is a Password Manager Application which is made using P
Plex-recommender - Get movie recommendations based on your current PleX library
plex-recommender Description: Get movie/tv recommendations based on your current
RedTeam-Security - In this repo you will get the information of Red Team Security related links
OSINT Passive Discovery Amass - https://github.com/OWASP/Amass (Attack Surface M
Simple Python script that lets you upload image/video to imgur
Pymgur 🐍 Simple Python script that lets you upload image/video to imgur! Usage 🔨 Git Clone this repository install the requirements (pip install -r
Web-music-bot - A telegram bot which get a *site Url* and sends all songs contain in the Url to telegram
web music bot this is a telegram bot which get a site Url and sends all songs co
yfinance is a library where you can see stocks, crypto and tickers information
yfinance is a library where you can see stocks, crypto and tickers information.
SH-PUBLIC is a python based cloning script. You can clone unlimited UID facebook accounts by using this tool.
SH-PUBLIC is a python based cloning script. You can clone unlimited UID facebook accounts by using this tool. This tool works on any Android devices without root.
Generate meme GIFs in which an image you choose can be viewed by the user only after they wait a whole hour.
Generate meme GIFs in which an image you choose can be viewed by the user only after they wait a whole hour.
Code for You Only Cut Once: Boosting Data Augmentation with a Single Cut
You Only Cut Once (YOCO) YOCO is a simple method/strategy of performing augmenta
Colab-xterm allows you to open a terminal in a cell
colab-xterm Colab-xterm allows you to open a terminal in a cell. Usage Install package and load the extension !pip install git+https://github.com/popc
An app that allows you to add recipes from the dashboard made using DJango, JQuery, JScript and HTMl.
An app that allows you to add recipes from the dashboard. Then visitors filter based on different categories also each ingredient has a unique page with their related recipes.
Get the AltAz coordinates for a given object using astropy and output on a OLED screen.
Star Coordinates Get the AltAz coordinates for a given object using astropy and output on a OLED screen. As a very very newcomer to the astronomy scen
An implementation of the "Attention is all you need" paper without extra bells and whistles, or difficult syntax
Simple Transformer An implementation of the "Attention is all you need" paper without extra bells and whistles, or difficult syntax. Note: The only ex
A tool to snapshot sqlite databases you don't own
The core here is my first attempt at a solution of this, combining ideas from browser_history.py and karlicoss/HPI/sqlite.py to create a library/CLI tool to (as safely as possible) copy databases which may be in use from other applications
this is udemy course downloader, before a start you know how to get access token.
udemy_downloader this is udemy course downloader, before a start you know how to get access token. To get the access_token on Google Chrome (once on U
This open source Python project allow you to create JSON data trees using Minmup.com
This open source Python project allow you to create JSON data trees using Minmup.com. I try to develop this project all the time. But feel free to use :).
Code and build instructions for Snap, a simple Raspberry Pi and LED machine to show you how expensive the electricyty is at the moment
Code and build instructions for Snap, a simple Raspberry Pi and LED machine to show you how expensive the electricyty is at the moment. On row of LEDs shows the cost of the hour, the other row the cost of the day.
YouTube to MP3 or 4, you get to choose...
UTubeToMP YouTube to MP3 or 4, you get to choose... If you don't wanna git clone andor dont wanna install python. Here: Repl.it Instructions: Pretty s
Rock API is an API that allows you to view rocks and find the ratings on them
Rock API The best Rock API What is Rock API? Rock API is an API that allows you to view rocks and find the ratings on them. However, this isn't a regu
🐾 Get the nftables counters easier to read
nft-stats Get the nftables counters easier to read It kind of hard to read the output of nft list ruleset so there is a small program parcising the ou
TESSARECT A Powerful Bot you'll ever need for anything
Tessarect TESSARECT A Powerful Bot you'll ever need for anything TESSARECT It is my First bot but very advanced and designed for all your needs , from
A zombie game using Kinetic. You can control players using fingers
This is Eden Park's portpolio: Works, projects and practices This repository can be used to show the potential employers to check my works, code and p
Spotify Top Lists - get the current top lists of a user from the Spotify API and display them in a Flask app
Spotify Top Lists This is a simple script that will get the current top lists of a user from the Spotify API and display them in a Flask app. Requirem
Implementation of ConvMixer for "Patches Are All You Need? 🤷"
Patches Are All You Need? 🤷 This repository contains an implementation of ConvMixer for the ICLR 2022 submission "Patches Are All You Need?" by Asher
A python project to help you solve the Wordle game.
A python project to help you solve the Wordle game.
PaddingZip - a tool that you can craft a zip file that contains the padding characters between the file content.
PaddingZip - a tool that you can craft a zip file that contains the padding characters between the file content.
With this algorithm you can see all best positions for a Team.
Best Positions Imagine that you have a favorite team, and you want to know until wich position your team can reach With this algorithm you can see all
Detailed analysis on fraud claims in insurance companies, gives you information as to why huge loss take place in insurance companies
Insurance-Fraud-Claims Detailed analysis on fraud claims in insurance companies, gives you information as to why huge loss take place in insurance com
ABT aka Animated Background Tool is a windows only python program that makes it that you can have animated background.
ABT ABT aka Animated Background Tool is a windows only python program that makes it that you can have animated background. 𝓡𝓔𝓐𝓓 𝓜𝓔, An Important
Your E-Canteen that is convenient and accessible wherever you are in the campus
Food Web E-Canteen System Your E-Canteen that is convenient and accessible wherever you are in the campus. Table of Contents About The Project Contrib
A script to find the people whom you follow, but they don't follow you back
insta-non-followers A script to find the people whom you follow, but they don't follow you back Dependencies: python3 libraries - instaloader, getpass
DomainMonitor is a web project that has a RESTful API to get a domain's subdomains and whois data.
DomainMonitor is a web project that has a RESTful API to get a domain's subdomains and whois data.
This is to notify you via Discord whenever there is a new beacon.
BeaconNotifier-Discord This is to notify you via Discord whenever there is a new beacon. Make sure you have python3 installed Steps: Create a Discord
Compute execution plan: A DAG representation of work that you want to get done. Individual nodes of the DAG could be simple python or shell tasks or complex deeply nested parallel branches or embedded DAGs themselves.
Hello from magnus Magnus provides four capabilities for data teams: Compute execution plan: A DAG representation of work that you want to get done. In
Minos-python - A framework which helps you create reactive microservices in Python
minos-python Summary [TODO] Packages minos-microservice-aggregate minos-microser
This is a python package to get wards, districts,cities and provinces in Zimbabwe
Zim-Places Features This is a python package that allows you to search for cities, provinces, and districts in Zimbabwe.Zimbabwe is split into eight p
With the use of this tool, you can change your MAC address
Akshat0404/MAC_CHANGER This tool has to be used on linux kernel. Now o
Allows you to email people wordle spoilers. Very beta, not as many features
wordlespoiler Allows you to email people wordle spoilers. Very beta, not as many features How to Use 1.) Make a new gmail account. Go to settings (Man
A small system that allow you to manage hosts stored in your .ssh/config file
A small system that allow you to manage hosts stored in your .ssh/config using simple commands.
Wordle breaker: A CLI tool to help you solve Wordle
Wordle Breaker A CLI tool to help you solve Wordle I decided to code a solution
A collection of python scripts which help you programatically create PNGs or GIFs
A collection of python scripts which help you programatically create PNGs or GIFs and their Metadata in bulk with custom rarity rates, upload them to OpenSea & list them for sale.
This python script allows you to manipulate the audience data from Sl.ido surveys
Slido-Automated-VoteBot This python script allows you to manipulate the audience data from Sl.ido surveys Since Slido blocks interference from automat
ShadowClone allows you to distribute your long running tasks dynamically across thousands of serverless functions and gives you the results within seconds where it would have taken hours to complete
ShadowClone allows you to distribute your long running tasks dynamically across thousands of serverless functions and gives you the results within seconds where it would have taken hours to complete
Portfolio-tracker - This serverless application let's you keep track of your investment portfolios
Portfolio-tracker - This serverless application let's you keep track of your investment portfolios
Aula-API - a school system widely used in Denmark, as you can see and read about in the python file
Information : Hello, thank you for reading this first of all. This is a Aula-API
Grank is a feature-rich script that automatically grinds Dank Memer for you
Grank Inspired by this repository. This is a WIP and there will be more functions added in the future. What is Grank? Grank is a feature-rich script t
Peak.py - An awesome tool to keep you up about servers and websites status
An In-house API Powered GUI App To Check Server Stats, Generate Logs And More Features To Be Added Soon.
Simple Python Script to Parse Apache Log, Get all Unique IPs and Urls visited by that IP
Parse_Apache_Log Simple Python Script to Parse Apache Log, Get all Unique IPs and Urls visited by that IP. It will create 3 different files. allIP.txt
Are you obsessed with playing the increasingly-popular word game Wordle?
WORDLE-VISION Up your Wordle game! Are you obsessed with playing the increasingly-popular word game Wordle? Ever wondered what the optimal first word
A Python script for finding a food-truck based on latitude and longitude coordinates that you can run in your shell
Food Truck Finder Project Description This repository contains a Python script for finding a food-truck based on latitude and longitude coordinates th
nn_builder lets you build neural networks with less boilerplate code
nn_builder lets you build neural networks with less boilerplate code. You specify the type of network you want and it builds it. Install pip install n
Hi 👋 , I'm Anandhu Ashok Developer making awesome things for awesome people 🚀 Connect with me: THE BEST INSTAGRAM AUTO LIKER GET MORE FOLLOWERS WITH
sequitur is a library that lets you create and train an autoencoder for sequential data in just two lines of code
sequitur sequitur is a library that lets you create and train an autoencoder for sequential data in just two lines of code. It implements three differ
Some Discord bot block bad words, with this simple hacking tool you will be able to bypass blacklisted words
Shutdown Time - A pretty much useless application that allows you to shut your computer down in x time with a GUI.
A pretty much useless application that allows you to shut your computer down in x time with a GUI. Should eventually support Windows (all versions), Linux (v2.0+), MacOS (probably with Linux, idk)
Wordle-bot: A Discord bot to track you and your friends' Wordle scores.
wordle-bot A Discord bot to track you and your friends' Wordle scores, so you can see who's the best! To submit a score to wordle-bot, just paste the
ForX - get forex quotes from the terminal
A command line tool for checking exchange rates between currencies, both crypto and fiat.
A bot which is a ghost and you can make friends with it
This is a bot which is a ghost and you can make friends with it. It will haunt your friends. Explore and test the bot in replit !
This is a Python program to get the source lines of code (SLOC) count for a given GitHub repository.
This is a Python program to get the source lines of code (SLOC) count for a given GitHub repository.
A python script fetches all your starred repositories from your GitHub account and clones them to your server so you will never lose important resources
A python script fetches all your starred repositories from your GitHub account and clones them to your server so you will never lose important resources
This Deep Learning Model Predicts that from which disease you are suffering.
Deep-Learning-Project This Deep Learning Model Predicts that from which disease you are suffering. This Project Covers the Topics of Deep Learning Int
Add you own metrics to your celery backend
Add you own metrics to your celery backend
Sample code helps get you started with a simple Python web service using AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway
Welcome to the AWS CodeStar sample web service This sample code helps get you started with a simple Python web service using AWS Lambda and Amazon API
A curated list of efficient attention modules
awesome-fast-attention A curated list of efficient attention modules
We have made you a wrapper you can't refuse
We have made you a wrapper you can't refuse We have a vibrant community of developers helping each other in our Telegram group. Join us! Stay tuned fo
dbt-subdocs is a python CLI you can used to generate a dbt-docs for a subset of your dbt project
dbt-subdocs dbt-subdocs is a python CLI you can used to generate a dbt-docs for a subset of your dbt project 🤔 Description This project is useful if
This is a python project which detects color of an image when you double click on it.
This is a python project which detects color of an image when you double click on it. You have to press ESC button to close the pop-up Image window. There are mainly two library CV2 and Pandas that are used in this project.
Cute study buddy that helps you study with the Pomodoro technique!
study-buddy Cute study buddy that helps you study with the Pomodoro (or Animedoro) technique! Kirby The Kirby folder has a Kirby, pink-themed Pomodoro
A CLI based task manager tool which helps you track your daily task and activity.
CLI based task manager tool This is the simple CLI tool can be helpful in increasing your productivity. More like your todolist. It uses Postgresql as
A very minimalistic python module that lets you track the time your code snippets take to run.
Clock Keeper A very minimalistic python module that lets you track the time your code snippets take to run. This package is available on PyPI! Run the
A template that help you getting started with Pycord.
A Pycord Template with some example! Getting Started: Clone this repository using git clone https://github.com/AungS8430/pycord-template.git If you ha
The Bowling Club (Facebook Game) get all strikes.
TheBowlingClubBot The Bowling Club (Facebook Game) get all strikes. FAQ Q: What is this? A: TheBowlingClubBot is a automation bot with 99.99% guarante
Wordle helper: help you print posible 5-character words based on you input
Wordle Helper This program help you print posible 5-character words based on you
A Discord bot for viewing any currency you want comfortably.
Dost Dost is a Discord bot for viewing currencies. Getting Started These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local
DShell, a tool that combines with discord.py and Jishaku to present to you, shell channels.
Discord shell or dshell for short is a Python package that combines with discord.py and Jishaku to transform an ordinary Discord channel into one capable of running bash commands using a Discord bot.
BeautyNet is an AI powered model which can tell you whether you're beautiful or not.
BeautyNet BeautyNet is an AI powered model which can tell you whether you're beautiful or not. Download Dataset from here:https://www.kaggle.com/gpios
A cli tool , which shows you all the next possible words you can guess from in the game of Wordle.
wordle-helper A cli tool , which shows you all the next possible words you can guess from the Game Wordle. This repo has the code discussed in the You
AirDrive lets you store unlimited files to cloud for free. Upload & download files from your personal drive at any time using its super-fast API.
AirDrive lets you store unlimited files to cloud for free. Upload & download files from your personal drive at any time using its super-fast API.
Pyconvert is a python script that you can use to convert image files to another image format! (eg. PNG to ICO)
Pyconvert is a python script that you can use to convert image files to another image format! (eg. PNG to ICO)
learn python in 100 days, a simple step could be follow from beginner to master of every aspect of python programming and project also include side project which you can use as demo project for your personal portfolio
learn python in 100 days, a simple step could be follow from beginner to master of every aspect of python programming and project also include side project which you can use as demo project for your personal portfolio
This is a bot that interacts with you over voice and sends mail.Uses speech_recognition,pyttsx3 and smtplib
AutoMail This is a bot that interacts with you over voice and sends mail Before you run the bot , go to mail.py and put your respective email address
A python script that will use hydra to get user and password to login to ssh, ftp, and telnet
Hydra-Auto-Hack A python script that will use hydra to get user and password to login to ssh, ftp, and telnet Project Description This python script w
A simple script that loads and hot-reloads cogs when you save any changes
DiscordBot-HotReload A simple script that loads and hot-reloads cogs when you save any changes Usage @bot.event async def on_ready(): from HotRelo
This is a multi-password cracking tool that can help you hack facebook accounts very quickly
Pro_Crack Facebook Fast Cracking Tool This is a multi-password cracking tool that can help you hack facebook accounts very quickly Installation On Te
SpamBot.py allows you, to spam other Chat Partners etc.
SpamBot -SpamBot.py allows you, to spam other Chat Partners etc. Install If you downloaded it yet, you have to install "requirements.txt" write the di
A python notification tool used for sending you text messages when certain conditions are met in the game, Neptune's Pride.
A python notification tool used for sending you text messages when certain conditions are met in the game, Neptune's Pride.
This alerts you when the avalanche score a goal
This alerts you when the avalanche score a goal
A simple discord bot named atticus that sends you the timetable of your classes upon request
A simple discord bot named atticus that sends you the timetable of your classes upon request. Soon, it would you ping you before classes too!
Sorting-Algorithms - All information about sorting algorithm you need and you can visualize the code tracer
Sorting-Algorithms - All information about sorting algorithm you need and you can visualize the code tracer
All you need to learn Tkinter!
Tkinter This repository contains the codes and resources which I used to learn the standard GUI library of Python, Tkinter! Best Tkinter Resources Vid
DeepAmandine is an artificial intelligence that allows you to talk to it for hours, you won't know the difference.
DeepAmandine This is an artificial intelligence based on GPT-3 that you can chat with, it is very nice and makes a lot of jokes. We wish you a good ex
An API that uses NLP and AI to let you predict possible diseases and symptoms based on a prompt of what you're feeling.
Disease detection API for MediSearch An API that uses NLP and AI to let you predict possible diseases and symptoms based on a prompt of what you're fe